More evidence of real Moon magic, the argument for “oracle abuse,” and why there is no 13th zodiac sign…


moon magic full moon ruby warrington the numinous

:: MONDAY ::
Fittingly for Moon day (yes, Monday is named after the moon—which, in my opinion, is why/because Mondays are often so moody…nothing to do with the post-weekend blues) I found myself reading an article on new scientific research that showed how the phases of the Moon are linked to major earthquakes and tsunamis. This after Japanese scientists analyzed more than 10,000 earthquakes, and found they were more likely to occur during Full or New Moons.

It’s all linked to the tides, which are controlled by the Moon, since even the teeniest extra water pressure on the earth’s tectonic plates can be enough to trigger a major quake-causing shift. Which I read as yet another example of the scientific and the mystical coming (back) into alignment! Think about it. In astrology, the Moon is said to govern our emotions—which, in turn, are represented by the element of water. And if fluctuations in the ocean’s tides (as dictated by the Moon) are behind tectonic shifts in the natural world—then it is swings in our emotional states that often lead to the big evolutionary shifts in our lives.

Which is why I’m soooooo into Moon sign astrology. For me, our Moon sign is the one to pay attention to when it comes to connecting to our most deeply-rooted (like core-of-the-earth deep) human needs. Plus, if we want to surf the waves—opposed to being dragged down and under by emotions that can feel like a tsunami sometimes—here’s yet more (scientific!) evidence that it pays to pay attention to the phases of the Moon.

gabby bernstein the universe has your back book launch nyc 2016 moon magic the numinous

Book launch for Gabrielle Bernstein’s The Universe Has Your Back, where Gabby shared how while writing it she had actually been feeling utterly disconnected from spirit. Her answer—spoken like a true #spiritjunkie—was to go deeper into her spiritual practice. Which got me thinking, since earlier today I also heard the term “oracle abuse” for the first time—meaning an over-reliance on messages from “the other side,” versus trusting our own voice and intuition.

It’s a subject Numi contributor Victoria Cox covered brilliantly in this article, and for me, there’s a fine line between tapping IN, and using spiritual tools to “escape” from what’s going on in the here and now of our human existence. And…you can read more from Gabby on the subject of tuning in vs. numbing out in an interview I’m running with her this Sunday—which also happens to be her 11-year sober anniversary…

Since the whole world is freaking out about NASA and the 13th zodiac sign, I commissioned this excellent piece which explains the whole sitch perfectly. PLUS will make you lol HARD over just how accurate regular ol’ astrology really is!

ruby warrington the ash center vitamin drip moon magic the numinous

First ever vitamin drip at the Ash Center in Manhattan—an upscale functional wellness clinic that is emerging with a new-found optimism following the tragic passing of founder Dr. Richard Ash. What struck me as I sat with the IV feeding me a mega-dose of vitamins B and C, new MD-in-Chief Anthony Lyon’s little dog Champagne on my lap and sipping from a cup of green tea, was the family vibe of the place. It’s a huge testament to how loved Dr. Ash was that his former colleagues have banded together to continue in his name. And honestly, the atmosphere up here is a panacea in itself. As for the drip? I walked out SO. BUZZED. Favorite new healthy treat.

:: FRIDAY ::
Prepping for a ROAD TRIP!!! The Pisces (husband Simon) has wound up with a whole month off in between jobs, and so we’re heading South to tick a few Numinous must-see travel boxes. Here’s where we’re headed—please comment below with any sights, studios, esoteric stores, and mystics we should try to visit! And follow along on IG for adventures from on the road…

ROSWELL (for the aliens, lol)


That whole drama about NASA and the 13th zodiac sign explained. PLUS what astrology will forever tell me about you and your sign, says Danielle PaigeArtwork: Kate Philipson

aries 13th zodiac sign the Numinous


I don’t know what’s worse. Waking up in the morning without your coffee…or waking up and finding out yesterday you were one zodiac sign, and today you’re another!

Yesterday Libra, today a Scorpio; one day a Gemini, and next a Cancer. Which is kind of what’s been going on since an article surfaced a few days days ago claiming that NASA had done some calculations and “changed” astrology by adding a 13th zodiac sign—Ophiuchus—somewhere between Scorpio and Sag.

Cue identity crisis #949349

But you can breathe easy, dear ones, for nothing has changed (except the fact that…everything is always changing, lol).

Before I explain in detail let me assure you that your Sun sign (aka what you know as your zodiac sign) has not changed—you’re still very much identified with the Sun sign you were born under. Which is good, since most of us are pretty comfortable with our sign and would much rather change the color of our hair!

So allow me to explain what’s really up with NASA and the 13th zodiac sign…

Every so often, an article comes out and the media jumps on this. Editors love to “shock!” You’d think they’d be focused on the violence in the world, and that little thing called the Presidential debate. But, lo and behold, like a moth to a flame we’ve all jumped on the hysteria band wagon.

I know, I know, it’s addicting. We crave drama. But this one almost had people removing tattoos. “Ummmm hi, mom, you’re right. I should have gotten a tattoo that said I love you instead of the Pisces symbol I got backpacking through Thailand in my 20’s…”

And yes, there is a wobble on the earth’s axis due to the moon’s gravitational pull. And it’s true that this has created a shift which means the sun doesn’t align exactly with the constellations as it did when astrology, as we know it, was discovered/defined. Turns out our universe expands, just like we do.


However, the type of astrology that we use (as in the majority of the Western world, and what you find in most mainstream magazines and articles) refers to what’s called the “tropical zodiac.”

This zodiac “system” does not take the minute shifts in the earth’s axis into consideration, since it is more symbolic and archetypal in nature, and it is also linked to the seasons (equinoxes and solstices) as a measure of time.

The articles that you’ve been reading which tell you about a change in your zodiac sign are referring to “sidereal zodiac”—a different system that does take into account the wobble/shift of the earth’s axis, since it’s measured against the fixed stars and constellations (vs. the seasons).

The sidereal zodiac is more often used by astronomers (not astrologers) who, if you ask any of them, will adamantly tell you that astrology is not a science. My response to this is that “science” is just a word, a label. It doesn’t even really matter. After all, the beauty of being a human equipped with free will, is that there’s always more than one way to see things…

As a professional astrologer, I use the tropical zodiac since over the years I’ve seen how accurate it is to help understand someone on an emotional level. It is also strongly based on cycles, patterns, archetypes, energy, and vibration. When we have dreams or get information from spirit it often comes through in archetypes, patterns, symbols etc. This is the language of the Universe.

I believe that since we have free will, astrology was never meant to be used as a tool for prediction. And so it’s the meanings implied by the aspects described by an individual birth chart that I focus on—for it’s this information that can be used to track cycles and phases that your soul is evolving under.

gemini illustration 13th zodiac sign the numinous


All of that was a fancy way for saying, you don’t have to worry, nothing has changed…yet, everything has changed! I know, it’s ironic, but such is the magick of life.

So for now, let’s have some fun. Here’s a reminder of what the tropical zodiac will always and forever tell me about you…

:: ARIES :: You still have no patience and already skipping to the end of this post to save time. Don’t worry; no one beat you to it but we thank you for being the bravest one around!

:: TAURUS :: You’re still stubborn, (but ohhhh so freakin’ loyal which is overkill at times!) and bounce between being a workaholic and lazy AF while your cabana boy feeds you good food, wine, and surrounds you with expensive shit (hi!)

:: GEMINI :: You’re still wanting to know the answers to EVVVVVVERYTHING and then sharing the info with all of us. (Social media was created for you Gemini’s!). Say hi to the twins for me, if they’re not too busy bickering about their opinion on something right now! You know how that goes.

:: CANCER :: You’re still very much an empath and self-protective because of it. Did I mention emotional? Don’t get mad. We see your soft heart underneath your tough shell. Thank you for taking care of all of us, we need you mama/papa bear!

:: LEO :: You’re still the life of the party and the best looking. Did I mention your mane is fab?! Okay for reals though, you’re super creative and a great leader…just need to get over that ego of yours and you can move mountains. (Did someone say ego? cough cough)

:: VIRGO :: You’re still analyzing the F out of this entire post and seeing if the data is accurate. You’ll get back to us on this after you think it through some more. Gotta make sure it all fits into some kind of compartment in your life…like the container store in your brain! Ty for your service…with everything!


:: LIBRA  :: You’re still dreaming about your perfect, balanced, harmonious, romantic relationship and yes still going back and forth trying to make a decision. Make it already! Newsflash…You can’t always be so “pc” but the Aries energy in me appreciates you trying.

:: SCORPIO :: You’re still seductive, mysterious, and obsessed with sex. (Drops mic…and pants!). And your poker face, yeah it’s a good one. We will never know what is brewing underneath but I can tell it’s a lot. Sorry for outing you but we can’t see you from behind the tinted windows so my Venus in Gemini had to relay the message.

:: SAGITTARIUS :: You’re still a freedom loving, travel/adventure junkie and definitely always right (I’ll let you have it this time…not gonna fight you right now, dear son of a preacher man). Btw do you know the point’s guy? He may just be your spirit animal.

:: CAPRICORN :: You’re still concerned with your reputation and rising to the top in business. Glass ceilings? Nah, there are none because you’ll take your sweet ass time but will devise a grand master plan to manage everyone from the ground up. Btw: how’s your new designer suit? Make sure we see the label.

:: AQUARIUS :: You’re still genius and eclectic AF (thank you for that!) Can you slow down though? Your time machine is a little too advanced for us mere mortals.

:: PISCES :: Well….you’re still zoning out somewhere dreaming of being anywhere but here. But don’t worry, we’ll rub your feet and allow you to cry a little. But seriously, thank you for having more compassion in your little finger than most do in their entire body! We heart you!

To learn more about your soul and make energetic changes in your life…this time I mean REAL changes, click here. To find out more about Danielle and her particular brand of astrology click here.


Shine your light to illuminate a collective effort and your manifestations will bloom…is the message for the Aquarius Full Moon, says Sandra Sitron.

Join our virtual Full Moon ritual! Click to sign up
Join our virtual Full Moon ritual! Click here or on the image to sign up

We have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on August 18th at 5:26 am ET

A Full Moon happens when the Sun and Moon oppose each other. They face off, and the Sun’s full light shines on the Moon’s surface. This week, the Sun is in Leo and the Moon is in the opposite sign, Aquarius. This is a time of higher energy. All of the Moon’s emotional and intuitive power is amped up by the force of the Sun. It’s a time to act.

Think back to the seed intentions you set at the New Moon on August 2nd. Now you are harvesting some of those intentions. The next two weeks will be about reflecting on what you’ve learned and readying your soil for the seeds of the next New Moon, in Virgo on September 1.

A note about this Full Moon Eclipse

Is this an Eclipse, or isn’t it? In star-gazing circles there is some debate as to whether or not this counts. Because there are many different ways to calculate eclipses, some sources are listing this as an eclipse, yet others are not, including NASA. Earth’s shadow gets verrrrrry close to the Moon, but the shadow won’t be visible from Earth. I think that this Full Moon will feel like an Eclipse—meaning it will feel like a massive reset.

As such, this is time for change. A time to pull the plug and then plug back in. To close the book on a chapter. To start with a fresh perspective.

Use this powerful energy to fire up your body, mind, and spirit, and experience cathartic release. Cleansing actions are recommended now. Sweat. Cry. Dance. Take a salt-water bath. Laugh until you can’t breath. Spin in circles. Run. Howl at the Moon. Breathe. Get it all out!


“Waving a sparkler.”
Celebration. This Full Moon is helping you communicate what’s in your heart. So shine forth unapologetically, for all of us. The Aquarius Full Moon points us to a picture of the future—one in which humans are connecting through their gifts. Sharing, collaborating, working together. Individuality is healthfully elevated, not in a narcissistic way, but in a balanced and beautiful way.

This Full Moon can deliver this understanding directly into our hearts, if we are ready for it. If we have prepared the channel to receive the download. “Believe in the future” says this Aquarius Full Moon. Believe in your own light. Believe in the power of the collective. Give freely. Receive freely. Commune. Shed all of the stories that make you smaller than you are.


“An acrobat on a tightrope juggling fire.”
This acrobat is busy. Multitasking. A Yod (the shape formed by these aspects together) is like that too, as it is a combination of two very different types of energy. And what we have here are actually two Yods, so there is even more going on.

A Yod is an aspect pattern that looks like a narrow triangle. Because of this it’s also called “the Finger of God.” This moniker brings to mind the feeling of this aspect. It is a feeling of fated expectation. But this strong sense of expectation can be uncomfortable, when the outcome has not yet been realized. The planet at the tip of the pointing finger is called the Focal Planet. In this Yod there are actually two Focal Planets together, mindset Mercury and expansive Jupiter…

“The acrobat practices on the tightrope.”
With both Focal Planets in Virgo, this energy says: practice your craft, improve, do it well, and make it perfect. But, don’t, whatever you do, get caught up in worrying about potential problems. Don’t allow your mind to get stuck in a critical mode of thinking. Don’t be judgmental of yourself or anyone else. If you do, you will fall off your tightrope. If you look down, or allow anxious thinking to overtake you, you will drop the fire you are juggling. So stay present. Stay in the moment so that you can accomplish this impressive acrobatic feat.

Mercury and Jupiter are Inconjunct the Moon and Uranus. An Inconjuct is “almost there, but not quite.” So it’s a little frustrated. It doesn’t know what to do, exactly. But it knows it wants to do something. The Yod joins this frustrated energy with a pleasing and harmonious sextile between the Moon and Uranus. The message: you may not know how, just yet, but you can create a new and unexpected path for yourself.

It is tenaciously pushing you through frustration and toward your desired outcome. It is urging you past the risk and into the glory.
You will need to focus on the details. But by staying conscious of your emotions and staying open to inspiration, you will make it through.

“A clear radio signal.”
Uranus’ inspired thinking is coming through loud and clear. This is epiphany energy. Keep your mind open to new possibilities. How do you keep your mind open? Focus on the vision. Don’t overthink. Turn the radio dial to receive the signal and wait to see what comes through.

“A rare flower in bloom.”
The plant has stored up enough energy to create a rare and beautiful blossom. It has worked through obstacles and circumstance and allowed a cycle to come to completion. And it did so naturally. It did everything in it’s own perfect time. It let itself blossom. And it will let itself fall away. It moves gracefully through the cycle of life and death. This is exactly what Venus Trine Pluto offers you. The beauty of the cycle. The beauty of blooming in your own perfect time. Allow the process.

This is a moment to commune with others and share your light. Push through frustrations to glory. Allow inspiration. Allow the process.



Leo :: Leo Rising
Communicate something important to you to someone else.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Meditate. This is best action that you can take right now. You are in an especially productive frame of mind, so settling your mind and raising your vibration through meditation will make you unstoppable.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Give something. And ask the Universe to help you receive something.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Nest. Pay extra attention to your home space.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Mingle. Get out into your neighborhood and connect with your peers.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Do something luscious and sensual. Eat a beautiful meal. Get a massage. Do something that feels good.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Celebrate! It’s not often that we stop to be appreciative of ourselves. Take a moment to be ecstatic. Mark this moment in your favorite way.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Do some dream journaling. This is your time to connect with your inner symbolism and intuition.

Aries :: Aries Rising
Find out what everyone else thinks.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Work. This may be a big vacation time, but for you, this time period is best spent working.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Travel. Take a vacation. If you aren’t able to get away, explore a different way of thinking.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Create a letting-go ritual for yourself. Close a chapter.

To book a private readig with Sandra email her at [email protected] or visit


The Saturn square Neptune astrology of the 17th century Salem Witch Trials is currently repeating. But beyond the cultural tension in the air, there is potential for great progress now too, says Amelia QuintArtwork: Silvia Coco

saturn square neptune on The Numinous

For better or for worse, 2016 has been a year of change. With tragedy after tragedy it can feel impossible to make any sense of the zeitgeist, but this cultural climate has been building since 2015. Thanks to an astrological alignment of Saturn square Neptune, we’re all revising our belief systems.

What does that mean for you as an individual, and for our society as a whole?


Saturn and Neptune are both very powerful in their own rights. Saturn is the ruler of structure, responsibility, and karma. His mythology is complex, and he also had power to subvert social norms.

Meanwhile, Homer referred to Neptune’s Greek counterpart Poseidon as “Shaker of the Earth”—because the god’s volatile temper was known for causing earthquakes. Neptune was also “god of the deep”, and is associated with the unknown and unknowable aspects of life, including magic and spirituality.

Right now, Saturn is in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is associated with all forms of expansion—and so overseas travel, foreign cultures, philosophy, and religious beliefs are all Sagittarian pursuits, given take you outside your comfort zone in one way or another.

Saturn here is challenging the way we as individuals and a community view our own ideologies and those of others. He asks, “What do you believe in, and why?” Sometimes, we may not like the answer.

In addition, Neptune in Pisces is putting pressure on Saturn in the form of a square aspect. It’s a tough aspect, to be sure. And as a backdrop to current political and world events, it can feel like one step forward and two steps back. But history shows us this is not the case…


Saturn square Neptune has been causing ideological clashes for nearly a millennia—and the 17th century alignment of Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces saw the Spanish Inquisition and Salem Witch Trials, both brutal regimes carried out in the name of religious belief. (An aside: It’s curious that Robert Eggar’s The Witch, set during that period, has had so much success during the same astrological lineup centuries later!)

Certainly ideology is a vital topic of discussion now. There has been progress and there has been adversity. As a resident of South Carolina, I felt the unspeakable sadness of the AME Church shooting in Charleston and celebrated the great victory for the black community that was removal of the Confederate flag from the SC Capitol grounds.

Only a few months later, the US Supreme Court ruled laws banning same sex marriage to be unconstitutional, effectively legalizing same sex marriage—something I thought might never happen in my highly conservative state. Outside of the US, Ireland legalized same sex marriage as well.

Then there are the acts of violence that we have become all too familiar with—the Charlie Hebdo shooting, the ISIL shootings at Bataclan and throughout Paris, bombings at Brussels airport in Belgium, and most recently, the shooting at Pulse gay nightclub in Orlando.

To list them all at once is a pain too acute to bear, but is necessary in order to acknowledge the common thread: that these are attacks on and because of belief.

They are intended to instill fear and feelings of otherness. But what we have seen at every turn is that humanity refuses to succumb to fear and doubt, and holds instead to the belief that “love is love is love”.

Truly, this is the axis of Sagittarius and Pisces in its most heart-wrenchingly beautiful form—a invitation to use the Sagittarian freedoms of speech, religion, and love to conquer hate and to heal the world around us with selfless Piscean empathy.


If you look just beneath the conflicts, you’ll see that Saturn square Neptune is also a catalyst for incredible advancement in culture and spirituality. The 14th century Saturn in Sagittarius square to Neptune in Pisces saw the denouement of the High Renaissance in the West, including the building of the Royal Library at the Louvre in Paris.

Petrarch also wrote his collection of sonnets during this time, altering the poetic form for centuries to come. In the East, the powerful Ming dynasty assumed control and began construction on the Great Wall of China, one of the great wonders of the world.

These squares are also known for being portals for mystical revelations and supernatural events. An extremely rare alignment of Venus and Jupiter called an “occult” occurred during the 12th century square, and Halley’s comet was observed during the 16th century square. During last year’s square, NASA announced the existence of liquid water on Mars, which brings the possibility of life beyond of Earth closer than ever.

The Divine Feminine also seems to resurface during Saturn-Neptune squares, despite being suppressed throughout much of Western history.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, perhaps the most famous Marian apparition in the history of the Catholic Church, appeared during the 16th century square. In that same period, famous occultist Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa wrote De nobilitate et praecellentia foeminae sexus (On the Nobility and Excellence of the Feminine Sex), making a huge contribution to the modern magical understanding of femininity.

In the same way, feminine spirituality has experienced a massive renaissance in pop culture and fashion over the last year—and, for the first time, in America we have the opportunity to vote in a female President.


The best way to collaborate with this vibe is to know where Saturn and Neptune are transiting in your natal chart. If you don’t know where Sagittarius and Pisces are in your chart, you can calculate your chart here.

Once you know what houses are being activated for you personally, focus on transforming your beliefs in those areas for amazing results.

  • Wherever Saturn is transiting is where you need more structure and stability. Are your current methods and belief systems working for you? If not, how can you realign them to feel more free?
  • Wherever Neptune is transiting is where you need to heal and take a spiritual approach. Is there a dream, message, or vision you want to share with the world?

Finally, give yourself the time and space you need to process any feelings that come up. These are challenging times, and an extra focus on self-care is required. Write, rest, or do whatever else helps you feel whole again. While you’re at it, see if someone near and dear to you needs some extra love too.

The exact dates of Saturn in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces are: 26 November 2015, 18 June 2016, 10 September 2016.