Your Numinous weekly horoscopes—direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

numinous weekly horoscopes pink rose close up

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
A bed of roses. Roses help you open your heart. The rose thorns symbolize healthy self-protection. Can you open and protect? Heart opening helps you connect with your true state of being- you are love and light. Meditate on the rose. Let yourself drift in any way that you need to and don’t judge yourself now. Just let your decisions come from a place of love and not fear.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
A beaver builds a dam. Intuitive leadership. Trust that you know what to do. You’re prepared. You are supported. Create channels that will help you connect with your intuition. Sometimes confusion comes when you’re ready to connect on deeper levels. Let any confusion drift around you, and then dive into your own depths to lean how to act and lead. Trust that you have everything you need inside you.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
The rainbow connection. A rainbow portal that links here and there. What is the meaning of this? Break through into a new state of consciousness. Electric energy can expand your mindset this week. Follow the rainbow to a new state of logic. Don’t let fear hold you back from opening up to greater awareness. Be open to surprises. New perspective opens up the channel for hope to flow in. And hope is what you need.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
A ferris wheel. Riding up to the top. You have the ability to go high. So do it. Let yourself be seen. Let yourself advance. Take the opportunity to be in full integrity. You are in the spotlight now. Your career can expand in the direction that you’d like very easily right now. Set your goals and career intentions. How do you want to feel at work? Allow yourself to be exactly who you are and enjoy the ride to the top.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Fragrant herbs burning. Make your alter. You have to seek more meaning. Ask for answers. You don’t have to know everything now. But you do need to dedicate yourself to learning. The alter is your designated space for prayer and offering. These actions can remind you that you’re supported in your quest of higher learning. Expand your mind while feeling nourished and secure.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
Stained glass fused together. Merging. You are ready to go deeper into your own emotions. You are more ready than ever to explore the boundaries of another person’s being. Be present. Be open. Find out that your understanding of magic can deepen when you’re challenged to let go. Notice all the places where you are trying to maintain control. What would happen if you relaxed? There are so many surprises ahead. Welcome the journey with an open heart.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Teeth crunching. Symbols of nurturing and anxiety rolled into one. Take care of yourself. Feed your soul. Look deeper into any anxiety that may be swirling. What’s underneath? It’s often fear. Step in a different direction by calling in more love. Just switch. Lean into love. Give yourself more empathy. If you are being hard on yourself, it can be helpful to remember that there’s not just one right way and one wrong way. You’re doing just fine.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Bouquets of peonies. Get interested in the details of your life. Your health and wellness. Your schedule. Your workflow. You can’t always be pushing. Now it’s time to start at the base and build some systems of organization that will make your life easier. The peonies are lovely flowers that remind you to enjoy this process. Enjoy your life. Make more space for fun and beauty by minding the details that make everything better.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A coiled snake. This symbol can represent the creative life force. Build yourself up by creating a sense of anticipation. Get excited. Then live your life in full creative expression. Don’t start this tomorrow or the next day. Do it now. Find a way to live in fullness. Burn through staleness. There’s no time now for old habits that feel boring. It’s time for life, dance, color, expression and fun.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Stones in a riverbed. The stones grow smoother with time. There is a sense of history in a river. Maybe this is a time of sweet nostalgia. Look to your past. Notice how much you’ve grown. You are an evolving creature and you don’t have to repeat old patterns. Find a way to treasure the parts of the past that are meaningful to you. Honor your present by creating a ritual that can remind you of how far you’ve come.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
An opposable thumb. Take stock of your true dexterity. You are adaptable and innovative. You have the ability to learn a lot right now. You can make adjustments. Connect the dots to find new solutions. Anything that you need is right at your fingertips. Trust that you are mentally equipped for the tasks at hand. You know what to do and how to do it. Embrace your logic and your intuition. Take advantage of this time of heightened mental activity. Trust your adaptability.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Grazing cattle. Eating grass is a symbol of groundedness. Cattle are a symbol of sustainability. Feel grounded and sustained. You are worthy. You deserve to feel safe and well. Do little things to feel grounded in your body. Drink plenty of water and eat slowly. This will help you access your inner resources. Remind yourself of that you’re supported. Remind yourself of gentleness. Your sense of personal wellness helps the world.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


Cast by Louise Androlia using the Cosmic Tarot Deck

:: Aquarius / Aquarius Rising :: The Three of Wands 

Happy birthday month babes! The good news is that this month is calling you back into the wide-open space of expansive living and thinking, especially if, like most of us, you experienced a little bit of January panic. I feel as though your new year overwhelm was purely down to an overload of ideas. Suddenly they all became a tangled ball of wool and…oh dear, procrastination set in? So, if you are currently feeling like you backed yourself into a cave, know that it’s time to move forward with action.

You are actually very brilliant at thinking expansively about life and your projects, so remember that panic mode isn’t your natural state. Also, feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of your ideas is actually a pretty cool crisis to have – after all, you’re never going to run out of inspiration to put your vision out into the world. However, to be the thought LEADER that you truly are, you do need to practice a little focus. I also feel that over the course of the month, something that’s going to help get you into your most productive state will be sharing and collaborating.

When we are just recycling our thoughts over and over in our own mind, it’s easy to hit a brick wall – and it feels to me like you’ve got a whole heap of big plans to change the world that need some airing. They need an injection of breath and life. So who are the best people to brainstorm with? This is for you to figure out, but you will probably find that like minds exist in those who deal in similarly big ideas, those who prefer to question opposed to judge, and those who you find straight up inspiring. These people may be your BFFs, or they may be acquaintances hovering on the perimeter. Perhaps there’s even a mentor waiting in the wings.

Carry this expansive with you everywhere, so you don’t miss the conversations which are aligned to help you rise up and meet your highest and most compassionate “of service” self. There is an emphasis on FUN this month, so remember too that self care is always the remedy in moments of stress, and that it’s safe to follow what you are most excited about – rather than what you think you “should” do. Oh and finally – you may see the results of some major manifesting this month. Allow yourself to celebrate all that is YOU.

Download your full 2016 forecast here (using discount code NUMILOVE2016) and as usual come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse. 

:: Pisces / Pisces Rising :: The Ten of Cups

 We often associate feeling good with seeing physical things or results turning out the exact way we want them too, but restricting our expectations this way often leads to disappointment and a perceived sense of failure. Allowing yourself to receive exactly what you need, when you need it, is a big part of being at peace in the human experience. To feel “out of control” doesn’t mean you have become the victim of your experience, rather it speaks to being to rigid with your limitations. In fact, when you take the pressure off, you will instantly begin receiving a lot more than you even expected. You have entered a natural state of surrender – action combined with expansion.

I feel a sense of relief entering the Piscean sphere this month. This sense of ease will arise from the simple act of allowing yourself to be where you are, not where you think you “should be” – just being where you are, and making friends with the feelings that accompany this moment. To exist absolutely in the now, is an empowered and powerful act of self-care, and I want you to practice it this month using the mantra: “I am exactly where I am supposed to be.”

There is also a sense of movement and things loosening up a little. Emails you’ve been sending out may finally get returned, news you’ve been waiting on shows up, and things suddenly make sense. Hope arises from internal trust and clarity. I feel you can also practice the belief that you are supported in the coming weeks. For those of you who have a strong spirit-based faith, then this is the month to reconnect to your angels, guides and loved ones. If you want to and don’t know how, then try simply asking for their assistance, and thanking the energy around you for showing you signs and symbols to remind you that everything is perfect in this present moment.

You may prefer to keep your support system within the 3D realm, and use this month as an opportunity to share your story with others, to be of service, to bathe in the brilliance of friends who inspire you and to open yourself up to receive more connections for your highest good. Your energy this month is wide open and expansive, but as always, living this way is a choice. Don’t be afraid to feel vulnerable and open up – big old fears and all.

Download your full 2016 forecast here (using discount code NUMILOVE2016) and as usual come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse.

:: Aries / Aries Rising :: Strength

Your theme for this month is reframing what the word COURAGE means to you. You may associate courage with bravery – but you may also associate bravery with weakness. If you see vulnerability as a weakness, and “toughening up” an act of courage, that is. To you, to be courageous may mean just getting things done, to keep on pushing, to keep your back upright, your face impassive. So what does courage feel like to you? What’s your relationship to this word?

Courage, if you choose, can be an active form of self-love and self-awareness. Courage arises when you fully allow yourself to be YOU, and not only when someone else approves of you. Courage creeps into your empowered set of feelings when you own the moment you are in. Courage ushers you through the door when you take a leap of faith into the unknown. You don’t have to become courageous; courage can be a constant companion.

So this month, I want you to feel FULL of courage, as if it is beaming out of you, encouraging you to go forth and make some big decisions and perhaps also release some things that aren’t working. You no longer need to juggle a million things that don’t feel quite right. Life doesn’t have to be about winning, or waiting for gold star that says “HEY! You nailed it!” Instead, you have to peel back the layers, simply trusting that what’s in front of you will lead to what you want to create in the future. You’ve been doing the work, you’ve been facing the fears, and you’ve walked amongst your chaos. Now I want you to integrate this, and allow yourself to really BE the evolved you, the ever evolving you.

This means no leaning on excuses from the past, or dipping into self-sabotage. The courageous you knows this isn’t the way forward. The future is in the hands of the powerful YOU that exists today, and decides to move forward based upon all the knowledge you have earned. I can already feel the weight that lifts when you let the past become fluid and drop any “should”s and the “if”s about the future. Ask yourself, what feels right today? And then explore that feeling and allow it to be the vehicle for your next adventure.

Download your full 2016 forecast here (using discount code NUMILOVE2016) and as usual come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse.

 :: Taurus / Taurus Rising :: Prince of Pentacles

February brings a continuation of the “back to school” feeling that accompanied your New Year plans, and now you are in the subtle shift of ideas becoming action. The energy for you over the coming weeks is to take bold steps in the direction you are seeking. I feel that for many of you there may be a grounding of ideas that you’ve been toying with during the past year even, and now it feels as if it’s is time for something to land. You can think of this in a very simple and earthy way – what is it that you want to create in your material world? What do you want to see grow in your external environment?

The emphasis is on solid confident steps, so you probably won’t find much peace if you try and gallop ahead, blazing a trail. Instead, think about movement with intention, because equally you don’t want to fall foul of perfection / procrastination and get bogged down again. So, what do you want to put your focus on? And what ONE THING can you do that can get things moving? Is it making the phone call that’s been on your to-do list for months? Writing an email, or starting a spreadsheet? Your action may even just come in the form of committing to a decision, but somewhere out there a new beginning is waiting for you – and it’s only you will know what it looks like.

Meanwhile, if you had been toying with the idea of seeking some external mentoring or support recently then the time is now. This may come in the form of anyone from a therapist to a business sponsor, but it feels like there is some external force around you that could offer a helping hand if you open up to the idea that you don’t have to do everything yourself.

For those of you who have been feeling less than your grounded self recently, you will also thrive within the company of those whom you feel most safe around, especially if you feel your trust and faith in others has been wavering recently. Remember that the company of one person who feels good is better than coffee with ten who make you feel in any way less than; your job isn’t to be everything for everyone or to be liked by all. Trust in what you need and you will find that it is right in front of you.

Download your full 2016 forecast here (using discount code NUMILOVE2016) and as usual come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse.

:: Gemini / Gemini Rising :: The Moon

When the energy of the moon comes up in our days we are always been called to look behind the scenes and pay attention to our internal dialogue. Your February is an encouraging you to dive a little deeper into the essence of WHY you feel what you feel, and WHY you do what you do. For some of you this may instantly feel overwhelming, the idea of facing deep, dark fears, or the thought of simply sitting with your feelings. But know that your fears only want your attention, just a wave hello and an “I see you.”

For those of you reading this going OH YES I’VE BEEN FEELING ALL MY FEARS…then know that you are also allowed to ask for help, and that no one is supposed to manage everything on their own. We all need a tool kit, and most of the time this means we need someone to teach what goes in there. Meanwhile, examining the underbelly of definitely does NOT have to spell dark times – going “behind the veil” is also about connecting to your intuitive or higher self. I feel this is a wonderful month to be doing some dream journaling and paying attention to lady Luna herself.

You can learn so much about your self just from charting the phases of the moon, so why not experiment this month and see what you discover. In line with these themes, I feel there may be some sense of relief as you connect with the earth and nature over the coming weeks, especially if you feel wired or anxious. This may mean taking a hike in the nearest spot of wilderness that you can find, but equally, you will notice that eating root veggies and a good old stomp down the sidewalk will do the trick.

As far as other people are concerned, this is not a month to be seduced by gossip or drama, and that includes sitting and imagining that people don’t like you or are talking about you. If you’re fearing judgment then retreat back to your self, and do some work on your side of the street – and when you do meet any fears, know that you can negotiate with them. If in doubt, understand that the part of your mind that says you “can’t” or you aren’t “good enough” is an illusion – your soul self would never speak to you in that language.

Download your full 2016 forecast here (using discount code NUMILOVE2016) and as usual come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse.

:: Cancer / Cancer Rising :: Death

You have either just experienced a big change in your life or you are currently undergoing a transformation (or hey, maybe both!) – and I want to reassure you that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. I hope for many of that this month will actually bring a sense of RELIEF, since your energy over the last six months has seemed to be very stop and start – things appearing and disappearing, offers followed by rejections, the whole shebang. So, where are you at today? I want you to recognize that you have literally stepped into a new cycle. A cycle, because life is never about pass and fail, or about being broken or fixed, there is ALWAYS an evolution unfolding.

You are always moving and shifting, especially when you feel stuck. So within this time of change, I want to remind you that you must (as always) prioritize your self-care – and by this I mean practice a serious, mind-blowingly deep nurturing of your self. Please experiment with this, as in you literally cannot care for yourself enough – in fact, go WILD with it, and see how much better the world looks when you decide that you are deserving of the utmost kindness and care.

Allow this practice to also bring in some grounding, as you are in need of some earth energy right now. When you’ve felt like everything has been up in the air – whether this was because you were consumed by a new crush, shifting jobs, or in recent crisis – your feet are off the ground. It’s time to come back down to earth and settle. Eat earthy veggies, keep warm, hug trees, stomp your feet, body brush, self-massage, keep a piece of tourmaline crystal in your pocket, and literally visualize roots growing from your feet into the earth.

Alongside this, I want you to take on a considered view of the future, accepting the fact that you can’t know what is ahead. There is a beautiful element of surprise in your world, and if you open yourself up to the unknown as your comrade and superpower, you may see some light in the shadows. Know that no one is exempt from the tales life tells us, and you are not alone. You may enjoy being with a new community over the coming weeks, sharing stories and being uplifted by friends. Oh and LAUGH, for there is much to be grateful for.

Download your full 2016 forecast here (using discount code NUMILOVE2016) and as usual come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse.

:: Leo / Leo Rising :: The Star

 This month there are abundant opportunities for you to take full possession of your skills and talents. This isn’t a time to be playing yourself down or feeling like you have nothing to offer – particularly relevant for those of you in a time of transition. If it feels like you are really STARTING OVER, you may find yourself asking, “can I even do this?” Remember that every moment of your journey has been leading to today, and every single experience has given you wisdom. Even if you feel no connection to your past right now, it is what brought you hers, and you are still alive and time is still your friend.

This means I want you to honor your experiences so far, and admire the things that you have learned along the way. So where does this inventory-taking make you feel talented and star-powered right NOW? If this is an uncomfortable question to ask yourself, then great! Discomfort is a call to action, and it may be a call for you to actively up your own confidence levels. Self-confidence has to be claimed, not earned – and guess what, you get to choose to believe in yourself and your projects.

Sitting around and waiting for someone or something to approve of you just won’t cut it. Make a list of the things you are grateful for about yourself; they may be physical or emotional, skills or achievements. Know that it is okay to pat yourself on the back! On this theme, I’d also like you to remember that you don’t have to dim your light in order to please anyone else. If you have people around you who react badly to your joy, then know that they may be going through a tough time, but you are still allowed to celebrate. On the flip side, remember to always collaborate versus compete. It’s so much more fun to share than compare.

Meanwhile, I feel this month may bring many reasons for you to feel abundant, so remember that success is not a destination, more so a FEELING. It doesn’t have to be extreme, and you’ll realize you are constantly experiencing tiny joys if you stop to tune into them. Opportunities for you to up your game and shine brighter are also in store, and if you are getting in your own way creatively, remember not everything is about you – but more about how you can be of service. 

Download your full 2016 forecast here (using discount code NUMILOVE2016) and as usual come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse.

:: Virgo / Virgo Rising :: The Six of Swords

Considering the speed at which your year kicked off, it may be that you’re already craving some down time. This does not mean that you have to book a holiday and head for the hills, it’s more about the idea of inviting in a little stillness back into your days. The idea of “self-retreat” feels wonderful for you, and you may be able to experience this from simply upping your alone time.

It seems as though the last couple of weeks have ushered in a lot of opinions and external ideas, with everyone chiming in with their input. While you appreciate support, it’s also easy for you to get annoyed and overwhelmed by too many people and their thoughts. So if you are feeling a little like you want to tell everyone to just GO AWAY, or are wondering if you can just turn down the volume on the world, then this is just a hint to reclaim some of your own time – and of course to value it.

This can be in whatever form that works for you. If you have been feeling a call to start a meditation practice, then this energy is of course in support of that – but it may also be that you need to sit and just feel your discomforts a little more, and make friends with your brain chatter. Stillness is available to everyone, especially somebody like you who’s often convinced that you CAN’T tone down your thoughts. You can, but it might not be in the way that you think you “should” – remember that meditation does not mean having an empty mind, more so one that feels less like a galloping stallion. Try to pick one thing and focus on it, and make it something that’s beautiful or interesting to you. You could steady your gaze on a candle flame just as much as you could watch a YouTube video of a puppy yawning (HEY, WHY NOT!)

The main thing is that you’re required to just take a little pressure off yourself this month, and just allow yourself to do one thing at a time. If feels like there’s one task or one dream that requires your eyes and your heart right now. So gift yourself some one-on-one time with whatever this is, and also with yourself. Just because you aren’t crossing things off lists doesn’t mean that your time is being wasted. 

Download your full 2016 forecast here (using discount code NUMILOVE2016) and as usual come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse.

:: Libra / Libra Rising :: The Hierophant

I feel a shift from being the student to the teacher for you over the coming weeks. Some of you have actually been in that educational space, taking up new skills and ventures, and others of you have just really noticed that sense of your life being its own educator. It’s now time to think how you might use what you’ve learned as a tool for navigating the unknown ahead of you. With this sense of building wisdom and knowledge, you may also find yourself bursting at the seams wanting to tell everyone EVERYTHING you’ve learned. This is a beautiful feeling, as it can remind you of how wonderful wisdom gained really is – but what’s important is learning how to direct your findings in a positive and useful way.

No one ever benefits from being preached at, in fact, it’s an energy that often repels people. However, to teach is a more subtle and delicate process, which can be begun by simply practicing and living within your discoveries. For instance, if you’ve recently had your mind blown by a new self-help idea, then you don’t need to push it on everyone you know. Rather, just absorb what you have learned, and then BE the knowledge that has transformed your life, and you will instantly shift your own energy to benefit your own experience and others’.

You can also consider how you might like to use your experiences to be of service to the world, your community and those immediately around you. Again, always start with you, by nurturing your own mind, body and spirit and then considering how and what from your experience you can share for the highest good. Some of you may be called to write; or you may want to a video, or hop on periscope, and so on. You may simply feel called to ask “can I help you” to a close friend in crisis. You will know where your compassion is going to be of best use in the coming weeks, and enjoy rising up into this spot of light.

On the flip side of the coin, do not go all OUT THERE if you are feeling depleted. Trying to help, share and care is difficult if you are feeling less than filled up yourself. If you know YOU can be of help, it also means that there’s someone out there waiting to help you right back. Be out and proud about seeking guidance when you need it – it is all around you.

Download your full 2016 forecast here (using discount code NUMILOVE2016) and as usual come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse.

:: Scorpio / Scorpio Rising :: The World

Your energy feels as though it has met its highest match, since this card is raw phoenix rising – meaning you are at liberty now to embody all the aspects of this transformative time. You know you are experiencing a big shift, right? Of course, we all feel it in different ways, but I want you to focus on the pure energy of endings and beginnings. This is to suggest that it is possible to very gently nurture all that is closing right now and bid what needs to leave your life a happy farewell – for a new horizon awaits, and you need to claim that space.

Finding the courage to close one chapter and move forward is never an easy task, but I ask you to trust in surrender, know that rejection is actually redirection, and there are many opportunities to say YES just ahead. So, on to new beginnings, as this is what feels fresh for you right now. I can sense a slight shift in your priorities, which has possibly occurred after a dark night of the soul scenario (you know alllll about those). In those darkest hours we get clarity because so much has been stripped away. Sometimes the guidance we receive is glaringly obvious, sometimes more subtle – and this will tie in with the whole “letting go” thing as sometimes it is really hard to actually accept your own desires.

For instance, if you’ve been doing something that always felt like your calling for so long you just don’t love it anymore, then know that it’s cool to move on. You aren’t tied to your own creations, and everything deserves its own set of wings. Put your attention on the new and the wild, it’s time to move from toe dipping to full on deep diving.

It seems that the world is awaiting something you have in your hands, whether it’s a new project, a piece of guidance, showcasing the new you, or ANYTHING that you feel is ready to launch. It’s only natural that you may experience some resistance in the form of anxiety about the future. No one is free from this and I want to remind you to lean towards whatever sources of faith you have. For me, it’s a baseline trust in my journey, and that I am always exactly where I am supposed to be regardless of what is happening around me. You’ve got this.

Download your full 2016 forecast here (using discount code NUMILOVE2016) and as usual come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse.

:: Sagittarius / Sagittarius Rising :: The Queen of Wands

 It feels to me like February is actually the first month of the year for you, as I see you stepping into your highest state of empowerment and energy. The Queen of Wands always feels like pure Sagittarius to me, and here she is to remind you of your deepest soul truths. I see that you have an opportunity to really accept yourself for who you are and where you are at right now. Yes, we always want to change things about ourselves, but it’s time to quit it with any ideas about having to “fix” yourself, or avoid anything that you don’t like.

You do not have to get better or be better, but instead you just have to allow yourself to transform whilst you do the work that you want to do. There is never a finish line as far as self-development goes, and the coming weeks are merely a chance to allow yourself to be YOU. So, what parts of your own power do you really need to call in? What parts of yourself have you rejected? Where are you not standing in your true self? The parts of yourself that you feel challenged by, ashamed or unsure of are only an opportunity for growth. To accept the moment you are in also means being able to offer some forgiveness to the past, knowing that forgiveness is an act of self-care.

In regards to the external world and your actions this month, I feel as though there’s a lot that’s going to suddenly require your attention, with people coming at you from all angles with opportunities, ideas, new job offers and people desiring a piece of your time. Remember that to embody your fiery superpowers with regards other people, it’s always best to state what you want and need via a clear and compassionate filter, as well as allowing yourself time to breathe.

If in any doubt with how to deal with something – count to ten, RESPOND rather than react, and call a friend on the outskirts to brainstorm with. Finally – always go back within and check in with what your soul has to say before you throw yourself into anything that doesn’t feel good or 100 per cent right. You see, this “feeling good” is IT, the key to embodying your most naturally empowered and energetic state. Feeling good = feeling the true you.

Download your full 2016 forecast here (using discount code NUMILOVE2016) and as usual come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse.

:: Capricorn / Capricorn Rising :: The Ace of Pentacles

 In response to last month’s theme of throwing it all out to the Universe, this month sees you called back to a decisive, abundant and productive energy. You are really READY to start something, and the days ahead are in support of this. A doorway seems to be opening, and is awaiting you because of the decisions you have been making over the past few months. I feel this is much more of a carefully constructed opportunity, opposed to someone handing you something on a plate.

With this in mind, I’m hinting at you being the fire starter, and the one to make the bold leap of faith. Don’t hang around waiting for someone to give you something when you could be out there and grabbing it for yourself. So, what are you interested in getting into gear? While your energy is often very much of the material world, I can also sense some big romantic moves may be on the horizon. Don’t be afraid to be present with the people who show up for you. Connections you make this month feel like they have a little magic to them, and that romantic partners, collaborators and mentors are all within your reach.

As always just trust in what feels good rather than go against your intuition out of fear. In regards the day to day, I can see there might also be an opportunity to restart something that never quite grew wings. Whether it’s an idea that you had to abandon due to other priorities, or something that just didn’t quite fit in the moment, second chances are favored – only if it still feels good of course!

On the self-care front, you may benefit from some grounding and a reconnection to your earthy natural state. However, don’t force yourself to do something just because you think you “should” – don’t drag yourself to the gym, when you know actually you enjoy walking more, or force yourself into the latest diet craze when your body is actually saying NO THANK YOU! Make space to stop and listen to your mind, body, and spirit. Oh and feel free to play. Taking positive action doesn’t mean you have restrict yourself. Big plans work really well when you allow them breathing space, and give yourself the freedom to make a little mess.

Download your full 2016 forecast here (using discount code NUMILOVE2016) and as usual come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse.