A weekly horoscope for your sign, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology


Libra :: Libra Rising
A rabbit hopping toward a rabbit hole. Who will you find yourself to be when you are put to the test like Alice in Wonderland? Dear Libra, you are coming to new clarity. You are understanding more about yourself now. This information will be conscious and you will be able to make changes in your life. The fog lifts this week. The subconscious processing you’ve been doing comes to an end. And now it’s game time. You will be able to make the plans that are in alignment with who you are. You will be able to identify what you want and make key decisions. You may have to make choices that are abrupt. Some things must die away. There must be some sacrifice. But you can move forward unencumbered. You can play by your own rules. You can step into your birthright. Stand by your word. Don’t waver. Don’t let the creatures in Wonderland trick you with their swirly-whirly mind games. Know yourself, be clear, and be strong. You’ve gotten this far and you know something now. Trust in that and love yourself for it.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Crossing the river in a boat. You are going into netherworlds. All is not as it seems. Trust all of your senses. Trust your intuition. This week your focus is on your dreams, your emotions and your intuition. You may have to heighten your use of your right brain and ignore your left brain for awhile here. Depending on your personality, this may be more or less uncomfortable for you. Focus on how you feel. And don’t judge yourself for how you feel. All of your feelings are valid. Learning new things might seem difficult for you now, so just go easy on yourself. You might even have to unlearn something. You might have to admit you are wrong. Surrender your ego so that you can do this easily. Let boundaries dissolve. Ignore your own rules. Use this week as a time to reflect. Journal, pay attention to your dreams, and notice how you feel about things. Don’t try to make big decisions or get into any major conflicts. Let yourself be. You may even decide to retreat from the world a bit so that you can process. Allow yourself lots of time to do nothing. See what comes up.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Blowing dandelion seeds and making a wish. How many wishes have you been making lately? Maybe not enough. You get no limit on wishes. You get no limit on dreams. You can’t over-aspire. This week, get down to some serious planning and praying. You can even get your friends involved and make this a group activity if you like. Think of all of things that you want out of your life. Start with the big thing. Craft a statement that defines your purpose in the world. What kind of impact do you want to make? Who do you want to impact? This statement is powerful and there are no wrong answers.  You can change it later, sure. But not knowing your purpose is not good reason to ignore this advice. You know something. And if you aren’t sure exactly, then focus in on how you want tofeel. Craft the feeling into your purpose. After you have crafted your purpose, make more wishes about your daily life. Where do you want to live, what do you want to eat, who do you want in your support system, who do you want to influence, who do you want to partner, how do you want to feel? You don’t have to limit your wishes. The Universe wants you to dream as big as you can.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Eating cotton candy. You are experiencing joy, but you aren’t sure what is solid. This week you might be worried about standing on shaky ground. This symbol asks you to enjoy things, even if you aren’t totally sure. You need to remember that there is joy in the journey. If you don’t enjoy the journey, you won’t know how to celebrate when you reach your destination. The whole endeavor will feel empty. So, slow down. Have fun. You are entering a time when success comes naturally to you, but you may also have to let go of something critical too. Don’t hold on too tightly. Allow. Your biggest gift this week is that people will easily see your career potential. You may make some advancements. Remember that one of your greatest career strengths is your ability to compromise. Use your diplomacy skills. If everyone wins, you win. Have fun this week and take the time to help someone else out if the opportunity arises. This is how you will make great strides in your career.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
A cobbler making leather shoes. A shoe-maker can symbolize travel or exploration. It’s time for you to make sturdy shoes for yourself, figuratively speaking, so that you can reach greater heights and take on new adventures. Are you prepared to explore? You may need to get outside of your usual surroundings, or you may need to explore new ideas and philosophies. Heed this call so that you can get serious about what you desire for your life. You need to know more about the world. You need to know more about how you fit in. You need to know so that you can fulfill your purpose. Go exploring and come back refreshed with higher understanding.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Swimming underwater. To be submerged in water shows that you may have emotions you wish to discover. This week, validate your feelings. Be open to the changes that may come when you recognize how you feel. If you’re in denial about your feelings, you won’t change anything. If you’re clear about your feelings, you’re empowered. Are you someone who is really in touch with their feelings? If so, great! Sit in the emotional waters and notice how the tides ebb and flow. If you could use some help in this area, start by noticing what you’re reaching for. Compulsions like disordered eating, sex addiction, drugs, alcohol, over-work, or over-exercise are great clues that can show when you’re ignoring your feelings. The trick to understanding what feelings you are covering up is to slooooow down. Reflect. You can’t see what is really going on if you are going at top speed.  Make an effort this week to comfort yourself. Allow yourself to know that you belong. You belong to the world. You are allowed. You are loved. You are stable. Tell yourself this every night before you go to sleep. You don’t have to be anyone else. You are enough.

Aries :: Aries Rising
Two matching butterfly wings. Duplicates. Two of a kind. A pair. Your symbol and your current astrology speak to partnership. You’re a partnership expert. Sometimes you find yourself off-center as you figure out how to navigate the Giving and the Taking of relationship. You give too much or you take too much. Here’s a clue that can really help you this week, notice where you are holding onto control. And let it go. Chances are high that whatever you are trying to control is not going to matter in the end. Just breathe out and let it go. This practice is going to give you so much space to play! Let go of the squabbles and the outcomes and the little ideas that you have about who’s safe, what’s right, and how to get ahead. Then watch as your energy sky-rockets. This week you are going to want to start some fresh new relationship dynamics. Start new patterns with a partner. Or see who enters your life now. You thrive when you are initiating. And lately you may have been feeling bogged down with old patterns. So be brave enough to let go of what is no longer serving you. This doesn’t mean that you have to let go of the people in your life. You might. But it does mean that you have to let go of unhealthy dynamics. Be a loving warrior. Machete chop your ego. Look at your relationships from a higher perspective and see how you’re interacting with other people. Take 100% responsibility for your part.  Transition out of the old and into the new. Let what you don’t need to control fall away. And move like a butterfly out of the cocoon.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Going down a slide on a playground. Your current focus in on hard work. You are climbing the ladder. This week you need to go over all of the details in your life. What are you skimming over or “sliding past?” Use this time to it’s best advantage by taking it step by step. Look at your calendar. Are you working on the projects that are important to you? Have you blocked off time for them in your calendar? Are you taking care of your body? Do you have a morning ritual? Are you in a rhythm that feels good? There is obviously some fun in this symbol too, “going down a slide” is about the joy that follows the hard climb. This week, you’re balancing both the climb to the top and the exhilarating ride to the bottom. Get into a rhythm of work and play, exertion and rest. Focus your energy and master your levels of productivity. To be a high performer you have to fine-tune your physicality so that you have enough energy to succeed, you have to mentally focus yourself on your goals, you must create a good support system, and you need healthy habits. Get to work climbing that ladder so that you can fully enjoy the ride.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Taking flight. You are achieving creative lift-off. Harness all of your intelligence and mental energy into self-expression. No more hiding in the shadows. This week, step out into the light and be seen. Don’t deprive the world of your light. We need your special brand of genius. Take flight. Make it fun. If it’s not fun, it’s not worth it. Remind yourself that you are worthy, you are special, you are bright. Notice flying creatures around you— birds and insects. Meditate on how free they seem to be. How light and unencumbered. Bring that energy inward and let go of any beliefs that are holding you back from creative expression. Just fly. You don’t have to think about it from every angle, because guess what? It doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you are sharing your light with the world.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Head bowed in sacred prayer. You need to let go of your worries and trust that things will work out best in the end. Seek help with your responsibilities. You are not alone! You’ve spent a lifetime creating a support system. Call on them. Ask for help. This practice will help you feel nurtured and nourished and loved. It’s so reassuring to have help. You may come to a point this week where a relationship causes you to question something. If a situation like this arises, the answer will have to do with trust and letting go of attachment. You are such a lover and you give so much. This week, find little ways to remind yourself that you’re supported too. You are loved and held. You are safe. The energy of prayer is the energy of trust, gratitude and connection. Hold this sacred space.

Leo :: Leo Rising
Steam engine. You are finding your speed and revving your engines. This week, raise your level of mental focus. Pique your interest. Learn about something new. Stay energized, alert, and present. Keep a fast pace and don’t get caught up in mental quicksand, aka worry. It’s time for you to be in love with life. It’s time for you to go. And not look back. And not get stuck. Follow your fascination. Follow what is interesting, exciting and alluring. Follow it with all your heart. When you’re interested, you’re shining bright. And we need you to be bright. We need you to be alive. We need you to be present. Stay in love with the moment. Stay curious. Be filled with the passion that drives you forward.

Virgo or Virgo Rising
A bull fight. It may be time for you to take a stand. Especially around either your finances or your self-worth. Do you need to dig in your heels a little bit and stand your ground? Do you need to ask for a raise, or charge more for your services? Be compensated for all of your extra work. You are worthy. You are safe. You are secure. You deserve to be alive. You deserve to be a part of the abundance that is existence on Mother Earth. Feel the strength of belonging. Feel the power of saying Yes to your worth. Fight for it if you must. But fight with grace and love. Do good and get paid.


The Libra New Moon is an invitation to seek balance, by fully embracing the needs of yourself and others, says Sandra Sitron


New Moon :: Friday September 30, 2016 :: 8.11 PM EDT :: 8 degrees 15 minutes Libra

The New Moon is a time to set intentions—and the Libra New Moon wants you to initiate balance. Libra represents connecting people and ideas. Take this moon as a reminder to listen and share, to give and receive. To breathe peace. Within this balancing act, acknowledging what you need is so important. This Moon is a reminder that you deserve to get your needs met.

But you also have a responsibility to expand your thinking to include the other person’s position. To become an expert at walking with one foot in your own shoes, and one in someone else’s. So be humble. But don’t deny yourself in your humility. Seek to be satisfied with yourself too. The Libra New Moon offers big bright bold expansive rays of love and joy. This moon wants to help you fill your heart with joy. And from that place of joy, do the kind thing for someone else.

Stretch yourself to be generous with your words. Look for ways to balance out injustice. This moment is a reminder to find joyful and exuberant balance. Just remember: balance requires discipline. Requires us to be steady. Through disciplined actions now, you can create a sense of balance that will help you to expand.


New Moon In-conjunct Neptune
The dart falls in the sand. 

So close to target, but getting lost in confusion. This aspect is important because it reminds us that we have spent the last year being prodded by the uncomfortable intersection between reality and illusion. The Libra New Moon reminds us that we are still coming to terms with our collective denial. The ills and unbalance that we have been denying in our society are being seen—and it is very, very necessary. This Moon reminds us that illusion is uncomfortable and we must demand truth. The scales of justice must be balanced. Denial is unacceptable.


New Moon Conjunct Jupiter
A frog’s bellowing love-song.

The Libra New Moon is so big and expansive, our hearts can grow three sizes now. We can use this energy to fill us up with so much love that we are truly able to see things with a new perspective. This aspect is about growth. Higher truth. Inclusiveness. Adventure. Generosity. Set your mind to your greater purpose. Use this lunation as a reminder that you are unlimited. This moment asks you to define your most inclusive and just philosophies on life. How can you show up as your best self?


New Moon Sextile Saturn
A pyramid glows in bright sunlight.

The Libra New Moon is a moment to seek stability. To judiciously create balance in your life. If there is a area where you seek moderation, this will feel like a practice of self-love, opposed to a denial. Discipline is your friend. Planning is your friend. Systems are your friends. There is real security to be found in this moment. This is wonderful time to get your goals figured out. To plan out your projects and start mapping the steps that you need to succeed.

In Summary

The Libra New Moon feels secure. You can allow yourself feel secure enough to simple be yourself. To connect to the part of you that is untamed. To defend who you are, and defend the rights of others to be themselves too. By knowing yourself you will be reminded to trust in the goodness of all humanity.



What can I do to be more emotionally open in my partnerships? Am I challenging my assumptions about what it means to be in a relationship?

What is one thing taking up my time and energy that is not a priority? How can I change it to become more efficient?

How can I make more space for fun in my life? Am I prioritizing this enough? Am I celebrating my success?

Am I naming my feelings as they come? How can I allow myself more space for all of my feelings?

How am I engaging mentally with the world? When was the last time I was playful? When was the last time I was curious?

Do I believe that life is about the journey or the destination? If it is about the journey, then how can I allow myself to feel rewarded in the moment?

How am I showing up as a leader in my life? Am I truly saying Yes to what I want and No to what I don’t want?

Can I give myself some more free time? Am I prioritizing time for meditation? How easy is it for me to do nothing?

How can I make more space for my hopes, dreams and aspirations? What is my brightest future vision for the collective?

Have I defined my goals and the steps necessary to achieve my goals? How can I link the steps of each project to a desired emotional outcome?

What enticing new philosophies am I being exposed to? Do I trust myself to speak my truth?
Or is ti time to re-evaluate some of my beliefs?

Am I feeling all my feelings? How can allow myself to surrender emotionally? What makes it safe for me to let go of control?


A weekly horoscope for your sign, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology


Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Fruit growing on a tree. This is a time of resolve and a time of clarity. Get ready to usher in new understanding. Get ready to pick the fruit of knowledge this week. It brings wisdom about joy and pain. And it brings acceptance. Your focus is shifting from invigorating your sense of individuality to building stability in your life. Allow yourself to feel worthy. Feel valuable. Focusing on creating wealth and accumulating resources so that you can do what needs to be done.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Golden rings. Rings made of gold. Rings made of light. Rings symbolize connection and cycles. You will be connecting people and ideas. You will be making connections within yourself that help you know who you are. Stay on the look-out for more and more subconscious clarity. This week, open up to receiving important information from dreams and intuition.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A spiderweb. Imagine that you are walking through tall grass. Blocking your path is a spider in a web. She speaks and says: Stop. It’s time to honor your creativity. She is talking about the kind of creativity that comes without conscious thought. The kind that comes when you stop thinking. So, get the juices flowing and follow the creative path. It will lead you out of confusion.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Pegasus’ wings are made of feathers. It is time for you to be bold. You have the ability to reach new levels of creativity as long as you are comfortable with being unusual. Take a risk and embrace unexpected change. You have more ability to focus on your career than you have had for the past three weeks. Let Pegasus’ wings take you up to great heights. Reach for a broadened perspective. Another way of saying this is to suggest you stretch your mind.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Diving with dolphins. You are ready to expand in your career.  Your career success depends on the critical components of grace and camaraderie. So often it is easy to forget that. So often the drive is all that matters. You will be noticing how relationships are really the secret to success. Focus on play, love, and friendship. Let the dolphins be your example. Joy leads to all good things.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Looking for a cave in the side of a mountain. You are exploring. Seeking. Finding a new way. In your personal life this may feel as if you are fired up to travel or change your environment in some other way. It may feel like anticipation. Or a need to break free. Promise yourself that you will meet the itch by looking for new answers and new input. Look all around you for a trail that will take you to a to the thing you are hunting. Don’t be satisfied with the status quo.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Newborn animals suckling life-giving milk. You are needing to nurture yourself. Give yourself lots of space and time this week. Let yourself be new. Be at the beginning. Allow yourself the shelter that babies need. You may feel fragile. You may strongly desire closeness. Give yourself these things. Sometimes you have to reach for it, but you will find it. Let closeness heal you.

Aries :: Aries Rising
A high five. This week it’s all about partnership and finding camaraderie. You will also want to keep reminding yourself about balance. About giving and taking. About union and walls. You may have a desire to really connect with another person. It might even be a strong or forceful desire. Just keep balance in mind. Lean toward another person and stay true to your own individual nature at the same time. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You can meet in the middle.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Rubik’s cube. Ah, a brain teaser. How do you discover the correct algorithm to complete the puzzle? You just keep trying. As you practice, you learn the right way. Stay focused. This is your lesson right now. Dial it all down to the details. Settle in and look closely at how you are tending to your life. Are you taking very good care of yourself? Look around for ways to improve. Create order that allows you to build.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Friendship bracelets. You are ready to embrace love. Jump for joy. Go out and have fun. You are a playful creature, but it’s easy to become separated from that truth. In this moment you can actively remind yourself to have fun. Think back to how kids play in early childhood. That is the kind of fun you are shooting for. Just make it your number one priority. It will help you learn. Get your friends involved. Remember they are your rocks and they can meet you where you’re at. With true friends, you don’t have to be anything that you are not. Let them help you take yourself less seriously.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
A waterfall. Lots of feelings this week and every feeling tells you a little bit more. Let your feelings teach you. Dig down into your gut and know your truth. Honor it. This is your work. Allow the waterfall to flow through you. Don’t build a dam. Feel your feelings, but be little bit clinical about it. Don’t get too caught up. The trick is to allow the flow of emotions, validate the emotions and discover what the emotions are trying to tell you.

Leo :: Leo Rising
Veins in a leaf. This week you will feel bright and lively, but slightly serious as well. You may be feeling very focused. Prioritize your connections and friendships. Be out in the world, circulating and learning what you need to learn from your peers. Gently balance between work and play. This can be a very productive week for you if you allow your curiosity to lead you on your path.

To book a private reading with Sandra email [email protected] or visit


A weekly horoscope for your sign, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

strong eye

Virgo or Virgo Rising
Tea leaves forming patterns. It feels so good to know. To have the facts. To step forward sure of your path. But right now you can’t know. You have to hold space for the mystery. You have to make room inside of you to allow for other people’s chaos. And your own chaos. And the chaos of the universe. Find your footing in the truth of your heart. Respect your intuition. Inspect the tea leaves. Even if you don’t know how to read them, you will know how to read them. All you need to do is listen very closely to the beating of your heart.

Libra or Libra Rising
A seesaw. This is a week to find balance. But you must use gravity to help you. You must not push too hard or you will disrupt the delicate order. You have to think about cause and effect. You have to tread lightly. Control only the things you can control. These things are logistical and mechanical. They have to do with cause and effect. Let go of the emotional and spiritual things that you cannot control. These things you can only witness. Show up as a witness but do not apply pressure here. You have two goals this week and they are on opposite sides of seesaw. One is to refine. The other is to listen. Your challenge is to fulfill each goal at the right moment.

Scorpio or Scorpio Rising
Kittens eating food. The world needs your sweetness, your wildness, your generosity, your fire. Kittens are crazy, innocent, and fun. Be all of these things. Nourish your inner child. Push yourself to frolic. Let go of everything you’ve learned and focus on the part of you that is innocent and wild. Notice where you are being critical or judgmental and be creative instead. You need to express yourself now. It’s not always easy. We get caught up. We have responsibilities. We are sometimes habitually detached from joy. You can wash all of that off right now. Get joyful and nourish your inner wildness. Be courageous enough to give yourself the gift of freedom of expression.

Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising
Cross-country skiing. You are moving so fast. You need to be on the move right now. It’s healthy for you to explore your philosophies about humanity so that you can create new structure for your life. But this week offers you a chance to notice what grooves you are creating. What tracks are you following at breakneck speed? These grooves are foundational and they must be examined. The grooves in the snow are like the stories you tell yourself about life. Don’t tell yourself the story you don’t want to believe. Tell yourself the story you want to believe. Tell it to yourself over and over again. Make it into a love letter that you write to yourself. Nurture yourself with the story of your success.

Capricorn or Capricorn Rising
Going through the tunnel of a slide at a waterpark. You are moving quickly through darkness. So much is unclear. So much is not yet understood. There is so much to be learned. It is time to tell yourself a different story. You can start by noticing where you are anxious.Your anxiety is really fear. And fear can be annihilated by changing the story that you tell yourself. Tell yourself a story in which you are safe. And brave. Begin at the beginning of the story. Begin fresh. Begin in the darkness.  You don’t always love the mystery of the darkness. You would generally prefer to be an expert, not a beginner. But right now you are learning the basics and nothing is as clear as you would like it to be. So champion your curiosity. Make this process lively, fun and adventurous.

Aquarius or Aquarius Rising
Picking petals off a daisy. This symbol says something about hope. It’s a wish. “He loves me, he loves me not…” “She loves me, she loves me not…” A wish to merge. A hope to be together. This week you are reminded that you are always enough. And that you are always connected. Take the energy of your desire to be joined with another person and pour it into your own cup. Whether you are in a relationship or not, there is always an opportunity to feel more held by the universe. More safe and supported. So imagine the way it feels to be satisfied, fulfilled, secure and centered. Imagine these feelings with high emotion. Then fill your heart with gratitude for this experience. This is how you fill your cup. This is how your remind yourself of abundance.  Your task for this week is to sink into your rightful place on the crust of Mother Earth and to know through and through that you are enough. You are safe to be alive in this world and to be supported by it.

Pisces or Pisces Rising
Finding a path through tall grasses. Looking for a new path, leading the way. This week you lead. But here is the catch, you may be feeling more deeply and more intensely than usual. You have so much empathy for the experiences of other people that sometimes you can become overwhelmed. And when that happens you try to disappear. Don’t disappear now. Stay present. Keep listening closely for the voice of your intuition. That is the voice that will tell you where to lead us. It is the voice of your truth. It is the voice that you may have to be brave in order to hear. Trust your gut. There will be new heights of emotion this week. Conflicting emotion. But underneath all of that emotion, there will be the song of the truest part of you. Get quiet so that you can hear it.

Aries or Aries Rising
A unicorn’s horn. Something powerful and imaginary. Something ephemeral. This week you can experience a new flowering in the realm of your being that is concerned with faith. Are you a believer or a non-believer? Normally you prioritize reality, and reality is defined by the environment you can change at will. You believe in action. You believe in your own motivation. You believe in fire. But what about water? What about non-action? What about the void? What about the imaginary? What about the places that you can’t see, that you can’t change, that you can’t be certain of? What about the worlds that are behind the veil? The worlds that are made of chaos and dreams. The worlds that you can only guess at. The worlds that are too gauzy and vague to become the subject of your force. This vagueness must become the place where you focus your attention this week. Because in the vague and misty void you will find your new beginning. You may have to guess at it more than be sure of it. You may have to believe in it rather than see it. This week allow yourself to dissolve. Allow yourself to be unsure. Open your mind and surrender. Do this so that you can discover where to put your faith.

Taurus or Taurus Rising
Eating the highest leaves off the tree like a giraffe. Adapting. Creating innovative solutions. This week you can be gifted with a new solution. Something sudden and unexpected. Something that changes your future. But here is the catch— you have to be willing to receive it. And we all know how hard it can be to receive. You are meant to receive inspiration. To receive fully you have to get into your best receptive state. This is a state of gratitude. Begin with gratitude for the simple things. The air that surrounds you. The light through the trees. As you practice gratitude your neck will grow longer like a giraffe and you will reach a higher perspective. This higher perspective will help you receive inspiration. Your new solution. You can’t get to the solution from a place of lack. You must get to the solution from a place of gratitude. So go to the gratitude. If you try, you can easily put yourself there.

Gemini or Gemini Rising
A castle on the horizon. This symbol foretells of your dreams realized. Your stability. This week you are reminded that you must create a vision and then dig and in and work for it. Do the work. Roll up your sleeves. But keep your eye on the prize. This week you envision the ladder. You envision it rung by rung, step by step. See the structure that will take you where you need to go. Focus. Make a plan. It’s not always easy for you to do this. There are so many delightful places for the mind to wander. But keep batting away distractions and pour your heart into the vision of your destination. You have been on a bit of a roller-coaster lately. Now you need to feel your stability. Nothing offers stability like a very good plan. This is your chance to create a plan that you can repeatedly say Yes to.

Cancer or Cancer Rising
A spear flying through the air. When working with symbols, it is helpful to describe them the way you would to an alien who had never had contact with the imagery. “A spear flying through the air,” becomes “an object that is moving with force and is designed to impact the surface it contacts.” You are moving with force. You are moving toward knowledge. You are moving toward having an impact. You are philosophizing. You are hunting. You are seeking a new understanding and when you land, you will wish to change the nature of your environment with the thrust of your newfound opinion. This week you must go out of your shell and explore. Give up your safety and go. Let go of your container. Surprise yourself by being brave and vulnerable at the same time. You must soften your mind so that you can open up to new heights of knowledge. You will learn about your own humanity and the nature of humankind all at once.

Leo or Leo Rising
The long stems of a lily pad. Leo, this week you are learning how to open up and connect intimately with another. Whether you are in or out of relationship, you get to practice sharing your feelings honestly. This is how intimacy is birthed. Because of the nature of our society, sharing feelings is often a struggle. Often, it is not what we are taught to do. We must stretch ourselves to name our true emotions and share our true emotions. The stems of a lily pad stretch from the sandy soil at the bottom of the pond, all the way up to the surface. When they break out onto the surface of the pond, the lilies bloom in the full light of the sun. In just this way, you can stretch yourself to tell your emotional truth and breakthrough into full intimacy with another person. Take this risk. It is a practice that will help you share your light with the world.


How will Jupiter in Libra affect your sign? Get a reading of this week’s cosmic climate, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

strong eye astrology jupiter in Libra frog lily pad the numinous

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
A frog leaping among lily pads. A frog represents transition. You are using your strong legs to propel you to a new environment. Strength and flexibility. Let yourself expand without fear. Sometimes it feels scary to change and grow. Just leap through it. This week you experience an unveiling that affects your relationships and your home/family. This unveiling has been building since November 2015 and now reaches a point of new understanding. Neptune (mystery) is in your relationship house and has been squaring off with Saturn (lessons) in your house of home and family for the last year. Whatever has been coming up for you because of this face-off between idealized relationship and restricted home/family will work through its final stages over the next two weeks and the lessons may become more clear.

The frog symbol helps you remember to transition easily and naturally from tadpole to frog body and from land to water. Use this symbol to help you move easily through transitions. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, moves from your personality house to your house of self-worth this week to stay for a year. Over the last year, you have been expanding in your knowledge of who you are. You have been able to make your mark on the world. Now you move forward to expansion in your feelings of self-worth. This shift may even bring you financial abundance in the next year. You are entering a time of building your sense of security in the world.

Libra or Libra Rising
Stone steps leading through a garden. You find stable footing as you move through an enchanting and mysterious natural world. Stepping on the stones is like finding a solid idea to hold onto. You are trying to reconcile your conceptual ideas with your daily existence. Your daily habits may be feeling unbalanced, you may not be feeling grounded. Yet it’s not for lack of knowing how you want to your health and habits to be. This week you experience an unveiling that affects your mindset and your habits. This uncomfortable energy has come up a couple of times since November 2015 and now it becomes exact for the last time. Neptune (mystery) is in your house of health and habits and has been squaring off with Saturn (lessons) in your house of conscious thoughts or mindset. If you have been foggy about how you would like to feel in your body or in your daily health practices, this week marks the final tension between these two energies.

After September 20th the garden of your life will feel less mysterious and more practical. You will be better able to bring your ideas into practice. Yet, don’t move away from this time without learning your lessons, they may revolve around two questions: Where are your ideas about the world limiting your experience? and What are you in denial about regarding your health and habits? Jupiter, the planet of expansion, moves from the realm of your subconscious and into your identity sector, to stay for a year. Get ready for a year of expanding your awareness of who you are. You are ready to be seen, noticed and remembered. You are ready to lead. Take yourself seriously this year. Use the information you gathered about your subconscious patterns to help you create the life you want. Learn about yourself and shine bright with your true identity.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A horse taking jumps. The enthusiastic horse approaches a new challenge. There is an energy of risk-taking, sport and abundant energy to this symbol. You’ve taken a leap and you’re just about to land. A successful leap is only possible when you have sure footing. Over the last year, you’ve been learning lessons about your stability in the world. Stability makes fun possible. This week you experience a new understanding that affects both your sense of stability and your joyful self-expression. This new understanding is a point of tension that has been building since November 2015 and now reaches it’s final apex. Neptune (mystery) is in your creativity house and has been squaring off with Saturn (lessons) in your house of security. You must now reconcile security limitations with your dreams of self-expression.

After September 20th, you will have resolved the lessons of these tense energies. Take this time to feel really really safe. Embrace your sense of security and reaffirm your belief in the abundance of the world. If there has been fog or confusion around your creativity, let it burn away now. Question any self-imposed limitations. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, moves into the realm of your dreams and subconscious to stay for a year. This year you’ll be able to heal karma and subconscious stories that are no longer serving you. Use powerful positive affirmations and hypnosis to shift your subconscious beliefs. Take leaps and jumps into a new subconscious awareness.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Scooping ice cream. This symbol is about independent choice (you scoop the ice cream) and self-nurturance (food symbols usually ends up being about nurturance.) Do you know who you are? And, how do you take care of yourself? This week you experience an unveiling that affects your sense of self and your home/family. This unveiling has been building since November 2015 and now reaches a point of new understanding. Neptune (mystery) is in your house of home and family and has been squaring off with Saturn (lessons) in your house of identity. This could create a friction that has to do with knowing who you are in relation to where you came from. Or it could be about expanding into your true personality while freeing yourself from a need to be a caretaker to others. You are ready to take yourself seriously. Now you need to reconcile that with your idealizations about your home and family.

Idealization is not inherently good or bad. We all need to have a clear ideal that we can navigate toward. But, idealization that’s a denial of reality is a problem. Find your stability. Nurture yourself. Create a stable sense of home for yourself by honoring your emotions. This week, Jupiter moves into your house of hopes and community, to stay for a year. Your dreams for yourself and for society get a boost this year. Tune into your purpose and your sense of social justice. You will gain the most expansion from sharing and connecting with large groups of people. Open yourself to inspired thinking that will help you re-envision your future.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
A sling shot. Cause and effect. Pull back the sling and let physics take care of the rest. Aim true. This week you experience an tension that affects the relationship between your subconscious and conscious mind. This tension has been happening since November 2015 and now brings awareness to this issue one final time. Neptune (mystery) is in the arena of your conscious mind and has been squaring off with Saturn (lessons) in the arena of your subconscious. The sling represents your subconscious mind. It is on automatic. Whatever action you apply to the sling, it will use the equal reaction to shoot. What conscious action will you apply?

Wherever you have been on automatic, you have been experiencing pain. In fact, look at the issues where you feel stuck. Those issues are where you will need to start to apply a new kind of conscious pressure. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, moves into your career house to stay for a year. This is an excellent time for you to reach for your highest career goals. You will be supported in shining in the public eye. Use this time to align with your purpose and feel the satisfaction of social recognition.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Fairies in the woods. Fairies signify healing. You are being nudged to heal your sense of personal security and commune with like-minded individuals. This week you experience a tension that affects your sense of community and your sense of security. This tension has been building since November 2015 and now reaches a point of new understanding. Neptune (mystery) is in your security house and has been squaring off with Saturn (lessons) in your house of community and future visions. You may have been learning how to reconcile your individual security with the needs and dreams of a tribe. You are learning to feel safe enough to be connected. You won’t lose any part of yourself by engaging with the group.

By September 20th, you will feel much more secure in the world and the limitations you have felt in either community or dreams for the future will take a different tone. Stabilize yourself by looking at the natural world for clues of abundance. Go out into the woods and commune. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, enters your house of philosophy, travel, and exploration this week. Jupiter is happiest in this house. Let yourself expand to the highest perspective you can find. Travel and explore to learn more about yourself. Broaden your horizons this year.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Crossed axes. The crossed axes are instructing you to stop and review.  This week you experience an unveiling that affects your career and your identity. This unveiling has been constant since November 2015 and now reaches a point of final understanding. Neptune (mystery) is in your identity house and has been squaring off with Saturn (lessons) in your career house. This is a moment of discovery. If you have not felt quite clear on how to assert yourself in your career, the lessons will become more obvious. The fog is ready to burn away, but not quite yet.

By September 20th you will have more clarity about who you are and how you are making your mark on the world. If you have felt stuck in relation to career or identity, this influence is simply showing you what you are ready learn. Slow down and review your lessons. This week there is another major shift. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is entering the house that rules your ability to let go. This is also the house that signifies merging in emotional, physical, psychological and spiritual union with another person. Throughout the year your abundance will come from letting go of all of the things that no longer serve you. Allow space for all of your emotions. Feel expansion through trusting yourself and trusting your ability to merge in union with another.

Aries :: Aries Rising
Mountain climber. Climb higher to get a better view. Enhance your perspective. This week you experience a tension that affects your philosophies and your subconscious. This tension has been constant since November 2015 and now reaches a moment of new understanding. Neptune (mystery) is in your subconscious house and has been squaring off with Saturn (lessons) in your house of philosophy and exploration. As you climb the mountain, you gain a larger perspective of the world. Right now you are learning through expansion of your mind. Higher learning. This is not always easy. You may be breaking through some out-dated mental constructions.

This is a time for you to notice where you feel mentally pinched. Is it time for a new philosophy? Is it time for more awareness about how your subconscious habits are affecting your life? This is a wake-up call. Get out into the brusque mountain air and find clarity and a new perspective. This week brings Jupiter into your house of one-on-one relationships. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and this year you are able to create more joy in partnership. Expand through understanding that you are supported. You are safe to be seen. Your identity is enhanced through partnership.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Leaves falling from trees. This week brings you to a tension about how you control your environment. You are being asked to majorly let go of control. Wherever you experience a need to have power, that is where you will need to dissolve. This tension has been present since November 2015 and is now exact for one final time. Neptune (mystery) is in your community house and has been squaring off with Saturn (lessons) in your house of control/letting go. Your friendships, your community, how you interact with the world around you… all of this is changing color like the leaves of the trees and falling, falling, falling. You must let go. You must examine your emotions and surrender to the changes. Get your emotional needs met without trying to control your environment. It’s a delicate balance.

Over the last year you have had Jupiter moving through your house of creativity and self expression. Jupiter has brought you abundance and growth in these areas. Joy, love and creativity have been flourishing. Now Jupiter, the planet of expansion moves into your house of health and habits. You are entering a year of growth around health and efficiency. This year, set intentions for your most grounded and structured daily habits. Feel good in your body. Make your days happy and healthy. Learn about what habits would suit you best. Let go of whatever is no longer working for you and find new ways of living.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Dominoes lined up. The dominoes show how everything is connected. One moves and the rest move with it. This week you may experience tension that has been affecting your relationship and career since November 2015. This tension now reaches a point of new understanding. Neptune (mystery) is in your career house and has been squaring off with Saturn (lessons) in your house of primary relationship. Relationships teach the biggest lessons. They are a mirror for self. You have been learning great lessons from relationship, and there has been some fog or confusion around it. Career has also been limited because the dominoes aren’t lined up correctly.

These lessons will reach final resolve by September 20th. Use this time to write about where you have felt limited. Jupiter enters your arena of creativity and self-expression, to stay for a year. Amp up your experience of joy. The key here is playfulness. Watch children play and emulate that kind of action. Expand through joy and expression.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
A porcupine. Porcupine is helping you move from self-judgement toward imagination and innocence. This week you experience an unveiling that affects your habits and your philosophies. This unveiling has been building since November 2015 and now reaches a point of new understanding. Neptune (mystery) is in your philosophy and world view house and has been squaring off with Saturn (lessons) in your house of daily habits. Sometime we can be hard on ourselves. If you have been self-critical about how you live your daily life, it’s time to expand your philosophies. Find a more imaginative philosophical framework that will let you ease up on yourself.

This week Jupiter moves into your house of home and family to stay for a year. This is a year of building your emotional security. Be very gently with yourself. Nest and feel loved. Expand through your emotional support systems.

Leo :: Leo Rising
Sledding down a hill. Coasting. Blades cut through the snow. Cold air. Breathless. Letting go. Surrendering control to allow for joy. This week you experience a tension that affects your creativity and how you let go of control. This tension has been building since November 2015 and now reaches a point of new understanding. Neptune (mystery) is in the area of your chart that rules control/letting go and has been squaring off with Saturn (lessons) in your creativity zone. You may have been feeling restrictions around how you express yourself. You may have been feeling lack of clarity around your emotions and what they are trying to tell you about your psychology. You are being reminded to define and validate your emotions. Allow them. Let go of trying to control them. This week marks the final tension between your creativity and your need for control. Just let go. Get out of your own way. Let yourself be. Let yourself shine forth just exactly as you are. Coast. Fly free.

Jupiter, the planet of expansion, moves into the area of your chart that rules thoughts and communications. Jupiter will stay here for a year, helping you define your ideas and communicate your truth. It’s time to embrace the “beginner’s mind.” Your biggest growth will come from opening your mind, studying and learning. Rev up your curiosity about the world. Look at everything fresh. Speed up your thinking. Remember that children learn through play, so make your year of education fun and imaginative.


The Virgo New Moon Eclipse is an invitation to refine and redesign your world from the inside out, says Sandra Sitron. Artwork: Anastasia Borowska

Virgo New Moon Eclipse 2016 illustration girl The Numinous

We have a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees Virgo on Thursday, September 1st at 5:03 am ET

The New Moon is a chance to start fresh. And THIS New Moon coincides with a Solar Eclipse, which also speaks to new beginnings. At the time of a Solar Eclipse, we collectively experience a massive reset. If we want to follow the flow of this energy, it is a time to be quiet and feel into where we are ready to make a fresh start.

Occurring in Virgo, the cosmos suggests that this fresh start may be in the area of Self-Improvement. Virgo refines, refines, and refines some more. And Virgo practices. With each new approach Virgo makes practical adaptations and adjustments. Because Virgo is an Earth sign, the focus here is on improving anything that is of the material world. Our health. The environment. The work that we do to sustain ourselves.

I have the sense that this Virgo New Moon Eclipse as being like the moment just before conception. No plans have been made. The DNA has not yet been arranged. We are in the space between breaths; a moment that is at once empty and full of promise. Virgo is so practical, so earthly, and so full of thoughts. This New Moon offers a chance for the thoughts to stop and a door to open. So where does the doorway lead?

As you ponder this question, allow yourself as much space as you need. Know that you can change everything or nothing. Give yourself the gift of agency and of vision. Start asking yourself questions and writing intentions. Know that anything is possible. When you write an intention, imagine how it would feel if that intention were actualized. Muster up this feeling with high-emotion and sit with it momentarily.

These questions may help prompt Virgo New Moon intentions…

– What adjustments do you want to make in your habits?
– What adjustments do you want to make in your schedule?
– What adjustments do you want to make in your work?

If your body could talk, what would IT say to you? What does your body need? Write a letter addressed from your body to yourself. And now ask…

– What is the smallest change you can make to improve your health?
– What would support you most in creating positive changes in your life?
– What is one thing you can easily shift to make your life more efficient?
– What is one thing taking up your time and energy that is not a priority? Can you change it?


The Stellium in Virgo
The concentric circles of a ripple in water.
The Moon joins the Sun, North Node, Jupiter and Mercury, all clustered in the sign of Virgo. A grouping of planets and points like this is called a Stellium. A Stellium creates a powerful focus of energy. This energy says: In this fresh start we reflect (Mercury Retrograde,) we expand (Jupiter) and we align with our purpose (North Node). Underlying all of this, we are making practical adjustments that bring us closer to our Earthly ideals (Virgo).

The symbol of the ripple in water shows us how powerful and focused this energy is. What intention caused the ripple in the water? How far will it reach? For there to be a ripple in water, the water must be still. Virgo energy is hardly ever still. Mutable Virgo energy is represented by the spiral—continuous adjustments to thoughts and actions. Part of Virgo medicine is the practice of mindfulness. Stilling the waves of the mind through meditation is a critical piece in the Virgo story. This stellium helps us create mindfulness and set focused new intentions for reflection, expansion and alignment with purpose. Then we can watch the ripples change our lives.


The New Moon is in a T-Square with Mars, Saturn and Neptune. A T-Square is an aspect pattern (two squares and an opposition), that looks like an arrow in the sky. It is tension that provokes action. By design, it helps us motivate. The stimulus to motivation is the challenge.

The New Moon Square Saturn and Mars
An arrow flies into the wind.
The arrow in flight is us being brought to emotional action. We can no longer deny our needs. We can no longer deny who we are. We must come to some sort of confrontation with the wind. We are moving through the wind and yet it pushes against us, restricting and blocking. Through the restriction we grow stronger. We need the restriction. We need the confrontation. We need to move through it so that we can finally see the truth.

The New Moon Opposite Neptune
A jigsaw puzzle falls to the floor.
We see the truth but then it vanishes. Or we create a picture of the truth and then realize that it was not real. We need to look and look again. We need to pick up the pieces and decide how they fit together. Maybe they create a different picture than the one we thought we saw. We need to do the work of fitting the pieces together one by one so that we can move toward the big picture that we desire.

This aspect tantalizes us with fantasy. Fantasy is how we manifest what we desire. Yet fantasy is also a construction of our subconscious. If we fantasize without practicing mindfulness, we will falter. If we create stories that are based on unexamined and outdated subconscious beliefs we will be continuously starting the puzzle from scratch.


So in the dark of this Virgo New Moon eclipse, sit and quiet your mind. Create a fantasy that reflects your truth. This will be your vision. Put it together piece by piece. Watch as the arrow gains strength and speed. Watch as the ripples of your intentions cause positive change. Pause in this moment before conception, practice stillness, and then use the below mantra for your sign to practice the art of refinement.

Aries :: Aries Rising
“My habits feel healthy and mindful. I enjoy efficiency in my daily life.”

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
“I am a conscious creator. I live a joyous and abundant existence.”

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
“I create a warm and loving nest. I nurture myself and I feel supported.”

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
“I am curious and playful.”

Leo :: Leo Rising
“I feel abundant and easeful. I believe in my inherent worth.”

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
“I fan the fire of my individuality. I am just as I need to be. All is well.”

Libra :: Libra Rising
“I am always connected because all of life is connected.”

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
“I encourage my hopes, dreams and aspirations. I envision a bright future for the collective.”

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
“I align easily with my purpose. I am moving forward.”

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
“I seek new philosophies.”

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
“I trust that I am safe to feel my feelings.”

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
“I am supported in relationship.”


A sign-by-sign reading of this week’s cosmic climate, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

strong eye astrology august 29 2016 the numinous


Virgo :: Virgo Rising
A balloon floating in the sky. This is an important time for you to zero in on who you are, what you need, and where you are going. The next few weeks will bring a look to the past. What have you not been communicating? Where have you been ignoring your truth? This week, on Thursday’s New Moon, use your imagination to envision how you would like your life to be. Because of the New Moon making a square to Saturn, it may be easier to see what is blocking you from your vision. But Saturn blocks us because he wants us to stop and learn a lesson. The lesson for you could be about denying emotions, or issues with home or family. Or all of the above. Use this time to refocus your desire for self-improvement. Rediscover how you can best be of service to the world. Honor your process by giving yourself the support you need to blossom. Your regiment can include ritual, blessing, prayer, meditation, cleansing, healthy eating, exercise, a structured schedule, or time in nature. The “balloon floating away” symbolizes letting go. Let go of worries and anxiety. Create a vision and focus on that instead.

Libra :: Libra Rising
An orange sunset. Your sunset symbolizes your journey into the night. The night is the subconscious stories and patterns that are not always seen. Over the next few weeks you will revisit old habits and patterns that are no longer serving you. You may need to retreat. You may need to get very quiet so that you can see your deepest truth. Thursday’s New Moon gives you a chance to plant seeds for new habits and new behaviors. To create the new habits, you will have to look at the old habits. You are journeying into the night, into the mist, so use all of your senses and emotions as your guide. Thursday’s New Moon will square Saturn, so you may find that it’s easiest to see your subconscious patterns by recognizing where you are challenged. The challenges will be coming from your mindset (is the chatter of your mind too loud right now?) The challenges may also be coming from relationships with friends, neighbors, acquaintances, or siblings. Or it may be that you need to learn or communicate something important. Seek balance first by giving yourself empathy and creating a dialogue with your innermost self. Write yourself a letter. Journal. Ask yourself questions and wait for the answers. If you are having trouble making decisions it means that you need to pay attention to your true feelings. Watch the bright orange sunset and then journey boldly into the night.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Drinking a lemonade on the front porch as you watch the storm roll in. This symbol is about calmly watching a storm of emotion. A perfect storm is brewing. But you understand that the plants need the rain, that all of life is a cycle. You understand that the emotions must come through, must be seen, explored, observed. And that then it will pass. Right now your focus is on how all of humanity has the same experience, and how we can all work together to create a better future. The future starts with you. Over the next few weeks you may revisit how you imagine your own future. Are you optimistic or pessimistic? Do you still encourage your hopes, dreams and aspirations? Can you still envision a better future for the collective? As you watch the storm of emotion roll in and you notice how people collectively react, can you stay focused on the solution and not the problem? Use the New Moon on Thursday to create powerful and magical visions and intentions for the future. For you own personal dreams and for the future of humanity. Live in the vision. Live in the solution. Give your wishes to the Moon and let her plant the seeds. The New Moon and Saturn will be square and this aspect creates a challenge that is meant to help you grow. The challenge you are facing comes from a need for security and a possible fear of scarcity. Notice where you feel like you don’t have enough. This feeling may be impacting your optimism. Find small ways to get your needs met. Notice and practice gratitude for what you have. Watch your emotions, learn from your emotions, and nourish yourself with optimism.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
A camel on a long walk. The “camel on a long walk” symbolizes your quest and adaptability. Over the next few weeks you may find yourself going over your career goals and ambitions with a fine tooth comb. Are you on track to your destination? Have you gone off course? What details did you miss? What is your true ambition? Thursday’s New Moon brings a moment for you to refocus your career goals and create new intentions for how you want to shine out in the world. The New Moon is square to Saturn. Saturn helps us grow by challenging us. Sometimes this challenge feels like a block. Your challenge is about your identity and personality. Who are you really? Notice if you are getting caught up in public opinion or if you are worrying too much about what other people think. You may be taking yourself very seriously. Allow any challenge that may come up about who you are to help you identify who you want to be out in the world. Adapt like the camel—adapt to new vision of yourself. Then identify your career goals and proceed on your journey.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Tossing dice. Over the next few week you will be revisiting how you can be of service to the world. Maybe you need to take more risks, as your symbol would suggest. Maybe you need to travel more and find out who you are in relation to the world. Every trip and exploration that you take will be a discovery of something that was missed forgotten. You need to review so that you can move forward fully informed. Thursday’s New Moon happens in the area of your chart that rules travel, exploration and risk-taking. Put yourself out of your comfort zone. Do it so that you can rediscover who you are and how you can serve humanity. The New Moon on Thursday offers you a chance to set intentions for growth, risk-taking, discovery, adventure, exploration, expansion and optimism. The New Moon is square to Saturn. Saturn creates a challenge that is meant to help us grow. Your current challenge comes from unexamined habits and patterns. If you feel blocked, pay close attention to your emotions to discover why. Ask yourself how you are feeling. Ask yourself where the feeling is located in your body. Ask yourself when the first time you had that feeling was. Try to rediscover the root experiences and memories that may be subconsciously creating your feelings. Investigate your subconscious so that you can create more conscious awareness and expand. Take two risks this week. One risk you need to take is to delve deep into the mysteries of your psyche. The other risk is to expand out into the world and discover who you are and how you can be of service.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
A pig rolling in the mud. The boar or pig symbolizes spiritual strength. Connection to Mother Earth is strong in this symbol. Mud, like blood, can symbolize primordial substance. The next few weeks you may find yourself revisiting you own “mud.” Your deepest primal emotions. Your comfort with life cycles. Birth—Sex—Death—Birth. You may experience a personal rebirth. Thursday’s New Moon creates an opportunity for you to set intentions for letting go. Where have you been holding on to control? Roll in the mud and cleanse and heal yourself. Let everything that is not necessary fall away. The New Moon is square to Saturn. Saturn presents a challenge that is meant to help you grow. The challenge comes from your current ability to believe in a bright future for yourself and the collective. Hold on to your highest hopes and aspirations. If you find it hard to get perspective, focus on the mud. Dig into your emotions and allow cathartic healing to take place.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Looking into a clear pond. You peer into the pond and see a clear reflection of yourself. Over the next few weeks you will be revisiting how you are in relationship to others. Do you ask for everything you need? Do you communicate? Are you seen and heard? Do you listen to others? Is there balance? Are you able to give and receive? Thursday’s New Moon will happen in your house of relationship, so this will be your chance to set intentions for your best vision of relationship. What exactly is your vision? Don’t ask yourself what you think is possible, ask yourself what you want. Then give your wishes to the Moon. Plant these seed intentions in your mind. Create affirmations for fulfilling relationships. The New Moon makes a square to Saturn. Saturn helps us grow by challenging us. Your current challenge may have to do with how you are out in the world. You may feel blocked or stuck in your career or vocation. This is an opportunity for you to take yourself more seriously and create the exact career that you want. Part of your purpose is to help people evolve into the highest versions of themselves. Make sure to get enough time for meditation and retreat this week so that you can stay centered in your vision. Take very good care of yourself. Build up your strength as you usher in a new vision of relationship and career while maintaining your own center.

Aries :: Aries Rising
Fireflies. The symbol of the firefly takes us into the world of the insects. Insect symbolism usually points to tenacity, patience and detachment. All of these qualities are important to you right now. Over the next few weeks you will be revisiting the practical systems of your life. Muster up patience and systematically create better habits and organization for yourself. You will be reviewing the details. Digging into the “small picture.” Cleaning out the junk drawer. Thursday’s New Moon happens in the area of your chart that rules self improvement. For this you will need tenacity and detachment. Don’t allow self-improvement to feel self-critical. Instead, focus on setting intentions for healthy habits. Improve your productivity and work flows. Keep chipping away at what isn’t working and make adjustments. Frame these adjustments in a positive light. How would you like your daily life, work and health to feel? Saturn will be making a square to the New Moon. Saturn challenges us so that we can grow. Your challenge will be coming from your philosophies about life. If you are blocked right now, you may decide to review your beliefs about the world. Maybe it’s time to look at the big picture in a different way. Maybe a shift in philosophy will further your ability to expand. Seek out inspiration.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Ice fishing. Fragrant smelling begonias. The flowers are bright and delightful. Over the next few weeks you will revisit your relationship with your creativity. You may realize that you need to have more fun. The world needs your special gifts. This New Moon offers you a chance to shine. Set intentions to share your creative spirit with the world. And contemplate how you would like to have more fun and play in your life. The New Moon is square to Saturn. Saturn helps us grow by showing us a place where we are restricted. The challenge you face comes from the area of your chart that rules control and letting go. Where can you relax and become more playful? Maybe you can let go of old emotions by expressing them through your creativity. If you find yourself feeling very somber, it means that you have some digging to do. You need to dig into your deep emotions. Focus on the bright flowers. They can remind you of joy, beauty, and grace as you let go of what you no longer need. When you are unburdened it will be easier to shine bright in the full light of your creative self.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Eating grapes off the vine. Nourishing and nurturing yourself. Over the next few weeks you will be reviewing your sense of emotional security. How you take care of yourself. How you work with your emotions. The New Moon on Thursday brings you a chance to set intentions around emotions, home and family. Home can mean the home that you live in now, the home that you came from, your ancestors, or your roots. Family can mean the family that you came from and the family that you create. Think about how you want to process your emotions. Think about what you want your home and family to feel like. Then create powerful intentions and give your wishes to the moon. The New Moon is square to Saturn. Saturn helps us grow through showing us something challenging. This challenge may show up in the area of relationships. Relationships can teach us so much about ourselves. If you are feeling a block or a challenge in the area of relationships, you may be able to work through it by setting intentions for emotional security. Feed yourself those grapes of nurturance. Take care of your inner child so that you are feeling secure. This can help you show up in relationship from a place of internal stability.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Swimming laps. Back and forth in the water. Laps symbolize repetition, practice, and health. Water symbolizes your emotions. You need create a practice that can support your mindset. You may be all over the place mentally right now. If so, this would be related to emotional ups and downs. Over the next few weeks you will be re-examining how you think and how your thoughts influence your emotions. The New Moon on Thursday can help you set intentions for learning and connecting. You may need to engage in a lot of conversations with your community. You may want to uncover all of the facts. Get really curious. Interview yourself. Ask lots of questions of yourself and others. But don’t get too attached to what you learn. Just let the learning flow in and see what you find. This New Moon is square to Saturn. Saturn shows us where we need to grow by presenting a challenge. The challenge you are working with has to do with your ability to create healthy habits. A meditation practice will be very helpful now. Find a repetitive practice that feels grounding. Allow yourself to swim back and forth in the pool of your emotions. Notice what comes up with curiosity. Keep churning the waters without getting too attached to your thoughts. There is so much mental energy affecting you right now, notice what comes up in your mind and then let it all go. Set intentions to be lightly curious.

Leo :: Leo Rising
A blazing bonfire. The bonfire symbolizes a ceremony, a party, or a cleansing ritual. Over the next few weeks you will take a closer look at how you sustain yourself. Have you been meeting your basic needs?Do you believe in abundance? This New Moon offers you a chance to set fresh intensions for abundance and security. Build a big bonfire. Watch the leaping flames and burn away any fears of not having enough. Remind yourself that you are sustained by Mother Earth and by your own inherent resilience and creativity. The New Moon is square to Saturn. Saturn challenges us so that we can grow. You challenge comes from believing in your own light and creativity. You shine as bright as the bonfire, but right now it may be hard for you to see your path. You are going through a time period of re-examining how you share your creativity with the world. Use this moment to set intentions that will help you believe in your own worth and creative gifts.

To book a private reading with Sandra email [email protected] or visit


A symbolic reading of this week’s cosmic climate for your sign, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

strong eye

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
At the bottom of a well. The well is deep and symbolizes your emotions, your connections with your family, your mother, your sense of security, your home. If, over the last few months, you have felt murky in regards to home, family, mother, ancestors, or emotions, then the lessons can now resolve and action will become more possible. You must spend time in the watery well. Practice allowing. Practice acceptance. Practice being your own best mother as you sit still with your emotions. Simultaneously this week, your mental faculties are keen and your sense of abundance is reinvigorated. Use these gifts to help yourself process and then act. Going down into the well of your emotions helps you come out stronger and more clear. Tend to your sense of emotional security.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Beaded necklaces. Baubles and gemstones lined up in a row, connected by string, talking to each other through their jingles and jangles. If you have felt as if you cannot speak, as if you cannot be heard, as if you are not seen, as if you don’t fit in— now is your time to feel connected. On certain levels, it may have been hard over the previous levels to communicate with others. This may have manifested in different ways, or a resistance to putting something important on your website, a feeling of being rejected for something about yourself, a shyness, an isolation. Find ways now to clear your throat chakra and speak out. Ask others to reflect back to you what they hear. Communicate. Write the letter or essay you’ve been putting off. This week will bring you an ability to connect better with your community. But you have to take it. The action will depend upon you. And there is a lesson here. The lesson is that you are worthy of being heard and seen. So, mingle and jangle and feel connected.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A canoe on wavy waters. Your big evolution of the last two plus years is coming to an end. You can finally let go. You can put yourself out to sea in the storm in a little canoe and trust that you will wash up on the right shore. There is finally a sense of resolve this week and its sweetness will move you all the way through to your core. How much richer life is now. How much more of the human experience you understand. If you have not allowed yourself full grief processing over the last couple of years, you may not be ready to land safely on shore. So use this time, while you are still in the canoe of your emotions, to allow yourself to let go. Ask yourself how you feel and let the waves take you where they will. Then you can land! After the storm, you will be on new ground, with a new perspective, and there you will be able to build a strong house. This new perspective will be sustainable and long lasting.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
A feast cooked over a fire. This is your celebratory moment. You are able to finally take action. There has been murkiness and drudgery and lack of clarity. And now you can pull the trigger on ideas and projects that you have been putting off. This is time for a feast, to raise a glass, say okay—now it’s happening. Then get back to work. And work, and work. Because right now you are resolving parts of your identity. Embrace your new identity. You are finally pulling the trigger on thoughts and ideas that were previously just floating around in the ether. Say YES, say NO, and move forward. Make your decisions, form your opinions, and go. It’s time to celebrate and then shoot your arrow again.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
A light ray that moves between dimensions. You are able to connect with another plane of existence somehow. Not you usual interest, but now, maybe? Find your ray of light and follow it through to a new way of thinking. A new perspective. Maybe even through the veil to your subconscious or a dreamtime world. You are now ready to make a deep and integral shift. What comes to mind? It could be a feeling, a habit or a behavior that you ready to shift. It could be a fear. Something is ready to resolve and you are ready to close a chapter. The shift will be deep, maybe even subconscious. When it happens, say a prayer of gratitude and then let it go.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Bumper cars. Here, there and everywhere. You make a move and then you move again. As you go, you bump into another person or idea. “Bumper cars” is a special arena, where everyone is equal and there are meetings. So, expanding this metaphor, if you have felt disconnected, you will now be able to connect. Connect to people who are like you and different from you. You may have dreams of social justice, dreams of a better future for everyone. Connect to those ideas. Any part of you that has felt pessimistic about dreams and visions is ready to fall away now. Do it because being pessimistic gets old. So don’t deny your vision of the future anymore. Now you can say, “Oh yes, I can do the things I want. I can connect with people in the way I want. We are all going somewhere together and I am going to help determine how. This is my vision of the future and I have agency over my little car.”

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Floral scented perfume. Your perfume metaphorically fills the room. It precedes you. You arrive before you arrive. Over the last few years you have been trying to negotiate how you stand in the public view. This may have to do with your vocation or work. If you have felt like you have been unable to make the kind of impact you have been wanting to make, now you’ll be able to break through into action. Your flowery symbol says that you need to be remembered in a gentle way however. So you won’t want to use force to get yourself remembered. Seep into peoples’ consciousness like a mist. Gain the attention of the world by being exactly who you are and trusting that it will all work out.

Aries :: Aries Rising
An egg in a nest. Are you ready to break through your eggshell? Now you can finally break through to a new perspective. Where you have felt trapped you can now expand. There may be a moment of force. You may actually have to work to break through the shell. The harder you work to break free and become more yourself, the stronger you’ll be. In your new world, you’ll need to be ready to explore, philosophize and form opinions. The time has come where you can synthesize your lessons and move forward to embrace a new philosophy. If you have a ping of anger or resistance this week— look closely to see what belief you are ready to upgrade. This shift will offer you massive freedom and a new perspective.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
A mat made of grass. The mat is made of individual blades of grass. Merged, they become something new. Something stronger. You may have to open yourself up to merging. Merging in this context means— trusting and letting go. This could be about trusting in a relationship. Or it could be about trusting yourself to move to the next stage in your development. Trusting yourself to evolve. Letting go of something you have been holding on to. Letting go of control. Moving forward. If there has been any resistance or fear about the idea of merging over the last couple of years, this week offers you a chance to complete your lessons and break through. This shift you are experiencing could be about life cycles, grief and trust. Let go and become something new.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Parade of elephants. Two elephants walking, one holds the tail of the other with it’s trunk. Link up. Get comfortable depending on another person. Negotiate. Be diplomatic. The elephant is massive and can help you learn to take up space. Own your space, yet be comfortable leaning on another person too. This week, your relationships are shifting. Have you been learning the lessons of the last two and a half years? Now there will be some kind of resolve that has to do in the area of relationships. Some ability to take action. Don’t shy away from this moment. Push through. Discover how to ask for what you need while taking responsibility for your own emotions.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Beetles in the sand. It’s time to get really grounded. The best way for you to get grounded right now is to remember to nurture yourself. You are so good at taking care of other people. Over the last couple of years you have been learning how to do the same for yourself. This intention reaches an apex this week. Synthesize your lessons. Be gentle with yourself, but take action on your new healthy habits. Your emotions are soothed by lots of structure in your daily life right now. Wake up at the same time, go to bed at the same time. Get the right amount of exercise. If you feel inspired to begin a program of self-improvement, take the opportunity. Now is your moment to invest in yourself, physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally.

Leo :: Leo Rising
A sundial. A sundial is a clock that uses the position of the Sun to tell time. It’s a simple tool designed to use the Sun’s light in a practical way. Maybe you are learning how to use your own light. Maybe the time has come for you to honor your creativity, your special individuality, your fire. How can you best funnel this energy? You have been learning how to be more yourself, to stand up straight and tall and share your light with the world. Synthesize these lessons. Don’t make yourself smaller than you are. If you take action this week, you may have a creative breakthrough. Radiate light, warmth and generosity. Focus on love and self-expression.


Shine your light to illuminate a collective effort and your manifestations will bloom…is the message for the Aquarius Full Moon, says Sandra Sitron.

Join our virtual Full Moon ritual! Click to sign up
Join our virtual Full Moon ritual! Click here or on the image to sign up

We have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on August 18th at 5:26 am ET

A Full Moon happens when the Sun and Moon oppose each other. They face off, and the Sun’s full light shines on the Moon’s surface. This week, the Sun is in Leo and the Moon is in the opposite sign, Aquarius. This is a time of higher energy. All of the Moon’s emotional and intuitive power is amped up by the force of the Sun. It’s a time to act.

Think back to the seed intentions you set at the New Moon on August 2nd. Now you are harvesting some of those intentions. The next two weeks will be about reflecting on what you’ve learned and readying your soil for the seeds of the next New Moon, in Virgo on September 1.

A note about this Full Moon Eclipse

Is this an Eclipse, or isn’t it? In star-gazing circles there is some debate as to whether or not this counts. Because there are many different ways to calculate eclipses, some sources are listing this as an eclipse, yet others are not, including NASA. Earth’s shadow gets verrrrrry close to the Moon, but the shadow won’t be visible from Earth. I think that this Full Moon will feel like an Eclipse—meaning it will feel like a massive reset.

As such, this is time for change. A time to pull the plug and then plug back in. To close the book on a chapter. To start with a fresh perspective.

Use this powerful energy to fire up your body, mind, and spirit, and experience cathartic release. Cleansing actions are recommended now. Sweat. Cry. Dance. Take a salt-water bath. Laugh until you can’t breath. Spin in circles. Run. Howl at the Moon. Breathe. Get it all out!


“Waving a sparkler.”
Celebration. This Full Moon is helping you communicate what’s in your heart. So shine forth unapologetically, for all of us. The Aquarius Full Moon points us to a picture of the future—one in which humans are connecting through their gifts. Sharing, collaborating, working together. Individuality is healthfully elevated, not in a narcissistic way, but in a balanced and beautiful way.

This Full Moon can deliver this understanding directly into our hearts, if we are ready for it. If we have prepared the channel to receive the download. “Believe in the future” says this Aquarius Full Moon. Believe in your own light. Believe in the power of the collective. Give freely. Receive freely. Commune. Shed all of the stories that make you smaller than you are.


“An acrobat on a tightrope juggling fire.”
This acrobat is busy. Multitasking. A Yod (the shape formed by these aspects together) is like that too, as it is a combination of two very different types of energy. And what we have here are actually two Yods, so there is even more going on.

A Yod is an aspect pattern that looks like a narrow triangle. Because of this it’s also called “the Finger of God.” This moniker brings to mind the feeling of this aspect. It is a feeling of fated expectation. But this strong sense of expectation can be uncomfortable, when the outcome has not yet been realized. The planet at the tip of the pointing finger is called the Focal Planet. In this Yod there are actually two Focal Planets together, mindset Mercury and expansive Jupiter…

“The acrobat practices on the tightrope.”
With both Focal Planets in Virgo, this energy says: practice your craft, improve, do it well, and make it perfect. But, don’t, whatever you do, get caught up in worrying about potential problems. Don’t allow your mind to get stuck in a critical mode of thinking. Don’t be judgmental of yourself or anyone else. If you do, you will fall off your tightrope. If you look down, or allow anxious thinking to overtake you, you will drop the fire you are juggling. So stay present. Stay in the moment so that you can accomplish this impressive acrobatic feat.

Mercury and Jupiter are Inconjunct the Moon and Uranus. An Inconjuct is “almost there, but not quite.” So it’s a little frustrated. It doesn’t know what to do, exactly. But it knows it wants to do something. The Yod joins this frustrated energy with a pleasing and harmonious sextile between the Moon and Uranus. The message: you may not know how, just yet, but you can create a new and unexpected path for yourself.

It is tenaciously pushing you through frustration and toward your desired outcome. It is urging you past the risk and into the glory.
You will need to focus on the details. But by staying conscious of your emotions and staying open to inspiration, you will make it through.

“A clear radio signal.”
Uranus’ inspired thinking is coming through loud and clear. This is epiphany energy. Keep your mind open to new possibilities. How do you keep your mind open? Focus on the vision. Don’t overthink. Turn the radio dial to receive the signal and wait to see what comes through.

“A rare flower in bloom.”
The plant has stored up enough energy to create a rare and beautiful blossom. It has worked through obstacles and circumstance and allowed a cycle to come to completion. And it did so naturally. It did everything in it’s own perfect time. It let itself blossom. And it will let itself fall away. It moves gracefully through the cycle of life and death. This is exactly what Venus Trine Pluto offers you. The beauty of the cycle. The beauty of blooming in your own perfect time. Allow the process.

This is a moment to commune with others and share your light. Push through frustrations to glory. Allow inspiration. Allow the process.



Leo :: Leo Rising
Communicate something important to you to someone else.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Meditate. This is best action that you can take right now. You are in an especially productive frame of mind, so settling your mind and raising your vibration through meditation will make you unstoppable.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Give something. And ask the Universe to help you receive something.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Nest. Pay extra attention to your home space.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Mingle. Get out into your neighborhood and connect with your peers.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Do something luscious and sensual. Eat a beautiful meal. Get a massage. Do something that feels good.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Celebrate! It’s not often that we stop to be appreciative of ourselves. Take a moment to be ecstatic. Mark this moment in your favorite way.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Do some dream journaling. This is your time to connect with your inner symbolism and intuition.

Aries :: Aries Rising
Find out what everyone else thinks.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Work. This may be a big vacation time, but for you, this time period is best spent working.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Travel. Take a vacation. If you aren’t able to get away, explore a different way of thinking.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Create a letting-go ritual for yourself. Close a chapter.

To book a private readig with Sandra email her at [email protected] or visit


A symbolic reading of this week’s cosmic climate for your sign, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

strong eye

Leo :: Leo Rising
Branches of a willow tree reaching toward a pond. Stretch. Stretch yourself to get grounded. Imagine a cord of light reaching from your root chakra into the center of the Earth. Put your bare feet on the ground. Early in the week you have access to an easy stability that helps you accomplish practical goals. The more grounded you feel, the easier this will be. This is an excellent time to boost your sense of self-worth. Part of your purpose at this time is to achieve a feeling of security, and moreover, to believe that you are worthy of feeling secure. It turns out that in order to share your creative fire (which is what you are learning how to do right now), you need to feel confident and financially stable. You are pushing yourself to reconcile these ideas. At the weekend, stretch yourself to think out-of-the-box. Reach for the higher perspective. If you want to dissolve into a dreamy and otherworldly experience with a loved one, then curb the part of your mind that is critical. Critique is necessary for improvement, but it can also kill the mood. Instead of criticism, choose discernment. Be very aware of whatever situation you are in, and if you decide you feel safe, allow yourself to dissolve into spiritual oneness.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Crystals. In magical circles, crystals are thought of as helpful friends that have a specific job to do. They do their job well. They offer support to those who ask politely. Early in the week, set yourself to your favorite task. Don’t back down. Roll up your sleeves and get to work. You will have plenty of energy and focus available. You can either imagine yourself to be like a crystal (focused and reliable,) or you can actually enlist the help of some crystal friends if that is your thing. This is your time to work with the energy of the Earth to get things done. Be active and practical. But ask for help. At the weekend you will need to really dig in to understanding where your emotional support comes from. You will want to know more about what being a partner to someone means. How can you love fully without losing yourself in another person? This is a good question to put to the crystal committee.

Libra :: Libra Rising
A hamster twitching his ears. Hamster medicine asks you to get in tune with your spiritual purpose and to call in your tribe. The clue that the hamsters ears are twitching as it listens closely shows us that you need to listen to your intuition. Be alert and be present. Especially early in the week pay attention to your emotions and what they are telling you. Your emotions and intuition are giving you strong messages. By the weekend you will then need to work on communication. Can you communicate your emotions? Can you tell the world what your soul needs? Doing so will help get you off the hamster wheel and help you break free.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Rays of light streaming through a cloud. Reaching for enlightenment. Reach past the ego and toward the big picture. Less interest in what serves your own purposes and more interest in the greater good. Early in the week, you get lots of easy energy from other people, so get out there and share your ideas with the group. Some of the pressure is off and maybe it is even time to elevate away from the past and focus on the future (finally). At the weekend you do need to get clear about your security on this earthly plane. Figure out what makes you feel good in your body. Rays of light streaming through clouds is heavenly sight. Your work this week is to transcend the mundane, while keeping your feet firmly on the ground.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
A pyramid gleaming in hot sun. A pyramid is so solid. You are creating an edifice. A strong structure of beliefs that will support you for a long time. This is about your career and how you shine out in the world. You have lots of harmonious support early in the week to work on your career goals. It’s a good time to plan and build. At the weekend you need to check in with your emotions as well and make sure that your emotional foundation is strong. Are you making choices that are in alignment with your identity? Take advantage of higher energy levels that will help you push through any creative blocks. Think of everything you do right now as laying another brick in the pyramid— building yourself up to reach the apex.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
The color blue. A deep, saturated azure. Among other things, blue symbolizes wisdom. This is time for you to reach for the highest truths, philosophies, spiritualities and ethics that are available to you. As a Capricorn, you move through the world with all eyes upon you. You can’t get away with anything! You are called upon to be responsible. Early this week reach for wisdom. Imbue your actions with meaning. Figure out what you believe in. At the weekend, something may feel emotionally off. If so, it is a time for more meditation. Search for spiritual meaning as well as philosophical meaning. Allow yourself to be inspired.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Swinging gently on a hammock. Cradle your heart. Swing gently on the hammock and feel as if you are held. You need to feel very safe, so that you can explore the depths of your emotions and move through to the next level. Cocoon yourself so that you can emerge the butterfly. As an Aquarius, your instinct might be to skip the deep emotions, you can be good at detaching when you want to be. But the Universe wants you to sit with these feelings so that you can gain more understanding and then transcend. At the weekend your social groups require more attention, so it is especially important that you spend some time understanding your emotional needs beforehand. The more you understand yourself, the more stable you will feel moving forward.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Catching raindrops on your tongue. Open yourself up to inspiration. Open yourself as much as you can. This week is all about partnership. To be in partnership you need to be willing to be open when you would rather be closed. To be in partnership you need to share your heart. To be in partnership you need to allow yourself to lean back. This week you find stability from sharing your heart. At the weekend, the theme continues, although you may realize that you need to fan the flame of your inner fire in order to share your light with someone else. So mind your boundaries! And allow yourself to receive the nourishing rainwater of inspiration.

Aries :: Aries Rising
A field of red flowers. It’s time to pay attention to nature’s beautiful details. Find something outside of yourself to be amazed by. Slow down and look closely. You need to pay attention to the machine that is your body and make sure that it is well oiled. Focus on details of your life. How you interact with technology, your diet, your activity levels. Focus on your productivity at work. Do this so that you can operate on a higher level. You really have the energy to make things happen now, as losing as you keep yourself in good health. By the weekend, your attention will shift to less mundane, earthly interests, so fine-tune things while you have the attention span for it. At the weekend you will be reaching for more expansive thinking.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Sifting through dirt. Are you panning for gold? If you can combine your creative energy with your fortitude and resilience, you will be rewarded. To use the energy best, you’ll need to become a swirl of activity and connect with your higher philosophies. Connect with your creative dreams. Act. Do. Circulate. Most of all, don’t be afraid to shine. Expect recognition. This is the pathway to sustainability. This is how you use the current energies to build your empire. At the end of the week, your journey becomes more emotional and less action oriented. Use the weekend as a time to connect with your deepest desires. Then it will be time for you to allow yourself to slow down and receive.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Splashing in puddles. Splash, play and nurture your inner child. It’s time to regress a little bit, just so that you can remember what it’s like to have fun and be taken care of. You may need to remember this so that you can take care of someone else as well. A deep emotional exchange is recommended during the week and by the weekend you will be working on setting up some compromises in your relationships. Find a way to make the peace. And don’t forget to play and have fun too!

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
A snail in it’s shell. You need to find balance between going inward to restore, and being out in the world. There is a lot of planetary energy moving into your house of communication, so you will want to be emotionally ready to talk and learn at a quick pace. Use this week as a chance to say the things you need to say. Anything that has to do with learning and teaching is also recommended now. Circulate and be social. By the weekend you will be devoting your time to getting all the details of your life in order, so you won’t have as much time for friends. Really use this social time well. Learning from the people around you will help you learn about yourself and your philosophies.

To book a private reading with Sandra email: or visit:


A symbolic reading of this week’s cosmic climate for your sign, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a.Strong Eye Astrology

strong eye astrology leo symbolism sunflower on The Numinous

Leo :: Leo Rising
Noticing all the tiny seeds inside a sunflower. Can you count the grains of sand in the world? Can you count the stars in the sky? This week has you vacillating between feeling so in love with the bigness of the universe and feeling frozen in the details. Hold true to the knowing of your infinite self. Ride the wave even if it feels as if it isn’t going anywhere. The more that you pay attention to that flame of intuition deep inside of you, the better you will be able to decide what to do. Travel and exploration are about to become less erratic, giving you time to catch your breath and make necessary internal changes. In the coming months, you may be more focused on your finances. These shifts are beginning this week and it may feel dizzying momentarily, the way it feels when you’ve been spinning in circles and then suddenly stop. Give yourself a moment to catch up with your new tempo. Be wary of self-criticism. Simply allow. Find a cozy seat in the sun and count the seeds, pondering the perfection of life.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
A bird taking flight. Like the bird, you may feel as if you can shift into another plane of experience. From the land to the air. From the mind to the heart. From frenzy to stillness. From upheaval to understanding. Over past weeks, your deepest waters have been churned. Meaning, some major emotions have been coming to the surface. Now you have a moment to process. You are shifting into fluency with some of the issues that have been rising up. You are moving to a plane of deeper understanding. In the coming weeks, your greatest gift and challenge will be your mindset. Whenever your brain tells you that you are separate, remind yourself that you are connected. Be analytical and refine your world, yet do it from a place of acceptance. Allow the new understanding that you are acquiring to fly from your heart to your mind and back again.

Libra :: Libra Rising
A river, current moving quickly. You are zipping into motion. It’s lovely when the lists get made, the ideas get shared, and the people come together. Rally your team. Find the power of your master-mind group. Share those ideas. Flow fast like the river and pick up leaves and sticks and feathers along the way. Carry and be carried. Co-operate with the weather and the topography. And then, at mid-week the massive changes that have been rocking your relationship realm slow down and start to be processed more internally. The top of the river stills and underground springs bring in new cold, fresh, pure water. At the end of the week your river pools into a lake and you float. You drift as the understanding of the past month sinks into your bloodstream and your cells. The pain is processed and understood and transferred into the symbolic realm of your subconscious mind. The symbols of the subconscious mind rise up for review, are pondered and dissolve back into the primordial lake of your being.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Seeing the depth of an ocean in the eyes of another. You. Them. As you share a gaze, your reflections repeat infinitely in each other’s eyes. The understanding of humanity that you have been working for over the last two+ years has come to a point of crescendo. Through the realest of real experiences, you have been digging to learn all about human motivation, human pain, human merging. It’s been real. It’s sometimes been down-on-the-ground-big-tears-and-pillow-punches real. A lot of it has been centered around your #1 way to learn— relationships.
Now all of those intense emotions find themselves outlet in your career and in your health. What can you do with what you’ve learned? What do you do with your greatest gift— being able to hold space while others shy away? And how do you take care of yourself? Get a grip on your body. Hold your own space as you hold space for others. You’ll have a little time here to reflect and soon the intensity will ease off. So take the cue to position your watery body in the physical world. Make manifest.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Hay drying in the sun. Make hay while the sun shines. Take action early in the week. Get out there and maximize the resource that you have available—the Sun is shining and the grass is abundant. Action and expansion are what will make you feel in alignment. What is the “hay?” Seeking new philosophies, physical or mental explorations, break-throughs, actions, travel, relishing in the abundance of nature, following the path of truth, forming opinions, taking risks. In other words, shooting your arrow and following to see where it lands. At the end of the week, don’t discount your creative urges. Follow them like a beacon of light. They will lead you to internal break-throughs.There is also some friction around this time that causes you to examine your subconscious stories. If you feel paralyzed by a decision, it’s a clue to go deep into your beliefs around that topic. What is really holding you back? By the weekend, thoughts move to your career, so it makes sense that you’ll be doing your explorations first. You will be entering a phase of more responsible and analytical thinking about work. This “small-picture” way of thinking isn’t always comfortable for you. Prepare yourself by fostering an optimistic mindset and go make that hay.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Eating flowers. Nourish yourself with kindness, compassion, and gentleness. You are so often on the go, working, building and climbing. This is your time to learn about gentleness, and let that flow into loving-kindness for yourself and others. Early this week focus on nourishing and supporting yourself in your grounded way. This kind of self-care prepares you for merging in union with another person, which is another part of the current theme. Around the end of the week you may experience some frustration around being unable to take action in your greater community. Or it could be that intense feelings are overflowing. Is there something that you are finally able to grieve? Keep eating those flowers, feeding yourself beauty and grace. By the weekend, thoughts move to the bigger picture and things become more clear.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Skipping stones. A lot of things in your life are catching air. Air is connective- bringing together people and ideas. This week you are actively learning about a relationship. There is some easy energy here— just as long as you stay open-minded. The moment you shut down or try to maintain the status quo is the moment you lose out. Keep skipping. Stay in movement. At the end of the week, there may be some friction in your career. Try to aim for “assertive” and “boundaries.” At the same time, the door opens for you to shift your earliest beliefs about learning, thinking and communicating. You could be attracting powerful, genius-level downloads, (aka inspired ideas.) The question is— will you notice? It will be super subtle. Pay attention to your dreams. The Inventor archetype is strong within you, but she will be going incognito for a few months to do some very important inner work around how you think and communicate. Don’t lose her trail!

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Swimming laps in a pool. Back and forth. Back and forth. This is your moment to add structure and repetition to your repertoire. Urge yourself to form healthy habits. You are supported in making changes. If they are the right changes, you can get them to stick. You need to be gentle with yourself as you form the new habits that you need. Put in place special buffers and transitions. You aren’t always great with “hard and fast” habits, so focus on moderation and flexibility. Create habits that are firm but fluid. You are so good at adapting that it almost makes sense for you to focus on the structure around how you create the habit then the habit itself. Utilize the power of your incredible subconscious mind. The tool of hypnosis is wonderful for this. At end of week a desire to explore or do something rash, may lure you away from your methodical habit building project. Keep swimming back and forth and as you nourish your physical body you will naturally build health that allows you to explore and make mental leaps into new territory.

Aries :: Aries Rising
Walking on a long hike. You are making progress and taking action. This is a time for your creativity to flourish. Try to receive recognition for your self-expression. Take just a little solo time to center yourself in your spirit—what do you want to create? Early in the week, you have energy, so use it to do things that are simultaneously joyful and expressive. Mental stimulation abounds, so keep a journal of great ideas as they flow in. At end of week the tone becomes more inward, you will be working with your emotions. There may be relationship friction as you reconcile your own needs with those of another person. This is a good time to remind yourself of the concept of ego. Around Friday, start asking yourself where you can let go of ego in your decisions and reactions. By doing this, you open up a lot of mental space for yourself. You are entering a chapter of internal personality shifts. This will be a slightly less erratic time and the changes will be more subtle then they have been. So listen to your inner self with a trained and sensitive ear. Walk on your path in a contemplative state, checking in periodically to see where you ready to grow.

Taurus or Taurus Rising
Snow angels. Get down on the ground and make magic. This week your home and family take on great importance. Your foundation takes on great importance. Early in the week focus on centering yourself and nourishing your inner child. As you do, you may find that you make a subconscious break-through. Something about how you take care of yourself and how you feel safe cracks open and you gain new understanding. This is the magical part. This is the part where you transcend and shift from a space that was in the fog to one that is out in the open. This is when you make an angel appear out of the snow. It’s especially important that you nurture your innermost self, because you may find that a relationship needs your attention by the end of the week. And relationships are best attended to when you are secure and self-love is abundant. So fill up your cup. Remember the concepts “patience” and “flexibility.”

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
A bullfrog’s call. Shout it out. Communicate. The group needs your knowledge. We need to know where you are. You may find yourself inspired by your larger community, so connect. Push your thoughts toward the future, your own or the collective’s. This is where the fertile swamp of ideas awaits, dear froggy. Then just pluck inspiration out of the air like flies. What evolution is coming next? You’ve tackled land and water, what plane of existence awaits? This is a mentally active time for you. Learn fast, contemplate and communicate. Just make sure that you don’t hop around too much. At end of week there is friction that inspires you to improve the practical aspects of your life. Take care of your body and bring your daily habits into alignment.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Holding a beating heart. You are meant to take action that comes from a heart-centered place. You are the one holding the heart, so you hold the responsibility to make a change. This change has to do with work and security. If you are unclear about what this change is, connect with your intuitive heart-center to find out. Name your feelings. Understand where they come from. Focus on nurturing yourself, so that you are strong enough to work and build. You have a strong urge to build, but when you try to create a structure, especially at work, the result may be erratic right now. This may feel frustrating. By the end of the week, the shifts you want to make become less erratic but more mysterious. You’ll have to dig a little deeper to see what needs to change in your career. Keep coming back to groundedness. Keep coming back to security. Hold your heart firmly and remind yourself that you are safe. Bear witness to your innermost workings. Build from a place of internal alignment. Open to your own inner wisdom.

To book a reading with Sandra email her at or visit


The message of the Capricorn Full Moon is to create structures that allow you to honor and protect your most emotional self, says Sandra Sitron.

Capricorn full moon 2016 on The Numinous

We experience a Capricorn Full Moon on July 19th at 6:57pm EDT.

“We can be parents to ourselves by adoring and providing for our own Inner Child. Let’s figure it out. Let’s help ourselves grow.”

A Full Moon always creates awareness between two opposite energies. And since it requires a lot of energy to expand into greater awareness, Full Moon vibes are always active, outward, and high-intensity.

The opposite energies involved in this Full Moon are: Sun in Cancer and Moon in Capricorn.

The ancient archetype of Cancer is Mother. Cancer teaches us to actively nurture. Cancer is focused on the personal and the private. Emotions, home and family.

The ancient archetype of Capricorn is Father. Capricorn shows us the importance of building structures and organizations that can function efficiently. This energy teaches how to prioritize what is important to us. Capricorn is focused on the formal and public. Career, institutions, society.

And so the polarities of this Capricorn Full Moon have to do with home vs. professional life, and emotion vs. rationality.

When I did a journey to understand the energy of this Full Moon more clearly, the symbol that came through was: A lizard half submerged in water.

The lizard reminds us to slip down into our emotional waters. To center ourselves in our inner truth, yet adapt to our environment. To find a way to be fluid in where there is structure. To become so efficient and effective that we can remain emotionally robust.

And so any time your actions out in the world feel at odds with your emotional needs during this Moon phase, lean in to what feels self-supportive instead. For example, if you are feeling overwhelmed remember you can always soothe yourself with empathetic words.

To find balance in the beam of this Capricorn Full Moon, call in archetypical Mother and Father energy.

Father: (Capricorn)
Protect yourself. Create structure in your life. Make sure you are safe and provided for.
Mother: (Cancer)
It’s all about nurture and love. Show yourself how cherished you are. Give yourself unconditional love.


“We are training the vine in a new direction. We are wild, free and autonomous. We take bold action in service of our growth.

The Capricorn Full Moon also forms part of a T-square, with Uranus in Aries as the focal planet. The symbol that came through for this t-square aspect was: A duel in the wild west.

The Sun and Moon are in the signs that manage the emotional and the vocational. They are trying to reconcile with each other and are simultaneously in a tense aspect to Uranus in Aries—the planet of change in the sign of leadership. The energy of this moment is fraught. This intensity can feel like it leaves us with no option but to make hard and fast decisions, simply for the sake of survival. Impatience, and a desire to take action are running the show.

This aspect can feel like who you are and what you do are being questioned. It can feel like shifts need to be made immediately. Freedom becomes of utmost importance. I call this “eject button” energy. Something’s got to give and it’s got to happen now!

But whenever there is a T-square (which looks like an arrow in the sky, and holds both motivating and challenging energy) we can look to the sign that is unactivated to find resolution—the logic being that if three signs are activated, it’s like a table that has three legs and is missing the fourth. Thing’s are a little wobbly.

The signs that are activated right now are Cancer, Capricorn and Aries—while the unactivated sign (or missing table leg) is Libra.

Libra reminds us that relational skills are needed now. So to work with this Capricorn Full Moon, try to put yourself in other people’s shoes. Veer toward compassion. Communicate with diplomacy. If you get angry, go slow. Allow the adrenaline to subside before you speak. Unless you are facing a true emergency, know that you have time to breathe and decide rationally how to set a boundary.


“We are comfortable with our light and our shadow. We support ourselves by allowing our emotions to flow.”

Action planet Mars is another supportive force for this Capricorn Full Moon. He makes a tender trine aspect to the Sun and a harmonious sextile to the Moon.

Mars is currently in Scorpio, reminding us that all the answers we are looking for are available when we dig deep. Go inward. Find the places in our body where old emotions have been stored. Mars in Scorpio gives us permission to let go. To cry. To go all the way down into our center, to where we feel feel grounded.

Feeling all the things we never let ourselves feel before actually helps us feel safe. To feel whole. It shows us that we are complete. This cathartic process of grieving and letting go is how we can mother ourselves through any conflicting emotions the Capricorn Full Moon may bring up at this time. Your job is to simply allow.

The symbol that came through for Mars sextile the Moon was: A magical cloak that can transport us to faraway lands.

Maybe there is some tool or technique you can use to heighten your experience in this world. Look around. Is there something you can utilize that’s actually right next to you? Something that can help you better navigate your emotional state? It may be a mindset, a meditation, a favorite healer, yoga practice or book. Open you eyes, your heart and your mind, and it will be be easy to find and emotionally supportive.

The symbol that came through for Mars Trine the Sun was: A very young tree growing straight toward the Sun.

This image helps us remember that we find true alignment in striving for our essential truth and nourishing our root system. If you are looking for motivation, pay attention to your emotions. Make peace with limiting beliefs around your family and ancestral system, where you came from. Make sure that you are tenderly telling yourself the whole truth about how you feel.


During this Capricorn Full Moon phase, which will color the two weeks ahead of the August 1 Leo New Moon, make unconditional self-love your guiding principal—and choose your actions accordingly!

Protect and nurture yourself. Be loving toward yourself and create efficient structures designed to make you feel supported. Break free where you need to, but not at the cost of what you have so carefully built. Give yourself time. Through bravely investigating your emotions you will find relief and understanding. You will find your truth and discover new ways to protect it.

To book a private readig with Sandra email her at [email protected] or visit