They’re baaacckkk! Eclipse Season 2017 kicks off with a pair of potent cosmic events on February 10th and 26th. Danielle Paige gives us the low-down…

Ecipse season 2017 Danielle Paige The Numinous


February 2017 is the first of two pivotal months this year (August being the second) that will crack you wide open and bring sudden changes that realign you to your soul’s plan. Eclipse season 2017 is also doubly charged because 2017 is a “1” universal year in numerology, with a strong Uranus, Jupiter, and Saturn influence. The combination of all these elements is about sudden liberation and expansion in a karmic way.

Eclipses are game changers for the soul—they speed events up and re-route us if we are veering off track. This soul acceleration is equal parts exhilarating and challenging. They act as pendulums of fate and swing us in the right direction to keep us in line with our soul’s plan. The difficult part comes in because, as humans, we resist change (especially you lovelies with a lot of earth or fixed planets in your charts!) Eclipses have a tendency to touch on our tender spots, aka our pain points, because it often takes getting those tender places activated (again and again) for us to change our story.

Anything is possible during eclipse season 2017—a wildcard cosmic time—so remember that every soul’s story is different, and hang in there, no matter what you’re feeling! While some of us will experience rapid-fire change, others will experience a slower shift and unfolding over the next six months, which is when we enter a new energetic phase and a new round of eclipses in August.

Also, remember that this energy doesn’t have a precise on/off switch. Eclipse energy can start to boil up a month or more before the eclipse date, and the week leading up to an eclipse can be the peak emotional moment for some of us.

Most of all, don’t worry my dears—as an intuitive being, you’ve likely already got a sense of what’s coming. Which is where eclipses take care of business—they often come in and do the dirty work for us, because even if something feels confusing and scary right now, the cosmos knows these necessary changes are better for us in the long run. What you’re feeling is the shifting of your psyche’s tides. Remember that this energy, like all energy, shall pass!

Read on for some specifics about the two February events of eclipse season 2017—the February Leo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, and the February 26 Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse.

***PRO TIP: If you want to dive even deeper into the invitations below, look at your birth chart to see where 22 degrees of Leo and 8 degrees of Pisces fall. If you have a planet or angle within 5 degrees of this degree then that planet or angle will get “eclipsed.” When a planet gets “eclipsed “ it needs to start behaving differently—you can no longer continue to use it the way you were, and there is a new, evolved expression waiting to unfold.

Felipe Posada, Danielle Paige, Danielle Paige Astrology, The Numinous, Eclipse Season 2017
Collage: Felipe Posada

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse :: February 10 2017 :: 22 degrees Leo 

Eclipse season 2017 begins with a fiery Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo. No matter your personal astrology, this eclipse is reminding us all to create, live joyfully, be moved by our hearts, and express our creative gifts in a GRAND way! This is LEO we’re talking about, after all!

During a Lunar Eclipse, the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon and blocks the Sun’s light from reflecting on the Moon. The Moon rules our emotions, so when she’s eclipsed she temporarily has no mirror to reflect the Sun’s light. As energetic beings we are also synchronistically cut off from our “power supply” and reintroduced to our shadow side. The energy of a lunar eclipse can stir an internal crisis (that’s often brought about through external sources, especially relationships, which act as mirrors). This shadow work often brings confusion, doubt, and panic to its peak. Fear not: all of this is designed to spur a conclusion, culmination, ending, or decision about something in your life.

It’s a time to let your unconscious take center stage and tap into a side of yourself you’ve pushed down for some time—you’ll feel the shift with every ounce of your being, as if you’re being asked to find your way in the “dark.” Those suppressed emotions may come flooding back in a dramatic way because of the Leo energy. However, the saving grace for this eclipse is that with fire it comes in quickly, and then goes out just as fast!



New Moon Solar Eclipse :: February 26 2017 :: 8 degrees Pisces 

New Moon Eclipses signal new beginnings, but because 2017’s eclipse happens in Pisces, we will be asked to let go of something as well. Pisces is a collective storage house of the past—old karma, old energy, old psychic junk that you’re carrying around in your energy field that is ready to be released with this New Moon.

This particular eclipse is a double whammy—Pisces is ruled by the emotional element of water and the eclipse adds an extra charge to this already sensitive situation. With one foot in the material world and one foot in the spiritual realm, Pisces feels it ALL! She pulls on our heartstrings and pain points like no other sign. Don’t be surprised if you’re feeling quite sensitive for about a week and half before this one as the energy builds.

The key to navigating this eclipse is to stay grounded in your body, no matter how much you feel like you want to escape. Pisces is a master escape artist but this will only compounds any problems later on. Focus on your root chakra and even your sacral—dance, do yoga, send down a grounding cord. Really commit to feeling the feels but letting it move through you without attachment. This will help you remain on the earth plane at all times.

This New Moon Solar Eclipse will act as both a release and the beginning of a new chapter in your soul’s story. You’re being given the opportunity to heal your past lives and psychic wounds so that you can move forward with a new perspective on life in 2017! Be sure to offer yourself as much compassion as you do to others during this intense transition.

I wish you all a beautiful adventure in 2017; one that’s filled with all the excitement and joy your heart can carry (Leo)—and one that connects you deeper to your true soul essence (Pisces).

With love and light,

Danielle Paige, Danielle Paige Astrology, The Numinous, Eclipse Season 2017

For an invite to Danielle’s exclusive upcoming island retreat and to receive updates about all the energetic cycles, sign up for her newsletter here.


The Taurus waxing quarter Moon asks you to tend to your innate need for material comfort and security, to gather strength to rocket into the future—says Jennifer Racioppi…Collage: Bethany Harper-Walsh

Taurus Waxing quarter moon Jennifer Racioppi The Numinous Moon Club

Waxing Quarter Moon :: Feb 3 2017 :: 11.18pm EST :: 15 Degrees Taurus

Following the last Aquarius New Moon, this Taurus Quarter Moon asks us to take a look where our rebellious nature conflicts with our desire for stability, pleasure, and security. This opening quarter moon also occurs one week before the upcoming lunar eclipse in Leo. Like furniture about to be rearranged, eclipses sweep through our lives with force, offering us new positions for the décor of our existence. So get ready, because this quarter moon prepares us for the sweeping change February 2017 (a month with two eclipses) will likely bring. Fortunately, the upcoming Full Moon Lunar Eclipse boasts some pretty bad-ass aspects. Nice.

But before we jump to the eclipses, let’s dig into to this opening square between two fixed signs: Aquarius and Taurus!


With the Sun in Aquarius, the sign of the water bearer, rousing our progressive spirits, and the sky temporarily free of retrograde planets, we are pushed to align with our values. While Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion stations to go retrograde on Feb 5th, and Venus, who will go retrograde next month in Aries, already in her shadow, this Taurus waxing quarter moon emphasizes a moment where we can reflect on our gains so far in 2017. Thanks to the upcoming eclipses and pending Venus retrograde cycle, our values (and our truth) will push us to transcend the surface, reaching for greater depths within. Fortunately, the Sun in courageous Aquarius supports us nicely as we prep for the winds of change ahead! Allow the Sun in Aquarius to guide you in the direction of your progressive ideals.

Yet, the Taurus waxing quarter moon at 15 degrees (halfway through the second decant of this fixed Earth sign) resists change, instead clinging to what feels comfortable. Taurus, known for having a stubborn state of mind, helps us to tend to the practical details of our life, and can’t be forced into change. So while the Moon moves through this fixed Earth sign our emotional needs may require some pampering and deep soul nurturing. A craving for routine and luxury may stall us taking a risk on behalf of our progressive ideals. With so much upheaval happening in the political landscape, take the time to tend to your inner needs at this time.

With the sun in rebellious Aquarius, a fixed air sign, squaring the Moon in security-driven Taurus, progressive forces conflict with the desire for stability. The Taurus moon prompts us towards safety, security, and luxury, yet the sun in Aquarius pushes us to reject routine, the status quo and take a risk. Like a rubber band stretched to its max in two directions, this Taurus waxing quarter Moon we are asked to reconcile our desire for safety, security, and luxury, in the context of our changing ideals and progressive needs. This clash between the desire for comfort and the need for change forces us to take a deeper look at our values (something we’ll be doing a lot of when the ruler of Taurus, Venus, goes retrograde on March 4th for almost six weeks).

As we find ourselves amidst eclipse season things may swiftly change. The spirit of the sun in Aquarius prompts us to follow our progressive inclinations, yet the moon in Taurus wants us to nourish our inner, emotional needs. The Moon deserves our quiet attention. Take some time this Taurus waxing quarter Moon to give it just that—tender loving care of it’s emotional needs. With the full moon lunar eclipse right around the corner (occurring in the sign of Leo—ruled by the Sun), and having just acclimated to 2017 (a Universal 1 year in numerology) we stand on the precipice of receiving our new marching orders. With change happening at the speed of light, don’t override your emotional needs. Stay grounded, stay nourished and tend to your comfort. This will help to bolster our resilience: our secret weapon during tenuous political times and eclipse season!

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with from Jennifer visit