The BE Hive is a unique space for spiritual exploration in the heart of Hollywood. Alexandra Roxo talks plant meds and conscious entrepreneurship with founder Tamara Edwards

The BE Hive founder Tamara Edwards LA interview by Alexandra Roxo for The Numinous

Part of mine and Ruby’s mission with Moon Club is to meet people who are killing it at business but with a foot on the ground and an eye on the cosmos. People whose work is also of service to humanity. Which led me to Tamara Edwards, founder of The BE Hive in LA, a new space that combines wellness and workshops with co-working space and even accommodation. I love it so much, I now work out of there twice a week!

I decided to ask Tamara about the why and the how behind the project, because I know first hand that creating a business from the ground up is so so much work! As such, us spiritual entrepreneurs absolutely have to stick together, share, and inspire each other, as we create a new paradigm around money, community, and work.

ALEXANDRA ROXO: What’s your background and what led you to this work?
TAMARA EDWARDS: I grew up in a meditating household. My dad is an M.D and a practicing Ayurvedic physician and learned Transcendental Meditation (TM) from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the 1970’s, which allowed me to witness first-hand the transformational power of meditation from a very young age.

Over three years ago, my own practice led to me I founding The BE Society, a nomadic meditation group that gathers in myriad locations globally. And in 2016 I opened The BE Hive, an Urban Sanctuary in Hollywood, where groups and individuals can meditate, stay, and engage in other consciousness related activities and services. Now, alongside my career as a film producer, I travel internationally sharing meditation with private individuals, companies and even film crews.

AR: Oh dang. No wonder I like you. We both work in film and are conscious businesses owners. Amazing! So, how did the idea for the BE Hive come about?
TE: The idea came during a stay in a beautiful empty NY Soho loft. This particular space inspired the vision, but the concept was a natural evolution of The BE Society. The BE Hive is our sanctuary, a sustainable, eco-friendly sacred hub for practitioners to facilitate deep healing and share ancient knowledge and tools for expanding consciousness in a fresh way. There’s also a focus on plant medicine.

AR: What makes it different than other spots in LA?
TE: Blending hospitality, community and plant medicine healing has not been done like this before. Our current physical space is also the oldest building in Hollywood. We have 15 + rooms to play with. We are the only space in LA that provides accommodation with a strong intention for expanding consciousness, building community, creating deep connection, facilitating healing, and providing transformational tools.

The BE Hive LA founder Tamara Edwards interview The Numinous

AR: Why the plant medicine focus, and how does this fit with your other offerings?
TE: BE Hive is about expanding consciousness using all tools available—including yoga, meditation, tea, sound, food, science, design, space, movement and plants. I personally study plant medicine, and profound studies have been done over centuries on the power of plant teachers like Ayahuasca as facilitators in healing humans and creating harmony on this planet. Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda are also ancient and powerful technologies for enlightenment. I see all of these modalities as the master teachers. We are simply here to hold sustainable space for the knowledge to be shared and to blend them into a digestible format for the communities that gather here.

AR: Why is this kind of programming so important in these times?
TE: I believe this kind of healing is what our global family needs and is craving in order to deepen our connection to our souls and our planet. We curate specifically to address these needs. Each workshop leader is brought in intentionally because we have researched and experienced their work and feel guided to share their teachings. Each of these people are providing ancient concepts around nature, culture and gathering, in a fresh, accessible way. We are all about big visions that serve the planet!

AR: What’s in store for The BE Hive in 2017?
TE: We are taking everything to the next level. Expect solar powered energy, urban bee hives, rain barrels, a vertical garden, custom plant products, an amazing array of wellness services facilitated by the best practitioners around, and a new membership program.

AR: How can we go from learning about different spiritual practices to making real changes in the world?
TE: This requires PRACTICE! It’s such a blessing to receive teachings, insights, guidance, and epiphanies. However these things have no merit unless they are paired with intentional action. I ask myself daily—am I talking the talk, or am I walking the talk? How am I or am I not in integrity in this moment? Am I here now or am I here now-ish? 😉 As Gandhi said, the best thing we can do to see the change we wish to see in the world is to BE the change we wish to see in the world. Practice mastery of the self, and the action needed will come effortlessly.

AR: Do you have advice for female entrepreneurs? How did you get your start?
TE: My main advice to anybody is to meditate. Why? Meditation connects us to our soul, which enables us to access our intuition. Our intuition is our most advanced technology. It is our internal GPS system. It helps us to discover our purpose and to trust in ourselves. Being an entrepreneur is all about taking risks, following your gut, and taking leaps into the unknown. We have to learn how to trust ourselves and to continue trailblazing forward. Doubt is our roadblock.

What’s your sign? Capricorn in Western Astrology, Sagittarius in Vedic
Your mantra? I must do what I am afraid to do
Your fave food in LA? Paleo Bread with sprouted almond butter from Erewhon!
Your fave LA retreat or getaway? Sleeping in my friend’s Lotus Belle in Topanga

On December 25th 2016 Kitchari Kitchen sponsored by The BE Hive, Groundworks, & Sweat Theory will be feeding the homeless Christmas morning food and chai from 10am—12pm. Volunteers and donated gifts are welcome. Do discover more about upcoming workshops at The BE Hive visit


The Gemini Full Moon brings an opportunity to upgrade your belief system to mirror your truths, says Sandra SitronPLUS in-depth Full Moon study questions for each sign.

Witches of Eastwick Moon Club The Numinous Gemini Full Moon
Join Moon Club for access to our virtual GEMINI FULL MOON RITUAL! More info + sign-up here.

Gemini Full Moon :: Tuesday December 13 2016 :: 7:06pm ET :: 22 degrees Gemini

Tend to your words. Make them your garden. Your words will nourish you and help you connect to your truth. If you don’t fail them, they won’t fail you. They will be the sacred fertilizer of your wisest moves.

The Gemini Full Moon will raise questions of integrity. Who do you say that you are? How do you use your words? Do you speak carefully, judiciously selecting which thoughts you will bring to life with language? Or are you unfiltered? This Moon will help us orient ourselves to the truth within, and give a microphone to the voice of wisdom. Because of the nature of any Full Moon, this time can also show us how our use of words can go disastrously wrong.

So mean what you say, and say what you mean.

Have you ever had a conversation take you down a wrong track, so that you end up saying things that left you worse off than if you had never said anything? These moments create opportunities to notice patterns. Pay close attention to you emotions as you speak or write. See how your words can change how you feel? Notice the patterns in your own thinking or patterns that come up in conversations.

Gemini rules thinking and communicating on an elementary school level. Gemini gave us our first friends and our first sentences. It rules primary connections, mental and social. And the stuff you learn when you’re a kid gets so ingrained. If your mom said “I’m sorry” instead of “Excuse me” when navigating through a crowded grocery store, you’ll probably speak that way too. The language we learn as children literally forms how our brain works. It’s foundational.

Sagittarius, where the sun sits opposite this Gemini Full Moon, illuminating its lessons, rules thinking and communicating on an elevated level. You’ve made it to college. Words become philosophical and wisdom-seeking. Sag is your study abroad trip to see how other cultures think.

With the Gemini Full Moon opposite the Sun in Sagittarius, we are being called to monitor the basic thinking behind our emotions (Moon), and step it up a notch so that we can live more fully in our essence (Sun). We are being called to think, speak, and live in the full integrity of who we are. We are getting a chance to re-write old thought patterns and operate from a philosophical foundation instead of a habitual one.


The Moon And It’s Message
Tying the boat up to the dock.
Bring your ship ashore. Find solace in what you know to be true. Your spirit. Your heart. Your essence. The waves keep coming, but they are part of the sea, they are part of life. You are ready for more structure. More of an understanding of who you are. It is time to plan a new trip. You can come back to the map and delineate a new destination. Let the light of understanding flood your mind so that the waves of the emotional sea feel like an adventure rather than an obstacle.

Moon Opposite Saturn
Wood stacked in preparation of a fire.
It’s time to build a structure. Structure must begin with a solid foundation. If you want to build a good fire, you always have to stack the wood in the right way. If you don’t, the fire won’t catch. Push yourself closer to a plan. It will help with your thinking and your progress.

Moon Trine Jupiter
Unwrapping the gifts.
Support beams down from on high. This is the stamp of approval. Trust that your intuition will lead you in the direction of expansion. All you’ve got to do is trust, and the assistance will flow in. The gifts are already there.


Go deeper with your Gemini Full Moon self-inquiry, with these study questions by sign. For a more accurate reading, see where 22 degrees Gemini falls in your chart and also read for that house.

Aries :: 3rd house
In what area of my life would a dose of curiosity and lightness be helpful? Do I feel safe to be filled with wonder in my career? In my relationships? Why or why not?

Taurus :: 2nd house
Finish the sentence “Money is…” fifteen times. Write it down in list form.
Money is _______________
Money is _______________
Money is _______________ (etc.)
Notice what different words and ideas come to mind when you contemplate what money means to you.

Gemini :: 1st house
What beliefs need to be released for me to re-gain the confidence to express myself with joy and conviction? How is this manifesting in my self-talk?

Cancer :: 12th house
Write a letter addressed to your Higher Self. Write down your questions about your life. Using your non-dominant hand write the answers.

Leo :: 11th house
How can I make more space for my hopes, dreams and aspirations? What is my brightest future vision for the collective? How can I spread this idea?

Virgo :: 10th house
What conversations need to be had to make adjustments in my career? How could I be thinking differently about my career?

Libra :: 9th house
What new philosophical or spiritual horizon am I feeling called to explore? Is change hard or easy for me? What has been my past experience of big change?

Scorpio :: 8th house
What am I ready to move on from in my life? What kind of journalling ritual would support that “letting-go” process?

Sagittarius :: 7th house
What relationship in my life feels a little “sticky.” What past experience does this feeling remind me of? What conversation needs to be had?

Capricorn :: 6th house
Wh are two simple adjustments I can make in my daily schedule or workflow that will create more efficiency in my life? How can I hold myself accountable for sticking to this?

Aquarius :: 5th house
What are easy ways that I can add more creativity and self-expression to my life? Why is self-expression important to me?

Pisces :: 4th house
What are my true feelings about: work, money, relationships, sexuality, health and spirituality? In which areas am I inspired and empowered to shift my feelings?


A symbolic reading for the week ahead, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology


Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Popcorn popping. Your relationship zone is popping. Things are coming up. Maybe an important relationship is gelling and flowing. Or maybe the opposite is happening and you are getting triggered. Maybe a little bit of both. If there is no relationship stuff happening in your external world, study your internal world. Notice what thoughts are coming up about what a primary relationship is or isn’t. The emotional (aka reactive) Moon is lit up like a beacon in your relationship sector. This means that you’re watching emotions come up around how it feels to share, commune, give, receive, and face-off with a primary partner (significant other, potential significant other, business partner, best friend.)Appreciate the moments that trigger you. Getting triggered is an invitation to work with an old pattern. Wade through the high emotions and just sit with them. Question them. Take responsibility for them. Decipher the pattern that they represent. Take deep breaths and be present. Then talk it out with “I” statements. This Full Moon invites lots of talking. It wants you to flood your thinking with new ideas and create new patterns of communication. Stay light and versatile in your thoughts about relationships. Allow for new connections that help you break free of an out-dated pattern.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
A fox moving steadily through the forest. You are building upon what you have started. It’s time to make your life, your projects, your work, your body better, stronger, faster, smarter. The adjustments that you are making now are integral and cautious. They aren’t sudden or disconnected. Fine-tune. What are the things that you can do that are no-brainers? What are the easy ways to make your life run more smoothly? Deep down, you know what these things are. Implement the ones that you’ve been putting off. The changes you’re making now may be micro-adjustments. They’re designed to keep you balanced. For example, you could add in an additional 10 minutes of meditation, or create parameters for how long you’re on Facebook. Whatever the changes are, it’s likely that you’ve known deep in your heart that you need to make them. Take some time to listen to the subtle language of your body. Receive inner guidance that will help you make practical adjustments to your daily existence.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
The periscope of a submarine. It’s time to break the surface. Extend your reach and shine your light. The periscope reaching up, up, up symbolizes perspective, elevation, joy and fun. It’s about getting a break from a life lived under pressure. This is your time to expand your creativity. What does it mean for you to light up? Whatever it is, do it. Express your heart through voice, movement, craft, paint, words, nurturance, cooking, an instrument, a DIY project— anything creative. Maybe you’ve been in a period of reserving your energy, that’s been fine, but it’s shifting now. Now you need to be able to restore and then expand. Receive and then give. The contractions and expansions you’re experiencing now are like breathing. In and out. Make sure you’re participating in both giving and receiving. Do all of this with a full and joyous heart. Be very generous with your spirit. You’ll be rewarded with positive attention.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
The fog lifts. Get cozy. Rest at home. As you rest and restore, You may find that you see something in a new way. New clarity arises. New information comes together. The fog lifts. It’s time to move from foggy denial to love and acceptance. You are a lover and you have to love. And loving means being present. Being in your body. Don’t mess around with half-truths or buried feelings. Participate fully. The key to doing all of this right now lies in emotional security. You have to know that you are sheltered and protected. That you are safe enough to feel your feelings. Put extra attention toward your metaphorical and actual home-zone. Cleaning up stacks of papers and dusty corners will help you feel clear. Cleaning emotional house will help you get clear too. These are inward processes. That’s why carving out some time for yourself will help you achieve clarity.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
Arms outstretched. It’s time to make connections. Embrace your community, your friends, your tribe. Go after new ideas. It might be time to take a class. Engage. You are ready to participate in your world. Doing so will help you feel inspired. Or even fired up. Be done with the same old routine. You should be invigorating your mind. Shock yourself out of an old paradigm. This time for you is about opening your heart and your mind. It’s something you need to actually do. You can’t just assume that it will happen on it’s own. Keep pushing yourself to engage, arms outstretched. Throw yourself into new situations, with new groups of people. Remember that you don’t always have to be the expert, you can let yourself “enjoy the beginner’s mind.” Allow the energy to come from curiosity and wonder. Tap into these. Make them your resources.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Lifting onto tiptoes. You are trying to find new ways to excel. New ways to lift off. Study your foundation. Is it solid? Is it rocky or lined with cracks? The quality of your base will help you understand how high you can go right now. Think of your foundation as being the same as your self worth. If you want to reach great heights you have to have a steady sense of self worth. This week’s energy is helping you find security within yourself. What’s blocking you from believing in yourself 100%? It’s time to pinpoint this and let it go. You’ve got too much good work to do.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
A drumroll. The drumroll is building anticipation. Are you ready to step out into the spotlight? What will be the big reveal? Most certainly you’ll be defining a part of your personality. Allowing a part of yourself to flourish. You’ve got to come out on stage larger than life. You’ve got to let yourself be seen and heard and understood. The important thing for you right now is to be confident. Don’t flicker or waver, just be you. You’ll have to have strong boundaries to be able to assert yourself in the way that you are being called to right now. Whenever possible, choose action over contemplation this week. Think of yourself as the contemporary poster child for “Just do it.”

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
A sheepskin rug. There is some weariness in constantly maintaining a physical body. Which is why at this moment your focus is on the inner worlds—the emotional, spiritual, psychic realms. Shake of the drudgeries of the outer world and go inward. Curl up in a dream chamber filled with sheepskin rugs, incense and candles, then flow through the veil. What does this actually mean? It means that you need to carve out some mental or physical space that is devoted to your spiritual life. Build an alter, start a meditation practice. Go in. You need a break, and you need some inner wisdom. All the wisdom of the Universe is inside you. You just need to set up an environment that’s conducive for accessing it.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
Jumping up and kicking your heels together. You could have a lot of information coming at you this week. A lot of dots will need to be connected. This symbol, representing exhilaration, reminds you to have a blast while being a boss. Your work needs to be hinged on joy. You’ll be bringing people and ideas together. You’ll be planning your future and honing your approach. Don’t let this process be separate from love, grace and faith. Let it be light and fun. The tendency is to get bogged down in the ideas or philosophies of whatever you are trying to do . Remember the symbol of jumping in the air and clicking your heels together, so that throughout the week, you can keep coming back to a sense of exhilaration. Regardless of the administrative or logistical tasks you are facing, you will be able to maintain your direction and your lightness.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Changing the thermostat. You are turning up the heat. It’s happening in your career. It’s time to make some adjustments.You are being granted a moment of expansion in your career. Are you ready to heat up your work-zone? Basically, you are being called upon to make adjustments in your work that will help you take it to the next level. You have to take action here, by placing attention on what needs to change. Don’t underestimate the help that a solid home foundation can offer you in this process. Your comfort and safety in your personal life is what will allow you to shake up your public sphere. Make space for yourself so that you can make the changes you need to make. No rushing or extra pressure. Spaciousness and calculated adjustments are what will allow you to soar.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
On an airplane with a guidebook and breath-mints. New horizons. You are getting ready to broaden your mind. Allow it to be gentle. Help yourself grow and expand in an integrated way. Bring your guidebook. Stay clean and minty fresh. Travel in style to the outer realms of your experience. Think of this expansion as “coming into your own.” You are ready, finally, to break free of old, out-dated patterns and upgrade your philosophy. Maybe you’ve gotten used to change being kind of hard. It doesn’t have to be that way! This change is meant to feel supported. So slide into it. As you allow yourself to grow mentally, physically and spiritually, simultaneously recognize that you’re already an authority. You are prepared. Now all you have to do is take the journey.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A handmade quilt. This quilt represents being comfortable enough with yourself to let go of the past. You are cleansing. Clearing. Getting rid of the old. And moving on to the new. It’s time for you to bow down. Surrender. Get on your knees and cry into the soil. As each tear falls, shovel fresh soil over it to consecrate it. You are clearing out your psyche of any outdated emotions, beliefs and contracts. Give them all to the Earth to be transmuted into a different kind of energy. This is a keen moment for you to practice a letting-go ritual. You could try writing down what you are ready to let go of and conscientiously burn the paper. Or let a stick or a stone symbolize a feeling you are ready to let go of and then throw it into a river. A ritual is a symbol, and symbols are the language of the subconscious. Use your powerful subconscious mind to help you create change in your life.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


The numerology of 12/12 is a portal to cultivate awareness of how we show up in relationships, says Felicia BenderArtwork: Giulia Bersani

couple smoking cigarettes the numerology of 12/12 The Numinous

In Numerology, when we experience repeating number patterns it brings meaning and influence. It sets up a certain “vibe” or portal of energy from which to operate on a more evolved and optimal level.

The date 12/12 is no exception.

This combination is an intriguing mix because the energy of the 1 is focused on you—your independence and individuality. While the energy of the 2 brings in the need and desire for partnership, connection, and unity.

The numerology of 12/12 offers the energy to contemplate and make solid changes with how you show up for your relationships. And even if you’re resistant to making changes in this area, this number combination will force your hand. Often a transformation will be driven by forces you consider outside of your immediate control.

The numerology of 12/12 also offers a new start in some sort of relationship—or relationships—in your life. Business, intimate, family, or friends. 12/12 is bringing a frequency of change that focuses on relationships.

The number 1 is all about understanding your sense of yourself as an independent entity and the number 2 focuses on your relationship both with yourself and with others—so the numerology of 12/12 also has walks the path between yin and yang, masculine and feminine. And the harmonizing of the two within yourself and within your world.

So while this day offers a portal of energy encouraging dynamic transformation within one or more of your key relationships, it also reminds us to define healthy boundaries while also asking for and accepting the loving support of others. It’s a delicate balance to be sure, and yet a vital and expansive opportunity for us if we’re open to starting something new and different in the relationship realm.

:: 3 Ways to Optimize the Vibe of 12/12 ::

Get Real. As Dr. Phil might say: “And how’s that workin’ for ya’?” Ask yourself this question about your key relationships and lay yourself bare in your openness to the answer.

Take Action. The number 1 is not about contemplation, it thrives with action. Don’t think about it for too long. Forgo analysis paralysis and do what needs to be done.

Expose Your Heart. The number 2 is all about love, diplomacy, and emotional acuity. The danger is in folding yourself into others’ expectations and losing yourself in the process. So do evaluate your next move with love and compassion. Both toward yourself and toward others.


Trade the crystal ball for trust in your own voice, says intuitive tarot maven Liz Worth, and let your instincts create the future…

The Starchild Tarot, Liz Worth, Intuitive Tarot
The Starchild Tarot

“What I thought tarot would be like: I can see the past, present, and future so clearly! What it’s actually like: Damn, I just got called the f*** out by a deck of cards”- Recent Tarot Meme

In my 20s, I decided to get serious about tarot and, like many people, I assumed that it either required, or would provide, “psychic” abilities. I had high expectations of feeling fireworks and becoming a divine, open channel who could see and sense things before they happened.

What I didn’t realize was that by listening to myself, I was already doing the work, and it was The High Priestess herself who “called me out” during a reading. She encouraged me to look inward and not outward, and to trust in the gold-mining process for what I call “intuitive hits.”

Intuition is our instinct, the seat of our emotions, and what exists beyond our rational minds. This instinctive realm is completely unique to each of us and moves in accordance to our own specific, natural law. Intuitive hits come in all shapes and sizes; they may take the form of ideas, images, words, phrases, or simply strong gut reactions that cannot be ignored.

If you’re ready to have a conversation with your highest self—that divine connection to your soul’s path, purpose, and power—then intuitive tarot is a great place to start. Here are five ways you can begin to let tarot speak to you and, most importantly, through you.


1. You Don’t Have to Grasp For Your Intuition

Myth: You need to have “psychic” abilities—such as visions or premonitions—to use tarot.

Intuitive Hit: Keep a journal as you practice, and meditate on the following questions: What word or idea jumped out at me when I turned the card over? How is this card making me feel—tense, angry, hopeful, excited? What images or symbols in this card reflect how I’m feeling right now, or what I’m experiencing?

The answers to these questions are part of the card’s message!

Meditate On: The High Priestess, who can guide you back to your deepest inner knowledge.

The High Priestess, Serpentfire Tarot, Liz Worth, Intuitive Tarot, Serpentfire Tarot The High Priestess
The High Priestess, Serpentfire Tarot

2. First Thought, Best Thought

Myth: You have to memorize all 78 tarot cards.

Intuitive Hit: Worrying about getting it wrong is a sure-fire way to block your intuition. Next time you pull a card, write down the first thing that comes to mind, and let that thought act as your prompt for the rest of the reading.

Meditate on: The Hermit, who can help you learn from the times you doubted your intuition.

3. Re-create and Rebel

Myth: The meaning of each card should be strictly and statically interpreted.

Intuitive Hit: Let your life experiences, your upbringing, your ancestry, and your stories enrich the messages that your tarot deck holds. Journaling about your own associations and personal vocabulary when using the cards will help you begin to craft your own style of reading. Tarot is meant to evolve, just like us.

Meditate On: The Ace of Wands, who can keep you courageous, confidant, and creative as you start out on your tarot journey.

Serpentfire Tarot, Liz Worth, Intuitive Tarot
Serpentfire Tarot

4. Decide What Tarot Means For You

Myth: Tarot has only one purpose.

Intuitive Hit: Whether you want to utilize tarot for personal empowerment, predictive purposes, to enhance creativity, or for something else entirely, remember that you call the shots. Get clear about what tarot means for you, and how you want to work with the cards. Write your own manifesto, mantra, or intention to remind you of your goals at this point on your tarot journey.

Meditate On: The Empress, who confidently creates her own reality.

The Moon, The Starchild Tarot, Liz Worth, Intuitive Tarot, The Starchild Tarot The Moon
The Moon, The Starchild Tarot

5. Intuition Might Take Its Time

Myth: If the answers you’re seeking from the cards aren’t clear right away, you should probably give up.

Intuitive Hit: Patience and practice are often overlooked parts of the tarot reading process. Intuitive hits don’t always appear immediately. Sometimes, a card’s message might not make sense for hours, days, or even weeks later. Next time you’re stumped by a card, step away from it. Go for a walk, watch for omens, or ask a fellow tarot enthusiast for a second opinion.

Meditate on: The Page of Pentacles, who knows that patience is integral to growth.

**If you want to take your intuitive tarot journey even further, enter to WIN one of five signed copies of Liz’s new publication, Going Beyond the Little White Book: A Contemporary Guide to TarotTo win, follow @The_Numinous and simply tag your next Instagram post #Numitarot—winners will be notified by direct Instagram message shortly after December 16 2016.

Liz Worth is a Toronto-based tarot reader, astrologer, author, and creative coach who helps seekers, artists, and entrepreneurs get behind the veil so they can get going.


The waxing Pisces quarter moon is asking us to stay true to our most ideal future vision, says Jennifer Racioppi. Artwork: Bethany Harper-Walsh

Collage by bethany harper walsh waxing Pisces quarter moon The Numinous

Pisces Quarter Moon :: December 7th 2016 :: 4:02 am ET

We set our intentions with the New Moon, bright eyed and excited for a fresh new beginning. Yet, like clockwork, one week after the new moon we experience the waxing quarter moon—creating a square (90 degree angle) between the Sun, which represents our identity, and the moon, our subconscious and emotional desire.

This monthly occurrence signals the need for an adjustment. In astrology, a square is like a stepping stone, providing us the opportunity to overcome an obstacle on our path to manifestation.

So what does this Pisces Quarter Moon mean for us?


:: THE SUN ::
The Sun is currently in hopeful, expansive, and indulgent Sagittarius, on his way to meet up with serious Saturn—while the moon is traveling through the spiritual and emotional sign of Pisces.

Sagittarius represents limitless expansion. Yet just three degrees from Saturn, the planet of discipline, also in Sagttarius, we can expect a sobering vibe, asking us to stay diligent with our bottom-line focus. Saturn wants us to decipher and consolidate our Sagittarian vision, and making an exact conjunction with the Sun on December 10th, Saturn’s influence feels heightened right now.

:: THE MOON ::
Yet, the moon in Pisces is seeking spiritual expansion, perhaps even an escape. Any time the moon is in Pisces, we may feel the urge to retreat into movies, music, literature, even a joint and a glass of wine. But this is a time to confront the desire to abandon your truth. Instead of escaping, allow your spiritual practice elevate you.

The Sun in brazen Sag square the sensitive Pisces quarter moon creates a steamy combo (we are talking about fire and water after all!). Sagittarius, an outspoken sign, and Pisces, a sign that can sometime struggle to find its words, can work together to create a mood of expansion with undertones of spiritual freedom. Instead of escaping, let’s put our attention on spiritual expansion as a way of elevating our life goals.

As the moon waxes (grows), so does our focus on what we desire. So stay true to you. Manage your need for safety and security without abandoning yourself or your ideals! The Square between the Sun and the Pisces quarter moon asks us to look at our vision for our future, and then assess the work we must do to accomplish this. To be bold, be brazen, and be spiritually aware.

Here’s to your manifestation!

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with from Jennifer visit


We are so psyched to have Thinx Founder Miki Agrawal for our first Moon Club live Q&A! Here she shares her post-election thoughts for how to change hearts and minds…

Thinx founder Miki Agrawal Moon Club The Numinous

So he won.

As we pick up the pieces in the coming months, either we can continue to create a greater divide and point fingers at the racists, bigots, misogynists, homophobes, and the women who all voted for him (because let’s be honest, I can go on for days about that too), or we can finally start to ask ourselves why is half our country so upset?

This is not about Trump or Hillary, this is about the people who voted.

Maybe we do live in a comfortable bubble and can’t imagine why anyone would vote for a narcissus like Trump. But maybe there are reasons that are simply so far removed from our minds that it’s not even on our radar…Might we be missing something?

I will of course never tolerate racism, bigotry, sexism etc. But we have to look closer at what’s going on—and, more importantly what we can do to bridge the divide.

The day after the election, we held an all-hands team meeting at THINX HQ and we discussed what we can each do as individuals and as a company and we came up with the following:

1. We will not unfriend those that voted for Trump on Facebook but rather choose to have open discourse with them (without the bitch face)(i.e. with true open mindedness)

2. We will go to the red states and host THINX pop-ups there and get to know the people that we may not encounter often and talk taboos. Maybe we can open up their hearts and minds in those convos.

3. We will genuinely listen. Even when it’s infuriating and confusing. I am going to open up my ears and heart to my dad who voted for Trump. We haven’t spoken in a while because of it and I plan to build a bridge over Thanksgiving to really try and understand his side.

At THINX, we are faced with changing hearts and minds every day, talking about the oldest taboo in the world—our period—and sharing a new “period underwear” concept that might be hard to grasp at first (because it’s totally different to what people have known for so long). But we change hearts and minds through education, inspiration and inclusion, and by facing and answering tough questions earnestly asked (yes they really work and yes you feel dry and no they don’t smell and yes, periods are cool because it creates human life and no you shouldn’t be ashamed to discuss it etc).

By just speaking to those who already “get” the blessings of periods (and period underwear), it defeats the whole purpose. We want to change the hearts and minds of those who may NOT get it.

I am not trying to compare periods to what’s going on in our country, but there is an inextricable link to the shame and frustration that we feel all around.

The only way we can create true unity is if we ALL get off our high horses (me included!) and humble ourselves on both sides and listen to each other. And let’s not wait for them to do it first. It always starts with us. Yes we have a right to be angry and scared (I am too, and even more so after seeing who’s on his short list for cabinet members etc), but the best thing we can do is build more good businesses and programs that improve the world, educate people by doing it in a caring, non-condescending way, and participate in the discourse around us positively.

We have a choice. As corny as it sounds, I know deep in my bones that we all want to choose love. It always trumps hate in the end.

In blood we trust.

Discover more about Moon Club, a new monthly mentorship program for spiritual activists, at Co-founders Ruby Warrington and Alexandra Roxo will be hosting a LIVE Q&A with Miki Agrawal for Moon Club members on December 9 2016.


A symbolic weekly horoscope for your sign, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

Strong Eye Astrology gold pine cone The Numinous

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Pine cone. These last two years have been a time of massive growth. That growth continues. But you’ve been working at it long enough now that you have borne some fruit. A seed pod that is ready to be planted and fertilized. How will you tend to this seed, moving forward? Will you be focused enough to care for your vision until it reaches the height of a great tree? You are a natural adaptor. It is in your nature to shift to the next point of progression, and then the next, and then the next. But right now, it is becoming apparent that you need to stay dedicated to one seed, one project. You must be determined.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
The point where the sky meets the sea. The horizon line is both blurred and defined. Can you be defined and blurry at the same time? Can you allow yourself to know and not know? What do you feel you have to be certain about right now? What happens when you let it go? Let yourself be soft and vulnerable. You can try to build yourself up to being a good worker, a good member of society, a success. You may want to get your personality all boxed in and defined. But the truth is that you just don’t know yet. You are still a distance from the point of resolution. The horizon line is a vision, not a destination. It is always receding in the distance. Your true work right is not in defining yourself and your world, but in giving yourself space to feel. Let yourself be blurry and undefined as you work through old emotions and stories that are stored in your subconscious mind. Give yourself space to feel.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Veins in a leaf. The veins of the leaf carry water and minerals to all of the cells of the leaf, and they bring sucrose through the leaf and out to the rest of the plant. The veins are connective channels. You are strengthening yourself as a connective channel. Connecting yourself with society. Connecting yourself with your vision. Connecting social groups with causes. You are the conduit that brings together people and ideas.You need to strengthen how you do this. How can you connect socially and conceptually in a way that feels supportive instead of draining? It may be useful to consider monitoring how you interact with social media or news. You may feel a need to strengthen your community. This is a time for you to work on your long lasting friendships. Lean on your community for a sense of stability. Understand how all is interconnected.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
A dusty trail leading up. Climbing, climbing. Don’t be worried about the dust and the stones on your path. Some dirt under your fingernails now is a sign of hard work and persistence. Breathe deep within yourself and feel how strong you are. How you are able to just keep driving forward. This is your time to find stability in your career. Now you can feel truly supported by the hard work that you have been doing. It pays off. Know that where you apply effort, it will be rewarded. It may not happen exactly on your timeframe, but it will happen. Think of being truly devoted in your career. You may be a temporary workaholic right now. The key words for you now are effort and discipline. Lean into these qualities as you make your way up the trail.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
Bundles of red flowers. Luscious, lively, red flowers. Red— the color of passion and energy. This is your time to harness your passion. Step into leadership. You want to share your spirit with the world. Let your creative expression light a fire. You are seeking a higher philosophy. You are on a project to educate yourself about either a philosophical or spiritual subject. Make lots of room for perspective and compassion. The red flowers symbolize that you may be excited about the idea of bad things happening to bad people. Turn your mind toward compassion instead. More anger will just keep the wheel of destruction turning. Find a higher perspective that is sturdy enough to sustain you for a long time.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
An enamel teapot whistling shrilly on the stove. The long wait is over. The water has boiled. What have you been waiting for? Has a cycle come to a new stage of completion? Think about how you move through changes. It is necessary to let the old things fall away. The trees do it when they lose their leaves. The insects do it when they move through their stages of development. Look to nature for inspiration. Each season completely accepts itself. Summer doesn’t argue that it should be winter. Your fear may mark a place where you are resisting letting go. Your anger, another form of fear, may mark that place as well. Let your feelings inform you of what it’s time to let go of. It’s time to move bravely to the next stage. You can’t control how it goes.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Turning over cards. Show your hand. You can’t hide anymore. Everything is out in the open. Can you be perfectly vulnerable with another person? Acknowledge that your past experience has taught you some things about love and relationships. Some of these things need to be unlearned, and some of them are really working for you. Use your clever mind to figure out which are which and then sit still with the knowledge that you have acquired. Build new behavior out of it. This has been a changeable time for you in relationship. A relationship that is solid and is based on truth will stand the test of time. (And right now, time is testing!) A relationship that is not in alignment will be scraped away like sand on the banks of the river. Moving back into the flow, almost as if it was never there. Whether you are in a relationship or not, this is a time of solid learning and growth around your relationship behaviors. Apply yourself to the task of learning.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Tree roots. Root yourself down like a tree. Envision yourself a seedling that needs to be tended. Wrap arms around yourself. Feel your roots growing deep into soil. Tend to the basics—for the tree that means water, sunlight, healthy soil. Take this idea and transfer it to yourself—water, rest, nutrition, movement, love, friendship. Right now, make moves to support yourself on small practical levels. Drink your green smoothie in the morning, meditate, get enough sleep. This is your work. Do this work well and it will support you to reach great heights of love. That love will provide you with meaning. Use this time to learn how to live your life in a way of wellness and meaning.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
Fireworks. You are a rocket of energy. Like a firework blasting into the sky and exploding into millions of colors. Flames exploding and then disappearing. Burning out exactly the way they were designed to. How can you structure your creativity to be like fireworks? How can you structure your creativity to explode and then reinvent itself, rekindle the flame and explode again? It may sometimes feel like so much effort, so much work to share your light. It may feel like work to get yourself into a creative state of mind, but once there, that momentum can carry you forward. Focus on getting the structure in place that helps you share your light. Creativity needs structure and right now you are in a position to create that. Share your light. Don’t hold back Don’t allow laziness or lack of focus to get in your way. Structure is what you need for the purest expression of creativity.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Curled up in the fetal position. There are two parts to your message: the first is let go of your concern for all of the day-to-day worries. Let go of trying to make yourself perfect. The second part is to create as much support around you as you can so that you feel very loved. So that you feel very safe. Let yourself rest in a nest of love. Of nurturance. How can you ease your mind into this space of safety? Can you nudge yourself into a cocoon? Into a hug? Can you let yourself sink into it so that you feel completely supported, loved and held? Let go of the everyday inconveniences, worries and goals. And sink into the supportive nest that reminds you that you are loved and that love is all around you. Do what you need to do to allow your mind to receive this state of being.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Pencilling in the answers on a quiz. This pop quiz in school is helping you learn the basics. You need to go back over the basics. Study up. So that you can communicate to your highest level and connect with your community at your highest level. You need to structure your mind now. Get serious about how you learn and how you deliver your message. There is no longer any possibility of cutting corners in this department. You need to show up in your classroom, at your job, or at your desk with all of your faculties polished and ready to go. You can’t hold back your message any longer. You need to let it find a way through. You need to deliver. It’s time to become serious about what your mind has to offer.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A spider web glistening with dew. The spider web suggests that you are starting to feel creative, but there could also be a sense of danger. To be creative, one must have one’s need for security met. It is so important it is to feel safe. It’s so important to feel like you are allowed to be here. Strengthen the belief within you that you deserve to be alive. Know that all of life is valuable and that you are worthy. Denying yourself your own worthiness is the same as suffocation. Sit on the ground and let yourself sink into the earth. Know that you are of the earth and that you are supported by the earth. And that you deserve to be here. Everything about you is valuable. Your feelings are valid. Feel your feelings one by one. Let them flow through you. Let them bring you to a point of catharsis so that you are healed, stable and ready to serve. You are a great listener and a great source of security to those around you. But none of these gifts are able to shine if you don’t give them to yourself first. Settle into yourself and know that you are worthy.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


A manifesto for change; a new Moon Club cycle; self-care for the soul; Club SÖDA NYC; and what will you donate to Standing Rock?

Ruby Warrington Biet Simkin, Fern Olivia Valerie Oula Club SÖDA NYC The Numinous event
With Biet Simkin, Fern Olivia and Valerie Oula at our OFF THE RÖCKS event. 

:: MONDAY ::
Finished reading an advance copy of maverick philosopher Daniel Pinchbeck’s new book, How Soon is Now: From Personal Initiation to Global Transformation. Part memoir, part manifesto, Pinchbeck basically lays it on the line—either we actively choose to participate in facilitating a radical global consciousness shift, or we’re headed for social, political, and environmental armageddon. Which, as he tells it, is not nearly as scary / daunting as it sounds!

I defy anybody not to feel super inspired by Pinchbeck’s vision for a new Earth, and one which truly is within our reach. IF we all get on board—and fast. Reading this against a backdrop of the 2016 Presidential election / Standing Rock, two inter-related situations which, for me, represent the two sides of the current doomsday we find ourselves facing, there’s only one answer to the question he poses in the title: the time for action is NOW. Which is why I call it the Now Age!

The book is out Feb 21—please pre-order your copy NOW, since I just decided we’ll be reading it together for the very first Numinous book club. Click here to get yours.

Sagittarius New Moon…which means the first official Moon Club cycle begins! All our members received their Moon Mission PDF for this moon cycle (11/29—Dec 29) today, with an overview of the cosmic climate, what this actually means for us as human beings, weekly coaching exercises for each moon phase, and a reading for each moon sign. But it’s actually totally fine to sign up at any time during the month—as all new members receive a link to the current Moon Mission, and there’s some kind of scheduled activity every week.

For example, for next Tuesday’s first quarter moon in Pisces, Moon Club members will be invited to a LIVE interactive webinar with Thinx founder Miki Agrawal. One of our favorite entrepreneur activists, Miki is all about starting the kind of conversations that are an essential part of Daniel Pinchbeck’s utopian vision for the future. You can learn more about Moon Club and check out a sample Moon Mission PDF here.

Ruby Warrington Alexandra Roxo Moon Club The Numinous

Favorite, favorite new pampering / self-care treat: the Crystal Ritual Cleanse from colorist-stylist duo Lauren & Vanessa. Which is essentially a wash + blow-dry…with added reiki, crystals and essential oils! Designed to balance and activate the upper chakras (heart, throat, third eye, and crown), the treatment begins with me laying back at a hair washing station and Lauren asking me to select the essential oil I want her to work with. She then places crystals in each of my hands, and proceeds with a reiki treatment and head massage—working the oil into my crown chakra…with more crystals!

The treatment ends with a blowout from Vanessa, and I leave feeling deeply revitalized. And something has obviously worked on a “material girl” level too—literally every person I encounter during the rest of the evening tells me how great I’m looking.

Which, if I’m honest, feels kind of frivolous to even mention against the backdrop of the election / Standing Rock. I’m getting a crystal head massage, while people are (literally) freezing on the front lines? But I think meditation artist Biet Simkin made a great point in a FB post today also: “I almost feel like there is a shame now to post anything that isn’t completely depressing. But if you kill our spirit, how will we stand against these dangers!? For what will we stand!? We must remember light! We must remember the spirit inside us!”

As well as time with loved-ones, nurturing our bodies with delicious food, and feeding our minds with inspiring words, it’s self-care and pleasure rituals like the above that help keep us connected to our sense of spirit. To what we are fighting for. Yes, the time for stepping into our roles as global change-makers is now. And can’t we also feel really great while we do it? Click here to read more and book a treatment with Lauren & Vanessa.


Club SÖDA NYC. Another amazing turn-out and crowd for mine and Biet’s “sober curious” event—which also made Well+Good’s list of top wellness trends for 2017! Top tip from our panel on sober party pre-gaming? Write a gratitude list. I also had the realization during Biet’s meditation, that what we’re really craving in alcohol is a shift, an “escape,” into the right side of the brain—the intuitive, feeling, feminine side, versus the logical, linear left brain. We live in such a left-brain world (deadline-driven, progress-focussed), we’ve been left with a collective yearning for transcendence  that can often manifest in substance mis-use.

And yes, this shift to a more balanced brain state—where left and right, masculine and feminine, thinking and feeling—work in tandem, is also part of Pinchbeck’s Now Age vision. The challenge: investigate ways to get there that are also physically restorative, mentally enlivening, emotionally supportive, and spiritually fulfilling.

:: FRIDAY ::
Making plans to head to The Deep End Club community gathering tomorrow, and donate a bunch of Numinous sweatshirts to Standing Rock. They’re super cozy, after all. What have you got to give?

The Deep End Club Community Gathering Standing Rock The Numinous