The waning quarter Sagittarius Moon is an opportunity for inner exploration, says Jennifer RacioppiCollage: Seana Gavin

Waning Sagittarius Quarter Moon Explorers geodesic dome forrest Seana Gavin The Numinous

Waning Quarter Moon :: February 18 2017 :: 2.33pm EST :: 0 degrees Sagittarius

This waning quarter Sagittarius Moon emphasizes the reconciliation of our tender intuition with our blunt need for freedom. Punctuating two eclipses, the February 10 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo and the upcoming February 26 New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces, we are asked to shed what blocks us from fully hearing (and integrating) our intuition.

The Moon traveling through freedom seeking Sagittarius while squaring the sun in emotional Pisces assists the tectonic plates of our life to shift. Now’s the time to purge anything holding us back from our authentic truth, especially before the next New Moon Solar Eclipse.


:: THE SUN ::
Are you ready to step through this cosmic transition led by your authentic guidance? With the Sun traveling through Pisces, the upcoming solar eclipse is poised to launch us into a new frontier. It also concludes the in-depth work begun in the sign of Pisces on March 20, 2015, when we had the first of four solar eclipses in the sign of the fish. Let the nostalgic qualities of the Sun in Pisces help you to reminisce and feel. Think back to March 25, 2015, and consider how your life has shifted since then? What has come to fruition since then? What do you still need to release?

:: THE MOON ::
Unlike the soft and gentle feel of Pisces, Sagittarius represents blunt fire and a deep need for expansive freedom. The Moon in mutable Sagittarius pushes back on the more subtle aspects of Pisces. Sagittarius loves fun and freedom, and when the moon travels through this sign, we may want a party more than quiet reflection. With the moon squaring not just the Sun, but the nodes of fate as well, it behooves us to refrain from any heedless, or even reckless, activity. If we can, instead, allow the adventure seeking aspects of Sagittarius to take us on an inner journey of self-evaluation—we can use the bold aspects of Sag to speak our spiritual truth in a way that helps us integrate the wisdom of the eclipses, so we embody our greatest authenticity.

With the Sun in Pisces squaring the Moon in Sagittarius, we may feel an intense desire to escape. Both Pisces and Sag have inclinations towards diversion and avoidance. With the moon squaring the sun, and the nodes of fate, we stand to make tremendous progress towards our desired outcome, assuming we stay with our process and allow lots of space for messiness.

Both Pisces and Sagittarius represent the mutable energy of the zodiac—mutable meaning, liable to change. So, as the eclipses sweep through our lives, this waning quarter Sagittarius Moon serves as a broom, clearing out the debris. Allow room for change. Both Pisces and Sagittarius can lead us to want to escape, yet, due to the proximity to the eclipses (and the connection to the nodes of fate), it’s incredibly important to do the inner work of staying with what feels uncomfortable. As we consciously grapple with the intensity of our emotions, and the deep spiritual work associated with our conscious evolution, it may be tempting to check out. I highly recommend staying with the process. This waning quarter Sagittarius Moon indicates a release of something that is either blocking us or holding us back—and if we stick with the process, even the uncomfortable parts, we’ll shed what we must; prepping us exactly as needed for the upcoming new moon solar eclipse. Stay awake.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with from Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of likeminded spiritual activists at Moon Club!


The Taurus waxing quarter Moon asks you to tend to your innate need for material comfort and security, to gather strength to rocket into the future—says Jennifer Racioppi…Collage: Bethany Harper-Walsh

Taurus Waxing quarter moon Jennifer Racioppi The Numinous Moon Club

Waxing Quarter Moon :: Feb 3 2017 :: 11.18pm EST :: 15 Degrees Taurus

Following the last Aquarius New Moon, this Taurus Quarter Moon asks us to take a look where our rebellious nature conflicts with our desire for stability, pleasure, and security. This opening quarter moon also occurs one week before the upcoming lunar eclipse in Leo. Like furniture about to be rearranged, eclipses sweep through our lives with force, offering us new positions for the décor of our existence. So get ready, because this quarter moon prepares us for the sweeping change February 2017 (a month with two eclipses) will likely bring. Fortunately, the upcoming Full Moon Lunar Eclipse boasts some pretty bad-ass aspects. Nice.

But before we jump to the eclipses, let’s dig into to this opening square between two fixed signs: Aquarius and Taurus!


With the Sun in Aquarius, the sign of the water bearer, rousing our progressive spirits, and the sky temporarily free of retrograde planets, we are pushed to align with our values. While Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion stations to go retrograde on Feb 5th, and Venus, who will go retrograde next month in Aries, already in her shadow, this Taurus waxing quarter moon emphasizes a moment where we can reflect on our gains so far in 2017. Thanks to the upcoming eclipses and pending Venus retrograde cycle, our values (and our truth) will push us to transcend the surface, reaching for greater depths within. Fortunately, the Sun in courageous Aquarius supports us nicely as we prep for the winds of change ahead! Allow the Sun in Aquarius to guide you in the direction of your progressive ideals.

Yet, the Taurus waxing quarter moon at 15 degrees (halfway through the second decant of this fixed Earth sign) resists change, instead clinging to what feels comfortable. Taurus, known for having a stubborn state of mind, helps us to tend to the practical details of our life, and can’t be forced into change. So while the Moon moves through this fixed Earth sign our emotional needs may require some pampering and deep soul nurturing. A craving for routine and luxury may stall us taking a risk on behalf of our progressive ideals. With so much upheaval happening in the political landscape, take the time to tend to your inner needs at this time.

With the sun in rebellious Aquarius, a fixed air sign, squaring the Moon in security-driven Taurus, progressive forces conflict with the desire for stability. The Taurus moon prompts us towards safety, security, and luxury, yet the sun in Aquarius pushes us to reject routine, the status quo and take a risk. Like a rubber band stretched to its max in two directions, this Taurus waxing quarter Moon we are asked to reconcile our desire for safety, security, and luxury, in the context of our changing ideals and progressive needs. This clash between the desire for comfort and the need for change forces us to take a deeper look at our values (something we’ll be doing a lot of when the ruler of Taurus, Venus, goes retrograde on March 4th for almost six weeks).

As we find ourselves amidst eclipse season things may swiftly change. The spirit of the sun in Aquarius prompts us to follow our progressive inclinations, yet the moon in Taurus wants us to nourish our inner, emotional needs. The Moon deserves our quiet attention. Take some time this Taurus waxing quarter Moon to give it just that—tender loving care of it’s emotional needs. With the full moon lunar eclipse right around the corner (occurring in the sign of Leo—ruled by the Sun), and having just acclimated to 2017 (a Universal 1 year in numerology) we stand on the precipice of receiving our new marching orders. With change happening at the speed of light, don’t override your emotional needs. Stay grounded, stay nourished and tend to your comfort. This will help to bolster our resilience: our secret weapon during tenuous political times and eclipse season!

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with from Jennifer visit