This week’s card is the Ten of Cups. Enter an abundance of unconditional love…but it has to begin with you, says Louise Androlia.

You can watch last week’s weekly tarotscope at the link – did Louise’s message resonate with you? Share in the comments below, and connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!


Cast by Louise Androlia using the Cosmic Tarot Deck

Libra / Libra Rising – The Sun

Ok Librans, it’s time to unleash the GOOD VIBES. So it turns out that all it takes to be courageous is keep opening your heart, again and again, even when you feel desperate to shut the doors and lock everyone and everything out. Painful? Hell yeah, but that is what being a human is all about. Life is messy but there is joy hidden among every heartache. This is the month to start filtering and pocketing the gold.

Your birthday month is like your own personal new year, so forget waiting for January and gift yourself a brand new year ritual over the coming weeks. You don’t have to be a seasoned witch to get this going! Just carve out some sacred space for yourself as soon as you can, a good hour (or five) and dedicate this time to you and only you. First up, connect to your feelings, especially the ones you’d like to run from; never forget that your feelings are your superpower and the direct channel to self-empowerment and connection. Your feelings are your friends, they are not there to attack you. Write them down, should them out, say hello to all the dirt!

Next, connect to your gratitude. Thank your challenges, thank your enemies, and thank your destiny. Thank all of those people who have helped you this past year. Write these down too, should them out to the Universe, and feel yourself expanding. Now, surrender. What do you want to release, now and forever? Visualize your whole body covered in the muck that you want to blast away, and then bathe, scrub, body brush, shower, shake; get connected to the grime and wash and drain away all that you no longer need.
Then it’s time to call in this Sun energy, which is pure and vulnerable. Make a promise to yourself that you will move forward with an intention to be wide open to receiving all that you need in the coming year.

Commit to knowing that vulnerability isn’t a weakness, commit to knowing that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Know that it’s okay to feel scared of the unknown, but remember that just because something is new, doesn’t mean that it’s bad – in the same way, when letting go, remember that just because something is familiar, it doesn’t mean it’s good! Gather all this super powered energy in your body; remember what it feels like to be energized by your own wisdom, by your own spirit. Finally, why not dance it out?

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Scorpio / Scorpio – The Ten of Cups

Let the love back in. You’ve been holding on so tight the last few months, anxiously awaiting that ‘shift,’ the big lightning bolt from the sky that drops down to Earth on a silky soft banner and softly whispers ‘it’s okay’. This month is about that softening. You are tough, brave and powerful, but that’s not all you are. It’s time to unravel and reveal on a deeper level. You know you’ve felt it coming, and the time is now. You know how you always see everyone? It’s time to be seen, and hell yeah, that’s scary! But it’s supposed to be, and being raw is being real will propel you to the next best place you need to be.

It feels like you may have experienced some lapses in your own faith recently, and you are now in a wonderful position to recalibrate, in a ‘new you’ sort of way. Remember that you are designed to evolve, so everything about your own self-care practice also is supposed to shift too. Trust that whatever you feel pulled towards is for you, because you are being looked after. Even if the only invisible force you can resonate with is the air that you breathe, then know that THIS is the Universal connnection you need, that it’s right there and it’s not going anywhere.

For those of you who are interested in diving deeper, then you may also find a special connection to your passed family members and your ancestral lineage over the coming weeks. Ask for their assistance with a deeper level of clearing, and request they guide you to stay expansive enough to recognize the symbols and signs along your path that always remind you of what you already know.

You see, this month is about a higher love, and you’ll be either feeling it or really NOT. But if you stop and think, ‘wait, I’m not feeling any love right now,’ then perhaps this is your opportunity to create it yourself. How can YOU spread more compassion? Perhaps you are the person being called to be of service; maybe it’s time to step up. Maybe it’s time to be kinder to yourself. In the raw material world, and in love, again, be open to being open. Allow yourself to be seen, even if it’s just starting with that one close friend. People want to be there for you. Let the love back in.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Sagittarius / Sagittarius Rising – The Queen of Cups

After last months smack down and shake up, you are being gently teased back to feeling your feelings again. Yeah that old trick; it’s like September was the filling in a feelings sandwich, so look back to August – where were you then? And what has changed? What has the opportunity to change? I feel this month brings a great exercise in perspective, and the gift will be in looking at your life through a new lens. This is always the choice we have, in any given situation, and it’s a superpower.

Yes, YOU get to choose how you see things. Your fears may show you a more low vibe picture, the more restricted option, the route with no potential. But that is never all there is. This month, you can either rise up or stay in your shadows. Which is it going to be? Now, when I bring this topic of conversation in, it’s important to know that s*** happens, and your pain is valid and valuable too. Nothing can take that away. This is where the compassion element to moving forward comes in, you allow yourself the pain and still choose to believe there is a new place, a blank space of possibility for you to move into.

Your choice over the coming weeks will be how you decide to view the stories you tell yourself. What are you blaming? Who are you angry at? Allow yourself to rage and tantrum, shake it out, scream it out, this fire needs attention. Then, consider how might you WANT to move onwards. Recognize those parts of you that feel victimized, and take it back to your intuition. How can you reformat your internal dialogue to empower those beliefs that feel heavy or weak? How can you add in or change up the wording that makes your situation seem a little more stretchy?

On the home front, your wisdom may be in demand – wisdom that you do have. Bring the same compassion and a willingness to see the other point of view to the table, but protect your energy as you do it – otherwise you’ll be no use to anyone, and that’s just not the point. The message is that you can be a great comfort to yourself and others over the coming weeks. And the result? A stronger connection to your inner soul system, more self-love, and a greater sense of empathy for those around you. Wade right in.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Capricorn / Capricorn Rising – The Emperor

I feel as though this month has a ‘coming home’ element to it, a period of time where you are able to truly embody the YOU that is you. I think the most interesting thing way to work with this theme, is to really acknowledge what you’ve been practicing or carrying around with you that isn’t honoring your most authentic or compassionate self. So there will be some clearing involved. An easy way to locate anything that isn’t on your best wavelength, is to check in with what in your life just isn’t working anymore.

Like all of us, you’ve been evolving recently and picking away at the edges of tired pages in your story. It’s time to peel away some of your lower level habits once and for all. Resistance may come in the form of ‘oh that’s just how I am’ – this statement is always a good indicator of our capacity to change, because nothing is forever on our journey, and usually the things we hang onto are being used as a self-punishing comfort blanket – or a ‘s*** blanket’ as I often call it! This month, you are invited to step OUT of control in order to feel IN control. This is true surrender, giving everything up and over in order to discover that letting go is what actually feels the most comfortable. That the power lies in the unknown.

Yes, I know that this idea sounds frankly hideous to you. Drop everything, WTF? Right? But trust that this is an act of self-love, this surrender practice. It’s calling in your ability to say; ‘you know what, I don’t have all the answers, I don’t know what to do, and that’s okay.’ The idea is to open up and learn new tools and rules for your life as it is unfolding now, because THAT’S actually what you need. We can’t keep reaching for old tricks when faced with new experiences, we have to change our mind, body and spirit to meet us where we are at.

I love this energy for you, a new empowered you that is also softer and less pressurized, raw but not weak. Standing in this beautiful state of surrender you are able to see more clearly exactly what you need; company or solitude, education or empathy. Finally, if you come face-to-face with a person or situation that feels restrictive, avoid fighting fire with fire. Be the higher mirror and allow others to meet you in that space.

Questions? Come and chat with me on instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Aquarius / Aquarius Rising – The Eight of Wands

The perfect follow on from the mojo reactivation of last month, you’re ripe and ready for some fast paced action and communication! Now, for those of you who panic about Mercury Retrograde, don’t sweat it, just use the last week of this Cosmic transit as a chance to be more compassionate and feel MORE empowered. This is your life after all and you can’t put things on hold if they are in the present moment waiting to be embraced.

Also, perhaps use this opportunity to get clear on whom you actually want to communicate with. You may notice some worn out connections in your ‘friends’ list that are entirely ego based. You know, anyone you want to be in contact with just because you want them to want to contact you? Any sense of urgency and panic around a friendship suggests the relationship isn’t usually based in love. You have to trust that the people that just keep showing up are the ones to be heard and seen, and nothing needs to be forced. Step back from any communication that feels like you are scrabbling to be heard.

Your self worth is not based on someone approving of you – you are worthy of love and attention all the time. It’s just something that you have to claim, daily, on repeat, over and over again. Meanwhile on the work front, this is a great month to prep time and a perfect opportunity for widening your network of high vibe collaborators, too. Release any sense of urgency around this by surrendering after you have spread the net out; for instance, if you are sharing you work on social media, then proudly release it and get on with what needs your attention in the present moment. You don’t need to refresh, refresh, and refresh again. Allow your projects to BREATHE and be alive, don’t squash them into a space of ‘needing’ approval.

You’ve been really working to dive into your most authentic self and passions, so don’t dampen your efforts with fears of being judged. You may find that YOU are active nearer the beginning of the month and the world around you is more active nearer the end, so if you get that ‘stuck’ feeling then commit to trusting the process and accept that life can be a humbling experience. Time passes as it should, which may not always be to your schedule. Use any gaps as an opportunity to check in with where you’re at. When things start to speed up it will serve you to have your self-care regime top notch and intact.

Questions? Come and chat with me on instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Pisces / Pisces Rising – The Ace of Pentacles

You are in a period of many new beginnings, and I’d love for you to trust in this new and possibly slightly overwhelming space. Whilst the new is truly an opportunity to be at our most expansive, it also brings in our deepest fears of the unknown. That sense of diving off the cliff may feel very real to you right now, and that’s okay. In fact, it’s also, beautiful, magical and full of exciting potential. So how many toes have you dipped into life recently? Or are you still meandering around the edge, making excuses for not allowing change?

This month brings a really great sense of Earth energy for you, and you need this influxes of solid grounding to balance out your frequent waves of emotional intensity. This is real world stuff and feels so good! So, how might this manifest? Well, in simple terms it’s a great opportunity to really scan your landscape and see what you want to plant. What do you WANT your world to look like? And also, what kind of wider world do you want to live in? In reassessing what you need know that you also get to to have an impact on a grander scale.

When we rise up to dive into the things that feel good to us, we give others the opportunity to reflect this too. When we make a point of becoming more self aware, we are in a better position to be an example to others. So, what do you want your world to look like and what steps can you take today, tomorrow, and the next? The energy this month is all positive for you, and that’s why it’s fun to explore and experiment with. It’s a great few weeks to practice some big positive ‘what ifs’ – ‘cos we’re sure familiar with the negative version of this, right?

Every time your spirit shouts out an idea and your fears knock it right back down again – come back with a new spin on it. You know…but WHAT IF! Call out that devil on your shoulder with another possibility. Remember that thinking positively doesn’t make you more likely to fall. This is the perfect time to get serious about your life and really start to take some empowered action. This is no time to be focused on blaming external circumstances, be compassionate to yourself and head within.

Questions? Come and chat with me on instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Aries / Aries Rising – The World

Ready for your global takeover? Well this is the month is where you may feel like things are actually moving in that direction! Remember, this doesn’t always mean lightning bolts from the sky. Some shifts are so subtle, but it IS happening, and I’m feeling a link back to mid 2014 in regards to the projects, ideas and even intentions that you were working with back then. This is a power place for you, so it’s important that you rise up and own it. Last month was in place to get you all dirtied up with your anxieties and favorite methods of self-sabotage, but now, it’s time to shake it off and remember the vibe of the Phoenix.

Never forget that change is supposed to feel uncomfortable. Ignore this simple fact, and we end up in a perpetual state of confusion, or even considering that we might be going mad! Change comes in waves, and it’s totally fine to feel seasick. However, with this energy in place, allow yourself to be inspired by those around you who embrace the storms, because they have access to a few secrets in regards to the cycles of life. One being that when you skip confidently into the unknown you get gifted an expansive new vision, a sense of being able to see the past so clearly, the future as a gift, and the present as something that’s been supercharged with positive outcomes just for you.

So, these coming weeks are about endings AND beginnings, kind of like being in a constant state of surrender and opening. So just join the party, and don’t grip too tightly onto ANYTHING. Step into some sort of magical casual yet empowered attitude – there is no room for panic, it won’t get you anywhere! In fact, laughing a LOT will be helpful, especially at yourself, so allow the Universe humble you often.

If things around you seem to suddenly go off radar, trust that you don’t need them, and be ready to say YES to the new as the month draws to a close. Meanwhile, you are obviously still the fire starter, so action is inevitable and welcomed. Invite all brainstorming opportunities, and run any new ideas past your intuition first. Any ‘yes’ that comes straight from your head needs to check in with the body. How does this FEEL? Move forward here and you’ll step into a good flow, one that might just temper the tides of change and have you feeling more grounded than ever.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Taurus / Taurus Rising – Temperance

October brings an opportunity for personal healing on a deeper level, and you are invited to be ultra kind to yourself. Not because anything uncomfortable is about to happen – there is always a need for kindness, for all of us. But I feel that your self-care practice can become an absolute, non-negotiable daily practice now, if you are willing to let it. It seems as though many of you have had to take on the role of carer and healer for others over the course of this year. Whether it’s the nature of your job or because circumstances called for it, you’ve been giving a lot.

When we have to expel a lot of energy it’s essential that we give back to ourselves, or at some point we get a swift and sharp warning that we are running on empty. If that red light is flashing right now, then this is your double sign to slow down and check back in with YOU. What do you really need this month? I will never stop promoting the idea that empowerment comes from self-awareness of your mind-body-spirit connection. Power does not come from the external resources, it’s always cultivated within us, whether we like it our not. And this means listening.

This is where the softening comes in. Allowing the gentle nudges from your intuitive voice to be stronger than the front that you’d like to put up, or the fear that you’d rather lean on. If you’re struggling, then you have to be willing to crack open and accept something totally new. It is in this place of receiving that the most empowering shifts happen, as you get more in tune you will absolutely feel better.

This is month four in a row of quite intense energy for you, but these weeks are full of love, so wrap yourself up in it. Who is on your team? Gather them and be with them, don’t give yourself to anyone you don’t need right now. Make space to laugh, cry and learn; take trust and comfort in the simplest things, and recognize that as you choose not to participate it ceases to exist. Step gently back from your self-imposed restrictions, and experiment with the unknown. You may also like to ask for help. Ha, YOU may also not like to ask for help, but try it out! Fall apart a little, even just as an experiment. The world won’t end I promise, but yours might begin.

Questions? Come and chat with me on instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Gemini / Gemini Rising – Four of Pentacles

If last month saw you high on your own ideas, then these next few weeks are a chance to keep tuned in to this energy – particularly when your fears chime in. You see, when we are excited and positive, part of us will always wade in with the; ‘wait, NO you aren’t allowed to feel like that, it’s too expansive, it’s too open – SOMETHING BAD MIGHT HAPPEN.’ And then we start to grip onto things, we start to strangle our creative urges. If we let that fear take over, we lose confidence and we are halted on our path.

So just allow everything to breathe this month, especially your creativity. All of those plans, all that wonder and joy you’ve been tuning into, you get to keep it. Your creativity is a the purest expression of your spirit, it’s your life force – and this energy really needs to flow. Surrender happens when we trust that loosening our grip doesn’t indicate that things are going to slip away, but instead that things are going to grow and blossom at their own speed. Yeah, granted this process isn’t always timed how we would like – sometimes things fall into place on schedule, sometimes they don’t.

Choose to enjoy the randomness and perfection of the unknown placements in your life. Practice the idea of letting go daily, read about surrender, experiment with surrender – you can make it work for you. I’d also like you to check in with your suspicions and skepticisms. If you are being drawn way too much to what others are doing or might be thinking, then this is the biggest neon sign ever for you to head back home, back to just being you. Collaborate don’t compete. Jealousy comes from our fears of loss, but if you see others living your dream it’s because it’s right there, accessible and available to you too.

And, um, yeah it’s also not YOUR dream, it’s their path, and it’s perfect. So get back on your track focus on thinking about what you truly want to invest in, leading with those things you are most passionate about. Where do your intentions and your excitement about life meet in the middle? That is where your personal pot of gold lies. Trust that it’s okay to invest in the things that feel good; this is where you’ll reconnect to your magic. It’s not a luxury to feel fantastic about your own life. It’s a necessity.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Cancer / Cancer Rising – Seven of Wands

Put down your weapons my watery friend. Why are you feeling the need to fight and to prove yourself? A lot of this may be directed at yourself – have you been over challenging yourself recently to know all the answers? Reprimanding yourself for not having got it all figured out yet? Wondering when you’ll finally feel like one of those people who totally knows what they are doing? No one has a clue. Seriously, everyone is swimming in this big mess together, no one is exempt from these ‘what ifs’ or daily concerns. The gift that you have is that you are activated; you actually CARE about your thoughts, your path, your purpose. That’s pretty amazing, you are awake and this is where your focus can shift.

Instead of letting your eyes wander to what everyone else is doing, how elevated their plans are, how ‘good’ they have it – come back to the I AM and the I FEEL. Check in with your body right now; rub the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet together. Are you all here? Reel yourself back to the present moment, remembering there is no fight right when you are here right now.

On that subject of the ‘fight’ though, and that idea of proving yourself or standing up for yourself, think of it as an energetic thing, and a fear thing. They say we should ‘fight the good fight,’ so what does that mean to you? Think how about you lead by example, how you can keep throwing out love, and speaking from a place of compassion. You don’t have to belittle another to get your point across. You can be the light here. And as much as your feelings and thoughts are of value, how much to you need to prove them? That fight, is it worth your energy?

Whether it’s external or internal, check in with whether you really need a certain result, or whether it’s your ego that’s insisting on it. Allow your soul to guide you to the best place for you to direct your energy this month. I feel like it’s a time for checking out of social media, for getting grounded, and for less scattering yourself in all directions. Be uplifted by the simple things; food, kids, animals, the outside. Laughing, crying, feeling. Keep moving until you get to that place where you know that all you need is you. You are unique, but you aren’t alone. There is a bigger picture and you do have a voice. Use it for good.

Questions? Come and chat with me on instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Leo / Leo Rising – Three of Pentacles

All the star energy that’s been building over the last few months for you is about to come into it’s own – and this I’m talking about you OWNING it. It’s time to really claim your place in the world as someone who has something to offer. You see, this month is all about mastery, education, wisdom and collaboration. You need to recognize that you have something special to share, but at the same time not to perceive yourself as better than anyone else. It’s an ego check of sorts, because sometimes when we get super excited we can drop into ‘know it all’ vibe.

I think the easiest way to frame it is; teach not preach. You can share your ideas and inspirations without stamping on anyone else in the process. You aren’t here to prove yourself, simply to get out there and live in your best self. Be the example that others can follow. You don’t need to correct them, just do you, and let everyone else be exactly where they are supposed to be.

So with your ego checked, let’s get excited about what you have going on! What are you really hyped up about right now? Whether it’s a work thing, a personal endeavor, your relationship, or just your breakfast, it’s all relevant. The wheels are truly turning for you and so it’s kind of worth showing up and soaking it all in. In addition, when you are in this loud and open space of expression, there’s always a little room to be made for receiving, a space to be guided and room to grow! So what do you need to receive right now?

It may be a straight up confidence kick for those of you who aren’t loving the limelight. It might be some TLC from your nearest and dearest, or perhaps you aren’t sure what it is yet! Well that’s often the case, so just set your intention to giving AND receiving and see what shows up. Finally, be careful not to try juggling too much. You are allowed to stop and take a break – everything won’t dissolve if you sit down for a minute. Your energy feels a bit like a race to the finishing line, so it’s another reminder to just trust that time is stretchy. Use the mantra ‘I have all the time that I need’ whenever you feel that panic set in.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Virgo / Virgo Rising – Six of Pentacles

How are you feeling? Did you manage to shake yourself out of your head and back into your body? Even just a little bit? This month you are back to the energy that you know and love the best, the good Earth element, and the themes surrounding you are primarily to do with the topics of giving and receiving.

Now, the first thing I want you to tune into is anywhere in your life where you’re focusing a lot on what you are lacking in. What are you always saying that you don’t have enough of? Do you plant more energy on worrying about this than celebrating what you do have? If you’ve tuned into what that might be, then simply honor it. Say out loud, ‘I feel lacking in ***, and it’s okay.’ We must be present with our fears in order to work with them. Now tune into an area where you feel really full up, what is overflowing for you? Sometimes this is harder to grasp, but there is always something. So where are you feeling rich and thankful?

Then it’s all about the balance, the harmony of the give and take. Things are always shifting and flowing in this respect, and that’s how it should be; what’s important is that we remember to check in with where we might be giving too much, giving too little, receiving too much or receiving too little. It’s easy for us to dive into the task of getting rid of what no longer serves us, but how about what you need right now? Also, what can you give today?

Thinking about what you need, are you actually asking for it? Often we focus on lamenting the gaps in our world, but have forgotten to request help, and also love! Remember that vulnerability is one of your superpowers. Not to mention tuning in to check if YOU are the missing piece in your life. If so, then do everything you can to reintroduce yourself to, ummm yourself. Meanwhile this is a cracking time to feel very unapologetic about accepting complements about your skills and your work. After all, you’ve been working hard, right? Note how far you’ve come; especially if you feel like things just aren’t going fast enough right now! Earth energy you see – BE HERE NOW.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse


The Prince of Pentacles brings some much needed Earth energy, says Louise Androlia. Time to knuckle down and make some hay!

You can watch last week’s weekly tarotscope at the link – did Louise’s message resonate with you? Share in the comments below, and connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!


The Aries Full Moon Eclipse is an invitation to step into the most authentic expression of you. Hannah Ariel Eckhaus explains how this will manifest in your life…

Aries full moon eclipse rainbow full moon reading on The Numinous

“ Fire is the ultra living element. It is intimate and it is universal. It lives in our heart. It lives in the sky…Fire suggests the desire to change, to speed up the passage of time, to bring all of life to its conclusion. To its here-after. It magnifies human destiny; it links the small to the great; the hearth to the volcano; the life of a log to the life of a world… It is a renewal.” – Gaston Bachelard, The Psychoanalysis of Fire

On September 27th we will be experiencing the utterly transformative power of a super Full Moon, total lunar Eclipse, blood moon and full harvest moon all rolled into one fiery phenomenon happening at 5 degrees Aries. This will be the fourth and final of a tetrad of blood moons that have taken place across the Aries/Libra axis over the past two years, transforming how we take liberated action, both uniquely as individuals and in relation to the world beyond our self.

Anytime there is an eclipse the Nodes are involved (the points where the orbit of the moon cross the ecliptic); the South Node whispers of our past life while the North Node hints at visions meant to be experienced in this lifetime. On September 27th the Nodes will be aligned with the Equinox, and everyone on planet Earth is bound to experience a great sense of destiny being magnified.

This particular change of season also asks us to step directly into the axis of self/other with the courage carried over from past lives, in order to dignify our future relationship with the world we live in. EXCITING!

We are arriving at a divine moment in time, when the Earth, Sun and Moon line up in such a way that the Sun’s light does not illuminate the Moon – instead the Earth casts a red shadow across its surface. It may feel for a moment that you are swimming in waters you cannot name, and yet at this time you are being asked to trust in the next chapter.

This Eclipse will pull on us like an ancient memory that’s ready for our full attention. It will ask for your direct participation in life, and to trust that your deepest instincts on this day will be aligned with divine energy. No matter what shows up, emotionally speaking, there is nothing to fear. You are being given the opportunity to boldly answer the call – to confront and resurrect the root of what stirs within you, no matter how unrecognizable may appear.

As the Earth casts its shadow, be mindful that whatever is unearthed from your subconscious that may require re-rooting or re-routing. You are ready! Like an Aries you will feel as if you are born ready. Trust. And remember, as Aries is the first constellation in the Zodiac it speaks to the original impulse, the initial spark that sets the whole story aflame. React authentically from an empowered position of fearlessness, and trust in your destiny.

There is a certain soul-affirming nature to this Moon, as it will not only be conjunct the South Node but the also asteroid Vesta – Goddess of the hearth, protector of the flame, her energy is one of true devotion. Who or what within us is worth protecting? Where and how in your life can you renew your devotion to your soul’s desires?

What you experience on a personal level depends on your chart, in particular, where the Aries/Libra axis falls, and whether or not you have planets in any of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn).

Because Mercury is currently retrograde in Libra, this is a potent time to reflect on the relationships you are currently invested in. Remember too, that relationships do not just come in one form – observe your relationship to your thoughts, habits, a belief systems, health regimes etc. If you are trying to maintain a connection to something or someone you’ve outgrown, it will become very apparent at this time.

While the scales of Libra seek connections that create a sense of safety, a sense of “I know if I stand here then this (insert person place or thing) will be there,” at the other end of the spectrum, Aries asks what can you do to liberate yourself and transcend your current situation in order to manifest your highest destiny.

A passage of time is opening up for you to assert the Self you actually want to be. Again, in which area of life you are being asked to transform and absolutely re-invent yourself depends where this Eclipse falls in your chart. Aries rules the head, so you can also think of this as a time to quite literally blow your own mind and re-imagine who you can be in this lifetime.

For those who have been following the rhythm of 2014’s Cardinal Grand Cross, which shook many of us out of limiting self-perceptions, you will find this Eclipse to be a culmination and celebration – a moment to cross over once and for all from who you were into who you will be.

A moment to renew the original connection to your Soul and the destiny it is continuing to form a relationship with. Rest assured that wherever you are being encouraged to take action, or assert yourself in a way you never have before, is a call from your Soul’s inexplicable urge to be self-actualized, and ultimately to relate to your life in a way in the most authentic way yet!

Look to see where 5 degrees Aries falls in your natal chart to map out where you can begin to fearlessly take action and where you can begin to celebrate this culmination of energy in a way that will best support your future self:

1st house: show up for yourself in a way that honors how you would like to be seen

2nd house: initiate an empowered sense of your own personal resourcefulness

3rd house: speak your truth, and allow your words to reflect your most authentic thoughts

4th house: find where you feel most at home and know you belong there

5th house: recognize how much you shine, and realize how YOU want to enjoy your time

6th house: actively create a routine that sparkles with your individuality

7th house: your opinion matters; you do not have to be who others need you to be

8th house: transform the ways in which you evaluate your worth – individuate your magnetism

9th house: transform your relationship to the truth; tell yourself the story you know to be true

10th house: aim for authentic recognition out in the world, a personally meaningful reputation

11th house: focus on finding allies who help you shine in your community

12th house: give your longest held dreams a heartbeat of their own

To schedule a personal reading with Hannah, email: [email protected]


Be vulnerable, be real, own your pain and help somebody feel less alone. A big message from the Queen of Swords in Louise Androlia‘s weekly tarotscope…

You can watch last week’s weekly tarotscope at the link – did Louise’s message resonate with you? Share in the comments below, and connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!


This week’s card chimes perfectly with the cosmic energy of the Virgo New Moon eclipse. The Eight of Cups is an invitation to let go, and move forward in your journey, says Louise Androlia

You can watch last week’s weekly tarotscope at the link – did Louise’s message resonate with you? Share in the comments below, and connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!


This weekend’s Virgo New Moon eclipse is an invitation to go big, or go home. Just have a little faith, says Chani NicholasPhotography: Dana Trippe. Model: Rachel Barnes

message for the september 13 2015 new moon eclipse words chani nicholas image dana trippe for The Numinous

It’s that time again. Eclipse season.

Things speed up. Choices come rapid fire. Life alters, and we either keep up or get left behind. Eclipses tend to bring themes of major openings and closings. Portals of opportunity beckon us towards them. Things get cut short. Endings draw near without warning. Experiences are stark. Stakes are high.

The Virgo New Moon eclipse on Saturday, September 12th at 11:54 PM PST at 20 degrees of Virgo is a solar one. During a solar eclipse, the light of the Sun is diminished, obscured and confiscated (though not for those of us that will be experiencing it during night time). Life depends upon the light of the Sun. We depend on the light of the Sun. When that light appears to be threatened, so too are we.

We realize there are things we have no control over. Like the planets. Like our lives.

This eclipse is in Virgo. Virgo wants to know the specifics, the design and the down-and-dirty details of the situation. Virgo over thinks, over stresses, and over analyzes. There is no one that I would trust more with any kind of job that required a sincere and honest effort than a Virgo. This sign is unparalleled for its ability to work diligently at a task.

The Virgo New Moon eclipse also occurs near the North Node of the Moon – the point in the zodiac representing what we strive towards and want to accumulate. As such, we could say that this eclipse is propelling us forward, opening us up to our appetites, asking or taunting us to push our boundaries and find our edge, while possibly calling us to fulfill some aspect of our destiny.

Minutes before the eclipse, there will be a New Moon in Virgo. Every New Moon marks a new beginning, energetically opening up the sign it occurs in, as well as any major planet that has recently entered that sign.

And Jupiter has just landed in Virgo. Jupiter’s influence expands what it touches, creates opportunity, makes magnanimity its monogram, flaunts blind faith as a virtue and enlarges whatever it touches. Jupiter’s year long stay in Virgo is asking us to spend some time considering how we deal with the organizational aspects of our lives, how to work in efficient ways, and what details to expand upon. But more importantly Jupiter is hard at work developing the house in our chart that it is transiting in a critical, thoughtful, discerned fashion. Jupiter was last in Virgo 12 years ago – what area of your life was expanding, and opening up, back then?

With this eclipse of the new Moon, Virgos the world over are getting extra bouts of growth-inducing game thrown their way. And all of us are being asked to pay special attention to the part of our chart that contains Virgo (you can do your birth chart for free here). These are the areas of our life to focus on at the eclipse, to be tended to, worked on, explored, opened up, expanded, brought into form and made into something.

Because Juno, Guardian of Women and Goddess of Marriage, is sitting next to the Virgo New Moon eclipse, we can also ask ourselves if we are willing to committo marry ourselves, to the most pressing issues this area of our charts holds for us. Because this eclipse is sitting with Jupiter the benefic, we can be certain that whatever the effects, they will be BIG. Because this eclipse is making a friendly sextile to Saturn, we can know that our efforts to stabilize and make real are being aided. Because this eclipse is making a trine to Pluto we are invited to go deep and be real, to get ready to embrace our power and use it for good.

But. And. Finally.

Mercury, the planet that governs both the Virgo New Moon eclipse and Jupiter’s stay in Virgo, is slowing down to station retrograde on September 17. This might muck things up a bit, or at the very least make for an extra strange eclipse season. One that urges us to take well-assessed risks, but one that can’t guarantee the outcome. One that wants us to have faith in what we know, but might not show us all the information. One that asks us to serve the design of our lives, while it conceals an important part of the blue print.

This eclipse calls for critical faith.

Read the full, unedited version of Chani’s message for the Virgo New Moon eclipse at the link. You can also purchase her Eclipse Season Survival Guide here.

What area of your life do you want to open up with the cosmic energy of this New Moon eclipse? Share in the comments below, and connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!


The message of this weekly tarotscope is all about shattering your self-imposed illusions, says Louise Androlia

You can also check out the last weekly tarotscope at the link – did Louise’s reading resonate for you? Share with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!


In her new weekly tarotscope, Louise Androlia pulls the Three of Wands – which is about acting on all you’ve been manifesting. The time is NOW…

You can also check out the last weekly tarotscope at the link – did Louise’s reading resonate for you? Share with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!


If you’re looking for a super potent time to work with the Tarot, the Full Moon could be the cosmic invitation you’re after. Gabriela Herstik has five ways to work some Full Moon Tarot magick…Image: The Starchild Tarot


Read For The Month Ahead
Perhaps the most obvious and direct way to incorporate the Tarot into your Full Moon ritual is to do a reading. The cosmic energy now is ripe for making decisions on whatever’s been brewing since the previous New Moon, so spending some time reflecting on what you now want to manifest can only serve you. Set up a sacred space, get centered, find a layout that sings to you and draw a card, any card. Reflect on the cycles of your life, and be open to what comes up in the card you’ve chosen.

Make A Tarot Temple
The Tarot is all about imagery and symbolism after all, so why not play with this? You can create a Tarot altar or temple by picking a card that resonates with you (or simply picking one randomly with your intention for the Full Moon in mind) and choosing objects and offerings that help you personify the card. Flowers, photos, statues of deities or animals, and anything else that taps the energy of your card can bring its message to life. You can even create a piece of art that relates to your card, and display it in your chosen sacred space. Focus on the feeling the card brings up for you – especially relating to what you want to manifest in the coming weeks – and channel it into your space.

Meditate on It
The day of the Full Moon is the perfect time to manifest the results of any intentions you’ve set in recent weeks. Once the moon starts to wane, aka lose light, it’s the perfect time to let go and surrender all outcomes to the Universe. Meditating with your card can intensify whatever intention is set. So whether you’re meditating on Death and choosing transformation as the result of any process you’ve been going through, or if you’re simply sitting with The Moon card and focusing on the divine feminine, you’re golden. Taking time to breathe, absorb the energy of the Full Moon and really channel it into your intention is simple, doesn’t take a lot of time, and is a sweet reminder to just be.

Spell It Out
The Full Moon is a strong time for spell or magick work and um, hello, why not incorporate your cards into your work! Whether you’re doing some sigil magick, candle magick or something in between, using the imagery from a card can help set the tone. There’s a whole realm of tarot magick out there, so do your research and get creative.

Dress Like Your Favorite Card
If you really wanna channel your favorite card, take some sartorial cues. Dressing for your Full Moon ritual in something that chimes with the imagery of card you’re working with is a super direct way of aligning yourself with its energy. Feeling the High Priestess this month? Why not wear some jewels or a dress that reminds you of your own connection to Goddess energy? Feeling kinda Two of Cups? How about you dress in something your lover gave you, or something red and sexy. Get creative and manifest, it really is that easy!

What card are you working with this Full Moon? Connect with us and share your Full Moon rituals on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!


In her latest weekly tarotscope video, Louise Androlia says if change is our natural state…we’d better learn to embrace it

You can also check out last week’s video here – did Louise’s reading resonate for you? Share with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!


Yesterday, the planet of good fortune and abundance moved signs. In this insightful post, the Astro Twins outline what we can expect with Jupiter in Virgo…Images: E A R T H by Gyéresi Andrea Éva


Changing of the guard! On August 11 2015, expansive Jupiter exits dramatic and flamboyant Leo, moving into clean, green and analytical Virgo until September 9, 2016. Jupiter is the planet that rules luck, personal growth, travel, opportunity and risk. Along with Venus, it’s one of the cosmsos’ two “benefics,” meaning its influence is largely positive. The biggest planet in the solar system, Jupiter represents abundance, so whatever you plant during a Jupiter cycle will grow into a cash crop.

As one of the slower-moving outer planets, Jupiter’s transits color the entire societal attitude and cultural zeitgeist. Jupiter changes signs every 12-13 months, meaning it only visits each zodiac sign once every 12 years. Its last trek through Virgo was from August 27, 2003-September 24, 2004. (Dial back to that era for themes that may arise again in your life.)

Here are few things we can expect while Jupiter tours Virgo through September 2016:

1. Walking the talk: Jupiter in Virgo.
Now that Leo’s grand speeches, public declarations and jaw-dropping debuts are over, it’s time for some follow up—the walk that goes with the talk. Jupiter in Virgo inspires us to roll up our sleeves and do the real work, to make change. In a telling pop culture example during Jupiter in Leo, Caitlyn Jenner filmed her reality show I Am Cait on the road with trans activists.

The episode revealed her ignorance about the struggles of transgender people who don’t share her wealth, fame and public support. While Jupiter in Leo brought Caitlyn Zac Posen gowns, tearful ESPY awards and Vanity Fair covers, Jupiter in Virgo will deliver the equivalent of a quick sociology degree. And we could all use some brushing up in that area, frankly.

Jupiter in Virgo cracks the integrity whip, making sure our own backyards are clean before we stand on our soapboxes. Do we wag our fingers at the world’s transgressions, then privately commit the same deeds? There will be no getting away with that while Jupiter is in Virgo. Beware the self-righteousness of this transit—change begins with ourselves.

2. Jupiter is in “detriment” in Virgo.
Jupiter is “in detriment” in Virgo, meaning it’s slogging through perhaps its least favorite shift – as if the celestial hedonist is doing community service to repent for his overindulgent ways. We just can’t act selfishly on every whim with Jupiter in self-controlled Virgo. Jupiter is the ruler of big-picture thinking and the higher mind, while Virgo is ruled by practical, sensible Mercury—Jupiter’s planetary opposite, in a way.

Jupiter and Virgo can be strange bedfellows, with the supersized planet pushing to expand, and fastidious Virgo fact-checking every little item along the way. It’s like a neurotic nanny trying to tame a hyperactive child on a sugar high. In the best situation, they will provide positive checks and balances for each other, ensuring that our grand ideas can actually go the distance.

3. Sustainability reigns: Earthy Virgo in charge.
After a people-focused year, our attention turns to our processes—and how they affect the planet. Climate change is an undeniable issue we face, and global ambassador Jupiter throws a giant spotlight here. As astronomer Carl Sagan once said, “Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.” The human race needs to cooperate with nature if we want to keep on keeping on.

We could draw some inspiration from New Yorker Colin Beavan’s film No Impact Man which documents his family’s efforts to spend one year making as little an impact as possible on the environment: no electricity, automated transportation or non-local food!

Virgo governs digestion so that rule extends to our palates. Bring on the organic produce and kale smoothies. Plant and grow food and put more greenery around your home. Vote with your dollar, opting for sustainably crafted goods that also support local business owners and keep the neighborhood economy thriving.

With Jupiter in Virgo, businesses in “green” industries could boom. You might just make time to hear your friend’s pitch on solar panels, vitamins or supplements now. Since Jupiter is the global truth-teller we can expect to hear more stories about egregious waste dumping and pollution from overseas manufacturers…and hopefully, to see policies and regulations change that.

4. Living in tune with nature, sharing our “stuff.”
No, you don’t have to trade your loft apartment for a yurt this year…but you might airbnb it out for a month while you go shack up in a tent. Jupiter in Virgo calls our culture of excess into question, and people will begin making real lifestyle changes to reduce accumulation. Jupiter in practical Virgo will fuel the cooperative economy. More and more, people are asking: Why own when we can rent, and use only what we need when we need it?

Commune-style living could make a comeback too, with a modern twist. Interestingly, the first-ever kibbutz—a collective community in Israel where people live, work, farm, grow food and raise their families together—was formed in 1909, while Jupiter was in Virgo. We can expect to see a rise in urban farming, shared living spaces and a boom in people unloading their stuff on Craigslist or eBay.


5. Drop the selfie stick; pick up the talking stick.
It’s time for more mindfulness, says Jupiter in Virgo—to put down the gadgets for an hour and get back to IRL encounters. While we don’t predict that the likes of, say, Snapchat will go anywhere, serenity could set in if we carve out technology-free spaces (both in public or at home).

We’ll be more present with the people in our midst; less worried about attracting a million random followers. We’ll find joy in being of service to our fellow humans instead of competing to be the biggest superstars. It sounds downright old-fashioned, but this wrinkle in time might just buy us another era on Planet Earth.

6. The “Internet of Things” takes over
If anything, technology will become more integrated into our lives. Virgo may be an earthy hippie, but it’s also a data-loving nerd (think: an early adopter of Burning Man going off the grid but rocking serious tech skills). The “internet of things” (ioT) could expand under Jupiter in Virgo.

More of our everyday objects will become embedded with sensors and electronics, a la “geek chic” wearable technology (an industry projected to balloon by the billions). We may even see an innovation that helps us detach from our physical gadgets while still remaining “wired.” Will our entire identities soon be stored on the cloud?

7. Taking it to the polls: Rocking the vote?
With a U.S. presidential election year falling during Jupiter’s tour of Virgo, we could be due for another “Rock the Vote” era of grassroots change and socially-aware constituents (interestingly, the splashy Rock the Vote campaign was founded in 1990, while Jupiter was in Leo).

Jupiter in Virgo will demand integrity and follow-through from any politician who hopes to make it through the rounds of debates and primaries. If we’re lucky, Jupiter in Virgo may also help to inspire record voter turnout before it leaves in September 2016.

8. Health, science and fitness industries soar.
Virgo is the ruler of health and science, so new trends in medical care and the wellness industry could arise. Buying “local and sustainable” could become more of a mainstream trend, as consumers become ever more savvy in their research about food and product safety. We may see amazing advancements in medicine, too—for example, technology that allows doctors to predict and prevent brain diseases (such as dementia) long before they reach their full-blown state.

Artificial intelligence, robots and other innovations that once seemed like grist for a sci-fi movie could become integrated into our daily lives. Geneticists are even working to bring back extinct species, such as the carrier pigeon, which died out in 1914.

9. Coaching and “how-to” businesses thrive.
Coaches and consultants might also experience a heyday, as Virgo’s perfectionism has us all in self-analysis overdrive. Analytical Virgo doesn’t skimp on the details, so people will be hungry for advice on improving their practical skills: budgeting, dressing, decorating, parenting. If you’re an expert, look for ways you can package your knowledge as helpful advice.

Jupiter rules publishing and broadcasting, so consider marketing your unique skills through a YouTube video series, a “helpful tips” podcast or a how-to ebook. For best results, focus on simplifying a difficult process or giving people basic instructions. Jobs in the service sector will also grow, since Virgo is the ruler of service. Everyone, pitch in now…

How do you think Jupiter in Virgo will rock your world? Connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and share your hopes and dreams for this next cosmic portal.


This week’s weekly Tarotscope brings a sense of childlike wonder and the opportunity to kickstart new beginnings, says Louise Androlia

You can also check out last week’s video here – did Louise’s reading resonate for you? Share with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!


In Vedic astrology, the Full Moon in Capricorn ushers in an opportunity to embrace concepts of unity and Universal love, says Eve James

vedic reading for Juky 1 2015 full moon in capricorn by eve james on the numinous

Sitting in contemplation about the astrological theme for Summer 2015, a profound yet simple story from my teacher in India rose from the depths of my memory. In short, it was a story about his Master asking one of his close disciples why he felt the need to shout when angry. This disciple humbly replied that he had become frustrated – but his Master explained that the need to shout proves that anger creates distance and separation.

Even when someone is physically close to you, he explained, if you get angry with them you feel the need to shout loudly in their face – as if they were standing on the other side of the Grand Canyon. Conversely, the Master pointed out, when two people really love each other or feel tenderly towards each other, the need for speech dissolves. They feel internally connected, even if they find themselves physically separated.

Therefore, anger literally creates distance – whereas love engulfs that distance. Love unifies even while experiencing physical distance, while anger separates even in physical closeness.

This summer, we find ourselves riding an oceanic wave of higher consciousness, that is pushing relentlessly forward. Its only agenda is to manifest in a palpable way, exposing the truth of the heart, the truth of unity, and the interconnectedness of the human condition.

The first full Moon of July will be on July 1st at 10:20PM EST (7:20PM PST), and it’s firstly important to say that this Moon will actually be in Sagittarius in Vedic astrology (which calculates planetary positions based on astronomy versus the Western tropical system). More specifically, it is in the Vedic Venus-ruled star sign of Purva Ashadha. Whereas the previous star associated with Venus (Purva Phalguni) demonstrates the beauty and power of deeply romantic, personal love (as expressed in stories like Romeo & Juliet), Purva Ashadha is a sign of great selfless love, and the haunting beauty of sacrifice.

Though the stories of these two star signs intertwine, Purva Ashadha doesn’t sing the song of union for the sake of one or two of us, but for all of us. It is the sign of the cosmic waters, the ocean of collective consciousness and a rising awareness of universal love and connection. This sign should not be mistaken as fluffy, idealistic or lacking grit. It’s a sign that deals with the vulnerability of our human condition, something we all share, and the love that penetrates all things — the glue that unifies us all.

vedic astrology reading by eve james for the july 1 2015 capricorn full moon on the numinous

The quality of love expressed through Purva Ashadha manifests as a kind of inner upheaval, showing us what is worth fighting for in life as a family, a culture, a community, a city, a country or planet.

Purva Ashadha is known as an “invincible” star, demonstrating the invincible truth of unity and love, yet it is also a sign that, if compromised, is said to bring separation, war and disharmony. It also demonstrates how sometimes friction or conflict brings us into greater harmony with the truth of life, just as the terrible nature of war shows us the value of peace.

Due to this influence (which began June 28), through July we will continue to be required to use our moral compass, contrasting our core values against ideas, social structures or even laws that are unjust. This ushers in a tidal wave of opportunity for love and tolerance over judgement and anger, as expressed in last week’s landmark Supreme Court ruling to legalize same sex marriage in all 50 states.

Due to the heightened energy of this Full Moon, we can also expect some heated situations, and a microscopic focus on areas of our romantic or family life that need renovation. This could lead to times of intensity in romance, a dualistic expression of union and separation.

Travel is another big theme this month, as Purva Ashadha is also said to give blessings in travel and multicultural experiences. This is a perfect time to dissolve the idea of any country or culture as “foreign”, and embrace new ventures overseas in business or leisure. Donating to charity or non-profit organizations, starting a new project that supports bridging the gap between communities, and learning a new language also fits nicely into the agenda.

For those of you who have considered teaching or learning overseas, the experience should be especially fruitful and rewarding during this period.

Sacrificing for the good of the family as a unit is also commonly experienced during Purva Ashadha periods, and you may find yourself away from home with work or the service that you offer, or, conversely, experience what feels like an increase in responsibility and duties in the home.

You may also feel a new creative edge to projects you have been working on, and feel the need to restructure your team to bring fresh people or energy to your project. Some of this new work may require sacrifices that test limits, or bring into focus dynamic potential for expansion.

Philosophical and political discussions, arguments, debates or protests, are other things you may wish to embrace this month at your discretion. Purva Ashadha is definitely a sign that fuels higher thinking and deep political renovations, but it can be a sign of hostility – just as the ocean becomes destructive in a storm. Avoid harsh, opinionated or heated discussions if you wish to be affective, and rely on a grounded sense of unity, tapping into the Universal love consciousness (even with your enemy) if you want to be heard.

How will you work with the theme of Universal love in the weeks to come? Connect with us and share on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter

Book a reading with Eve James and learn more about Vedic astrology at EveOfAstrology.com


Check out this Elements of Life reading for July 2015 from issue no.1 of The High Vibe Guide – a beautiful new project from The Cosmic Collective

High vibe guide by the cosmic collective featured on the numinous

Based out of Australia and Santa Fe, The Cosmic Collective is formed of three witchy women you really just need to know about. Under this banner, artists Sarah Wilder and Jo Klima have joined forces with Aquarius Nation astrologer KV to bring you the High Vibe Guide – a seasonal handbook for empowered, high-vibrational living.

Officially launched on the summer solstice, the guide is a 100-page PDF containing all the cosmic guidance you need to take you right through to the fall equinox (September 23), when issue 2 will become available.

Think: high-vibe astro readings for each sign, New Moon coloring mandalas created by Jo, a “creature teacher” (spirit animal) reading for the season, and a calendar of key moon dates.

There’s also an Elements of Life reading for each month of the season by Sarah, with July’s reading extracted below to give you a taster!

To find out more and download your copy of The High Vibe Guide, visit TheCosmicCollective.com

Sarah Wilder, Jo Klima and KV of The Cosmic Collective featured on the numinous
Sarah Wilder, Jo Klima and KV of The Cosmic Collective

:: SPIRIT ::

So far this year, we have had to walk many paths and wear many hats, causing that ‘busy’ feeling to reach an all time peak. So many of us are running around simply living, sometimes our dream lives, but still feeling a disconnect from our spirit. In the times when it has been begging us to stay, to connect, to stop and enjoy every little moment, we have chosen action over reflection. This month comes the full realisation that this is not a way of living that we want to bring into our future, as we finally accept the much-needed help and support our spirit has to offer.

This may be a time of extreme break downs, emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually – most of us will feel this in at least one of these areas, if not all. There is a sense of being completely isolated, alone, yet still proud of how we have managed and carried such baggage and burden. And with this comes an understanding that we had to learn this way, in order to change those things in our lives that were keeping from being lead by our spirit, and living in alignment with our highest good.

:: AIR ::

This month we will focus our mind energy on analysing the situations we are faced with. The inner critic will be harsh, telling us many things to keep us feeling insecure, unsafe and helpless at times. As we have seen above, July is also about us reaching a break point, and having to make decisions now that will serve us better in the long run – which sees us performing a bit of an overwhelming balancing act. Being mindful of the fact that all we are thinking and feeling at this time may be extreme, it’s important to remember that the message here is actually that what we are thinking (or overthinking) is pointing us towards how we truly feel about certain things. It is showing us the places to focus our energy, so see it as a source of inspiration to create the change we need. This energy can feel unpredictable, but listening to your inner voice as well as paying heed to your monkey mind may help you identify clues to how you truly want to be living and loving.

:: EARTH ::

This month brings an energy of tough decision making, of having to leave behind something you once (even up until recently) thought was a fool-proof idea or plan at work or home. During the last Mercury retrograde in May, some important considerations arose and now we are following through with the actions highlighted by these revelations and decisions. We are having to stay very strong and grounded as we move into these new, uncharted waters – there may a bit of resistance to leave the past behind, but know that it is for the greater good, and for the good of yourself and your family in the long run. This could feel like the end of a very significant chapter in our lives – maybe you’ll find yourself moving house again, or changing your role at work (which might feel like a bit of a step backwards). Whatever it is, go easy on yourself. Always follow your heart and know that this is important work to be doing for yourself. Making your life easier is key.

:: WATER ::

This month we may see some re-adjustments in friendships old and new. It’s finally time to cut the energetic chords with people who no longer serve our highest good. There may be some painful separations, as we can often get addicted to the drama and need a low-vibe outlet, right? We may initially feel we want to do this in a really abrupt and cold way, not wanting to really go into it very deeply with the other party, but know there also needs to be a bit of forethought and planning around this to achieve the best outcome for all.

After all, there’s no need to create negative energy towards people who simply don’t align with us anymore – we wish them no ill will. To serve both parties with respect, we must be firm, but also remain compassionate and take the ‘with love’ approach – without being condescending or passive aggressive. It has to be a heart expression for it to be deemed a successful journey forward. Around the July 31 full moon in Aquarius, everything will finally feel aligned in our personal lives – with our partners, family and friends. Everything will feel like it’s in the right place – for now.

:: FIRE ::

This month will feel (and be!) bigger than most others, because we have two Full Moons in July, which is an indication that we’re going to be feeling extra sensitive, doing extra shedding and releasing, and also making some bold moves as individuals. This month will feel a bit unpredictable, but know you are strong enough to handle it – hence why it’s all landing on our plate! There are endless opportunities this month to purge, throw away, realign, let go and move on from things that have been keeping us feeling small and weak. Know that you only really need to hold onto a couple of key things this month, and that you can choose exactly what to take on or not from what comes your way. In fact, this is a bit of a warning to keep things simple, for our own health’s sake!

How are you planning to make it a high vibe summer? Connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and share your stories!

the cosmic collective sarah wilder fifth element life jo kilma the darling tree aquarius nation featured on the numinous