The antidote for anxiety is to create your own manifesto for 2017, says Dani Katz. All you need to begin is a passionate cry of “Yes, I am!”

dani katz, yes, i am, yes i am coloring book, transformational coloring book

Despite any and all mainstream propaganda to the contrary, I happen to know that 2017 is going to be amazing—chock-full o’ fun, joy, personal breakthroughs, real-deal love, next-level sex, and quantum leaps in consciousness, success, prosperity, and lifestyle.

I know this because I also know that I, and I alone, am responsible for how I choose to experience reality. To this end, it’s become a daily practice—aligning my heart, mind, body, and spirit with my values, my genius, my desires, and my dharma. It helps that I have created a secret weapon—Yes, I Am—a hand-drawn, transformational coloring book that supports me in being my very best me ever, and in making 2017 my most wonderful year yet.

The book is divided into twelve I Am chapters, each one focusing on a different intention. I chose the I am theme because “I am” is the most powerful phrase in every mystical tradition there is, was, and ever will be—these two words are encoded with the transformative power of the multiverse.

And so, because sharing is caring, and caring is cool, I am offering up this manifesto, inspired by that aforementioned book of intentional awesomeness, so that you, too, can make 2017 your very best year ever.


“I AM SYNESCOPIC POSSIBILITY”the numinous, dani katz, yes, i am, yes i am coloring book, transformational coloring book

I choose to remember that limitation is an illusion that exists to be obliterated. I don’t buy into anyone else’s attempts to limit me, and I devote myself to surpassing my perceived limitations, and surprising myself with all that I can—and will—accomplish, and be, and share.



the numinous, dani katz, yes, i am, yes i am coloring book, transformational coloring book

I choose to align myself with love in every moment. I meet non-love with love. I love myself unconditionally, and al(l)ways, and I radiate that love outwards, towards everyone I meet and engage with (while remembering that boundaries and discernment are self-love, too). I know that love is a state of mind, and a way of meeting the world, and I commit to embodying this love more and more, and better and better, each and every day.



the numinous, dani katz, yes, i am, yes i am coloring book, transformational coloring book

Because the external is ever and always a reflection of the internal, I am committed to cultivating optimal health. This means sweating, breathing, and hydrating. This means eating organic whole foods, and getting plenty of sleep, and flossing and cleansing and supplementing accordingly. It also means minding my media intake, extricating myself from toxic relationships, and not overtaxing my adrenals on yerba maté, regardless of how yummy it tastes.


the numinous, dani katz, yes, i am, yes i am coloring book, transformational coloring book

While money, achievement and outward notions and acknowledgements of success are lovely, I am far more interested in being the very best, most integrated and expressed me I can possibly be. I embrace my uniqueness. I appreciate my individual quirks and characteristics, and all the ways they come together to make this once in a lifetime phenomenon called me. Fuck trends. Fuck in/out lists. Fuck envy, comparison, established standards of beauty and love and success and lifestyle. I’m carving out my own course, and I’m doing a bang-up job of it.


the numinous, dani katz, yes, i am, yes i am coloring book, transformational coloring book

Did you know that 99% of our reality is totally invisible? Yup. And so it is that I am living 2017 as a testament to unseen forces of good and love and fun and wonderful, knowing that the Universe is infinitely more mystical than I could possibly imagine, and that miracles happen every second, of every day. Bring ‘em on, I say.


the numinous, dani katz, yes, i am, yes i am coloring book, transformational coloring book

I know my value. I embody my wonderfulness. I shrink for no one. I am an empowered badass warrior of light and love and giggles, and I model this elevated awesomeness for, and in service to, the world at large. We. Are. Welcome.



the numinous, dani katz, yes, i am, yes i am coloring book, transformational coloring book

I don’t lollygag in the past, or worry about the future, because those are mere conceptual traps that keep me from experiencing the present moment, which is where reality (and juicy magical awesomeness) reside. I don’t surrender the miracle of my now to dark, dreary future fears, or what ifs, or worst case scenarios. I meditate. I focus on sensation instead of mind chatter. I trust in divine timing. I am patient. I am patient. I am patient.


the numinous, dani katz, yes, i am, yes i am coloring book, transformational coloring book


The earth isn’t just our home planet—our very own space ship, hurling us through space—it is a living, breathing, conscious intelligence. With this in mind, I honor her as I do all living creatures. I tread lightly. I conserve resources. I respect the gifts the earth so selflessly gives us—her oxygen, her water, her plants, her sunshine, and her gravity, as well as all the other beings sharing this ride with me. We are all of us earthlings. Every. Single. One. It is through this lens that I move through this magical world, ever and always grateful for these earth gifts with which we are so, so blessed.



the numinous, dani katz, yes, i am, yes i am coloring book, transformational coloring book

Abundance is a state of mind that draws to it like-vibrating experiences and energies. And so it is that I attune myself to the abundance that surrounds me. I root myself in gratitude for all my blessings. I give. I receive. I know my value, which colors my every exchange. I welcome free-flowing prosperity, and abundance, and enough for everyone. And so it is…


the numinous, dani katz, yes, i am , yes i am coloring book, transformational coloring book

Despite all illusory notions of time to the contrary, life is not a linear journey. It takes flexibility to flow moment-to-moment, and to hone in on what’s appropriate for said moments. And so it is that I choose to embody my most optimized version of myself, however that looks and feels in each moment. What I love about optimizing is that it requires a deep surrender to the wisdom of forces way bigger and more intelligent than I am. It’s the opposite of micromanaging. Aaaahhhh…so much easier.


the numinous, dani katz, yes, i am, yes i am coloring book, transformational coloring book

It was Meister Eckhart who said: “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.” Gratitude is a magical frequency that transports us to the present moment, and infuses us with graciousness and humility and appreciation. I commit to an attitude of gratitude in 2017. I choose to honor the blessings of what is, instead of lamenting all that isn’t, and all the ways I wish what is was different. And when mood, moon cycles, weather, and mercurial boyfriends threaten my peace of mind, and I stray into the dark and murky waters of fear and doubt and grief and rage, I commit to getting grateful, and to staying grateful, armed with the knowledge that I am not a victim, that there are no victims, and that everything is happening for a blessing – al(l)ways.



the numinous, dani katz, yes, i am, yes i am coloring book, transformational coloring book

I commit to Unity consciousness—to moving through the world armed with the integrated and embodied knowledge of our Oneness. I know that it is impossible to hurt another without hurting myself, as there is no other, and separation is an illusion. I devote myself to acting in service to the highest good of the whole of humanity, knowing that the only way to change the world is to change myself. I take responsibility for the reflections I attract, knowing that anything and everything that triggers me is merely a messenger who exists to point my attention toward shadows inviting acknowledgement and integration. I summon the courage, the will, and the fortitude to look said shadows directly in the eye, and to integrate them, in service to us all. We. Are. One.


Dani Katz is a human being. She writes. She draws. She dances. She lives in her native Los Angeles. Yes, I Am, her transformational coloring book chock-full of interactive inspiration, encouragement, affirmations, and awesomeness, is on sale here. Nab yourself a copy immediately!



Passion and drive are running high as we begin the new year, says Jennifer Racioppi in her reading for the Aries waxing quarter moon…Collage: Bethany Harper-Walsh

Aries Waxing Quarter Moon Jennifer Racioppi The Numinous

The Waxing Quarter Moon :: January 5, 2017 :: 12.47pm EST :: 14 Degrees Aries

2017 kicks off with a waxing moon. Between now and the upcoming Full Moon on January 12th, the moon gains light, amplifying her power, while adding energy to the intentions we set with the last new moon late December. As the Sun and Moon form a square, smack in between the last New Moon and the upcoming Full Moon, we have the opportunity to consciously integrate our growth.

Pay close attention to the details of your life and prepare for a cosmic shift in focus. The upcoming Full Moon occurs at 22 degrees of Cancer, forms a Grand Cardinal Cross between the sun, the moon, Jupiter, and Eris. A Grand Cardinal Cross reinforces evolutionary adjustments, realignments, and initiations, asking us to surrender our ego (as needed) on behalf of our (and the planet’s) highest good.


:: THE SUN :: The sun in productive Capricorn pushes us to do our best, and stay hard-working. Currently, the sun lags behind powerhouse Pluto by two degrees. With the sun in industrious, stalwart, Capricorn on her way to meet Pluto (they conjoin on the 7th) we can expect to feel focused as this position amplifies vigilance and intensity. Even with Mercury retrograde, the possibility of great gains keeps us highly motivated. Stay driven to do your best but be willing to surrender too. Pluto teaches us how to turn things over to God, and often has a humbling impact! So don’t hesitate to surrender as needed, and ask for Divine support!

:: THE MOON :: With the moon traveling through the cardinal sign of fiery Aries, an energizing influence imbues the cosmos. The moon represents our subconscious world, our emotions, and our feminine nature. Aries, on the other hand (much less concerned with feelings), wants results—and fast. While the moon is in Aries, we feel driven, maybe even impatient (particularly since she’s meeting up with erratic Uranus—a planet famously known for surprise changes). So be careful not to override your emotional sensibility. Stay connected to your inner voice and intuition. Give yourself ample time for self-care so that you can stay in-tune with you—your truth.

:: THE SQUARE :: With the sun in go getter Capricorn squaring the moon in impatient Aries, kindness remains paramount. Determination, innovation, intense focus and the need for change dominate this particular lunar influence. That said, don’t let it override your connection to yourself and others. Because the cosmic influence remains extremely action oriented and bold, yet simultaneously unpredictable and humbling, stay pure of heart. Hold a high vision. Connect to your deepest wisdom and stay generous with others.

:: THE MESSAGE :: Don’t become overly fixated on what you want. Lead with patience and kindness. Let your highest self triumph over your ego. Leave room for surprises, and ask for help. Prepare to overcome all obstacles as they arise through wisdom and collaboration. Watch out for self-absorption, or even arrogance, and stay willing to co-create with the Divine. Life happens for you, not too you. We are all in this together.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with from Jennifer visit


Want to make a difference in 2017? Numinous Founder Ruby Warrington shares 8 ways to be a spiritual activist…

be a spiritual activist in 2017 Ruby Warrington The Numinous

“Are you going on the Women’s March?” It’s the question doing the rounds as we come around from the collective anesthesia of the holidays and it all comes flooding back. The Trump regime. This is happening. Time to get back to work. Considering a lot of what I talk about on this platform involves the words “spiritual activism,” it may come as a surprise to learn that the answer from me is “no.” At the time of writing this I do not have plans to join the 200,000 + protestors who will march on Washington Jan 21, the day after the inauguration.

And it’s not because I don’t think that it’s necessary to vocalize our anger with the incoming administration. It’s not because I believe that humans mobilizing en masse doesn’t have any impact—just look at Standing Rock. But just as each individual birth chart maps a unique life path—a unique dharma—it seems to me that vocal protest is but one of many, many, many small and different ways that each and every one of us is being called to be of service in 2017.

When I launched our #TuneInPeaceOut event in September last year, it was because I had identified my big message for the world as being: PLEASE CAN EVERYBODY JUST STOP FIGHTING! WE’RE ALL ON THE SAME TEAM, FFS! “I guess I’m a massive pacifist,” I told the life coach who helped me boil it down. So it makes sense that when I think about my personal contribution going forward, it’s less about fighting against the system, and more about putting all my energy and ingenuity into creating a new way of seeing and doing things. A way that works for everybody.

Read on for 8 ways to practice spiritual activism in 2017…

1. DON’T HATE, CREATE. I equate creativity with spirituality, and so for me the term “spiritual activism” speaks to action that is an expression of our desire to create—create new conversations, create conscious businesses, create works of art that shake up the status quo, create babies who will grow to be future spiritual activists!

2. COMPASSION INTO ACTION. It also means taking action from a place of compassion and empathy—knowing that we are all connected. Like I said, we’re all on the same team—meaning, as humans, we all have the exact same needs (love, material security, freedom, to be heard and understood), and the exact same fears (pain, hunger, abandonment). Yes—even the President elect. Knowing this, the more our actions are about giving each other what we need, the better.

3. TEAMWORK. So, we’re all connected. Which means that working with others who share our goals is way more impactful that going it alone—as this creates a cosmic domino effect. Marches and protests are one amazing example of this! But also look at the impact of the online group Pantsuit Nation. Who’s doing stuff you see making a positive difference? Ask how can get involved.

4. CONSCIOUS COMPUTING. The Age of Aquarius has given us this amazing tool called the internet, which means we are literally all connected. Sadly it didn’t come with any instructions for how to use it to get everybody to stop fighting. It really is on us to a) figure out ways to use this tool to create good stuff, to get educated, to learn compassion, and to give each other more of what we need, and b) not get sucked into the shadow side of online life (misinformation, fear-mongering, and comparison/separation).

5. CONSUME BETTER AND LESS. In relation to spiritual activism, the message of conscious consumption is two-fold. Firstly, yes, every dollar you spend is a vote for the kind of world you believe in. Don’t believe in the objectification of women? Don’t buy fashion brands who objectify women in their ad campaigns! Obvious right? But we do it all the time without even thinking. Second, a lot of the times when we buy more stuff and eat and drink more stuff it’s a way to distract us from the stuff our soul came here to do. Consume less + feel more = get inspired to act (as uncomfortable as this can feel). Oh and all that money you spend on “stuff”? Could also be donated to causes and charities where it’s really needed.

6. SEE A SPIRIT FIRST. This is about seeing past what a person says and does, past what they believe, past what job they do, past what country or body they were born in, and looking for the human spirit underneath. And going from there. Also, making it your business to interact with people who are not “like you” on the outside, as a way to practice seeing the spirit on the inside.

7. RESPOND DON’T REACT. If the Donald has taught us anything, it’s how ridiculous and childish it is to go with your knee-jerk reaction to anything which could be perceived as a “threat” to you and / or your beliefs. Yoga and meditation are a physical way to build the spiritual resilience it takes to listen and digest first—making it possible to choose the right next course of action. The “right” action being the one that works for you, and for everybody else.

8. LISTEN. Everybody’s got an opinion. Everybody wants their opinion to be heard. And everybody says what they think will get the biggest reaction because everybody also wants their opinion to get liked on social media. But it can be the people with the quietest voices who need to be heard the most. Not to mention the least “likable” truths. So just be quiet and listen for a minute. Maybe ask a question, something along the lines of: what do you really need? This way, your next action can truly be of value to a fellow human spirit.

Read more about spiritual activism from our Moon Club founding members! We have curated a line-up of humans who are committed to creating good stuff for humanity, and who will be on hand to offer additional support and guidance to our members. Meet them here and read more about Moon Club and sign up here.


Cast and channeled by Lindsay Mack, using The Starchild Tarot

Ace of Swords, rx

Ace of Swords reversed might not be the sexiest card to kick the new year off with, but it is arguably the most valuable. You are moving through some deeply important shifts this month, Capricorn, ones that will have an effect on the remainder of your year. Ace of Swords reversed is inviting you to get clear on where you might be self sabotaging, resisting your expansion, or letting yourself be swayed by negative, low vibrational energy. You are on the verge of a HUGE expansion, loves, one that will powerfully transform your life for the better. You cannot really move forward into that expansion without inquiring about whether your thoughts and impulses are in alignment. Even if the untrue thoughts continue to swirl around, it’s okay—you will be clear, and that will make all the difference.

It is time for an intentional pause in your life, one that will enable you to truly take stock of any areas in which you are living in fear as opposed to truth. To do so will be tough, maybe intense, but the fear is worse than the reality. In other words, Capricorn, your brain is taking you for a little bit of a ride. It might be whispering stories of fear or dread to help keep you smaller, or throwing you off the trail with projects, endeavors and collaborations that are just a distraction for what you really want to do, or from the discomfort of the unknown. You might not be able to see it, or even identify it until you take that pause. If you can give yourself the gift of that, you will be able to get off that ride sooner than you think, opening your life to clarity and expansion.

Ace of Swords rx is one of those cards that can be flipped from reversed to right side up very easily, as long as we inquire. Once you take that step, Capricorn, the month’s energy will shift; what was confusing will become extremely clear, powerful and abundant. Ace of Swords is really a lightning rod for clear connection with Source, allowing us to manifest our brilliant ideas. It is a place of great power, which is why it’s so important for us to be clear when we are in this card. No more forcing, pushing or fear based actions. Take the time to get clear, Capricorn, and everything will start flowing.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Oppression/The Devil

Upon starting to write this Tarotscope for you, Aquarius, Spirit popped in my ear quite loudly and said, “They know what this means already.” So, there you go. I think all of you probably understand why The Devil has come to call on you this month. I think it is showing up for all of you differently at this time—some of you may in fact be lapsing into old addictions, some of you might be experiencing visits from your shadow self, some of you might be in a big cycle of brain chemistry contraction, locked in old thoughts, beliefs or anxieties. Either way, it’s not permanent; you are moving through a process of liberation.

The Devil doesn’t show up because we took a wrong turn, nor does it show up because we get sucked into a cycle of poor judgement and low vibe energy. Far from it. Even if you are engaged in some shadow behavior, there’s a root reason in there somewhere, a cry for that’s going unanswered. That cry might even be the desire to be free, to allow yourself to experience this shadow behavior without self judgement. You are going deep with The Devil this month, Aquarius. There’s nothing to fear—you will learn more about yourself, your brain, and the nature of your addictive cycles than you ever have before. Knowledge is power, so make sure you show up to class.

The Devil is a call to liberation, to free ourselves from the bonds of judgement, guilt, shame and self flagellation when we drift down an old path of addictive energy. The question isn’t, “How can I avoid this? How did I get back here?” The question is, can you let yourself be human? Can you answer the call of that cry within you? Can you forgive yourself? Can you honor the ebbs of flows of this human life, Aquarius? Can you let yourself be perfectly human? Can you allow yourself to be honest, raw, shining in all of your imperfection? If you can bow your head to the cycle that The Devil is highlighting for you, you are already free. The Devil is starting your year off with an incredibly powerful, soul level invitation to love, accept, and honor yourself as you are, Aquarius, however you are. Give yourself the support you need to move through any cycles of addiction, and cut the chain of identification.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Six of Cups

You are moving into the new year on such a beautiful, tender energy, Pisces. Six of Cups has the potential to deeply transform the whole flow of your year—it’s invitation to you is to open your heart, speak your truth, and express yourself vulnerably and courageously. You might be called to revisit old memories, flowing back into a time of nostalgia, whether painful or beautiful. Be willing to look at everything that arises, gently and kindly taking care of your inner child as you do so. There is the potential for much healing and emotional releasing this month, which is wonderful. It can enable us to become even more intimate with ourselves and our inner children, as well as to free up space within us to receive new experiences.

This great wave of expression, truth and experience will dictate the flow of your month, Pisces. You may swirl back and forth from the present moment to the past—there may even be moments where the two seem like they are getting confused with one another. If things become unclear, you can always come back to your heart, to the truth that resides there. If you tune in with that place, the truth of your current experience will always be clear to you. If you withdraw, the month will be more difficult for you. If you lean into your heart and your truth, so much love, support, and abundance will flow your way. Be the fish that you are; go for a deep swim, come back to the shores of your life, reporting on what you’ve seen there, then dive back in.

Six of Cups is an emotional rebirth, in many ways. It can take us back down memory lane, but it’s true invitation is to return to the purity of a child’s heart: free, open, unafraid. It is the place we all lived before we were burdened with heartbreak, sadness, trauma, or grief. For you Pisces, the nostalgia piece is important; there will be a great wisdom in the emotions and memories that flow back up to the surface. Rather than closing up or letting them take you completely under, feel them and tune into what medicine or messages they might have to offer your expansion at this time. Become a deep sea diver of your heart and soul, bringing back treasures to share with everyone in your life.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

The Wheel of Fortune, rx

Happy new year, Aries! What a powerful month you have ahead of you. Simply put, Wheel of Fortune reversed is inviting you to stay centered in the present moment, supporting you in creating the best possible foundation for your intentions to flourish. If you can shift your focus out of the future and into the here and now, you will set the tone for an incredibly abundant year. When delays or confusions arise, consider them little mindfulness bells, bearing messages from Source. Try to find a lightness and curiosity with those moments.

Ask yourself, what needs my attention now? Before you make that million dollars, do you need to open a business banking account? Before you meet your soulmate, do you need to work on receiving? Don’t limit this to romantic love with a partner. What about receiving compliments? Receiving help at work? This isn’t about getting what you want, but rather preparing you for what you have asked for. The more you drift into the future this month, Aries, the more banana peels Wheel of Fortune will slip under your feet to attempt to bring you back to the present moment. The banana peels don’t exist to screw with you—they exist to help you see things from a different perspective. We go from walking on two legs to flat on our back in a moment! There is a treasure here; it is the Universe trying to get your attention.

Your biggest invitation, Aries, is to not miss these signs. If we don’t consider the gift of the banana peel, we will continue to get caught in delay and distraction, not to mention victimhood and story. If we can honor the initial feelings that arise as we lay there, then actually find a way to laugh about it—we have succeeded in working with the moment! Then, perhaps, we might open our eyes and see a beautiful sunset that we weren’t noticing because we were lost in the future. We might even fold our hands behind our head, silently thanking the banana peel for the reminder that we need to rest, opening up to the fullness of the moment. In other words, Aries, your response to the present moment is dictating your future outcome, so be here now. If you can work with the complex energy of the Wheel of Fortune reversed, you will have a very bountiful year on your hands.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Knight of Wands

Damn, Taurus! What an crackling energy to set the tone of the new year! Knight of Wands is ruled by fire and air. This card’s electric energy brings with it a heart centered heat, leaving a trail of passion, sexuality and joy wherever it goes. This energy loves to be seen, to feel itself, to be front and center—to take action and look good doing it. Your invitation this month, Taurus, will be to plug into this frequency and allow it to permeate into your life. Knight of Wands energy could show up for you professionally, personally, and/or romantically. No matter what, don’t limit yourself.

Let this month be the alchemical shift it is meant to be for your whole sign’s expansion. Your only task, and it is a big one, is to blow past any fear or resistance to these energies and to courageously step up into your fullest expansion. No more playing small, being afraid to take up space, or dimming your light down for others. Blast off, Taurus—2017 is your year! Knight of Wands is a card of action, so no matter what area of your life this card shows up in, it is going to take you somewhere. USE this energy, Taurus. The medicine of the card showing up in the month of January is actually setting the tone for your whole year—it is important to embrace it’s power.

You can start by taking a gentle appraisal of all the ways that you keep yourself a little smaller, or in outdated patterns, whether consciously or unconsciously. It might be time for some big steps, might be time for small ones. Either way, expect some beautiful shifts to your life. Is it time to raise your rates, move across the country, or release certain people from your life? Is it time to launch the product, events or workshops you’ve been dreaming of? If so, do it fearlessly and joyfully. When and if discomfort or resistance arises, take it as a sign that you are on the right track—nothing aligned ever comes without contraction. Trust in that wise discomfort as you move forward this month, closer and closer to your dreams. Step forward, Taurus. Be willing to be seen in all your glory. It is time to shed the old layers that have so beautifully shielded you from shining in your fullness.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

The Empress, rx

The Empress reversed is getting real on you this month, Gemini. It is time for a change in the way you choose to move through the world on all levels—romantically, interpersonally, creatively, professionally, energetically and beyond. The Empress is divine feminine, divine Mother, divine receiving, the pure essence of Yin energy. She is comfortable, relaxed, dropped in with her sexuality, her creativity and her intuition. The Empress is also a Major Arcana energy, which is akin to a thunderstorm, or the curl of a wave; there is very little we can do to control these energies, and like the weather or the elements, it is best to bend with them, rather than against them. January’s invitation to you will be to surrender to this softer place within yourself.

It is time to evolve past the busy doing and over thinking that robs you of the wellspring of your vitality, and come back home to Empress energy. She has been calling to you for several months now, and I know a lot of you are feeling a lack of her in one way or another, whether physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. You will create and manifest a lot more through restoration and reconnection with your sense of play, receiving, and sensuality, Gemini. It is time to drop back into yourself, past the mind and into the body. The body is your refuge and your temple; you have to start treating it that way. 2017 is truly a year that isn’t going to let up on you until you are courageous enough to choose softness, rest, and a renewed sense of self care in the face of your mental contractions.

And by the way, this isn’t because you are doing anything wrong, or making mistakes. Far from it! The Empress reversed is here because you deserve better, and it is time to look at the old patterning and fear that keeps you from moving into this place of upgraded receiving. You can start by communicating your feelings, or moving into a willingness to accept help when it’s offered to you. You don’t have to be comfortable—you just have to be willing. Instead of getting swept away with your brain’s chatter, tune into what your body is communicating to you. A whole Universe of knowledge is contained within you, past the storm of your thoughts and patterning. Rest, listen deeply, come home to yourself.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Ten of Pentacles, rx

January is a month of limbo for you, Cancer, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It fact, it’s powerfully aligned. If you can flow with the unknown and move into quiet, focused inner work, much will be manifested out of this time. This period of your life is best served by looking inward, rather than to material or external gains. The time spent in review will aid you in refining your goals, preparing you beautifully for where the next few months are going to be leading you. It will be immensely important to take stock of your aspirations during this time. You have to be willing to honest with yourself, to shift your life if some aspect of your path is no longer in alignment. Don’t let this scare you—these changes will only yield more abundance, joy and clarity in your life.

Ten of Pentacles when not reversed is a pretty perfect card. It heralds a time of completion, harvest, abundance, rich rewards for hard work. It also can be a time when we are birthing something new into the world. The reversal is a little heads up that some aspect of our lives is out of alignment, and thus is keeping us from this harvest, from manifesting all that we desire. Your job this month, Cancer, will be to clarify just what that is. It’s a little like driving a car that’s making a noise. It could be that your oil needs a change, it could be that your transmission is failing. The most important step is to cultivate the courage to go to a mechanic and have it looked at.

Either way, there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Either your car will be good as few for a few bucks, or you could trade it in for a totally new car. The one thing you cannot do anymore is drive your car around while it’s making that noise. Muster up the bravery and come face to face with your truth. Hard as it might be to hear, it’s going to bring only better, not worse, to your life. Once you move through that, you are free to make the essential changes that can bring Ten of Pentacles out of a reversal and into it’s aligned place, flooding your life with the gifts that are hovering right above you, ready to flow into your life.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Page of Wands

You literally could not get a more powerful, positive card for the start of your 2017, Leo! Page of Wands is joyful evidence that sets the tone for a profound shift in your life, markedly moving you from a year of hatching to one where you are fully out of the cocoon. You are ready to go, and the energy of the month is going to take you to your dreams and beyond. 2016 was a year full of ass kickings for your whole sign—profound, transformative, and full of blessings to be sure, but most certainly a tough ride in moments. This has been important for many reasons: to temper ego, to help you to trust life, to slow you down a bit, to get you more centered on the foundation than the outcome, to reconnect you with your intuition.

All of it was important and vital—but it is done. Whether you were aware of it or not, you passed the big tests. You waited. You paused when it felt excruciating. You trusted life even when it felt impossible to do so. You did the work even when you didn’t know it. You let yourself be lost and confused. You were willing, even through discomfort, to evolve. Evolution is exactly what’s been happening to you, Leo—moving from caterpillar to butterfly. The simplicity and the power of that is enough to crack your whole heart open. The truly, truly hard stuff is over, and what it’s left within you is a readiness, an openness, a richness and a wisdom of spirit that is priceless.

The Universe has been waiting for you to be open enough to receive the blessings, gifts and invitations that it wants to grace you with—you were so busy in your own stories and agendas that you weren’t able to do this until now. Bow to yourselves; you have come through a full rebirth. Page of Wands is your guide for this new era of your lives, lighting the flame, bestowing upon you a kind of grounded, rooted confidence that will propel you through your year ahead. This card’s energy has wrapped up the past, has shifted the impulsive way they used to do things, and is now moving in a way that is tethered to reality, allowing much to be manifested along the way. This month is the beginning of BIG transformation for you, Leo. You are ready—so leap.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Five of Swords

You have choice this month, Virgo. With Five of Swords, there is always a choice. You can choose victimhood or empowerment, to get sucked into an old mental pattern, or to decline your brain’s invitation into contraction. You could go down the whirlpool of destruction, self sabotage, guilt, shame, rage or fury—or you could just recenter, calmly honoring the gifts of your situation and letting all of it unfold into a place of power and transformation. Five of Swords is a card that can have a sting to it, which is a part of it’s medicine. The sting helps to get our attention. This card is going to help you to see the ways in which you have locked yourself into a pattern or cycle of negativity or pain—once you see it, it will be possible for you to be liberated from it.

This is a month, Virgo, in which you are going to have to be on your toes with your brain chemistry. The fact that you’re in Five of Swords is a great thing and a good sign—the brain doesn’t really invite us here unless it knows that it is losing some measure of control over us. This is a month to practice extreme gentleness in the face of whatever arises—internally or externally. It is a time to go slowly, to make measured choices, and to drop any story we have about this cycle in our lives. If you are locked in a story about how you were wronged, or how life is unfair, drop it. Honor the feelings, and move into choice, into owning the truth of your situation. No more self flagellating or victimhood.

As foreboding as all this sounds, it will only hurt as much as you’re identified with your ego and victimhood. If that’s the case, you’re already in pain. You can only have more of what you’ve got, or to be liberated from the cycle. This freedom is exactly what’s possible for you this month, Virgo. To see yourself and the ways in which you’re staying locked in old, painful patterns, and rather than getting caught up in a story about that, to choose a recentering. If you are courageous enough to turn away from the brain’s invitation into victimhood and story, you will be clearer, wiser, freer and stronger than you’ve ever been.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Nine of Pentacles

January is a time of sweetness before a big transformation. You are getting ready for some major, major changes this year, Libra—all hugely expansive and abundant. You have been through some unbelievably intense cycles in the past year, moved through major resistance and fear, and evolved like your life depended on it. January is the start of a fresh time, a brand new path of growth, blessings, and gifts, all of which will be borne out of the hard work and self love you’ve been cultivating and nurturing. Nine of Pentacles is the sacred guide that will lead you toward all that you are prepared to receive with open arms. You are ready—now let it flow in.

Nine of Pentacles is a beautiful energy, a sweet culmination of a time of committed efforts, and of knowledge and blessings gained through those efforts. Look around you, Libra. Are you anywhere near where you were at this time last year? My hunch for most of you is no. Even if the physical, earthly aspects of your life have stayed the same, YOU are different. You are not the same. Bless yourself, bow to yourself, give thanks, love, and gratitude to yourself. 2016 was an extremely intense year that came with so many challenges, invitations and contractions for your whole sign—you moved through that beautifully, whether you were aware of it or not. Now, it is time to reap the rewards of that hard work, and to step forward into your next level of expansion from there.

There is a two fold invitation for you this month, Libra—to bask in the glow of the gifts, abundance and blessings in your life as a result of your committed growth, AND to prepare to step onto a new path of mastery. The master’s path is the only option you have now, Libra. It is time to step into that new place of purpose, and of creation, to shed any aspects of your life that are keeping you locked in struggle, pain or resistance. Take a BIG leap this month, and it will pay off. There is no rug to be ripped out from under you. You are out of the dark and fully in the light, Libra. Expect to be showered with blessings, opportunities and gratitude this month. Absorb, trust and receive them—then begin to get clear on your next steps.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Four of Wands

This is your second month in a row in Four of Wands, Scorpio! A first for these Tarotscopes! Whenever cards repeat themselves, especially in a setting like this, it is very special. Not only does it mean that there are still lessons to be learned, wisdom to be gained, and medicine to be absorbed from a card’s energy, it also means that your guides are trying hard to communicate with you. Some aspect of the Four of Wands is deeply important for you, Scorpio—it has to be to come up back to back. Beyond the channeled wisdom that I will go into here, I encourage you to go off book this month, and tune in with this card in a more personal way. Read everything you can about it, look at card imagery from lots of different decks, read about the numerology of the number 4, and consider what the energy of fire might have to bring to your lives. This is a beautiful practice to drop into whenever we get repeat cards. Something is trying to communicate with us, and it is lovely to open ourselves up to that in any way we can.

You are still moving through the beautiful invitation that Four of Wands brings, which is to celebrate and honor a cycle of completion in our lives. When we are in this card, it slices away seriousness, cools intensity and softens our focus. It transforms the tremendous fire exerted in the Wands, channeling it into joy and celebration. This card’s energy has come here for one of two reasons, Scorpio. See which one aligns most with you: 1) You have been actively ignoring the invitation of the card, plugging away at life on an empty tank, not truly taking the time to recharge and refill your well, or 2) You are taking the invitation of the card beautifully, and the continued recommendation is to keep moving through your life with that same sense of full hearted flow.

For those of you who find yourselves in choice one, it’s all good! Just drop into the energy of the Scorps who have been flowing in choice two—restore, realign, rejoice in your life. Blow off steam, laugh, honor the journey that’s led you to this point, and let the whole month be a celebration of all your work in the past year. You deserve it.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Three of Wands

What a beautiful start to your 2017, Sagittarius! Your sign on a whole is on fire, truly stepping up as the powerful leaders that you are. It has been amazing to see this expansion blossom in all of you over the last few months. The energy of the coming year is only going to bring you higher, deeper and more fully into your mastery, and Three of Wands is helping you to kick off the journey in a truly potent way. The time has come to get clear, Sagittarius. Clearer than you’ve ever been. What do you want? Where do you feel called to live? Who do you feel called to be around? It might be time for some of you with tighter grips to let go of control, moving into a willingness to receive in a way that will ask you to surrender.

If you’ve been in the same situation for a few years, the latter is important medicine for you. In order for you to step up into this place of mastery, you have to allow January to help you clear out the old and plant anew. Three of Wands is such a powerful, potent, special energy. It truly heralds a time of transformation, shifts, and new groundwork. Your journey of expansion isn’t over—but you have leveled up. It will be very wise for you to take an inventory of yourself, your life, and the people with whom you teach, raise, serve and spend your time. Ask yourself if these relationships feel deeply nourishing to you, and how you could bring this higher level to the table for all of your relationships. The same goes for your job, your romantic attachments, your goals and dreams.

January is truly the start of a very exciting time for you, one that will ask you to really come forward with all of the gifts, knowledge and wisdom you’ve been quietly gaining over the last year. People need your wisdom now more than ever; it is time to share it at this new level. This may also be a time when you find yourself drawn to explore new avenues of service, learning, or experience. If you’ve been hungering for that, dive in. Three of Wands energy is all about new journeys, experiences, growth and knowledge, both gained and shared. Let it flow through your life and see how it effortlessly releases what doesn’t serve and brings more abundance in.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


The King of Swords is here to help us speak a necessary truth and declare our intentions for 2017, says Lindsay Mack


The King of Wands says get positive and think big! The perfect energy to max out this week’s Aquarius New Moon portal, says Louise Androlia in her weekly tarotscope.

You can watch last week’s weekly tarotscope at the link – did Louise’s message resonate with you? Share in the comments below, and connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!


The Capricorn moon sign is tougher than most – a balance of tender and tough, says Ash Baker. PLUS 8 lifestyle tips to help you manage your Capricorn moon sign. Artwork: Prince Lauder via

Prince Lauder on The Numinous

Fellow sea goats, gather around and learn about your personal take on the Moon. You project an emotional character that is sparkling with strength. Even your aura is made of resilient stuff. Capricorn Moons get a bad rap though because the qualities of this sign are the exact opposite of what the Moon stands for.

This means it’s a tougher Moon than others, but not impossible. I too have this Moon so I’m really speaking from the heart with this article. And it just means we have to work a little more mindfully at achieving the Moon’s needs via our sign’s attributes.

Capricorn stands for power, control, success and ambitious achievement. The Moon, our heart, wants to nurture and support through being soft and gentle. So this Moon’s purpose is to understand how to be vulnerable while still feeling safe. To not be too controlling. To let go of the ice queen/king tendencies. This placement can feel a bit dark side of the Moon. We stay cool and detached so we don’t get hurt. Learning to bridge that gap is key.

Capricorn does have something in common with the Moon though, they both enjoy taking care of needs. What those needs are varies but possessing the ability to help fulfill them is strong. This can be a very realistic Moon in that Capricorns see the logic in emotions. They can come across insensitive due to being so grounded, conservative and stoic.

The Capricorn Moon sign needs independence and to prove that it can do things on it’s own. So working towards the goal of embracing independence while asking for help every once in awhile would be beneficial. Just watch out for being too controlling of others to get what you want. You really take it to heart if you think someone sees you as unable to fulfill certain functions. Therefore you can become too rigid and bossy just to hide the fact that maybe you are not so perfect at everything you set out to achieve.

It’s okay. You are human. Our flaws bond us. Allowing those who love you to take care of you is HUGE. You want to remain in a place where you feel dignified and composed, but also open enough to depend on someone else. This is where true intimacy is born and your Moon can fully blossom. We each have an area of life where we feel the need to get the job done. The Capricorn feels respected, nurtured and fulfilled in doing so.

Below are a few suggestions to work/benefit your Capricorn Moon sign’s higher vibes.

:: Strength ::
Pick an exercise that makes you feel strong. One that gives you a feeling of power over your body yet humbles you at the same time. This sign rules the bone structure so if yoga suits you try this yoga sequence…

High Lunge :: Alanasana
From a standing position step the right leg/foot towards the back of the mat. Come up on the ball of the right foot with an inhale. Exhale and bend the front left knee. Make sure the knee is bent directly over the ankle. Tilt the pelvis slightly under and lengthen up through the spine. Inhale and reach the arms loosely into the air. Reach your upper body towards the ceiling and press the lower body down towards the floor. Come back to standing and switch legs.

Warrior 2 :: Virabhadrasana 2
Come back to Tadasana. Step the right foot back 3-4 feet. Turn your right foot to a slight angle with the toes out and the heel in. The left foot should be pointed forward. Inhale and reach the arms up and out in line with your shoulders like wings. Exhale and begin to bend the front knee directly over the ankle. If you are a beginner, lessen the bend in the knee but never take it further than your ankle. You should see your 1st/2nd toes. Make sure your torso is directly above your pelvis. Reach your arms out wide and feel them lengthening. Press your feet down into the ground gathering energy back into the body. Hold for 30 seconds up to 1 minute. Come back to Tadasana and switch sides.

Reverse Warrior :: Viparita Virabhadrasana
From Warrior 2, drop your back hand down to the back of your back leg or on your hip as you lean backwards from your side and reach your front arm up and over your ear, creating length in your ribs and side waist. Keep the knee bent directly over the ankle. Look up towards your hand as long as you don’t have any neck pain.

:: Time alone ::
You need solitude to plot, plan and stay on top of all the goals you want to achieve. Being such an independent Moon you emotionally benefit more from private time than some other signs do. If this is something that feels difficult to add into your life, really start to make it a priority. Put up some boundaries if need be. This quiet time will really benefit your heart in the long run.

:: Lighten up ::
Now, following the tip on alone time you also need to balance. Be sure to add fun, and silly experiences to your life. This sounds easy to most people, but it’s something you actually have to work at. This Moon sign is serious from birth. We enter the world like little adults. So going out of your way to go out and play is actually quite therapeutic.

:: Life coach ::
Being such a goal-oriented sign is a good thing, but it can get a little too controlling. So why not ask for some help? Hire a life coach to help get things in order so you’re not constantly obsessing over your never ending lists. This actually is a double whammy for you because it allows you to work on asking for help while still achieving goals piece by piece.

:: Bodywork ::
Massage. Reiki. Shiatsu. Any modality that helps ease the rigidity of your body from stress is going to do wonders. We all hold tension in our bodies but due to this sign being so prone to stress, a healing release is necessary. You may be guilty of only feeling comfortable when worrying over a deadline. If this is you, go treat yourself.

Happy healthy climbing Cappy Moons!


2016 numerology means we’ve entered a 9 Universal Year – where conclusions, letting go, surrender, loss, and transformation are key themes, says Felicia Bender.

2016 numerology on The Numinous


One of the reasons we simply can’t resist making New Year’s Resolutions is because we’re feeling a very real, very profound shift in energy from one year to the next. By the Numbers, it’s undeniable.

The number for each Universal Year is like the landscape or terrain we’re driving through all year, the state or country we’re driving through on our annual “road trip.” And everyone on the planet will be feeling the energy related to this particular number during the entire year.

You calculate the Universal Year by simply adding the numbers in the current year (in this case, 2016) together like this:

2016 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9

So the 2016 numerology makes this a number 9 Universal Year.

All of us begin feeling this energy starting January 1, 2016 and it’ll end on December 31, 2016.

So what about this 9 Universal Year?

Close your eyes and think back to 2008 (global financial crisis, anyone?). What were we collectively doing then? The reason I ask is because together we’ll be closing out the cycle that started in 2008—meaning, we’ll be evaluating and wrapping up what we started during that particular year because it was a 1 Universal Year. The 1 Universal Year is the start of a cycle—all about new beginnings. 2016 is a 9 Universal Year, which is the end of a cycle—all about completions.

Everyone on the planet will experience a year where conclusions, letting go, surrender, loss, and transformation are key themes. We can feel this, can’t we? From world politics to the microcosmic detail of our personal lives, it’s simply not business as usual right now.

2015 was the beginning of an intensly transformational Universal Year cycle. I call it a three-year “push” time (the Universal Year Cycle 8-9-1) where all of us will be met with challenges forcing transformation—pushing our lives into the next level of development and evolution, personally and for the planet as a whole. I keep seeing end-of-year postings on social media about how people are wishing “good riddance to bad rubbish” to the year 2015. This year was a challenging and intense year all around.

2015 tested all of us in the realms of personal power—it insisted that we stand up, step into our empowerment, and get it together with the material aspects of our lives. It was a year for financial gain (or loss) and was quite demanding on our time and energy. Everything was amplified in 2015. We were all being tested (again and again and again) in order to clarify who we are and what we want in our lives. Then it was the time to follow that up with action – whether that meant leaving things that weren’t working for us, or expanding our scope, taking some calculated risks, and moving into the “real us” with decisive action.

2016 is not the time to push, push, push. It’s the time to go back to the future (so to speak) and take inventory of the past—make amends, forgive, say your good-byes, and let go.

This is the year for surrender. It’s truly the time to place the oars with which we’ve been furiously paddling our life’s boat and give them a rest—to settle back and go with the current. It’ll take us where we need to land—despite the discomfort (if not downright terror) of not knowing the final destination. After all, there might be some rapids, waterfalls, shallow points, and maybe even some leeches and alligators along the way!

Handing over control and trusting a Higher Power instead of clinging to our Individual Will is the ultimate challenge of the 9 Universal Year—while at the same time moving forward with right action. Surrendering doesn’t mean sitting around and waiting for stuff to happen. If we’re ready, willing, and able to let go and move into a new, more highly evolved state of being, then 2016 is the year where dreams can manifest instantly. When there is no resistance, the full force of transformation has nothing to collide against.

When this happens, the beauty is in the breakdown. The butterfly is released from the chrysalis and can express itself fully and completely. Just imagine the transformation that could occur if, collectively, we could let go of what is no longer serving us and create a new paradigm. That’s what 2016 offers—the supporting energy to get rid of the old and make room for the new. This will happen across the board – in the world political spectrum and in our daily personal lives.

On the other end of the spectrum, the destructive tendencies of the 9 energy have to do with stubbornly and myopically hanging on for dear life to everything from the past (the comfort zone residing in suspended animation) — like a mausoleum of our own making. The whole idea that everything was better “back in the day” can be the ultimate caveat to progressing forward.

Clinging to a nostalgic past is one aspect of 9 energy that keeps us wallowing in quicksand. And then we wonder why nothing’s moving forward and life is clunking along as if we’re still driving a Model T in the age of hovercraft.

The magic of the 9 Universal Year won’t be fully evident until the dust has settled and we collectively create new systems to replace the old, outdated, or demolished ones.

2016 will demand our unabashed trust that what’s going is meant to go, even when there’s nothing solidly tangible to replace it with yet. The experiences gleaned in 2016 are a catalyst for global change and transformation with a humanitarian focus. The vibration of the 9 is highly creative and I daresay the Arts will be instrumental in this global change and transformation we’re working toward.

The number 9 is an innately “spiritual” vibration and, when we experience it, the challenge is in embodying and acting upon the constructive elements of all the numbers. That’s a big order to fill!

So 2016 is prodding all of us to take the lead in our lives (1) using love and diplomacy (2). We will be offered opportunities to communicate with a sense of joyful self-expression (3) while using our good sense, setting up a plan, and following through with hard work (4). “Freedom” can sought with focused discipline (5) and we’ll need to pay special attention to our domestic relationships and take on some added responsibility (6). It’s also about delving into our spirituality (7) while taking charge of our material existence (8).  And then wrapping it all up in a humanitarian bow! (9)


Daring greatly, a new favorite movie, some high-vibe gifts, a LOT of cosmic reading, and a 1/1 NYC tradition…

Ruby Warrington founder of The Numinous in her Yarnlight Collective healing scarf


:: MONDAY ::
In Berlin, celebrating Christmas #2 with my brother and his family (inc. my baby nephew Henry, see below!) Already deep into my internal review of 2015 – a majorly transitional year for me and pretty much everybody I know – I spent most of the time between swigs of gluhwein with my nose in Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly, which I have finally got around to reading since “daring greatly” is essentially what the lessons of 2015 have suggested I will be spending most of 2016 doing. A favorite take-away for you today – Brene’s definition of spirituality: “Not religiosity, but the deeply held belief that we are inextricably connected to one another by a force greater than ourselves – a force grounded in love and compassion.” So simple, so heart-shudderingly effective.

Me and Baby Henry
Me and Baby Henry

Bagged an actual bone fide upgrade into business on the flight back to NYC! But then I should have seen it coming – I’d been seeing angel numbers all day. We even departed from gate 22 at Heathrow, the number for manifesting your highest ideals and desires 😉 I had been planning to use the flight to get back on top of my email inbox, but decided to kick back and enjoy the hospitality instead. Which meant discovering The End of the Tour, a film telling the story of the five-day interview between Rolling Stone reporter David Lipsky (Jesse Eisenberg) and acclaimed novelist David Foster Wallace (Jason Segal). MUST SEE ALERT for some of the best quotes on celluloid about life, the Universe, and everything.

Returned home to some bonus holiday gifts in the mail, woot! From Numinous contributor Wolf Sister, a dark and mysterious chunk of Nuummite crystal (a personal power stone for accessing inner gifts, um hello daring greatly) and a vial of her signature Wolf Juice crystal tincture. And from Yarnlight Collective designer Adam Jones, a healing energy-infused meditation shawl from his latest collection (see main image). Just perfect since one of my other 2016 intentions is to finally learn TM.

With my mind on those intentions, I got stuck into the plethora of cosmic year-ahead reading material that had been landing in my inbox all week. Namely, Louise Androlia’s 2016 Tarotscopes; The Astro Twins 2016 Planetary Planner; Gala Darling’s Radical Self-Love Almanac; the new year ‘scopes from Chani Nicholas; Hannah Ariel’s new year mantra from our own weekly newsletter (sign-up in the side-bar); and Felicia Bender’s reading of 2016 as a Universal “9” year in numerology (check back here tomorrow to read her post). Phew that’s a LOT of information! And having crosschecked a lot of the info, for me so much of it comes back to one key theme – as summed up by my “Secret Soul Message” from Louise’s Tarotscopes: “It’s time to get super friendly with your fears” (a.k.a. daring greatly).

2016 tarotscopes by Louise Androlia on The Numinous

:: FRIDAY ::
That’s today, and here’s the plan: my husband (a.k.a. The Pisces) and I will be engaging in what’s become something of a 1/1 tradition since we moved to NYC four years ago – a four/five-hour mega-walk over the bridges and around the edges of Manhattan, talking out and writing down our intentions, hopes and fears for the new year and sending them into the Hudson river as we go. As well as the daring greatly, here are a few that have already come up for me this week:

Be the lynchpin in healing some of my family’s “stuff”
Get my US drivers license
Get coached
Forgive and accept my binge / purge personality
Go to Hawaii
Get back off sugar
Learn to take better selfies (see main pic)
Retrain my inner perfectionist to work for me instead of against me

How about you? For me, the new year isn’t about “wiping the slate clean” or a “new start,” but a man-made opportunity to check in with where I’m at on my journey and make any necessary adjustments to the co-ordinates. Happy sailing, tribe.


Cast by Louise Androlia using the Cosmic Tarot Deck.

Happy New Year! This month’s special edition Tarotscopes include your card and reading for January, PLUS a sneak peek from your Year Ahead 2016 Forecasts.

As a treasured reader of these scopes I’d like to offer you 10% off your 2016 Tarotscope using the code NUMILOVE2016. Download yours here!

Capricorn / Capricorn Rising :: Three of Wands

You are more than ready to dive into the space ahead of you, right? I’m excited to say that your January looks as though it will be off to a passionate and creative start. The key theme for this month in a social sense is collaboration and celebration – don’t feel that January has to be about the hard slog. Recognize that you are allowed to have fun on your day job.

On a personal level I feel as though you will probably start to see the rewards of what you’ve been working on over the past few months. At times it felt like maybe you were the only one who couldn’t get the hang of this ‘manifesting’ thing everyone is up to, but nope, the world is your oyster too babe! You are allowed to pat yourself on the back now, and proud of your achievements. And if something doesn’t show up, believe that it wasn’t meant for you. Sometimes we actually gain when it appears we’ve lost, because whatever it was wasn’t going to be for our highest good. What is present, is correct.

Your Year Ahead…
There is such a strong theme for you over the coming year, one of personal power, movement and victory! Which of course means that on the flip side, your job is to remember to stop and take a breather and accept rest when you can. This may well be your challenge, as it often is, to master the art of sensing in advance when you need to slow down – rather than actually reaching the point of burn out. I will leave this up to you to discover, but know that self-care does have to be a choice.

It seems as though the end of 2015 involved tying up a lot of loose ends for you, across the board. You got yourself clear on what wasn’t working, you stepped up to admit where you needed to make changes, and you accepted that things aren’t always in your control (or at least you kind of admitted that maybe they weren’t).

There is a lot to be celebrated and in order to notice these miracles, you are required to pay a little more attention to your day-to-day movements, and believe that there is possibly more magic in the subtleties of life than you first thought. Everything does not have to be black and white, life isn’t about winning or proving a point, and actually your intelligence is wasted when you don’t look outside the box.

Download your 2016 forecast here, and use the code NUMILOVE 2016 at checkout for a special 10% discount! You can also find Louise on Instagram @louniverse.

Aquarius / Aquarius Rising :: The Magician

Where are you going to place your will? What are you going to put your best energy in to? What are you holding yourself back from? What ideas have you dismissed to the shadows? What is your life force? This is a call back to your soul’s essence, the unique toolbox you arrived on Earth with, and the plan you came here to live out. So begin all of your endeavors for 2016 with the belief that you have everything you need – in fact “I have everything that I need” is your mantra for the coming weeks.

This is all positive ego energy, and I want you to work with it by owning your words and taking possession of your desires – especially by using your voice. Stand tall and accept complements, and proudly share what you are doing with others. Shred any last scraps of people pleasing tendencies you’ve been clinging to, and know that you are perfectly aligned for your year ahead.

Your Year Ahead…
You are set up to dive into a time of major expansion and new beginnings. Are you ready? I invite you to step into this new year with a strong intention to believe in everything about you and everything that you do. I know that sounds like a cliché but really it has to be a non-negotiable now. You are the only person that can renew your confidence; you will not find it outside of yourself. Over the coming months I feel that you have a stunning opportunity to awaken a new level of self worth and be totally surprised at how natural it feels. Um, that’s because you always were worth it, the search party can be called off!

I feel that any challenges will be around the concept of letting go – yes that old trick again, but with a stronger focus on how you perceive loss and failure. It In fact, I want you to chuck the word “failure” out of the dictionary along with any desire to constantly check what everyone else is doing and go into “compare and despair” mode. There is a natural flow to your life, and it’s completely unique to you. If you try and fit into someone else’s box it will NEVER work. It is pointless to try and be anything other than you.

With this in mind there is a wonderful spotlight on your talents, and for those of you who may be trying to find your “purpose” you might be relieved to discover that it doesn’t have to be an endless search and slog. Instead I invite you to bring yourself back to the present moment and start recognizing what you are naturally skilled at, and the curiosity you have for life and it’s lessons.

Download your 2016 forecast here, and use the code NUMILOVE 2016 at checkout for a special 10% discount! You can also find Louise on Instagram @louniverse.

Pisces / Pisces Rising :: Two of Wands

January suits you because it’s the perfect time to work on what you want to manifest over the coming months, and dreaming up your potential is always time well spent for you. Remember that manifesting = Intention + Action + Surrender, and that you are not required to put any of your dreams into a headlock.
This is also a great few weeks for thinking expansively across the board. Remember that knowledge is power, so if you want to discover something, don’t sit around waiting for it to present itself to you. Get curious and find out more.

You can think of this month as stepping through a doorway into a new home. What would you pack in your suitcases for the move, and what would you send out with the trash? Anything that feels too heavy to bring in, it’s time to let go and forgive. Know that you are clearing space for a grand adventure.

Your Year Ahead…
Grounding isn’t always your most practiced activity and this year I feel that you have a beautiful opportunity to actually get ROOTED in your experience. To be able to accept the material world and your place within it is an act of magic in itself. You see, the more that you welcome in the ground that you are standing on, the more you will trust it. It can be easy for you to reach outside of your self to put blame on things and people for what you are experiencing, but with these new roots attached you can discover that you always have empowered input to add to the story.

The human world may indeed bring its challenges but that’s okay and also normal – after all it is your home. I feel that you will be much less inclined to run away from people and situations this year and in fact be quite excited about rising up to meet them. The act of showing up, accepting where you are and then working with it produces more positive results than you could have ever dreamed.

All your miracles and magic this year are going to arise out of the unknown, so of course a grand theme will be a constant willingness to move forwards and let go (yeah that again!) None of us are designed to stay walking around in our past. Life is made up of a series of moments and energies that all hold hands to make a cycle. The unknown deserves your love and attention – and also your admiration. Go forth into tomorrow knowing that it isn’t a trap – it’s your rightful place and exactly where you are supposed to be.

Download your 2016 forecast here, and use the code NUMILOVE 2016 at checkout for a special 10% discount! You can also find Louise on Instagram @louniverse.

Aries / Aries Rising :: Six of Cups

The year kicks off with you feeling like you really want to assess the past year or so. This is totally okay, as long as you do it with a loving eye. For instance, casting your eyes back and picking out your perceived failures will not bring any great energy into the space ahead. Nor will comparing yourself to your peers and other people you choose to decide have it more “sorted” than you. Instead, this is a time to outrageously love recent events and remember that the past is best used as a teacher. Absolutely no time has been wasted and instead so much wisdom has been gained. You now have a whole wealth of knowledge that you get to play out in the days ahead of you – isn’t that kind of cool?

Another way to use the past in a positive way is via sweet nostalgia, the really good kind where you look back and feel gooey inside. I feel that within some of these happy memories, there are some magical tidbits too. It might be that you recall a great piece of advice or discover that you have finally kicked an old habit. Now is also the perfect time to request connection from loved ones who have passed on, so pay attention for winks from the spirit world.

Your Year Ahead…
It felt like 2015 was a really significant year of stepping up a level, whether that was personally, professionally, or both. Now, the task is to ground everything and learn to live within that space you have created. On that subject you will be frequently called to connect back to the faith you have in your journey, to choose NOT to mistrust your choices, and to really believe that magic is something you are completely connected to.

It’s clear that you will be dealing with a lot of people’s opinions, whether personally or related to how you connect to the world as a whole, and your way of navigating through this successfully is based on the relationship that you have with your self. I feel as though if you constantly work on communicating at a higher level, you will be able to step back from internalizing any anger and frustration. Instead you can work on channeling it into having confidence in your abilities and towards creating a strong community around you.

You are someone who always has the option to be a leader, and so it’s important to be solid within your own skin so that you can be received in the way you desire. There is nothing more empowering than really feeling like you’re able to manage the twists and turns of life, and of course – YOU CAN! Never forget that you are perfectly designed to be you.

Download your 2016 forecast here, and use the code NUMILOVE 2016 at checkout for a special 10% discount! You can also find Louise on Instagram @louniverse.

Taurus / Taurus Rising :: Three of Pentacles

There is a strong teaching element coming in for you at the start of the year, and I have no doubt you may be quite in demand as soon as the month kick off. Know that teaching and learning is a constantly evolving cycle – there is always knowledge to be gained and there is always wisdom to share. It feels as though you are able to be of service based upon wisdom that you have received from your experiences. It is a powerful thing to be able to give someone a “me too” moment, so know that even just sharing your story is a powerful act of healing in itself.

I feel you will also thrive from sharing ideas with another person or a group; it’s easy to feel stagnant when everything is just in your head. Having a “2016 brainstorm” exercise with a few friends should help to shift a few cobwebs and no doubt bring a few clarity-charged “ah-ha” moments your way.

Your Year Ahead…
This is a year ruled by higher learning and passionate action. I feel as though you have a huge opportunity to take that leap of faith you’ve been building up to for a while. You are also being uprooted from your earth element for a while and encouraged to move forward based upon intuition, empowerment and desire. It feels so good for you to accept these parts of yourself willingly and freely, without needing proof of what the outcome might be.

You will discover that empowerment comes hand in hand with how often you are able to accept your present moment. Every time you allow yourself to LISTEN and be guided. And when you finally power on with those decisions that you’ve been wavering on. It may feel wild at first to get used to perhaps a more fast-paced energy than last year, but do not be fooled into thinking that speed equals potential downfall. If Commit to trusting your intuitive feelings about your actions, and you will always be moving along the correct path for this moment in time.

Many things are going to return to a sense of fun and playfulness, alongside a nice celebratory energy. Your experience is of value and deserves to be nurtured. You really don’t have time anymore to be fighting against yourself OR to be blaming others for what you have the power to change and create. In any area where you are holding on soooo tightly, just start to allow yourself to shake it all loose and surrender to a more beneficial flow. Nothing can grow or succeed when it’s being held in a chokehold, and that includes you.

Download your 2016 forecast here, and use the code NUMILOVE 2016 at checkout for a special 10% discount! You can also find Louise on Instagram @louniverse.

Gemini / Gemini Rising :: Two of Cups

Your year begins with an air of romance; how does that feel to you? Think about old Hollywood-style swoon energy, and how you might be able to invite it into your days. This doesn’t just have to be a feeling that comes into your relationships, how about a love affair with your life in general? Love creates a perfect balance, and if you can infuse huge amounts of compassion and kindness into all areas of your life, you may just receive a love note from the Universe right back.

On the people front, this is a call to kick off the year with as many meetings with those high on your nearest and dearest list as possible. There’s no point trying to force anything, trust that what is right for you will feel easy, and games and dramatic theatrics will not bring you much but frustration. I feel a lovely leap of faith energy entering the scene too, so maybe it’s time to act on that healthy crush. Even if things don’t turn out how you think they might, you still have an opportunity to be surprised.

Your Year Ahead…
This feels like a very empowered time for you and definitely features a mastery of all that has been brewing in recent years. I can see many cycles being completed and created as you suddenly become aware of wisdom gained and lessons learned. It’s a joy to be able to finally see the circles completing and regenerating, and surely a great relief too. I encourage you to really take responsibility for your own adventure and be wide-eyed and willing to receive the unknown.

Your challenges will most likely be within the realms of showing up for your empowered self and not getting overwhelmed in the face of new responsibilities. You may find that it’s difficult to step fully into your brightest self however, and feel tempted to remain just slightly in the shadows. This way of working probably won’t be beneficial for you anymore, especially any of you hiding in the spiritual closet. It’s time to be very sincere about being YOU and all that it entails.

There is also a wonderful synchronistic energy hovering over your life this year, especially in regards relationships and expressions of love. Experiment with being insanely open to the idea of magic and miracles, you know, just in case they might be real. Just kidding, OF COURSE they’re real! I feel you have an opportunity to be really wowed, so do as much as possible to get yourself out of tunnel vision mode and into the energy of I’M READY, BRING IT ON.

Download your 2016 forecast here, and use the code NUMILOVE 2016 at checkout for a special 10% discount! You can also find Louise on Instagram @louniverse.

Cancer / Cancer Rising :: Seven of Wands

It’s time to truly release any expectations you’ve layered upon yourself. Whether it’s wishing that you could be less “weird,” that you had all the answers, or simply trying to force yourself to be “better.” Switch that pressure cooker off. The next few weeks are in places for you to set up a new and improved, non-negotiable practice of self-kindness. You do not need to prove yourself to anyone else, including yourself.

You also don’t need to fight in order to be heard. The best way to feel as though you’re able to express yourself clearly and get heard is to simply and fully embody everything you know. The idea of “walking your talk” is powerful for you this month. You don’t need to justify why you’re living your life the way you are. If it feels good for you, then GOOD, and if not – you always have the power to make new choices. Nothing is ever set in stone and there is always room to stretch, so make use of it.

Your Year Ahead…
Okay, so last year brought rather an overload of the fire element. Many of you were fire starting, but equally you really felt that burn, and that burnout. If you are nervously standing at the beginning of 2016 thinking OMG WHAT’S NEXT, you are not alone. This year is about settling the whirlwind you’ve created and about absorbing your ideas and then expressing them in a true and embodied way. You are you and no one else can do this job, your days are itching to be worked with. It’s time to get fully in your body and realize you can make it all work.

It’s also up to you to clear out stagnant energy within you, as well as accepting your own vulnerability as something to be embraced and nurtured. In order to receive what you really need, you must be willing to surrender up what you “think” you “want” – and that includes letting go of habits and thought patterns you might be hanging on to. This is certainly not the year of the grudge.

It’s a year of solidarity rather than illusions and delusions. The EARTH element wants to meet you now, and the present moment totally wants to be your BFF! Flapping around in the past or the future just isn’t your game anymore. It really is time to say a sincere hello to right now. You weren’t designed to be anyone other than you, so don’t wish away your experience or believe that everyone else has got it “sorted.” There is no such thing as normal, and your light bulb can only be switched on by you.

Download your 2016 forecast here, and use the code NUMILOVE 2016 at checkout for a special 10% discount! You can also find Louise on Instagram @louniverse.

Leo / Leo Rising :: Three of Cups

I feel like many of you were working so intensely at the end of last year, that you’re really ready for a break. And there’s nothing wrong with taking a slow start to the year, there’s no need to catapult yourself into chaos – so how about stealing some of that holiday spirit and infusing it into the whole month ahead?

There’s also a great emphasis on socializing this month, especially in terms of supporting the talents of those you most cherish and adore. Sometimes it can be really easy to get jealous of your friends, can’t it? However, know that whatever anyone else is doing has no ability to dim your light. If you rise up above those green eyes and really shout loud and proud about your friends then you will notice that you instantly feel a little more hopeful about your own endeavors. So how about hosting a start of the year ritual with your favorite people, and appreciating each other wildly.

Your Year Ahead…
There is a huge amount of softening to come over the course of 2016, and I love how this can really help you thrive in your day-to-day life. Naturally as a fire-starter you are used to working with a ‘GO GO GO’ energy, and it feels as though last year really was an example of that. If you are feeling a little exhausted and checked out, then it’s only a reflection of how much you put in. Something to be excited about, but perhaps also a call for a higher level of self care.

Over the course of the year I invite you now to really inhabit the more embodied and confident space that you have created for yourself recently, and discover that there are many different types of “action.” This type of settling is a sort of marinating of everything that has happened over the past couple of years, and it comes with a lot of celebration. I love your cards for this year because they are so watery and gentle – oh and very magical too. There is a real contrast to what came up in 2015 and so I hope that you will embrace this with open arms.

In regards to how you prepare to dive in, it’s wise to be intelligent and intuitive about where you place your will, your drive, and your power. Your will is precious and so is your time. You have a very lit up year ahead and it won’t serve you to push for anything that just isn’t working for you! I know this is hard for you, but letting go and letting be really will create more magic in your life. Ignore the signposts for self-sabotage and walk that path that feels good, trusting it leads in the perfect direction.

Download your 2016 forecast here, and use the code NUMILOVE 2016 at checkout for a special 10% discount! You can also find Louise on Instagram @louniverse.

Virgo / Virgo Rising :: Two of Swords

The year starts with a few major decisions to be made. These might relate to really physical things in regards to work or your living situation, but also maybe subtler choices about your own wellness and spirit. In times of overwhelm it can be easy to think that you “can’t” make a decision, which is just because anxiety often blindfolds your intuition. Of course it will still help to weigh up the pros and cons of a situation, but returning to your gut feeling is always the way to get to the heart of what you really want and need.

I also want you to consider the possibility that you aren’t really supposed to know the outcome of the situation you find yourself in. The Universe doesn’t reveal all at once, and the unknown is supposed to be a surprise. Your job is to drag yourself back into your body, to the RIGHT NOW, and ask yourself: “What is the most loving thing I can do for myself right now?” Then, go and do that thing!

Your Year Ahead…
Over the course of the year I want you to constantly check in as to whether you’re actually in the present moment. This is the only place that’s real; it’s the only place that is alive, active, and empowered. In fact, the present moment is really the VERY best friend of a Virgo, if you are willing to say hello. You love results and so can be quick to fly away into the future, planning, scheming and sometimes controlling. It can also be very easy to charge back into the past to find ways to explain what you are currently experiencing. The past and the future have their benefits, but nothing actually gets DONE there. Everything that is active has to happen in the now.

Ruling themes for 2016 center around a balance of giving and receiving. This includes a very big shouty sign pointing to SELF CARE, on repeat, and also includes releasing resentments you are holding towards yourself and others. There is also a chance to allow a softening of any walls you have built around yourself, knowing that you don’t have to close up in order to protect your energy and your boundaries.

Change is also on your side and a surrender practice will make a massive difference to any part of your life that you feel has you in a controlling headlock. Remember that letting go doesn’t mean you will be out of control! All that happens is that you hit a pressure release button, and instead of feeling like you’re fighting the tide, a gentle sense of flow starts to creep back in. Things are able to just be, rather than be forced.

Download your 2016 forecast here, and use the code NUMILOVE 2016 at checkout for a special 10% discount! You can also find Louise on Instagram @louniverse.

Libra / Libra Rising :: Ten of Pentacles

As the year opens up and invites you in, I want you to think about the footprint you’d like to leave upon the days ahead of you. This is a call to action and a call to being of service. Who would you like to help and how would you like to be guided? I feel that you can leap straight into the role of mentor, but also that you will find benefit in receiving some lessons yourself. If you’ve had it on your mind to contact a coach or a business advisor then what better possible time than right now? We all need help and if you’re always the one giving it, then you may find the scale gets a little unbalanced.

This is also the perfect time to jump right in with all your plans of action and get your goals set. Goals, by the way, are only helpful if you allow them room to stretch. Never, I repeat, never set a goal with a punishment attached to it. Always allow things the potential to change and flow, as this helps invite opportunities and also detaches you from any belief in the word failure.

Your Year Ahead…
2016 launches with a much higher energy than you may have felt over recent months. In fact some of you may be excited to leave 2015 and it’s deep-diving cycles behind. I hope though that you can also appreciated that your challenges were in place to lead you to higher ground.

There is a beautiful harmony between order, intuition and wild adventure to life now, and I feel you have the option to dip in and out of these energies throughout the year. Each area has potential for highs and lows and so your power will be grounded in your ability to really trust in the present moment. The fire element is present to remind you that magic is found through creativity and exploration, the earth element to help you step back from chaos and allow a sweet surrender of control. The water element is also constantly at play as you realize you can live and take action via your inner knowing.

Your confidence is on the up, and will get sturdier and sturdier every time you realize that life is not about approval. Seeking validation from others is a spinning circle going nowhere fast, and you just aren’t interested in that way of thinking anymore (right?) Now is the time to really show up and accept who you are and where you are, and in turn be excited for the days ahead. To have faith in your journey, even with it’s twists and turns, is an act of empowerment after all.

Download your 2016 forecast here, and use the code NUMILOVE 2016 at checkout for a special 10% discount! You can also find Louise on Instagram @louniverse.

Scorpio / Scorpio rising :: Queen of Swords

Do you own your story right now? In fact, have you even clarified what your story is? Your story is the life that you have lead so far, and its value is the wisdom is has gifted you of how to be of service to yourself and others. You have been given certain experiences very specifically to allow you to help others this month, and onwards throughout the year. In order to not feel weighted down by this web you’ve woven, I want you to mix the time spent bringing forth your truth with a lot of self gratitude and care.

Our personal lessons in self-awareness never end, there is always something new for us to discover and always-another can of worms to open. I want you to be also extremely aware of any comparison of your story to others. I see this in particular relation to a sense of time running away from you. Comparison is the thief of joy, they say. Don’t join the wrong party.

Your Year Ahead…
Last year I encouraged you to shake yourself into an expansive state of mind and remind yourself what FUN really meant to you. Did you notice yourself making any shifts in this department? As the deep sea diver of the zodiac it can be easy to think that the light hearted stuff is way too shallow for you, when you could instead be really getting to grips with everyone’s darkness. But balance is always key and it is important for you to create a harmony between your desire to be truly “seen” and a place where you can outwardly express yourself creatively and passionately.

As 2016 begins, I feel that you will be bringing a lot of chaotic energy down to earth – quite a relief, especially if you ended last year like many people with an abundance of overwhelm. You have over recent months been involved a lot of collaborating and manifesting, harnessing your creativity and experimenting with what worked and didn’t work for you. This year the focus is on bringing all of those discoveries back to the present moment and then working out the best way to manage everything to suit you in the most beneficial way.

I also want you to make this year about empowering your own individual sense of magic and the unknown. There is no longer space for you to be in a place of neediness about the future, or for you to demand that the Universe listens to you! Yes, things do happen as a result of external circumstances, but if you’re constantly blaming the external for your experience than you are choosing to give away your power. You deserve to feel the wonder of your own embodiment and now is as good a time as any!

Download your 2016 forecast here, and use the code NUMILOVE 2016 at checkout for a special 10% discount! You can also find Louise on Instagram @louniverse.

Sagittarius / Sagittarius Rising :: Four of Pentacles

You don’t have to do everything at once. It may seem like it, since you have soooo much to do right? But the message is to just start somewhere, not everywhere. If you get your claws too deep in too many things then it may be easy to slip into controlling mode – and didn’t you just do a lot of work on letting go? So, yeah, just go slowly, but still surely in the direction you have set with your intentions, and allow things to play out, with your guidance, but still some breathing room.

You also may want to take this start of the year energy to do some financial check-ins, again without a sense of panic. Try and take on a compassionate viewpoint as far as money is concerned, and allow some give and take. As much as you can overspend perhaps you can also hold back? And if you are afraid to spend some of the money that you have so carefully earned, know that you are allowed to give back to yourself.

Your Year Ahead…
Looking back over the past few years there has been this gentle wave of barriers crashing down and a softer energy moving in. You’ve stepped much more into your feelings and your intuition in ways that perhaps even you wouldn’t have predicted. As a sign that’s very much aware of the journeying of life, it is fitting that you constantly remind yourself of how your own personal cycles take shape.

You definitely have strong feelings of change around you, but this feels more like renewal and reactivating. The changes don’t seem to carry any drama, in fact your energy feels extremely loving and joyous and it seems that if anything your biggest challenge will be learning to accept feelings of happiness and stability. It sounds strange but often they are the things that scare us the most, the idea that perhaps you are fully equipped for your journey and you do have everything you need. Who knew?

I also encourage you to really embrace your weird and the woo woo this year, even the more skeptical of you. This can come by realizing that you don’t have to do things like anyone else, and that your spiritual practice is something that you can totally create yourself. You are the guru in your journey and the fun comes from experimenting with what feels magical to you.

Finally, I would love for you to remember that softening isn’t about becoming powerless or weak. If you keep building up on the self-trust that you have been working on over the last year then you will be more confident in all your endeavors. You’ve got this.

Download your 2016 forecast here, and use the code NUMILOVE 2016 at checkout for a special 10% discount! You can also find Louise on Instagram @louniverse.


Facing down 2015, it’s time to move out from the transformational vibe of the past 12 months and put the new you into action. Ash Baker shares a simple yoga sequence for Capricorn that’s designed to create a solid foundation for all that lies ahead. Images: Karolina Daria Flora


December 22 to January 19

Ruler: Saturn
Element: Earth
Modality: Cardinal
Anatomy: bones (skeletal structure), joints, knees and teeth

10th sign of the Zodiac

Here comes the New Year! Glitter, gold and cheers!

This is always an exciting time because things feel raw, open, attainable, and fresh.  The Queen/King of the mountain, the Cappy goat, looks down at all the terrain to be explored in the coming year with complete determination and resilience. Never fear though, this seabeast comes with the guarantee of seeking out solid ground so you can rest assured that harnessing this energy will be planted in reality. This sign doesn’t do whimsical, fleeting or cloud consciousness.

Use the cosmic energy now to get a head start on your biggest dreams, desires, goals and, of course, for facing your challenges. Take any downtime over the remaining holiday period to write a practical yet powerful action plan, and prepare your mind for gorgeous possibilities to open your heart in 2015! Capricorn rules the bones, the skeleton, the architecture that holds up our worldly suit. The below poses are designed to help cultivate a connection to your structure, as feeling strong is the key to conquering the year ahead!


:: Tree Pose // Vriksasana :: 

Bend your right knee and draw it up towards your chest. Hold it in place for a moment. Take your foot and place it on either your inner ankle, calf or inner thigh. NEVER on the knee itself! Press your foot into your leg and your leg back into your foot to create stability. Externally rotate your right hip out and your right sit bone under. Keep a bend in the left knee. Bring your hands together at your heart or raise them up like branches above your head. Repeat on the other side. Hold for three-five rounds of breath.

:: Chair Pose // Utkatasana ::

From a standing position bend the knees and come down like you are going to sit in an imaginary chair. Keep the knees pressing together. The more you stick your butt out the easier it will be. Let the weight be in your heels. Bring your arms slightly behind you with only a slight bend at the elbow. Extend the shoulders down and back opening up the chest. Feel your collarbone expanding and your core heating up.  Three rounds of breath. Repeat three times, with your goals in sight.

:: Downward Facing Dog ::

Come to hands and knees. Tuck your toes and root down through all ten fingers especially the thumbs. Bend your knees deeply bringing your belly to your knees. Feel the length and extension being created in your spine.  Press your hips/sitting bones up towards the sky and ground your feet into the floor, at least energetically if the heels don’t reach. Your head will extend out between your arms and allow your shoulders to drop and widen down your back. Come back down and take Child’s Pose. Three rounds of breath.

 :: 2015 New Year’s Meditation :: Letting go to let it in :: 

Come into your deep, rhythmic breath while either sitting cross-legged or laying on your back. Imagine as you inhale and exhale a layer of yourself that is worn out and tired, peels away like the skin of an onion. Removing any previous frustrations, heartbreaks and disappointments from the past year. Allow yourself to shed the old skin to become new again, ready for what’s next on your path. Stay here for five-10 minutes visualizing this symbolic dry brushing of things you no longer need on this new journey ahead.

:: Monthly Mantra :: I am my own source of strength for not only myself but others around me. That way we are all lifted up.