Cast by Lindsay Mack using The Starchild Tarot

Ten of Crystals

Happy birthday, sweet Pisces! What a gorgeous energy to be moving through during your astrological cycle. Ten of Crystals (or Pentacles) heralds a ripening of all that we’ve been tending to, a blossoming that is yielded from a period of deep effortful growth. It is such a deep and clear confirmation of all that you have released and nurtured in the last year. This card is bringing some pretty amazing gifts your way this month, in both tangible and etheric forms. You have worked so hard; this is finally a time where you will get to see some beautiful payoffs. These payoffs might reveal themselves as a financial abundance of some kind, or a career related expansion. If this is the case, you are encouraged to trust and embrace these gifts.

The fruits of this card might also show themselves to you as a new addition to your family, a big move, a creative project—any kind of physical, tangible confirmation of harvest for your efforts can be expected this month. Another way that you may experience the gentle ripple effects of Ten of Crystals in your life this month, Pisces, is in the invisible, energetic realm. It might manifest itself as a foundational feeling of a cycle completing, and a new one being birthed from your personal growth. Confidence, excitement, and new gifts can bloom out of such feelings. This is exactly the kind of frequency that you will want to set intentions for your upcoming year in, loves. Focus on your blessings and more will take root in your life. This month’s overflow of abundance is not fleeting; it’s the kind of foundational flowering that sticks. Harness this energy and even more will come from it.

This month will also be a time to bow deeply to yourself, honoring all that you’ve moved through and mastered in this past year. It will be a time to reflect on how much you’ve changed, grown, and expanded. Heap gratitude on yourself. Some of you moved through massive rebirths in 2016 and even in the first months of 2017, transforming your life through the very fire of your willingness to evolve. No matter how this turn around the sun has felt, it’s brought major lessons, and you said yes to them all with so much grace. It has been a profoundly powerful year for you, Pisces; now you get to celebrate.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

The Empress, Rx

The month of March will be full of gentle invitations for you, Aries. The Empress reversed is moving through this cycle of your life, slowly and kindly reminding you of what’s really important, what really needs your attention, and how you may be inadvertently blocked to allowing more ease and grace into your days. The emphasis of this card will be on deep restoration: of your heart, mind, spirit, and body. You will be encouraged to invite more ease into your life, and to emphasize a willingness to be receptive to anything and everything that Source wants to drop into you. Indeed, The Empress reversed is bringing some potent medicine your way this month, offering you the opportunity to upgrade your life profoundly in all ways.

The result, should you choose to drop into the invitation of the card, will be a heart opening cycle, rich in transformation, clarity, self care, self inquiry, and nourishment. You will get to melt into trust and receiving, allowing burnout, fear, overwhelm and strategy to be gently upgraded and released. The Empress is divine feminine, divine mother, the divine sensual. She is relaxed, open, constantly in the flow of receptivity to life. The Empress gives all, and is a master at receiving in kind. This card is lovely, but can present some intense mirrors to us if we are uncomfortable with this level of sensuality, ease and openness. When she shows up reversed, as she is for you this month, Aries, the discomfort is definite.

This doesn’t really mean that anything is wrong; it’s just information, a little clue that your output has been greater than your imput, and there’s probably a reason for that. What I am channeling for you this month is to be your own archaeologist of the soul. Inquire, deeply, around the root systems of your discomfort with receiving and ease. Perhaps there’s a fear of losing control, or that you’ll miss something if you let your guard down? Is your nervous system a bit too on alert to allow that kind of receptivity? What kind of inherited beliefs do you have about ease and abundance? Whatever it is, you are surely strong enough to see your resistance and blocks clearly — seeing clearly is the first step to change. Dig deep, clarify whatever blocks might be present, and gently allow The Empress’ sacred energy to flow into your life.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

King of Cups

March is a potent month for you, Taurus, bringing with it a powerful invitation to step into a newfound level of service. To be of service means that we become filled up by pouring our love into other containers. This could play out in a plethora of areas in your life, ranging from service to yourself, your family, your clients, the planet, or all of the above. An important wisdom that King of Cups is offering you this month, Taurus, is to remember that service doesn’t always look like service. We are not often taught that service to self is, indeed, the radical act of love that it it. We can be programmed to believe that self care is selfish, or that we should somehow be able to transcend the need for that kind of restoration. Indeed, service to self is being of service to the whole planet, and you get to blaze the trail on this new understanding, Taurus.

By taking the invitation of King of Cups and moving through the medicine of the card, you will begin to embody this higher understanding of evolved service. You will be able to gently prove, just by walking, talking, and being on the Earth, that sacred service can encompass anything from holding the face of a sick person to taking yourself to the movies; it’s just different colors of one rainbow. King of Cups has mastered holding space for others. He wears a kind of sacred mask in his life, equipping him to effortlessly and simultaneously hold his own inner experience and the emotional experience of others. If you are a parent, a partner, a helping/healing professional, or a friend, this will be a transformational month for you.

Allow everyone in your life to be a teacher, a living opportunity to choose sacred service and healing in your life. It might also mean that you shed any dualities in your life. We can call on King of Cups when we lead a “double life” that no longer feels good to us — think someone who who has a very draining day job, and moonlights as a Shamanic Reiki practitioner. This could be the month when you turn your moonlit dharma path to the light, releasing all the masks that don’t serve. If you are willing to say yes to the teachers that arise this month, Taurus, King of Cups can take you all the way to your truth.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Three of Cups

You are in your element with Three of Cups this month, Gemini — such a shift from your double header with The Empress for the last two cycles. March will present a plethora of lovely opportunities to not only socialize with awesome, like-minded people, but to deeply reflect on your relationship to soul friends and collaborators. Is your life filled with people that you truly love, or are most of your days spent with people who you are either ambivalent about, or with whom you don’t fully click? This isn’t a bad thing if the answer is yes, and it’s also still relevant to you if you’re lucky enough to be surrounded by amazing people all the time. You’re being invited to upgrade your vibration, Gemini, and it couldn’t come at a better time. So much goodness is about to flow your way.

You’ve been doing so much releasing and receiving work as of late (whether you’ve been aware of it or not), and part of that work involves our relationships upgrading in various ways to match our growth. Relationships shifting and changing is an excellent sign that we are growing, or that we are being called to adapt or evolve in some way. Sometimes when we expand, we outgrow certain people. If that’s the case for you, Gemini, I advise you to let go and trust in the process, no matter how painful. If we are in the right relationships, if we are truly being filled up, nourished, restored and renewed by the people in our lives, we will grow, evolve and change together; parallel journeys, all the way.

Be willing to be really honest with yourself about who you are sharing your time with. If the people around you are not bringing you joy — or if you are not allowing yourself to be joyful with them — commit to shifting to a place of willingness — willingness to grow, and/or willingness to invite other people into your life. As you raise your frequency, and continue to commit to your personal growth, you will, in turn, shift the energy of the people around you. It’s a beautiful loop, growing, giving and receiving in equal measure, which is what Three of Cups is all about. It invites us into celebration, collaboration, and communion with kindred spirits. Think about where you desire more of this in your life, Gemini, then open your heart to the joyful exchange of receiving it.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Akashic Records

This month will present a multitude of quiet opportunities for radical transformation — your invitation will be to embrace these opportunities with a whole heart. This is a huge cycle for you, Cancer. This is a time to nurture your dreams, and to intentionally release the patterning, old behavior and karma that holds you back from living fully in your truth. I’m talking about the big stuff: your path in this lifetime, how you want your life to feel, your purpose here on Earth. These are the kinds of energies that you will have the freedom to explore and manifest this month.

It is a potent time to plant those seeds, say yes to things, take great risks, be open to change and let your soul truth take root even more deeply in all areas of your life. You are in a major energetic vortex this month, Cancer—use it. Indeed, the Akashic Records card is a profoundly powerful and exciting energy, one that will have a big impact on the unfolding of your year — you just have to understand what you’re working with. Akashic Records are a kind of cosmic file folder, said to contain all the knowledge in the universe, everything that’s ever been. When we access the Akashic Records, we are able to tap into this folder and gain wisdom on whatever is in highest and best for us to know. What this essentially means for you, Cancer, is that you have access to some of the most powerful frequencies on the planet this month.

You have the ability to co-create a soul centered life with the Universe. The only thing this requires from you is courage. Courage to leap forward, perhaps before you’re ready. Courage to trust that everything you may be afraid of, dreading or unsure of will, indeed, work itself out beautifully. Perhaps it is time for you to say a radical no in your life to someone or something—perhaps it’s time to say a radical yes. You know what your truth is, and you know what’s right for you, even if your brain might trick you into believing your doubts from time to time. Root down, bow deeply to yourself and begin to gently unfurl, letting all the old patterning drop away, allowing the new path before you to take root. The more you commit, the more aligned, abundant and transformed your life will be.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Three of Wands

This is such a rich, exciting month for your creative expansion, Leo! Three of Wands is moving through your March, infusing it with light, magic, new beginnings and grateful endings. I feel very deeply that your whole sign been building to this aligned frequency. It is such a wonderful testament to your hard work and willingness to grow and evolve through some pretty major contractions over the last year. Now, you’re going to start seeing little glimmers of clarity: why you had to go through the growth process that you did, where it’s taking you, and what new adventures lie in store. It’s a very exciting time! I wholeheartedly encourage you to take every new opportunity you can this month—if you’ve been thinking about taking a pottery class, now is the time.

If you’ve been dreaming of traveling to a certain place, of teaching a workshop, learning a language, birthing a new project, now is truly the time. There is quite a bit of miracle energy surrounding you in March, Leo; a lot of magical potential. If you can harness it and trust in the waves you’re about to surf, it will be an exhilarating month for you. No matter what, you can expect some glorious upgrades to your life in the form of a big energetic turnover: everything that wasn’t serving you is becoming compost to feed the new. Indeed, you’ve received this message before, but it bears repeating: the old ways have taken you as far as they can. It is time to trust and invite in a new way of being, living, sharing and receiving in the world. It starts with this courage, and a willingness to invite in the new, no matter how scary it might be. Indeed, change can be scary, but that doesn’t mean you have to let it stop you.

Three of Wands is a sparkly, crackling, exciting energy. It functions as a kind of heads up that we are at a crossroads of life, and it is time to choose a new path to walk. When we move through this card, it means that we have truly explored and experienced everything we possibly can in the frequency we are in—it is then time to upgrade and move to a new level. You are already at the crossroads, Leo. Take the first step toward your most cherished calling; trust that the rest will follow and manifest from there.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

The Sun

You are in the glorious energy of The Sun card this month, Virgo: bask in its warmth and light, allowing it to infuse you with clarity, wisdom and enlightenment in all areas of your life. The Sun is leading you down a quiet, lovely journey this month, back to the center of your being, rebirthing you in the light of your truth. A great deal will be revealed to you this month, Virgo—the knowledge you gain will be deeply affirming, supporting you in making shifts, changes and transformations to your life that are needed. The key to embracing the frequencies of the month will be to trust yourself and your intuition. The whole month of March will be full of situations, moments and little realizations that will melt away long held doubts, confirming your choices and hunches to you.

Your intuition knows that something is deeply at work right now, transforming your life in a multitude of subtle ways. You might be having certain feelings about a person, an organization, a job, or a path you’ve been walking or sharing energy with. If you’ve been unsure around any of the above areas in your life, expect to get some major clarity in March. A radically deep trust will be possible, answers will be available to you, and a rebirth into your truest self will be the only option going forward. The Sun card is a potent Major Arcana card, because it is the dawn that comes after a particularly dark night. It is a burst of awareness, of answers, of illumination after a time of confusion and contraction. The Sun card is like a joyful, celebratory Tower card, in many ways.

When we move into the light, we can see with all eyes, with all parts of ourselves. Once we see, we cannot go back to living with our eyes closed. The difference between this card and The Tower is that The Tower is a flash of understanding that shatters some aspect of our ego — The Sun is so much gentler. It’s a subtle, almost sweet understanding that becomes available to us. Answers ring true and clear, we drop old fears, and walk confidently in the path of our truth. Trust in your deep inner knowing, Virgo. You’re about to move through a cycle that will bring a lot into the light. Once you’re there, there can be a liberation and a rebirth of the spirit.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Page of Crystals

This month is all about deep introspection for you, Libra. March is like a breath of fresh air that will help you to ground and center, preparing you for your next steps in life. Although there may be some wildly potent external leaps presented to you this month, it is wiser to choose a quieter, more internal flow as an everyday pace. The monthly energy will be much more centered around rewiring and upgrading in subtler ways. It is the perfect medicine for such a powerful month. This card is actually preparing you for the next great external expansion in your life by recentering you from within. It is truly only when we shift internally that our external life can shift around us—it never lasts the other way around.

That is why this card is here for you in March. It is creating a strong root system for you to flourish in your life, and is really going to be transforming the way in which you go about your days and months. If you can accept the invitation of this deep journeyer, there will be much to show for it on the other side. Page of Crystals, or Pentacles, is not only helping you to build a strong foundation for your next steps, but it is helping you to ground and trust in your own intuition. This card asks deep questions and goes to deep places — it is a double earth sign card, after all. It will be providing some much needed grounding to your air sign souls. It desires to know the deepest truths, to be an excavator of its own soul.

This card ponders, wonders, reflects and travels to the deepest part of themselves. They are interested in getting to the root and the heart of everything, all at a steady, easy pace. The benefits of this card are multitudinous in nature, and are providing some beautiful blessings to you this month, Libra. This card will help to slow you down, to reacquaint you with the blessings all around you, to reconnect with your heart. Isn’t that a lovely way to expand in the world? Page of Crystals sees with the heart of a child, the way a baby gazes at a blade of grass, a tree, or a puppy: full of wonderment, curiosity, and presence. This is the frequency you will be invited into this month, dear Libra. Embrace it fully.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Queen of Wands

Once again, you are getting your groove back, Scorpio. What a profoundly potent, gorgeous energy to be moving through this month! Queen of Wands is the alchemist, and the witch of the deck, holding a space of sexuality, power, sensitivity and intuition, all just by being — by walking in a room and taking up space. Queen of Wands is ruled by fire and water, blending two incongruent elements together with her depth, both of passion and emotion in equal measure. She is a walking column of watery, fiery, sexual, sensual magic. This month is bringing a sweet and beautiful opportunity to reconnect with this archetype within yourself, to see yourself in these descriptions. Whether it’s caretaking your children, cooking a meal, renewing your license or leading sacred ceremony, you have the potential to bring Queen of Wands energy to anything you do this month.

You also have the potential to bring a healing essence with you wherever you go—and to actually be consciously aware that you’re doing so. Most of the time, I believe you do offer that to the people around you, Scorpio, but it might be a more unconscious frequency. In March, you have the chance to own this part of yourself, to strengthen it, accept it and use it for the greater good in your life and the world around you. You can infuse it into your sexuality, into your creative process, and around your interactions with people. It is going to be a really juicy month for you, all across the board.

Release all attachment to the ideas you might have about this energy. Queen of Wands doesn’t mean that you have to be a sex goddess, it doesn’t mean you have to be a healer, and it doesn’t mean you have to feel yourself 100 percent of the time. It’s about remembering that this magical essence is within you all the time, even on the days when you feel the grossest, and the most disconnected. Whatever connects you with your inner witch, prioritize for the month ahead. Also: I gently encourage you to release your comparisons around the word “witch.” For one person, it may very well be cooking. For another it might be creating a proposal for their job. For another, it might be performing sex magick at the Full Moon — for some, its all of the above. Be gently drawn to your inner witch this month; see where she leads you!

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Seven of Swords

Seven of Swords is a deep medicine, one that can come up strongly around our biggest, most tender places of strategy, insecurity, or doubt. It offers us a master class in trust and release of control, and it is a welcome medicine for you this month, sweet Sagittarius. Any seven in the Tarot has to do with inner work around something that looks external. If we are telling ourselves that “everything would be ok if I just had a partner,” or “everything would have been perfect but ____,” we are in a Seven. Everything IS perfect, because it is. This is the toughest and also the clearest thing about this life: reality rules,100 percent of the time. When we forget (and PS, everyone forgets. There’s no shame.), that’s when we suffer and become confused. It’s the origin of believing that something outside of ourselves can give us what we need.

The more we believe this, the further away we drift from what we desire and truly yearn for. When we forget this and drift off into future, into story, into shoulds and “what ifs?,” we will get a gentle tap on the shoulder with a Seven. And conversely, if everything looks super fabulous from the outside, but the inside is unsustainable, flailing, or untethered, we will receive a Seven to help get us clear. The deal with the Seven of Swords in particular, Sagittarius, is the invitation to explore the areas in which you might still be feeling like you need something externally to complete you internally. That can manifest in all kinds of different ways—might be totally subconscious, or it might be showing up in an alternative way.

It might center around money, love, travel, certain external mile markers—whatever it is, you are being invited to become present, and to drop into the fullness of trusting that you have everything you need already. What good is a soulmate, a beautiful trip around the world or a write up in a magazine if you are not here for it? Be here, trust that it will come at just the right time — then, it will. It’s the easiest, hardest thing to do, but I know you can do it, Sagittarius. You wouldn’t have gotten the card if you weren’t able to move through it. You don’t need anything other than what’s already in your heart, your hands, your home, your life. Once your nervous system understands that fully, everything outside of you will have room to flow in.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Nine of Cups, Rx

Trust in your dreams, Capricorn. Whenever Nine of Cups reversed arises, we can move through some doubts around our most cherished manifestations and dreams. The doubt isn’t indicative of truth; everything is moving along for you quite beautifully, in fact. It just might not feel that way. This intense doubt might not be the exact situation for you this month, but regardless, it will be an important time to center deeply on what you are hatching and birthing in your life. It might also be a time to invite in a little more support to help you facilitate it. I’m really getting for you to assemble a sacred team of life doulas, so to speak.

If you’re looking to move, hire some professional space clearers to help you release stuff, invite someone in to clean your house and prepare it for moving, reach out to friends for encouragement and support — maybe even do a spell for manifesting your perfect space and the money to move into it. If you want to grow your business, release your pride and ask for help. Then be willing to take the advice given to you. If you are courageous enough to be humble and transparent around your insecurities, so much help, support and reflections of truth will flow your way. However, no one can help unless you ask for it. Turn to the right people and lay your heart bear, even if it’s for supportive feedback.

Nine of Cups is the wishing card. It fulfills hopes and dreams, and represents the promise of a harvest. At the time that we pull this card, the shoots and seedlings are extremely young and very fragile and tender. We must take care to protect them with all we’ve got. It’s easy to forget how fragile these dreams are, and when we forget, we can expose them to some tougher criticisms. Sometimes people share too much of their process too soon. We can also choose to share with people who are not able to support our seeds, trampling on them with a look, or comment. It can be so easy to fall into doubt and fear, worrying if we should give up. The reversal can represent this space of concern, confusion and doubt. The antidote is to go back to tenderness, to hope and faith. It can also be inviting in the right team. No matter what, your dreams are coming true, Capricorn. Do whatever you need to do to help yourself remember that truth.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Four of Cups

March is truly a month to go slowly and gently through your days, Aquarius. Four of Cups is going to be helping you to make room in your life and heart for new experiences and new cycles. It will help you to integrate painful events of the past, and to emotionally digest and clear what no longer serves. It will be important to go slowly and gently through your month because the invitation of this card might be so subtle, you could miss it. The more space you can clear for introspection, the better it will be. That includes, perhaps, releasing attachment to dating, socializing, or certain opportunities that are out of alignment for you—especially if any of these areas are a means for an emotional escape.

You are being very deeply called into an internal landscape this month; there is wisdom and treasure to be found when you allow yourself the opportunity to rest in it, rather than floating to various things. This card isn’t going to force you; you have to choose. If you are willing to make an empowered shift in the name of your self care, there can and will be a profound transformation in your life, Aquarius. Own your power, root down and integrate for this month of March. Your whole heart and soul will thank you. Four of Cups is often thought of as an energy or self sabotage, or of missing an opportunity, but it has always been channeled to me in a very different way. It is really a sacred digestion period, one in which we are not only being called to make room for the new in our lives, but to upgrade what we do allow in.

Embrace this cycle as a potent clearing away of everything you’ve been moving through that’s not in alignment for you any longer, particularly around patterning associated with escaping yourself. If you can make the choice to say no to the old ways of engaging, socializing, or taking on energy, there will be a massive shift. You actually have the potential to change your karma around self love, relationships, intuition and emotional intelligence this month, Aquarius. If you do refuse a cup, so to speak, not to worry—it will come back to you at the perfect time, when you have room to integrate it. Trust yourself, and your choices. They are leading you into transformative waters this month and beyond.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Meet this month’s Mooners & Shakers, the Moon Club members using their spiritual practice to fuel their passion projects!

“This was a lesson in openness, patience and curiosity. It was also lesson in being present.”

ABA Gyepi-Garbrah Aba Love Apothecary The Numinous Moon Club

The Project
Aba Love Apothecary is a handcrafted, small batch collection of plant-based skincare products and healing aromatics tailored for those who wish to experience the magic of plants in real life.

The Work as Spiritual Activism
I love this question. Thinking back to about my first experiences with aromatics, I made a choice to listen with all my senses and to let each essence unfold in their own time. This is how I began to create when formulating. I would approach each ingredient blindly and experience them without judgment. This was a lesson in openness, patience and curiosity. It was also lesson in being present.

It made me realize, wow—this is something we hardly give to others, sometimes not even ourselves. If we could practice the same openness, patience and curiosity with ourselves and others, we would be more connected to our uniqueness, our dynamism, all of our parts, sweet and not so sweet, and still value ourselves completely. This gave me a refreshed perspective, which I would gladly call my spiritual activism!

ABA Gyepi-Garbrah Aba Love Apothecary The Numinous Moon Club

The Vision
I see Aba Love Apothecary becoming a beloved brand known for its artistry in plant-based skincare & healing aromatics. To continue to support and collaborate with other like-minded women owned businesses. It’s also my wish to engage small farmers, growers and distillers of organic, wild crafted and sustainably farmed ingredients in US and abroad.

The Moon Club Inspiration
The most beautiful thing about Moon Club is that it inspires me to show up for myself wherever I am at, plan by the cosmic clock, and go with the flow!

Shop the Aba Love Apothecary here, and follow Aba on Instagram.


“Birth work is my calling. I have this ache in my heart that drives me forward.”

Amber Adams Doula Moon Club Members The Numinous

The Calling
I never planned to be a mother, so when I had a positive pregnancy test I felt my whole life crashing down. I had been preparing to move to New Zealand for a study abroad program in the fall, and having a human baby was definitely never something that crossed my mind. Despite my initial trepidation, I loved being pregnant and when it came time to give birth, I was relaxed and excited. I had never felt so powerful and divinely WOMAN as I did in those first precious moments after birth. Not only that, but because of my doula, I had felt for the first time in my life deep sisterhood and the magic of women helping women to give birth.

When my son was about a year old, my best friend and his girlfriend were in a similar situation, and I became their unofficial doula. She would come to me with questions and I had answers. I empowered her to follow her gut when choosing where to give birth and encouraged her to be an active participant in her process. I missed their birth, but three months later I attended my first birth as an official doula. After my second doula birth, I knew I wanted to be a midwife.

Birth work is my calling. I have this ache in my heart that drives me forward, pushes me through school, and keeps my feet on this path. I don’t think I could walk away from this work, even if I tried.

Amber Adams Doula Moon Club Members The Numinous

The Leap
I have been working at the customer service desk of a grocery store for the past 8 months. The pay is good and initially they offered enough flexibility that I could go to a birth here and there. Very practical…and ultimately very soul sapping. On February 18, I was lying in my bed with the simple intention of being very open, a sort of modification on a Moon ritual. There was a sensation of my heart opening and with it the thought: “Quit your job.” Along with the realization that if I truly want my life to become, then I must jump into the unknown.

The Future
I will be working toward the goal of owning my own birth center. My desire is to have a place where mothers of all stages can go for support, especially during pregnancy and postpartum. In the immediate future, I am expanding my birth doula practicing by adding childbirth education and placenta encapsulation to my services offered.

The Moon Club Inspiration
Moon Club has helped me by strengthening my connection to my spiritual self, as well as helping me to cultivate self care in my daily life. I love our community and how uplifting the entire Moon Club experience has been. My favorite part of Moon Club are the coaching events and live calls. I am always working on homework so having the calls helps me to get out of my own brain and connect in real time.

Discover more about Amber and her work at


“As I have started to awaken spiritually, I’ve felt drawn to look outside of the conventions I had limited myself to in the past.”

Alma Groome The Numinous Moon Club
Alma Groome, with her oldest son Zachary

The Project
The Moon phase stained glass panels were the result of a friend encouraging me to make pieces that spoke to me. Six months ago I took a a class at a local glass crafters shop. I began with small sun catchers and little pieces but after a few months I began to lose the spark. On mentioning that, a friend asked me what type of projects I really wanted to work on, and I stated without a waver that I really wanted to do a big piece with all of the phases of the Moon. “Why don’t you then?” she asked. My only excuse was not having a window at home wide enough. She shrugged and replied “I have a window.” At that moment, a charge ran through me and it was all I could focus on until I had something on paper.

The Intention
The intention is simply to provide myself with a creative outlet, a way to express a side of myself I had long felt non-existent. I work in bookkeeping and Quickbooks consulting and consider myself a fairly linear thinker. But as I have started to awaken spiritually and explore the metaphysical realm, I’ve felt drawn to look outside of the conventions I had limited myself to in the past, to be open to new things and experiences, and to push my boundaries even, in those moments anxiety knots so hard in my stomach I can barely breathe.

Stained glass work, and this Moon phase piece in particular, has provided an outlet for me to let go and refuse to be bound by self-placed limits. It’s exhilarating, allowing myself to leap into things I never remotely considered as possible.

Alma Groome Moon Phase stained glass window Moon Club Members The Numinous

The Magic
Tonight, I delivered the phases of the Moon stained glass panel to its new home, hanging it in my best friend’s window and admiring the flow from left to right as the moon transitions from new to full and back to new again. The beveled edges caught the light brilliantly and projected rainbows of color. It’s an incredibly surreal to experience seeing something I created in another person’s home, to hear the excitement they have for it, and to know that it resonates with them on a deeper level than “that’s pretty.”

The Moon Club Inspiration
I knew in my heart the pieces I was being almost called to make were of the Moon phases, the triple Moon goddess, representations of the Divine Feminine, and sacred geometry. Being part of Moon Club, I have connected with a group of women who embrace these things as part of their path and inspiration. That connection has given me the courage to take hold of these ideas and go with them. In the past, perhaps I would have shied away from the challenge of being out of my comfort zone, but being a part of this community left me invigorated and inspired to go for it. I could not be happier with both the tangible and intangible results.

The Moon Connection
Recognizing a connection to the Moon has been a fairly new thing for me, and I’m very much still learning about what that can mean on a personal level. I’ve always felt drawn to the Moon often searching the sky for its position, phase, color, or the way the clouds might be playing against its reflection. Now though, instead of merely appreciating the beauty of the Full Moon, I’ve started to tune in to my feelings and emotions around each Moon phase, journaling to begin connecting the dots around each cycle. I look forward to continuing to expand my knowledge and deepen that connection.

Check out more of Alma’s stained glass work at her Etsy shop, and follow her on Instagram.


Woah, heart swells! Discover more about Moon Club here, and get inspired to bring your spiritual practice out into the world!


Get an astro symbol for you sign with our Numinous weekly horoscopes, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

Numinous weekly horoscopes Sandra Sitron Strong Eye Astrology

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
A rushing waterfall. Expand through and out of yourself. How? By letting yourself feel your feelings. Let them flow. Urge them out. Make safe spaces for your feelings to flow through. You can move through so much healing now. You are worthy. You are loved. Learn more about the concepts of letting go and forgiveness. This will create expansion. Shake up your bedrock by reaffirming that you are worthy. Realize that you are safe.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
A crystal palace. Stand up straight and tall. Your individuality is crystalized. You are defined. You know who you are. You are ready to burst through to a new, higher level. This is a time of great expansion for you. Your growth is supported by showing compassion for other people. When you are secure in your own identity, you can become a great diplomat. Take the time to learn what other people need. You can work very well with other people right now for conflict resolution and growth.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Gold star stickers. You are ready to create sparkly magic in your life. You may have to surprise yourself a little by finding new spiritual inspiration. You can really blast open now creatively and spiritually. Find new levels of love. If you’re feeling blocked from love or emotion, then try to find out what is ready to come to the surface. Set aside time for self-inquiry. Your explorations are supported by a healthy lifestyle. Make sure you’re taking good care of your body so that you can go on a spiritual journey.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
A glimmer of light. The biggest, brightest love you’ve ever seen is ready to shine forward. You have to invest in your future. You have to prepare for how you can feel connected to a larger community. There is energy for you to break into political action this week. Do things that surprise yourself and make you feel connected to love. You are supported now by using your creativity. How can your personal joy and talent contribute positively to the world at large? Giving your talents and gifts to serve the greater good will spur you on to further expansion.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
A mountain climber. Make sure you are in full integrity. Center yourself by focusing on work that’s in alignment with your values. This process will help you discover how you can shake up your career. Keep climbing with bravery and trust. Stay dedicated but simultaneously open to change. Give it your all. The people who are closest to you and a comfortable home space can offer you so much support right now. Feel supported at your base and be ready for exciting change in your career.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
Garlands of flowers. Center yourself by understanding how connected you are. Can you feel the love that resides in your connections? Your social network can offer you so much support as you expand out into the larger world. You can expand right now by interacting with different philosophies and cultures. Enrich your understanding of humanity by interacting with art forms from around the world. You are read to blast open your consciousness right now and bring something creative back to your local community. You are looking for deeper meaning.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Galloping horses. Are you ready to experience true power? True power comes from being able to let go. From being able to step back from control. From feeling centered and worthy. This is where you are finding expansion right now. It’s in your understanding of how worthy you are. The process of building up your self-esteem will bring you so much personal power. It’s time for you to flourish.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Two mallard ducks swimming in a pond. This is a time of getting to know yourself. Are you ready to love yourself the most? Are you ready to trust yourself the most? You’re learning to take a stand for your own needs, which in turn can help you build better partnerships. As you find new ways to center yourself now, you’re simultaneously able to create peace in your external world. You can then enjoy swimming on calm waters with a partner.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A buried diamond. Look into the depths of your emotional patterns. Bring what you find to the surface and polish it with your tears. Find ways to feel more. Feel all of the feelings that you couldn’t feel before. It’s easy right now. What used to be like digging into hardened, frozen soil, is now like running your fingers through sand. You have access. Use this access to your feelings as a way to invigorate your body. Move the emotions so that you break through into optimal health.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Hover-craft. Go beyond. Realize that nothing is about you. Nothing is personal. You have an ability to do big work on a world stage. You can move a message. You can flourish in a greater community and that action will serve the world. Expanding out into the world will help you find new creative expression as well. You’ve got gifts and you can shine bright. Surprise yourself with your own talents.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Vertebrae in alignment. You are able to get into definite integrity right now in your work and your life. Think of yourself as a leader. You can produce things that can really help other people. Expansion comes right now from realizing that you’ve got what it takes. You are stepping up to the plate and it’s helping other people. To let this sink in completely, you may need to invigorate something at home or in your most close relationships. Surrender to the feelings that need to be felt. Your emotional base is going through an electrifying change, which can help you carry more responsibility out in the world.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Moonbeams. Get as big and bright as you can. What if anything is possible? What if no dream is too big? How can you become more optimistic? If you are optimistic right now, your energy can reverberate through your whole community. Your attitude can influence others positively. Focus on a dream and then send a message that’s designed to invigorate. This process will make you feel so connected and alive.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


The Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse is asking us to JUST BE, and allow for a cosmic re-set, says Sandra Sitron

Moon Club Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse
Learn how to work with each Moon phase when you sign up for Moon Club! Click here to learn more

New Moon Solar Eclipse :: February 26 2017 :: 10:00 am EST :: 8 degrees Pisces

It is time to clean up and restore before the next astrological year begins. Gather yourself in your center. Honor your emotions. Sit with yourself in a quiet cave and heal. To look inside of yourself for the truth. This is your moment to draw back the curtain and see into your own soul.

As we, the Sun and the Moon, come into alignment, let go of your assumptions. Let yourself see the truth. This is not time for practical thinking. The information coming through now is more like poetry. If you hold a great appreciation for logic, take this moment to feel the spaces between words. Drift a little instead of trying to rigidly hold onto a concept.

This New Moon Solar Eclipse is in Pisces. A new moon happens every month when the Sun and the Moon are at the same degree. When this occurs, the moon looks dark, making it a time for quiet contemplation and healing. It’s a time to set new seeds of intention. When the Moon and Sun are both near a lunar node (orbital plane), a solar eclipse can occur. This happens about twice a year. Part or all of the Sun’s light is obstructed from the Earth’s view (whether or not you can see it depends on where you are located on earth.)

In astrological terms, this configuration creates a massive “reset.” It is time to bring in new energy and a new perspective. With this New Moon Solar Eclipse in the sign of Pisces, we are planting fresh seeds of compassion. We are learning how to heal ourselves and others. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. It holds the experience of all the other signs. The old saying “put yourself in someone else’s shoes,” fits in here. Pisces has walked all the walks. And as such, Pisces energy holds compassion for the entire human experience.

You may find yourself extra sensitive during this time. This can feel overwhelming, so you may decide to slide away from all the feels like a slippery fish. Take notice if you see yourself trying to drown out emotion with any kind of compulsive behavior. Instead, can you just sit with the feelings? This is a time to “go through something” rather than “get over something.” Follow your intuition closely. Keep checking in with yourself. Let yourself be however you are. This is the essential first step of healing.


New Moon Conjunct Neptune
A sea anemone waves in the depths of salt water.
Find yourself floating with sensitive awareness. Sink into senses you don’t normally use. Trust what you know. Sensitivity is heightened here. As is magic, enchantment, illusion and confusion. Find your path through the fog by trusting your inner light. Your power is in what you feel.

New Moon Conjunct Mercury
Sparkle emoji.
*ding* That special sparkle! That glimmer of light! As the planet that rules thinking and communicating is lining up with the Sun, Moon ,and Neptune, a new awareness can shine through. Maybe even with a hint of glitter. The clarity you are looking for is just within reach, but you may have to follow your intuition to find it. As wounded healer Chiron is hovering on the outskirts of this stellium configuration, your conceptual clues may trigger old wounds. Leading from pain to revelation to healing. Choose to see clearly so that you can allow this process to unfold.


New Moon Semi-Square Mars and Uranus
Looking through a telescope at a bomb hitting the surface of the ocean.
Boom. There is some explosive energy here. As you let your emotions flow freely, steer toward compassion for yourself and others. Focus on this. Do it so that if turmoil hits your emotional waters, you’re ready to objectively focus on love.
The energy of Mars conjunct Uranus in Aries is creative, fast and electrical. Your instinct may be to make quick decisions. As the symbol represents “keeping an eye on things,” lean in the direction of patient observation when you can.

New Moon Sesqui-Quadrate Jupiter
A balloon seller at the fair.
Get on the optimism track whenever you can this weekend. Jupiter is bringing in expansion and healing. As the ancient ruler of Pisces, this energy can help you see the best in everyone. Stay positive. With just the right amount of helium balloons, yuo may even achieve lift-off. You never know.

Take quiet space to feel your feelings. Focus on compassion. Honor your sensitivity. Following your intuition leads to clarity. Practice love and optimism to help you remain peaceful in times of turmoil.


Use the below questions to get deeper in your journaling practice for the Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse. For a more accurate reading, calculate your chart for free here and see what house holds 8 degrees Pisces…

Aries or Moon in 12th house
How can I drift a little bit more? Where in my life can I choose to receive instead of taking action?

Taurus or Moon in 11th house
What is one way I can funnel my compassion into an action that serves the greater good? How would this serve me too?

Gemini or Moon in 10th house
Can more compassion for myself positively impact my career? How would I envision this happening?

Cancer or Moon in 9th house
How can I expand my worldview by bringing in more love? Can I focus on channelling compassion to someone who lives far away from me?

Leo or Moon in 8th house
What feeling is demanding more attention? What would it be like to sit with this feeling? What am I not seeing right now?

Virgo or Moon in 7th house
How can I serve another person through my words or attention? How can also I bring more attention to my need to be compassionate with myself?

Libra or 6th house
How can I make self-care simple? What are a few things I can do every week that are easy and show how much I love myself?

Scorpio or 5th house
What is a gift that you can share with the world today?

Sagittarius or 4th house
When am I most encouraging of myself? How can I be more like a “good mother” to myself?

Capricorn or 3rd house
What practice helps me get out of the way and allows my words and thoughts to flow intuitively?

Aquarius or 2nd house
How can I show myself how much you value myself? What feels like luxury to me?

Pisces or 1st house
Where in my life do I need to illuminate a sense of hope?

Feeling like you need really do need a cosmic re-set? Sign-up for Sandra’s FREE mind-body astrology e-course at this link!


So many decks, so little time! How to choose? Discover your tarot type, and start casting spreads that speak straight to your spirit, says Haley ED Houseman.


tarot type The Numinous

With the explosion of new and evolved tarot decks, it’s easy to fall down a rabbit hole of gorgeous artwork and Insta-worthy spreads. But because the tarot works with your intuition, it’s important to work with designs that truly inspire, fascinate, and draw you in. Whether you’re a novice reader or a devoted collector, there’s a perfect deck (or decks!) for everyone.

Discover your tarot type below and start casting spreads that speak straight to your spirit… 


Tried and true, you’re drawn to sophisticated silhouettes, the timeless scent of Chanel No. 5, and upholding treasured traditions.

Your Dream Decks: Try the Rider-Waite Smith Deck’s foundational classicism, Morgan Greer Tarot’s visually expressive riff on the Rider, or best-selling Aquarian Tarot’s angular medieval imagery and muted hues.

rider-waite tarot rider waite smith tarot morgan greer tarot aquarian tarot tarot type ruby warrington the numinous haley ed houseman haley houseman
L—R: The Rider-Waite, Morgan Greer, and Aquarian Decks


You’re a rooted revolutionary with your hands in the dirt and your head in the stars. You love 60s & 70s bohemian looks, loads of crystals and, of course, all things herbalism.

Your Dream Decks: Try the plant lore of Leila + Olive’s Pythia Botantica Oracle, the organic, rounded shapes and holistic understanding of feminist classic The Motherpeace Tarot, and Mountain Dream Tarot’s vintage 70s vibes.

Leila + Olive bea nettles motherpeace tarot pythia botanical tarot mountain dream tarot ruby warrington haley ed houseman haley houseman tarot type
L—R: The Pythia Botanica, Motherpeace, and Mountain Dream Decks


On the cutting-edge of cosmic cool, you’re equally comfortable rocking up-to-the-minute fashions and getting deeply mystical, and your Now Age lifestyle demands a buzz-worthy deck.

Your Dream Decks: The “new wave” of tarot design focuses on pastels, geometrics, the fiercely feminine, and light work. Try the lush Fountain Tarot’s gentle geometrics and additional arcana, the goddess iconography and Art Nouveau revival style of the Serpentfire Deck, or The Starchild Tarot’s ethereal, Akashic imagery, and dreamy pastel palette.

fountain tarot serpentfire tarot starchild tarot danielle noel haley ed houseman haley houseman ruby warrington the numinous tarot type
L—R: The Fountain, Serpentfire, and Starchild Decks


You’re a stripped-down boss lady on-the-go who loves blazers and heels, and takes her cosmic inspiration with a shot of espresso.

Try Small Spells‘ black and white line drawings, The Dreslyn Deck’s clean aesthetic, or even Edward Gorey’s monochromatic Fantod Pack for a bit of macabre whimsy.

small spells tarot dreslyn deck dreslyn tarot fantod tarot edward gorey ruby warrington haley houseman haley ed houseman tarot type
L—R: The Small Spells, Dreslyn, and Fantod Decks


You’re a slightly introverted intellectual who loves button-down blouses, the smell of old books, and binge watching “The Crown.”

Your Dream Decks: Try the romantic neoclassicism of The Tarot of Lombardy,  Kanzanlar Tarot’s kaleidoscopic historical inspo, or the deeply decorative Byzantine Tarot’s ancient mosaic stylings.

tarot of lombardy kanzanlar tarot byzantine tarot haley houseman haley ed houseman ruby warrington the numinous tarot type
L—R: The Lombardy, Kanzanlar, and Byzantine Decks


You’re an over-the-top, Old Hollywood siren who loves hedonistic glitz, and all things glittering and gold.

Your Dream Decks: Sample the languorous seduction of the Chelsea Lenormand oracle deck, the heavily-gilded Golden Thread Tarot, or Linestrider Tarot’s slightly more understated elegance.

siolo thompson chelsea lenormand golden thread tarot linestrider tarot ruby warrington the numinous tarot type haley houseman haley ed houseman
L—R: The Chelsea Lenormand, Golden Thread, and Linestrider Decks


You’re a wild child, interstellar explorer drawn to psychedelic patterns and mind-altering experiences.

Your Dream Decks: Try the hyper-saturated rainbowed vision of the Oliver Hibert Deck, the wild animals and mythical beasts of the Ellis Deck, and the soon-to-launch Yoshi Yoshitani’s Fairytale Deck, which draws on magical stories from around the world.

oliver hibert tarot ellis tarot yoshi yoshitani tarot fairytale tarot tarot type ruby warrington the numinous haley houseman haley ed houseman
L—R: The Oliver Hibert, Ellis, and Yoshi Yoshitani Decks


An artistic intuitive with iconoclastic impulses, you turn to the tarot to fuel your passion projects and might already be hard at work creating a deck of your own.

Your Dream Decks: Try Stretch Tarot’s mélange of vintage collage and mixed media, awaken the muses with the fantastical oil paintings of the Mary-El Tarot, and power up with Dust II Onyx’s latest, infused with modern black experiences, ancestor work, and African traditional art. 

stretch tarot mary-el tarot mary el tarot dust II onyx tarot dust2onyx tarot haley houseman haley ed houseman the numinous ruby warrington tarot type
L—R: The Stretch, Mary-El, and Dust II Onyx Decks


You’re a gothic guru who dives deep into the occult, revels in ritual, and isn’t afraid of blending her darkness with the light.

Your Dream Decks: Try the Iona Tarot’s complex intaglio printing style and high ceremony, the rich Haitian occult history of Alice Smeets’ Ghetto Tarot, and the elemental powers and ancient alchemy of The Order of the Golden Dawn- inspired Hermetic Tarot.

ghetto tarot alice smeets iona tarot atis rezistans tarot hermetic tarot ruby warrington the numinous tarot type haley houseman haley ed houseman giona fiochi
L—R: The Iona, Ghetto, and Hermetic Decks

Haley ED Houseman is a freelance writer, illustrator, and tarot reader. Her focus is on the modern mystical, as well as art, fashion, and the natural world. She’s also the host of Occulture Talks, a monthly panel with occult experts in NYC. Sign up for her newsletter and follow her on Twitter for more musings. 



The Eight of Swords is a card of transformation; it’s medicine is to remind us that for every locked door, there is an open window, says Lindsay Mack in her weekly Numinous tarotscope…


Wanna get jacked up on magic? Bess Matassa explores workout as ritual with fitness witches Shanda Woods and Russ Marshalek of New Jack Witch

New Jack Witch Fitness Witches The Numinous Bess Matassa
Shanda Woods

“The working of the human body is in and of itself a magical process”—New Jack Witch 

Inside of a dimly-lit warehouse on the Greenpoint waterfront, New Jack Witch is making sweaty magic. Musicians. Witches. Fitness Instructors. This is where Russ Marshalek, an excitable, feline moon prince, and rooted revolutionary Shanda Woods, craft seamless, full-body enchantment—that also gets you ripped.

What exactly is their signature “Fitcraft” session? As I strip down and start to move to a soundtrack of goth rock, witch house, and Twin Peaks instrumentals, it seems deceptively simple. Combining yoga and cardio, it’s a minimalistic workout that thrives on repetition.

But as we continue through our reps, the energy begins to shift. “You’ve got your own back,” Russ repeats. “You’re fucking alive,” commands Shanda. I begin to experience an invigorating collision between light and dark, and a deep sense that feeling good and strong in my body can coexist with the widest, rawest range of emotion.

Post session, I sat down with the fitness witches to talk rockstars, ritual, and a workout that’s both wonderful and strange.

**Set the mood for your workout (or read) with New Jack Witch’s signature playlist for The Numinous. 


TN: How did you each come to your fitness practice? And when did it merge with witchcraft? 

Russ: The torture and torment of being the “fat kid” really fucked with me, and was the beginning of a lifelong flirtation with an eating disorder. To quiet my anxiety, and strike the balance between my deep-fried youth and my anorexic high school years, I started exercising. Combine that with a deep disdain for the patriarchy, a seed first sown through Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire, and you have the foundation.

When I moved to New York 7 years ago, I had a really intense period of unemployment that found me focusing on both witchcraft and fitness for self stability. And the more I worked on both, the more the two became vital facets of my everyday that I can’t really separate.

Shanda: My witchcraft and fitness practice have been intertwined for as long as I can remember. I’m a member of the Chickasaw Native American Tribe, and other parts of my lineage are from Ireland, so my blood is steeped in the craft. And I have always been physical—playing competitive sports since elementary school and practicing yoga since high school.

I also loved playing nontraditional “yoga” music in my classes, and got hooked on the energy of a room full of people working to change themselves. So I’ve forged my own style that blends my personal history with lessons from all of my great mentors.

Shanda Woods, Russ Marshalek, A Place Both Wonderful and Strange, Vanessa Irina, New Jack Witch, MonsterCycle, Fitness Witches, The Numinous, Ruby Warrington

TN: Both of you mention a dissatisfaction with existing fitness culture that led you to your current practice. What was lacking for you? 

Russ: The “new year, new you” concept sold by gyms everywhere actually removes the agency and ability of the individual, and places “fitness” as some unattainable goal. Self-care and working out should simply be present in everyday life. You don’t need a “new you,” you just need to actualize your intentions. You’re perfect and you’re strong and you’re powerful. That’s what magic is about for me, too. 

Shanda: Turning the art of helping and healing people into a commodity or ego-boosting strategy is what I really cringe at in the industry. Not to say you shouldn’t make money as a fitness professional, or that you can’t become well known, but those should be additional outcomes of helping people, not the goals.

I also believe that a lack of authenticity inspires the perpetuation of stereotypes, which leads to less variety for people who may not subscribe to the mainstream ideals of what “fitness” is. This is where we come in—we provide an honest version of ourselves, so others that are not seeking mainstream content or delivery can find a place to belong. 

TN: Tell me about some of your early icons and inspirations in both worlds. Who are the “patron saints” of New Jack Witch? Who do you see as your audience?

Russ: For me, this traverses boundaries. It’s Janet Jackson in Rhythm Nation—force, grace, power, intention. Gordon White of Rune Soup fame is another, for his combo of magic and political theory with pop culture observation. Grant Morrison. Tori Amos is our Ultimate Mother Witch. Michael Macneal of MonsterCycle is the fitness person who has inspired me the most. And my wife, Vanessa Irena (the third facet of New Jack Witch), inspires me daily to be a better person and a better witch.

But our patron saints are all those witches getting their fingers dirty, planting and growing and renewing and sweating and fucking, every day. I think our audience is everyone who wants to exist outside the currently established systems. Those for whom magic and fitness are both methods of creation and self-improvement, or those who want to align to that frame of mind and learn how.

Shanda: My mom and her best friend of 40+ years (who recently passed away, but is still here to guide me from the other side) are huge influences on my connection to the craft. As far as athletes, I’ve always loved the Williams sisters and any athletes or yogis that are rebellious and caring, sharp but kind. And patrons who speak to me through NJW are the Goddesses Isis and Diana.

Shanda Woods, Russ Marshalek, A Place Both Wonderful and Strange, Vanessa Irina, New Jack Witch, MonsterCycle, Fitness Witches, The Numinous, Ruby Warrington

TN: People often discuss the “mind/body” connection, but what’s the relationship between making magic and working out?

Russ: Magic uses the body and mind, as does exercise, and both require centering, intention, and the synching of the two. Think of breathing. Really. Your mind has your body do it subconsciously. It’s a brilliant trick when you think about it! When you’re in tune, both magic and exercise are like that—the two moving as one.

Shanda: Magic is learning how to control and manipulate frequencies, elements, and energy. Fitness is learning how to control your personal frequencies, energy, and breath. To me, they both address the strength and ability of the individual to transcend the artificial disconnect we’ve been conditioned to believe in—melting and coalescing mind, heart, spirit, body, and the physical external world, in order to manifest a desired outcome or reality. 


TN: You’re both musicians also. How does your music-making feed into your witchcraft and your fitness practice?

Russ: Music is ritual, fitness is ritual. It’s about creating a spell, setting an intention, and eventually enacting a change, be it large or small. In our music and our workouts, ultimately it’s about creating a spell to get from point a to point b, to reach the desired intention and response.

Shanda: Just like magic and fitness, music is the art of controlling or manipulating frequencies, energy, and emotions in order to produce a visceral emotional connection or shift in consciousness. They are all the same thing, just in different forms!

Shanda Woods, Russ Marshalek, A Place Both Wonderful and Strange, Vanessa Irina, New Jack Witch, MonsterCycle, Fitness Witches, The Numinous, Ruby Warrington

TN: You mention wanting to “rebrand” the notion of the “rockstar.” What do you mean by that?

Russ: The concept of the rockstar has meant egotistical, out of touch, slobby, etc. Yes, we drink, and we have fun, and there’s a certain glamor to the showmanship of the music industry, but we’re also engaging with our bodies daily to keep them strong and healthy. It makes us better performers, humans, and witches when the main tool we have (our body) is sharp.

Shanda: We are trying to show people that caring for yourself and finding your power is one of the biggest things you can do for yourself and the world. There is an archetype of the rockstar that doesn’t cherish this internal divinity. It’s an outmoded archetype of self-abuse, unnecessary decadence, and an egocentric notion that’s not based on service, which is really what all musicians and teachers offer through art and knowledge.

While indulgence or the use of substances isn’t always a bad thing (witchcract is often connected to entering a trancelike state either through meditation or substances, after all), indulgence to an excessive degree is counterproductive to lifting the spirit.


TN: Some people think of goth culture and music as dark or cynical. What myths would you like to dispel about both witchcraft and about the music you use during your sessions?

Russ: Well, first off, there isn’t any separation between “darkness and light.” And once you start saying things like “I don’t fuck with that dark shit,” well, you’re already off to a highly misguided start. Both goth and witchcraft celebrate the lightness in the dark and the darkness in the light. Playing Godflesh’s “Streetcleaner” in a fitness class puts a huge smile on students’ faces.

Shanda: I believe that there’s a clarity that comes from practicing ritual or fitness, or creating music, when you approach them through a lens of innocent excitement. I believe everything should be viewed with an open heart. Vulnerability allows for the truth to filter through easier than upholding a wall of judgment. When you break down the walls, nothing but truth is left, and that’s where real growth and change can occur.


TN: What are your personal definitions of a witch? A fitness instructor? A musician?

Russ: A conjurer. A creator. A fighter. The definitions for all have been too rigid for far too long.

Shanda: Wavelength manipulators.


TN: How do you want people to walk away from a Fitcraft session feeling? 

Russ: To steal a phrase from President Bartlet: Ready for “what’s next.”

Shanda: Empowerment, which is the knowledge of and faith in their own beauty and strength, backed by an infinite sense of self-love.

Learn more about New Jack Witch here, and check out their upcoming Goth Cycle + Yoga Class on Saturday, February 25 2017 at The Monster Cycle Limelight: 47 West 20th Street, New York, NY, 10011


Material Girl Mystical World is out May 2 2017. Here’s how I wound up writing the book that changed my life…

Ruby Warrington Material Girl Mystical World the book that changed my life The Numinous

Five years ago I moved to New York City, with high hopes that I was basically going to morph into Carrie Bradshaw—with a closet full of designer shoes, fabulous cocktail-fueled social life, and a column in Vogue. 15 years working as a fashion journalist in London had taught me two things: 1) my sense of self-worth was directly linked to the level of kudos attached to my job, and 2) you could never have too many shoes.

My first apartment was on Christopher Street in the heart of the chichi West Village, and even had a walk-in closet. It also had holes in the wall exposing live electrical cables, and was infested with vermin. With hindsight, this is pretty much a metaphor for the holes in my materialistic worldview. Because it turns out no amount of Cosmos was a substitute for the friends I’d left behind, and that as a lowly freelancer, working out of my dingy kitchen using my ironing board for a desk, I barely even got to wear the shoes.

Chasing the SATC dream…

As my SATC dream began to crumble, I found myself questioning everything. Why was my NYC adventure so fraught with anxiety? If none of the editors I tried to get meetings with ever called me back, did I even exist? And how come every Skype with my mum made me feel so angry? As if the physical ocean between us served as a reminder of how emotionally distant we’d become over the years.

Which is right about when I decided to create The Numinous, and in doing so totally flip the script.

Let’s face it, five years ago I was kind of an entitled, over-privileged asshole. And definitely not a happy asshole either. Today, I definitely still love shoes. But I’ve also remembered that, for me, true “success” means being connected to myself and others, and contributing something valuable to the planet. Less conspicuous consumption, more conscious creativity. A journey I’ve written about in my upcoming book Material Girl Mystical World. Yes, MY book is the book that changed my life!

Ruby Warrington Material Girl Mystical World book The Numinous
The Book That Changed My Life…

My personal revolution has actually been a result of walking the talk and embracing with an open heart and soul the mystics, the teachers, and the healers I’ve encountered on my Numinous path. Diving head-first into the transformational experiences of the Now Age, many of which are chronicled in all their far-out, emotional, and often hilarious glory in my story.

All with the aim of showing how (contrary to the Eat, Pray, Love school of spiritual awakenings) you don’t have to travel to an ashram in India to find yourself. I found “me” in the heart of NYC! The birthplace of the American Dream—the capitalist ideology that tries to convince us true happiness comes in the shape of a Louis Vuitton handbag. And which, since the Mad Men have made it to the Whitehouse, it is increasingly evident is the root of so many of the evils of the modern world.

So how did I get here? In the book, among other heart-and-mind-expanding topics, I talk about:

  • Astrology As Basic Life Skill. Raised atheist, astrology was the first thing that ever spoke to the deep human need in me to feel connected to something greater than myself. To feel like I have a unique role to play in weaving the fabric of humanity. This chapter explains the basics of birth chart interpretation as the path to Cosmic connection.
  • Doing My Dharma. How I came to understand the concept of my work as an act of service—opposed to pursuing a career for the status, the financial security, and the shiny baubles alone. (*When you pre-order the book you’ll gain access to a special Dharma School webinar with me, to help you discover your dharma too!)
  • Finding My Divine Feminine. A deep dive into modern feminism, and how this is intimately connected to the social, political and environmental issues of the 21st Century. Also, how connecting to my Divine Feminine has been instrumental in healing my sexual identity and my relationship with my mum.
  • The Inner Beauty vs. Botox Debate. Why it’s possible to get Botox and still love yourself / identify as spiritually woke. But also how cleaning up your emotional life and doing your dharma, AS WELL AS the yoga and the green juice, is what will truly give you that “glow.”
  • Healing As The New Nightlife. How I have slowly but surely replaced the cocktail highs with spiritual highs, and become a happier, healthier, more compassionate and more WHOLE human being as a result. Who. Freaking. Knew.


The book is out May 2 2017 (yes, she’s a Taurus—the original “material girl”) and the above is just a taster. There’s so so SO much more juicy content—and in the lead-up to the pub date I’ll be hosting a series of Facebook Lives to introduce the different chapters, and take your questions. Keep following on Facebook and Instagram for more details.

There’s also a sweet BONUS PACKAGE when you pre-order! Including the Dharma School webinar I mentioned, an exclusive missing chapter on how to work with Angels & Spirit Guides, and a month’s free membership to Moon Club. Get all the details and order your copy here.

So there you have it. THE BOOK THAT CHANGED MY LIFE. I hope my story can help you re-write your own.

Material Girl Mystical World book The Numinous Ruby Warrington


Your Numinous weekly horoscopes—direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

numinous weekly horoscopes pink rose close up

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
A bed of roses. Roses help you open your heart. The rose thorns symbolize healthy self-protection. Can you open and protect? Heart opening helps you connect with your true state of being- you are love and light. Meditate on the rose. Let yourself drift in any way that you need to and don’t judge yourself now. Just let your decisions come from a place of love and not fear.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
A beaver builds a dam. Intuitive leadership. Trust that you know what to do. You’re prepared. You are supported. Create channels that will help you connect with your intuition. Sometimes confusion comes when you’re ready to connect on deeper levels. Let any confusion drift around you, and then dive into your own depths to lean how to act and lead. Trust that you have everything you need inside you.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
The rainbow connection. A rainbow portal that links here and there. What is the meaning of this? Break through into a new state of consciousness. Electric energy can expand your mindset this week. Follow the rainbow to a new state of logic. Don’t let fear hold you back from opening up to greater awareness. Be open to surprises. New perspective opens up the channel for hope to flow in. And hope is what you need.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
A ferris wheel. Riding up to the top. You have the ability to go high. So do it. Let yourself be seen. Let yourself advance. Take the opportunity to be in full integrity. You are in the spotlight now. Your career can expand in the direction that you’d like very easily right now. Set your goals and career intentions. How do you want to feel at work? Allow yourself to be exactly who you are and enjoy the ride to the top.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Fragrant herbs burning. Make your alter. You have to seek more meaning. Ask for answers. You don’t have to know everything now. But you do need to dedicate yourself to learning. The alter is your designated space for prayer and offering. These actions can remind you that you’re supported in your quest of higher learning. Expand your mind while feeling nourished and secure.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
Stained glass fused together. Merging. You are ready to go deeper into your own emotions. You are more ready than ever to explore the boundaries of another person’s being. Be present. Be open. Find out that your understanding of magic can deepen when you’re challenged to let go. Notice all the places where you are trying to maintain control. What would happen if you relaxed? There are so many surprises ahead. Welcome the journey with an open heart.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Teeth crunching. Symbols of nurturing and anxiety rolled into one. Take care of yourself. Feed your soul. Look deeper into any anxiety that may be swirling. What’s underneath? It’s often fear. Step in a different direction by calling in more love. Just switch. Lean into love. Give yourself more empathy. If you are being hard on yourself, it can be helpful to remember that there’s not just one right way and one wrong way. You’re doing just fine.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Bouquets of peonies. Get interested in the details of your life. Your health and wellness. Your schedule. Your workflow. You can’t always be pushing. Now it’s time to start at the base and build some systems of organization that will make your life easier. The peonies are lovely flowers that remind you to enjoy this process. Enjoy your life. Make more space for fun and beauty by minding the details that make everything better.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A coiled snake. This symbol can represent the creative life force. Build yourself up by creating a sense of anticipation. Get excited. Then live your life in full creative expression. Don’t start this tomorrow or the next day. Do it now. Find a way to live in fullness. Burn through staleness. There’s no time now for old habits that feel boring. It’s time for life, dance, color, expression and fun.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Stones in a riverbed. The stones grow smoother with time. There is a sense of history in a river. Maybe this is a time of sweet nostalgia. Look to your past. Notice how much you’ve grown. You are an evolving creature and you don’t have to repeat old patterns. Find a way to treasure the parts of the past that are meaningful to you. Honor your present by creating a ritual that can remind you of how far you’ve come.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
An opposable thumb. Take stock of your true dexterity. You are adaptable and innovative. You have the ability to learn a lot right now. You can make adjustments. Connect the dots to find new solutions. Anything that you need is right at your fingertips. Trust that you are mentally equipped for the tasks at hand. You know what to do and how to do it. Embrace your logic and your intuition. Take advantage of this time of heightened mental activity. Trust your adaptability.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Grazing cattle. Eating grass is a symbol of groundedness. Cattle are a symbol of sustainability. Feel grounded and sustained. You are worthy. You deserve to feel safe and well. Do little things to feel grounded in your body. Drink plenty of water and eat slowly. This will help you access your inner resources. Remind yourself of that you’re supported. Remind yourself of gentleness. Your sense of personal wellness helps the world.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


The waning quarter Sagittarius Moon is an opportunity for inner exploration, says Jennifer RacioppiCollage: Seana Gavin

Waning Sagittarius Quarter Moon Explorers geodesic dome forrest Seana Gavin The Numinous

Waning Quarter Moon :: February 18 2017 :: 2.33pm EST :: 0 degrees Sagittarius

This waning quarter Sagittarius Moon emphasizes the reconciliation of our tender intuition with our blunt need for freedom. Punctuating two eclipses, the February 10 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo and the upcoming February 26 New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces, we are asked to shed what blocks us from fully hearing (and integrating) our intuition.

The Moon traveling through freedom seeking Sagittarius while squaring the sun in emotional Pisces assists the tectonic plates of our life to shift. Now’s the time to purge anything holding us back from our authentic truth, especially before the next New Moon Solar Eclipse.


:: THE SUN ::
Are you ready to step through this cosmic transition led by your authentic guidance? With the Sun traveling through Pisces, the upcoming solar eclipse is poised to launch us into a new frontier. It also concludes the in-depth work begun in the sign of Pisces on March 20, 2015, when we had the first of four solar eclipses in the sign of the fish. Let the nostalgic qualities of the Sun in Pisces help you to reminisce and feel. Think back to March 25, 2015, and consider how your life has shifted since then? What has come to fruition since then? What do you still need to release?

:: THE MOON ::
Unlike the soft and gentle feel of Pisces, Sagittarius represents blunt fire and a deep need for expansive freedom. The Moon in mutable Sagittarius pushes back on the more subtle aspects of Pisces. Sagittarius loves fun and freedom, and when the moon travels through this sign, we may want a party more than quiet reflection. With the moon squaring not just the Sun, but the nodes of fate as well, it behooves us to refrain from any heedless, or even reckless, activity. If we can, instead, allow the adventure seeking aspects of Sagittarius to take us on an inner journey of self-evaluation—we can use the bold aspects of Sag to speak our spiritual truth in a way that helps us integrate the wisdom of the eclipses, so we embody our greatest authenticity.

With the Sun in Pisces squaring the Moon in Sagittarius, we may feel an intense desire to escape. Both Pisces and Sag have inclinations towards diversion and avoidance. With the moon squaring the sun, and the nodes of fate, we stand to make tremendous progress towards our desired outcome, assuming we stay with our process and allow lots of space for messiness.

Both Pisces and Sagittarius represent the mutable energy of the zodiac—mutable meaning, liable to change. So, as the eclipses sweep through our lives, this waning quarter Sagittarius Moon serves as a broom, clearing out the debris. Allow room for change. Both Pisces and Sagittarius can lead us to want to escape, yet, due to the proximity to the eclipses (and the connection to the nodes of fate), it’s incredibly important to do the inner work of staying with what feels uncomfortable. As we consciously grapple with the intensity of our emotions, and the deep spiritual work associated with our conscious evolution, it may be tempting to check out. I highly recommend staying with the process. This waning quarter Sagittarius Moon indicates a release of something that is either blocking us or holding us back—and if we stick with the process, even the uncomfortable parts, we’ll shed what we must; prepping us exactly as needed for the upcoming new moon solar eclipse. Stay awake.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with from Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of likeminded spiritual activists at Moon Club!


Pisces season 2017 invites in the energies of Universal love. Time for a group hug with the cosmos, say Cara George & Bess Matassa of Mojave Rising…  Main Image: Sue Lyn Ting

Pisces season Mojave Rising The Numinous mermaid diving underwater
Image: Christopher Wilson

Pisces season beckons to us from far beyond the edge of the infinite ocean. The zodiac’s ombréd siren expands the definition of “romance” by dissolving our heart’s boundaries completely, and initiating us into a radical form of love through total allowing.

As we surrender to our sparkling status as deliciously tiny specks amidst a vast carpet of stars, we cannot help but believe in the mysterious majesty that exists just beneath the seemingly mundane.

What would it mean to trust into the subtlest sensations of the unseen world? How can you render yourself fully permeable, and tenderized, and oh-so-soft without fearing the loss of your own story or ego? Melt. Dissolve. Drift away. Come undone completely. Because you already exist absolutely everywhere.

The keyword: Romance.

The song lyrics: “We’ll put out to sea and we’ll perfect our chemistry/And by and by we’ll defy a little bit of gravity/We’ll get there fast and then we’ll take it slow/Way down in Kokomo”—The Beach Boys, “Kokomo”

Check out our Pisces Season Playlist, complete with yacht rock, tropicalia, and expansive 80s dreaming.

Pisces season Mojave Rising The Numinous Christopher Kane ss 17
Christopher Kane SS17

The color palette: Iridescent, soft-focused, and translucently transcendent. Blush, violet, and turquoise ombré, white sparkles, and watercolor conch shell creams.

The style: The Little Mermaid in Malibu. Nude bodysuits, halter tops, raffia bags, balayage, dewy skin, beachcomber jeans, and waterproof plastic jellies.

Pisces season Mojave Rising The Numinous Rhianna mermaid

The scents and flavors: Ephemeral, fusionary, and deeply mystical. Cucumber-infused water, foamy desserts, wet mossy “chypre” perfumes, patchouli, and the evanescence of incense.

The healing: Boundaryless and dazzlingly macrocosmic. Sound baths, sensory deprivation tanks, and wanders through crowded cities or at the foot of mountains where you can feel deliriously small.

Pisces season Mojave Rising The Numinous sound healing gong bath beach


Work the Pisces season vibes in your life, with our Sensuous Invitation of the Month: Expansive Excursions

Pisces season invites you to let “allowing” become a new form of inspired action as you realign your willpower with the world as it is. Excursion: Intrepidly explore the icy wilds without having to steer the boat on an Alaskan cruise ship.

Pisces season invites you to move beyond the material into the subtle sensations of the invisible realm. Excursion: Explore spiritual habitats with an epic buddhist temple pilgrimage on Japan’s Island of Shikoku.

Pisces season invites you to delight in emotional possibilities as you tenderly expose your heart in one-million ways. Excursion: Celebrate the full-range of feeling on Rio De Janeiro’s smoking hot beaches and scintillating streets.

Pisces season invites you to feel it ALL without taking anything too personally. Excursion: Channel the intense memories and history of the Southwest’s Four Corners Monument while letting the desert vistas give you a panned-out perspective.

Pisces season invites you to trust in your fullest glow, even when it’s not reflected by the world.
Excursion: Lose yourself to Tokyo’s mega-city crowds, and discover the shining expansion found in accepting your status as a speck.

Pisces season invites you to let it loose and revel in the madness without imposing a method. Excursion: Come undone amidst the creative chaos, crumbling vitality, and raucous revelry of Naples.

Pisces season invites you to soften judgement and assessment, and simply let it all be. Excursion: Relax with salty waves and SoCal strangeness in Venice Beach.

Pisces season invites you to discover a lighter form of emotional fusion, where intimacy doesn’t always have to equal full-throttle intensity. Excursion: Delight in Paris’ classic romance, impressionist art, and pastel macaroons.

Pisces season invites you to have complete faith in whatever feels right, right now, without having to seek and sift through alternative philosophies. Excursion: Trust into the solid religious and political foundations of Turkey, which still sits at the gateway between geographies and cultures.

Pisces season invites you to dissolve structures completely and toss out the notion that your worth must be laboriously built. Excursion: Sail away into Tahiti’s turquoise lagoons and shifting, black sand beaches.

Pisces season invites you to infuse your penchant for out-there thinking with a strong dose of “irrational” feeling. Excursion: Immerse yourself in New Orleans’ wickedly weird mashup of darkness, light, voodoo magic, haunting humidity, and overgrown swamps.

Pisces season invites you to “check in” rather than check out, as you explore how to swap evasive escapism for emotional presence. Excursion: Ground down and sink your teeth in with flamenco stomping, meaty red wine, and dramatic acts of endurance in the autonomous region of Andalusia, Spain.

Want more juicy cosmic insights and sensory explorations? Arrange an astrology reading or private event with Mojave Rising here or follow them on Instagram


Reclaiming your sexual power and potential is part of the collective awakening happening now. And it’s never too late, says Alexandra RoxoPortraits: Alexandra Herstik

alexandra Roxo holy Fuck The Numinous sexual power

I’ve taken a few months off from really diving into topics of sex, eroticism, and partnership here in my column. Why? I must admit, I’ve been distracted by politics and found myself thinking: “How can I dare talk about sex, as the world is seemingly in dire need of discourse about so many other things?!”

Well, as my passion for sharing about love and sex wandered around my brain like a disenfranchised child with no home, who else but Sigmund Freud swooped in to validate it—and shove it back into the world!

Freud said that sexual repression is the chief psychological problem of humankind, and the root of many crimes, illness, war and woe. As if I need a dead white man to remind me of something I already knew! But I did. Touché Dr Freud, touché.

And his theory reminded me that it’s okay to continue sharing about love, sex and partnerships—even in a time when ICE raids are being done to innocent people, families are being separated and deported, and the whole structure of a country that felt like it was moving towards progress is being threatened.

Because this includes LOVE and SEX.



Let’s take a very brief tour of history. Some say that we once lived in a “partnership” society, where people co-existed in some states of harmony. This shifted into a “dominator” society. Have you seen the movie or read the book “Mists of Avalon?” In the book there is a battle between the “old” religion—a religion honoring nature, The Goddess, the many faces of the Divine—and the “new” religion, a religion honoring ONE man.

Pantheistic to monotheistic. This shift changed everything for humanity. When the Goddess religion/pantheistic religions went out, so did our connection to nature, to ecstatic states, to sex, to the Feminine. By denying sex we denied nature! As Terrence McKenna said in his book Food of the Gods: “The dark night of the soul for planet Earth began.”

The “Wild Woman” (seen as a reflection of nature herself) was then sought to be tamed. We saw the literal possession of women. Burning of witches. Corsets. Chastity belts. Women’s rights being taken away in many many cultures. The polarization of “the virgin” and “the whore.” And this, my dears, is what YOU were born into.

Fair enough, in this country we got it about the LEAST bad—we are able to vote, get an abortion, wear what we want. BUT this also created a dichotomy that can be VERY confusing.

You were told you can speak up and be you. But you must also be sweet and pretty and skinny. You were told it was slutty to enjoy lots of sex. But you were told also “Claim your sexuality!” You were told you could wear what you want. But when you wore it you were treated differently. At least when it was scandalous to show an ankle it was very clear. ANKLE = SLUT. Now the dial is all over the place.

If you were born into any religion that is monotheistic and patriarchal then whether you want to accept it or not, you probs have internalized all kinds of sexual repression with a side of shame, and a dash of guilt on top. (If you somehow escaped all this then…GODDESS BLESS!)



It’s going to take a lot more work. See my piece from last year about “Sexual Healing” for a refresh and jump start.

The biggest thing we can do is keep QUESTIONING. Everything. In sex. Redefining our experiences as our own. Making our own rules. Reclaiming what is our human right.

FOR EXAMPLE. Perhaps by society’s standards it’s not acceptable to sob uncontrollably during sex. HOWEVER, the energy of sex is MAD powerful, and when used to it’s full conscious potential can be a shamanic experience. So, if you are having conscious deep deep sex, and start releasing trauma or shame or guilt from your body you will probably sob. This can cause more shame because we’ve been taught that’s not okay.

My first girlfriend was a shamanic mover of energy and she knew it. The orgasms I had with her moved massive amounts of shame I had internalized growing up in the Christian south, out of my body. She held space for me. Made me feel safe enough to completely release into my body and use the energy of sex for deep healing. Sometimes that meant opening further and further when I thought I couldn’t anymore, but she helped me keep going, much like in a plant medicine ceremony, or even running a marathon. The altered state that one enters during sex can be a place where so much work can take place.

So how do you allow yourself to let go enough to work with the energy of sex, or even love or partnership, for healing and ecstasy?

alexandra Roxo holy Fuck The Numinous sexual power


Create a conscious container. By container I mean a defined space. Whether you are coming together just for sex or also for a certain amount of time weekly for sexual exploration define the rules, the terms. How long? What do we do if someone wants to scream or cry?

Communication! If you want to have a soul sob with a deep cervical orgasm you have to make sure your partner can “hold” you through it. Instead of saying, “Hey babe. What’s wrong? Don’t cry,” educate them to hold the space for you, and say instead: “I’m here. Let it out. Stay with it. I love you.”

When you release some of the pain in your body that’s hidden deep within your cervix or womb of COURSE there will be tears, shouting, laughing—ALL OF IT! But you will feel so much lighter and freer afterwards if you let those emotions come out and you don’t hold them in. Not worrying about what you may look like or sound like. Instead, being like a raging river, embodying Kali, embodying Venus, the rivers of Oshun, the energy of a storm, the energy of the ocean. She is never ashamed for her moods and needs. She just IS.

If you look at sex as expansion beyond the “get in and get off” vibe we’ve been taught by movies and TV our whole lives, you will see it has massive healing potential to clear through chakras and move blocks—while increasing your radiance and attraction levels in a major way! It’s a super power and that’s why it has been repressed and controlled for so long.

If you think back to how you “learned” sex it was probably mostly through media. Women “sound” like this or that. They make these faces during sex. They lay on the bed in this or that way. What if that was all learned behavior and in order to reclaim your full sexual potential you get to go on the journey of FINDING OUT what your natural sexual state is?

What faces you make. What sounds. Maybe you sing when you cum! Or make low guttural grunts. Maybe you sob uncontrollably for A YEAR as you release shame from your body. Does that mean something is wrong with you? NO. HELL NO. Maybe you find your fantasy and realize you like to be flogged or spanked. Does that mean something is wrong with you? NOPE.

It’s a choice. You make the choice to embody Bridget Jones. Or Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. Or Carrie in Sex and the City. Or…Venus emerging from the ocean. Kali emerging from a fire. Persephone diving into the Underworld and coming back renewed. You choose.



Here are some practical ways to begin to rewrite some of your sexual programming…

– Be Curious! Read books. Listen to podcasts. Don’t be ashamed if you want to learn about polyamory. Or multiple orgasms. Or whatever the hell you’re into. Nothing is too strange. Nothing is too weird. As you begin to delve, protect your little seed of curiosity before sharing with everyone. You don’t need anyone’s opinions about your desire to learn about 1950’s Occult Sex Parties or prostate massage. It’s your exploration. Keep it sacred.

– Look at your demons. Your shadows. Your shames. Have you engaged in healing around your sexual history? Chances are your first sexual experiences were rather “unconscious,” maybe with alcohol attached and not centered around heart opening and connecting. And if not, well, kudos to you! (Mine were pretty dope with candles and a fountain and fairy lights and soft music and eye gazing even when I was a preteen cause I was #BornThisWay. But then I’ve also had about 100 that were NOT like that at all…) If you feel you have work to do around love and sex then start journaling about your programming, stories, traumas. Engage in conversations. Do the healing work with a coach or in a group.

– Create the space to explore. If you’re in partnership then consciously communicate with your partner about wanting to make the sex more conscious and expansive, and work to bust through some of the cultural norms together. Perhaps this means engaging in some connecting work before sex. Eye gazing. Doing some tantric breath. Giving each other space to hear fantasies without judgement. That means if your lover says “I’m turned on by watching horses fuck” you have to listen and hold space for that and not be like “EW!” immediately. Trust is very important when opening in this way. If you’re solo then start getting in there and doing your own exploration work with your self. Learn your fantasies. What feels good and what doesn’t.

– Be aware of your words. Stories you perpetuate with your words which can cast magical spells. Sometimes I catch myself talking like Samantha from SATC and I stop myself. Some of that languaging and programming is NOT conscious at all. Sure, it’s fun, but it’s creating a reality that I picked up from TV. Not my own heart.

– Question everything. This can be fun! “Do I actually like to wax my puss? Or do I do it cause someone told me to?” Hmm well for me honestly I think it’s the later. “Do I actually like lingerie and Agent Provocateur?” Resounding YES for me on that one! “Where is my sexuality at on the Kinsey scale?”

– Talk to your friends. THIS IS HARD. One time when I brought up the transcendental power of fisting to catapult you into an altered state in a car of women there was RADIO SILENCE. It was awkward. But without discussion things continue to be taboo Unspeakable. Hidden away in dark corners. So moving past that awkward silence with some laughter and humility is enough to open the floodgates. Before you know it someone will be sharing how they once used a cucumber as a dildo and you won’t feel alone.


If you want to work with a group on this, I’m doing a monthly HOLY F*CK workshop starting on the New Moon of 2.26!  This is a little different than the salon I did last year as this is deeper work, and enough to keep you busy exploring and reprogramming and rewiring your sex energy until the next month’s workshop! Sign up HERE. And as always I do one on one mentorships and coaching sessions which you can book HERE.


The Three of Cups is an invitation to join the collective and choose JOY, says Lindsay Mack in her Numinous weekly tarotscope…


Can the dead help you navigate the land of the living? Your “Team Spirit” is only a call away, says medium Rebecca Rosen.

spirit team angel guides Rebecca Rosen The Numinous

You are not alone. This is what the dead whisper in my ear every day.

I’ve been practicing as a professional spiritual medium—a channel between the living and the dead—for over two decades now, and what I can tell you with certainty is that a team of spiritual beings surrounds each and every one of us, every day. And “Team Spirit,” composed of departed loved ones and spirit guides, is always available to offer you comfort, clarity, and guidance, as soon as you call on them.

Life can be overwhelming and messy. And what the departed want you to know is that your day-to-day struggles have a rhyme, a reason, and a purpose. I call on Team Spirit not only because it’s my job, but because I, too, have down-to-earth challenges: at work, at home, in relationships, with health, money, and everything in between.

Drawing inspiration from my new book, What the Dead Have Taught Me About Living Well, I invite you to start calling on Team Spirit right now, to help you navigate your everyday challenges—from morning until night!


Early Morning: Before Getting Dressed, Get Spiritually Dressed
Time to call Team Spirit in for support! My days flow much more easily—and on purpose—when I acknowledge right off the bat that I may need extra help and then unapologetically ask for it. When I don’t take that time, I feel underdressed.

Your CALL: Take five minutes to close your eyes and breathe. Recite a mantra that sets your intention to face your day spiritually dressed, such as: “I am connected, protected, guided, and directed by my team.”

Their RESPONSE: Spirits tend to communicate through our thoughts and feelings, so notice and subtle shifts in your mood and energy. Team Spirit often responds to our calls for help by flashing memories into our minds (say a favorite beach vacation), shifting our focus from frazzled or unclear to centered and calm.


Before Work, School, or Errands: Line It Up
“Lining it up” is my expression for setting a clear intention  for my day ahead, and then surrendering to how it plays out. To validate that my day is unfolding according to the bigger plan, I ask Team Spirit to send me signs throughout the day to support my choices, decisions, and forward movement.

Your CALL: Say to your spirits, “Show me a sign that I’ve been heard!” Then, go about your day, while remaining open and trusting that you will receive a sign that you recognize when you need it most.

Their RESPONSE: Breadcrumbs from beyond show up in many different ways—through dreams, music, found objects, threads of conversation, and even inspired thoughts. Just recently, my husband, Chris, asked his guides whether he should continue with a big work project to build a ranch. Just moments later, a car pulled up beside him with the license plate “RANCH!” These “winks” from the other side come in all shapes and sizes—be receptive to whatever “signs” cross your path, and trust that you’ll know it when you see it.

rebecca rosen what the dead have taught me about living well spiritual medium team spirit ruby warrington the numinous

Lunch or Midday Break: Reset and Rewrap
When I’ve done my part to get spiritually dressed and I still feel pushed and pressed upon by strange energy that I can’t seem to shake, I reset by wrapping myself in protective white light. This gives me extra insulation from the outside world, which can sometimes feel frenetic, overwhelming, and heavy to bear.

Your CALL: Close your eyes and call on Team Spirit to surround you in a bubble of white light. Imagine rolling yourself up in a sheet of iridescent bubble wrap as you say, “Spirit, help to bounce any negative energy I will encounter today off and away.”

Their RESPONSE: You may literally feel squeezed or experience the chills, which is a sign that Spirit is surrounding and protecting you.


After Work & Before Heading Home: Carve out Connection Time
Yoga practice and deep breathing connects me back to the present moment, which is the seat of our intuitive guidance and personal power (holding my breath is a good indicator that I’m in resistance and holding in feelings). When I don’t have time for a yoga class, I’ll use my to connect to Team Spirit through music.

Your CALL: Play music that uplifts and inspires you and sing along! I often chant along with my favorite spiritual artist, Deva Premal, on my drive home to get in a connected space. The chant Gayatri Mantra works like magic to both calm and inspire me with clear guidance.

Their RESPONSE: As you turn up the tunes, Team Spirit will often reach across the divide, and speak directly to you through song lyrics, relaying exactly what you need to hear.


Homework & Dinner Time: Shift It Into Neutral
When I walk into my house of six kids at the end of the day, there is no doubt in my mind that “me time” is over, and that if I’m not careful, my kids’ erratic energy can knock me off balance. When I feel on the edge of coming undone, I ask Team Spirit to help me shift my energy from a charged reaction to a more neutral response where I can calmly address the situation at hand. My kids’ energy will eventually match mine and a sense of calm (and sanity!) will be restored.

Your CALL: I take a few deep breaths and say a silent prayer: “Spirits and guides, help me stay grounded and balanced, peaceful and calm.”

Their RESPONSE: I sometimes see, but most often feel Team Spirit extend their peaceful, loving arms around me and rock me like a child. It’s kind of like when you’re feeling really upset—crying your eyes out, even—and then all of a sudden, you just stop. This is how it feels when Spirit steps in to soothe you.

rebecca rosen what the dead have taught me about living well spiritual medium team spirit ruby warrington the numinous

Day’s End: Count Your Blessings
Take five minutes at the end of your day and count your blessings. Write them down, speak them aloud, or meditate on how they make you feel. The departed tell me that everything in our lives and in our relationships serves a higher purpose in getting us where we need to be right now. Our sincere gratitude for this brings about more to appreciate and feel grateful for.

Your CALL: Thank Team Spirit directly as you count your blessings. Only focus on that which you want, need, and desire; whatever you give energy to in your thoughts, words, and actions is created and multiplied with time.

Their RESPONSE: The proof will come only by putting it to the test! For example, I needed help spreading the word about my new book, and so every night I thanked Team Spirit in advance for all of my abundance, success, and ease in achieving it. Within a week, I was offered great media opportunities and new marketing contacts.


Dream Time: Invite in Spirit
When our waking minds are quiet and our physical bodies are still, the door to our unconscious mind opens. In this wide, empty space, the departed reach out across the divide where they hope to meet us halfway between their world and ours. Spirits may use this time to simply say “hello” and let us know they are present in our lives. Other times, the departed have more important information that they want to imprint into our minds before the sun comes up. The mornings you wake up with sudden clarity or an inspired idea, you probably have someone on the Other Side to thank for the guidance.

Your CALL: Say gently to spirit: “You are welcome to visit me in my dreams.”

Their RESPONSE: Feeling deeply empty and alone on the anniversary of her husband’s death, a client invited her departed love to visit her in dreams. That night, she dreamt of a magnificent eagle (reminiscent of her husband’s tattoo). Yet she was unclear about whether this was her sign. Then, on the way to my office that day, she noticed a bald eagle perched up high on a light, followed by the sounds of the Eagles’ “Hotel California” playing (a favorite song of theirs). Any lingering doubts were completely diminished when she sat down on my couch and the first thing out of my mouth was: “Why am I clairaudiently hearing the song Hotel California? It keeps playing over and over in my head.” This was the icing on the cake! Three solid signs…that began in her dreams.

For more wisdom on activating Team Spirit in your day, check out Rebecca’s new book, What the Dead Have Taught Me About Living Well.

rebecca rosen what the dead have taught me about living well team spirit the numinous ruby warrington

Rebecca Rosen is an international best-selling author, inspirational speaker, and star of Lifetime’s The Last Goodbye. Known for her accessible and stunningly accurate ability to connect with the departed, her broad appeal and healing message have led to repeated national media appearances on The Dr. Oz Show, Dr. Phil, Entertainment Tonight, Fox and Friends, and more. Rebecca regularly tours around the country performing in front of sold-out live audiences. She lives in Denver with her family.

A Self Love Prescription For V Day

Here’s to falling in love … with YOU! Tea alchemist and serial optimist Alicia Henry delivers a self love prescription for your V Day. Illustration: Soleil Ignacio


Valentine’s Day …  Whether you’re single or in a partnership, this commercial “holiday” can bring on a wave of negative feelings. Some of us become plagued with thoughts of loneliness, heartache, and even begin to question our self-worth. But there is hope for turning this day (and everyday) into a positive, love-filled experience. And you don’t have to search any further than yourself.

Loving yourself is the most vital action you can take towards your overall well-being and vitality in this life. Not only will you come to the realization that you are a divine being, but you’ll begin to draw others into your life who are also aligned with nourishing their souls and evolving into the best version of themselves. A beautiful ripple effect of LOVE. 

Like any new skill, self-love takes practice, determination, flexibility, and patience. It’s a practice we have to cultivate. This V Day is the perfect time to renew (or begin) your own self-love affair and I’ve concocted a self-love prescription to get you started. Here’s to falling in love with YOU!

alicia henry naked sage tea self love potions danny lane the numinous ruby warrington
Photo: Danny Lane

1. Morning Gratitude + Affirmation Ritual: Our mornings can make or break the rest of our day, so upon waking, take a moment to acknowledge 10 things that you are grateful for. This could mean being thankful for your soft pillow that you lay your head upon, or your two healthy feet that work tirelessly to get you around all day long! This is the first step to simply becoming grateful for who you are.

*Pro Tip: I love to cleanse my space before beginning my morning ritual. My favorite way of doing this is to light Palo Santo—the aroma is sweet and soothing, and it opens my space for newness.


2. Solo Date: When we’re feeling lonely, the first thing we tend to do is run away from the loneliness and fill the void with social engagements. Friends are definitely a major component to our happiness, but if we can’t be happy solo then our social circles become a mere distraction from ourselves. Try turning inwards. You may actually love what you find!

*Pro Tip: A solo date could just mean reading an empowering book, like Clarissa Pinkola Estés’ classic Women Who Run With The Wolves.


3. Write Yourself a Love Letter: Letter writing is becoming a lost art, but that doesn’t mean romance is dead. Write yourself a love letter that you can open up any day you need it.  The letter can include recognizing your greatest strengths, honoring what you believe makes you unique, and forgiveness for any negative feelings about yourself.

*Pro Tip: Create a romantic letter writing experience by lighting candles, burning incense, and using beautiful stationery. To get your creative juices flowing, check out this beautiful poem by the Romantic poet, William Wordsworth. Wordsworth describes his beloved as “a creature not too bright or good.” Who’s perfect anyway


4. Meditate: Our minds are constantly buzzing, and meditation is an invaluable and truly intimate practice that brings us closer to ourselves, our intuition, our truth, and what really matters in life (to us). Even if it’s 10 minutes per day, give this peaceful, quiet gift to yourself.  

*Pro Tip: If you’re new to meditation, there are some awesome apps that will help guide you!

Rhodochrosite self love the numinous ruby warrington

5. Practice Forgiveness: It’s all too easy to get caught up in the mistakes we’ve made, things we wish were different, our so-called imperfections, and other stories that we’ve created and hold against ourselves. But if it weren’t for our mishaps and wrong-turns, we would never evolve. Be tender and forgive yourself for anything that you’re holding onto that doesn’t serve your happiness.

*Pro Tip: The raspberry rose colored Rhodochrosite crystal (above) is known to activate the heart chakra, and promote self-worth and forgiveness. 


6. Dance: Want a ticket to instant joy? Dancing is a way to connect to our essential life force. Don’t worry about what you look like—just let loose and feel the music. Whether you’re dancing with friends, or using your hairbrush as a microphone in your bedroom, never stop dancing!

*Pro Tip: Start the solo party with my three favorite tunes for dancing by myself—Pat Benatar’s  Love is a Battlefield, Banarama’s Cruel Summer and of course, Whitney’s How Will I Know.


7. Take a Sexy Selfie: And see yourself through the eyes of lust. Sexy selfies don’t need to be sent to a lover, they can also be sent to your friends! A girlfriend of mine recently started a thread with her friends’ sexiest selfie submissions—it’s been such a beautiful, safe, body-positive experience.

*Pro Tip: The piece of lingerie I’m loving most at the moment is this black bodysuit by True&Co.


8. Self-Care Spa: Taking the time to pamper your skin, hair, and nails is a rejuvenating self-care ritual that’ll give you that little extra pep in your step. 

*Pro Tip: In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, here’s an easy recipe for a truly decadent body scrub: In a mason jar mix 1 cup coffee grounds (just scoop ‘em off the bottom of your french press—no waste, yay!) with ½ cup coconut oil and ¼ cup raw cane sugar. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil and you’re good to scrub! I find that vanilla and/or essential rose oil are great accompaniments to the awakening coffee aroma. Keep your scrub in the refrigerator when you aren’t using it. Enjoy, beauty!


9. Rest Sweetly: Never underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. When we skimp on sleep, it directly affects our mental well-being. We wake up feeling groggy, our digestive and immune systems are thrown off, and we’re easily spun into negative thinking. Create a peaceful sleeping experience for yourself with kind bedding, a dark room, and a no-electronics policy.

*Pro Tip: Whenever I have trouble falling asleep, I add some lavender infused essential oil to my third eye and lower palms. I cup my palms over my face and breathe in slowly. When you focus on your breath and begin to slow your breathing, you’ll simultaneously slow your heart rate and bring yourself to a restful place.

alicia henry self love potions naked sage tea i care deeply the numinous ruby warrington
Naked Sage Tea’s “I Care Deeply” Blend

Alicia Henry is an Herbal Alchemist  and Founder of Naked Sage Tea, an organic tea company based in Venice, CA. A serial optimist, she is aptly part of the team that achieved The International Day of Happiness, which became a resolution of the United Nations. Follow Alicia and Naked Sage Tea on Instagram for more romance, adventure, and sweet self-love.