The 10 of Swords ends a cycle of up-leveling our awareness, and a time to integrate what we have learned, says Melinda Lee Holm …


Your Numinous Tarotscopes March 2018 are here, cast by Melinda Lee Holm using the Starchild Tarot …

melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous monthly tarotscopes march 2018 material girl mystical world starchild tarot

The Lovers
Happy solar return, dear Pisces! You know I have your symbol tattooed on my finger, right? I have an absolute riches of Pisces in my life. We seem to be cosmically drawn together. This is surely due in part to your enviable ability to deeply empathize and identify with others. Sometimes, however, this gift can lead you to engage in some patterns of behavior that don’t serve your highest good or that of others. Therapists call these patterns co-dependency, but any pattern that has you consistently putting the needs of others before your own, leaving you feeling drained and unappreciated is one that could use a tune up. How are you staying small or silent to avoid conflict? Where are you leaking out personal power in the service of maintaining an uneasy peace?

This month, The Lovers is here to help you practice the art of being a great partner through being great on your own. The astrological correspondence of this card is Gemini, mutable Air sign ruled by Mercury, planet of communication. So The Lovers is not really about romance. Its teachings concern the art of being close to another, “twinned” even, while maintaining autonomy and individuality. When we diminish ourselves to make others comfortable, we are not serving anyone’s best interests. Our partners need us strong, healthy, and in posession of a unique perspective that can only be offered by a fully autonomous individual. They key here is communication. How can you open up to your partner to express your needs in a way that allows you both to maintain your sovereignty while affirming your dedication to your relationship?

Your stone for March: Sunstone


Two of Swords
If you liked the week of February 1st, I have great news for you, Aries! You get a whole month of it in March. The Two of Swords is back for you, giving you a great opportunity to deepen your understanding and mastery of this fundamental Air energy. And if the idea of reliving that week for an entire month makes you want to pull your hair out, fear not! You integrated the lessons you needed to learn from this card during that week (for a reminder, go back and re-watch the Tarotscope video for Feb.1). This month, the guidance is tailored to your firey nature and you have a whole month to soak it all in. Your tendency to speak and act quickly, sometimes impulsively, will be challenged by the contemplative demands of the Two of Swords.

March is your chance to take a step back. Get a good lay of the land. Your intellectual, rational, and communication abilities are heightened this month and you have a great opportunity to develop and master new techniques for decision making and conflict resolution that you can carry forward in your life. Indulge in intellectual exercises, practice bouncing ideas off of each other while you feel your physical and emotional body remain calm and collected. Branch it out and engage in some friendly debates. You’ll be pleased to find how much easier it is to reach agreement with others when you allow your Fire to be fed by the Air of thought and communication and not emotional conflict.

Your stone for March: Aquamarine


Six of Crystals
My dear Taurus, you have been digging in the dirt all year! March brings you yet another dose of Earth energy and this time you’ve come over the bell curve and back down the other side. Following February’s expansive push, we arrive now at the Six, the Tipharath of Beauty on the Tree of Life, the moment when we can see the fruits of our labor and begin to give back, to spread the spoils and see how our personal efforts can benefit the collective. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to expand your vision of what it means to live a comfortable life – and let’s face it, Taurus, being truly comfortable in all aspects of your life is all you’ve ever really wanted.

All month, I want to invite you to be a completely unapologetic optomist in terms of the material world that surrounds you. Tap into the beauty of the flow of resources and see how you can redirect them to where they can best be of service. Cook dinner for the homeless, drop off supplies at an animal shelter, treat a friend who has fallen on hard times. So often we get trapped in a loop of seeing the material need in the world as hopeless and dire. But when you choose to see the beauty in the material world instead of only the ugliness, you can begin to activate the profound power of the element of Earth to provide for you and those around you.

Your stone for March: Peridot


The Hierophant
Goodness, Gemini! We’ve had a couple of doses of Hierophant wisdom already this year, and now you are set for a whole month of it. Get ready to be filled with the gift of ancient wisdom, but also to be humbled. The Hierophant is the great teacher of the Tarot and often when we encounter great teachers, they challenge us to confront our beliefs in ways that can be uncomfortable. When you feel yourself resisting, that’s where you push further. This is a time when your ability to see and even embody both sides of a situation will be very useful. Get up close and personal with those places that get you thinking, questioning, pushing back, learning. Lean into discomfort.

Be sure to take time to digest and integrate what you are learning. Remember, The Hieropant is the spiritual teacher. These lessons will require meditation, reflection, and prayer to fully unfold and ripen. This would be a wonderful time to dedicate or deepen your spiritual practice to unlock levels of knowing and understanding not available to you before now. We start March with a Full Moon in Virgo on the 1st, so you have an excellent chance to dust off your witchery and put those crystals and candles to good work in a crown opening spell to kick off your month. Get out and get connected with nature, finish Autobiography of a Yogi, and most of all – listen. You cannot hear the lessons that are gifted to you if you are filling the space with your own voice.

Your stone for March: Lemurian Seed Crystal


Nine of Wands
We’ve got two planets headed into retrograde motion this month, Cancer, but that won’t stop you from striding forward in pursuit of your goals. With the power of Fire fueling you, your month will be supercharged with action, intuition, and magic. Get your to-do lists ready and your wish lists and vision boards polished up! Your ability to effortlessly tap into the cosmic stream of insight is amped. goals that have seemed overwhelming will suddenly become totally doable as the shortest distance between any two points magically appears before you. How will you know? Oh, you’ll KNOW, Cancer. The high practical wisdom of elemental Fire does not deal in subtlety. Intuitive hits will hit hard and lead you to places where you can accomplish a ton – if you’re willing to put in the work.

Let’s talk about it, Cancer. I have my Sun placed here too. We crabs can have a tendency to hide away in our shells where it is dark and cozy and safe. Even as we outgrow our shells we can resist coming out. (It just feels like a tighter hug, right? Right?… ) Now is the time to embrace the risk of vulnerability, to come out and face the tasks we’ve been avoiding, to really take advantage of this push. Yes, there is a chance of being hurt or disappointed, but the potential payoff is more than worth it. The numbered cards so often revolve around practical matters, and the Nine of Wands especially so. It’s time to take risks in the service of making major progress in our every day lives.

Your stone for March: Carnelian


I’ve got a game for you, Leo. Treat this month like an Easter egg hunt or a spy novel or an epic video game. Always be looking for clues. Assume there is hidden meaning behind everything. Use your inherent connection to the Sun to shine a bright light into every metaphorical dark corner and find what’s been lurking there. March is your opportunity to discover and dig out ways you are holding yourself back, manifesting heaviness instead of expansion. We often think of oppresion as something that is put upon us from the outside world – and, yes, that is far too often the case in the world. But we also oppress ourselves in large and small ways every day. No more! Take this month to identify, correct, and reset.

The most common way we engage in self-oppression is through the story we tell about ourselves. What is in your story that keeps you small? Do you repeatedly say that you are bad at business, not good at finance, just not creative, not a very happy person, or inherently unlucky in love? Stop it. Right now. All words are magic words, Leo. The story you tell about yourself is a spell you weave that manifests the life that is possible for you. Get it right. And while you’re at it, get your house in order. Make sure that the physical container of your life is not sending subtle messages to you and the Universe that you are derserving of less materially, emotionally, intellectually, or spiritually.

Your stone for March: Herkimer Diamond Quartz


Queen of Wands
You did it, Virgo! You came through February, you did some tough work, and now you are rewarded with a blast of feminie Fire energy in March to expand into all that space you cleared out. Queens are the Water of their element, so in Wands we have the Water of Fire. You know how water has the ability to seep into every little crack and crevice, to soak in and become a part of what it touches? Think about what would happen if elemental Fire could do that. Envision that eternal flame of finely tuned intuition and instinctual action soaking its way into every tiny corner of your life, and then look up and see it happening all throughout your existence all month long.

How will you harness this molten magic, my dear Virgo? If I know you, you’ve got pen and paper at the ready to start making lists and checking them twice to find the exact right way. Take a step back, put down the pen, and take a moment to meditate on the intuitive aspect of Fire. Fire is magic, pure and simple. Just as our ancestors stared in astonishment at the first human-made flames, we too remain amazed at how Fire works to bring us intuitive hits, sparks of deep inner knowing, affirmations that seem to spring from thin air and let us know that our instincts were right all along. Keep your eye on that prize this month. Be guided by your gut and see what treasures lay in wait for you.

Your stone for March: Blue Kyanite


Four of Wands
Your project for March, Libra, is to actively create the stability you crave in life. After spending last month getting in tune with what you truly want to manifest, now you have the energetic support to actively create a base of stability to build on moving forward. This is a first level, so try not to be too precious about it. As with most things in life, this is a work in progress. Think solid outlines, business plans, and a budget and living situation that supports your vision. Grand schemes for building your legacy will come later. For now, take a good critical look at your life and see where there are patterns that are not in support of – or even in direct contradiction to – your vision of your Best Life and take action accordingly.

I wouldn’t be your friend if I didn’t come out and say this directly, Libra – your love of beauty is a GREAT place to start with this project. Yes, being surrounded by beauty makes you happy, and I support that. Draw it in! Just be sure that you are not undermining your own goals by living in the service of aesthetics. Could you maintain the same or better quality of life in a way that better serves your goals by reframing your ideas around beauty? To achieve the stability you want, everything in your life must be judged by whether it supports your broader vision. Your surroundings are a mirror of yourself. Be sure the reflection is accurate.

Your stone for March: Ametrine


Page of Cups
Oh, Scorpio, this makes me very happy. You are being coaxed out of the deepest emotional depths you feel so at home in to get a little emotional freshness and sweetness this month. The Pages ask us to forget what we think we know, what we’ve been taught, and – in the case of the Page of Cups – how we’ve been hurt. They beckon us to come explore their element with new eyes and open heart, to start over and build a new understanding. Does that mean that we lose all of the hard earned wisdom we’ve gathered? Not at all! It is simply time to set it aside and go back to square one to see if there’s anything we dropped along the way that we’d be best served by picking back up.

March is set to be a great emotional reset for you. Relax your tail, disarm your stinger, and allow your emotional programming to be washed and refreshed by elemental Water. Venture out of your safe zone, open up your heart and try like hell to trust in the power of vulnerability. In matters of the heart, make no assumptions, take things as the come, and accept all persons and situations as the unique entities they are. If something doesn’t go well, simply walk away. This is a time of exploration and experimentation. Think of the world as a vast open classrom or art studio, not a battle ground. Open your heart to your fellow students and collaborators.

Your stone for March: Kunzite


Well it appears you really took my advice about digging in and getting serious about your life’s work, Sagittarius! You are now stepping into a completely new world, energetically speaking. Trust in yourself, trust in all the hard work you’ve done, in the wisdom you’ve gathered, and in the Universe itself to bring you what you need exactly when you need it. This month is offering you an invitation to begin a new level of existence and a great push forward in your personal evolution. The trick for you is going to be that this big, profound, high spiritual energy requires a good measure of wandering. You are not traditionally comfortable with being directionless, but if you want to make the most of this month, start cozying up to the idea.

If you frame it right, this can be a VERY welcome departure from last month’s seriousness. Trust in the work you did and allow yourself to play in this new space you’ve created. Babies grow and learn and develop through play. It can get a bad rap in the adult world as being a frivilous waste of time, but it’s how every single one of us formed our relationship to ourselves and the world around us. Take this month to play, Sagittarius. Really play. Head out into nature, read a decadent novel, take a class in something you’re a complete novice at, try new foods. Explore! We so rarely get a chance to reconnect with that spark of discovery we came into the world with. Drink it in.

Your stone for March: Moldavite


Three of Wands
After a year filled with deep inner searching and swimming around in the intuitive depths of the psyche, you are ready to step into the practical world this month, Capricorn. You are ready to make some moves, and with the power of elemental Fire at your side, what these moves are will come to you intuitively. Aren’t you glad you spent the past two months getting so deeply in touch your inner voice? You will have options presented to you this month, likely through collaborative efforts. This should be a welcome relief to your steady and perseverent nature. It can be frustrating for you to stay in the mystical realm too long, feeling like you are not making progress toward your goals, but it was necessary to prepare you for this moment.

March is all about action and opportunity, often created or stimulated by you. Do not be afraid to speak up and ask for what you want. Like the TSA tells us – if you see something, say something. If you see an opportunity in a situation, a place where you could be helpful while also benefitting, shout it out! Let people know when they are your ideal collaborators or when you have skills or perspectives that could serve their cause and your own. It can be scary to put yourself out there like this, I know. But you have done so much work on sharpening your intuitive powers AND you have Fire on your side. Trust your gut and go for broke.

Your stone for March: Malachite


Four of Cups
This month is going to be an interesting one for you, Aquarius. With your constant desire to live outside the box, the idea of stability – especially emotional stability – can be deeply unattractive if seen in the wrong light. I want to present to you a view of stability in the realm of Water that may be different from what you have been presented with in the past. Most of us were taught that emotional stability means making ourselves palatable enough to another person to stay in a long term relationshiop, ideally for life. Essentially, that we needed to learn to compromise. Now, compromise is not inherently bad, it’s actually very useful and necessary to living a full life. However, it is not the only requirement for emotional stability.

What is required is patience, kindness, tolerance, and understanding. And we cannot offer those wonderful gifts out to anyone else until we have offered and accepted them to ourselves. This month, I want you to work on getting your relationship with yourself into the best shape it’s ever been. Reach for new heights of intimacy and acceptance. Revisit old stories about your origin, your path, and your future and retell them in a way that is more supportive, more loving. Go get your annual check up, feed your body with care, take a look at your mental health. When you love yourself completely, you don’t even have to try to show that love and kindness to others, it just oozes out of you. Thus is your path to true emotional stability.

Your stone for March: Rose Quartz



The Knight of Swords is clearing the path for us to charge ahead as the mental fog clears, says Melinda Lee Holm


The Hierophant is BACK, to open us up to the teachings of the Divine—so we can pass the wisdom onto those we meet, says Melinda Lee Holm.


After a soul shaking couple of months in the cosmos, the Two of Swords is here to help us clear our minds and make necessary choices, says Melinda Lee Holm


Your Numinous Tarotscopes February 2018 are here, cast by Melinda Lee Holm using the Starchild Tarot … 

Numinous tarotscopes February 2018 Melinda Lee Holm


Six of Swords
Happy solar return, Aquarius! Following the great cosmic integration of January, the cards have a wonderful gift in store for you this month – the power of acute discernment. The sixes always indicate a shift, usually subtle or even invisible as seen from the outside, but profound and world-changing as experienced from the inside. You will not only be able to see clearly what your options are this month, but also to make decisions based on this information. Sixes correspond to sephiroth of Beauty on the Tree of Life, leading me to always consider – what is the true beauty of this suit? And the beauty of Swords, of Air, is that it allows us to consciously choose our path.

Take a moment to survey your surroundings this month in every situation. Get a good lay of the land. Draw on the wisdom you received in January. Were there any nuggets that were especially surprising? Challenging? Freeing? Did you discover something new about who you are and what your place is in this world? The Universe leaves us a trail of breadcrumbs as we feel our way along our life’s path. This month is one of those wonderful times when you come up over a crest and can trace the trail forks all the way down the hill. Which path will you take? Will you be alone or in a group? Will you be the leader or is there an elder guiding the way? What will you take with you and what will you leave behind? Most importantly, how can you make the most of this journey?

Your stone for February: Fluorite


Eight of Wands 
Well, Pisces, you have definitely come out of the energetic cave you resided in for January and are ready to create some structure! Now, being in the suit of Wands, this will be an evolving structure, a structure that moves and adapts with you and your environment. Wands represent Fire and Fire is a living, breathing entity after all. Think process docs and working methodolgies – structures that guide creation and allow it to unfold more effortlessly as oppossed to containing or limiting it. I know, I know, structure is not really your cup of tea. You prefer to go with the flow. But what if you had the ability to expand and strengthen your flow by using your instincts to guide and shape the canal? This month, you do!

Take time over the next 4 weeks to look at ways you can use restrictions and limitations to allow your beautiful creative spirit to flourish. Test out different methods, ask friends and colleagues what works for them, and keep track of the results of your experiments. Do you feel open? Are you more productive? Do you come up against feelings of rebelliousness or constriction? You are intuitive and compassionate by nature, Pisces, and these qualities will help you in this quest to find a structure that works well for your style. Be patient with yourself, be ready to stumble and even fall. This is incredibly important work that will help to kick your manifestation and productivity into high gear.

Your stone for February: Citrine


Page of Wands
February has you playing with Fire in the best of ways, dear Aries, as the Page of Wands steps in to twirl you around the cosmic dance floor this month. When the Pages arrive in our lives, they come to reconnect us to our inner child to rediscover the power of their element as if for the first time. We forget what we know (or thought we knew) and feel our way through, discovering how the elemental power connects to who we are now at this moment in time. With the Page of Wands, this is a major reawakening and reinvigoration of the creative and intuitive power of Fire. The Pages may be the novices of the Court, but they supply us with immense opportunities for growth and refinement.

And with this novice energy coming in your native Fire element, this could very well be a chance to grow in ways that alter the very core of identity. How you create, what you create, for what purpose and based on what innate knowing are all up for reassessment this month. You could find yourself tapping into new esoteric practices for opening intuition or getting familiar with a new artistic medium. Identify strongly as a musician but always dreamed of painting? Always made a living working for someone else but had a hunch you’d be better off on your own? Ready to get serious about that weird thing you’ve always had where you know what your friends are about to say and see how far you can develop the gift? Now’s the time, Aries!

Your stone for February: Labradorite


Ten of Crystals
Lucky you, Taurus! It looks like whatever collaboration you got into last month has really paid off in one way or another. The Ten of Crystals indicates you are about to have a February full of abundance, one of those months when things just seem to line up. When we speak of abundance in the metaphysical realm, of course, we are talking about the full spectrum – emotional, physical, and spiritual abundance. This is a profound feeling of “fullness” and, being in the realm of Earth, it should feel very comfortable to you indeed. Tens are the pinnacle of the numbered cards. In the tens, we reach the greatest development of the suit. But with that development comes a little nagging sensation in the back of our consciousness that it is time to look ahead to starting the journey again. The ten demands a return to the Ace.

So drink this in, dear Taurus. Your love of comfort will be indulged this month and you can feel free to lay back into it with no guilt – just make sure that you keep one eye focused on how you will use this newly unlocked level of your life as the new ground floor of the next phase of your mastery of Crystals. This is the suit most closely associated with the stuff of our daily lives, the currency we need to engage with to live in this material world. Stay cozy, but stay open to the approaching new lessons of the Ace of Crystals that the appearance of the Ten promises.

Your stone for February: Aventurine


Eight of Swords 
There are three eights in the mix this month, Gemini, but only one that lands in the sign’s native element. Congratulations, my Mutable Air babes, that’s you! The Eight of Swords is here to allow you to ruminate your way into a new mental framework of life. After the work you did last month to even out any imbalances in your day to day, this month is shaping up to be a welcome rest in the realm you are most comfortable in. It is time for some restructuring in your handling of Air. Structure in Air is a tricky concept. It can be difficult to even notice that it exists, but we all have subtle (and not so subtle) armatures built up that dictate the reaches of our thinking. February will illuminate these armatures and present an opportunity to re-shape them.

The most effective way to enact change in the structure of Air is to simply notice its workings. Let your mind wander, let the thoughts roll through, say what’s on your mind, and be sure to take note! Mental note is fine (this is a Swords month after all). The simple act of noticing your current thought and communicaton patterns is a huge step in making changes that can help to make the element of Air work for you instead of getting swept around by it. You don’t have to make any judgment calls on the patterns you see. Seeing patterns that have been invisible until now will provide all the clarification you need on how to best move forward. Sit back, watch your words and thoughts float by, and see the new structure taking form.

Your stone for February: Aquamarine


Four of Cups
Sweet Cancer, your super power becomes your solace this month as you enter a period of stability in the emotional realm. As the cardinal Water sign, your innate comfort in the watery places is high, but sometimes it can seem as though you are being swept away by emotions instead of floating peacefully on their waves. February brings a welcome visit from the Four, the first chance at a solid three-dimensional shape in the numerological world, the comfy place to rest where you can kick up your feet without fear of falling over. This Four of Cups moment is especially sweet for you, Cancer, because it is reassuringly familiar. These moments of emotional comfort have visited you throughout your life and been your guiding light when the seas have been rough.

These periods of stability are a great time to take stock of what is going on in your emotional world to see if there is anything that requires adjusting, toning down, or amping up. We see more clearly when we’re on solid ground. We can make more grounded observations and decisions. You will be able to be less, well, emotional about your emotions, which is a particularly great gift given the pressure of romance this month brings. Romance gets the lion’s share of attention among emotional states, but you know better than most that the full spectrum is really where it’s at. Stick to your guns and avoid the hype. You can trust your heart’s ability to find True North.

Your stone for February: Rhodochrosite


Queen of Crystals
Oooo, Leo! This is some exciting stuff right here. Queen of Crystals to follow Transformation last month? I envy you. And I hope you really dug deep to clear out all the dusty nooks and crannies and shook out all the rugs, because the more clearing you did last month, the more space you’ll have to grow your personal vision this month. That’s what the Queen of Crystals is here to help with – building your creation, the thing you’ve been nurturing and molding and privately willing to come to life. It might be that screenplay you’ve been working on for years, the home renovations you never quite get around to completing, the business you’ve been dreaming of starting. Whatever you see as your “baby” is The Thing.

This month, it is imperative that you carve out time to devote to The Thing. The Queen works alone, so you won’t have to deal with anyone else’s whims or schedules. Steal 10 minutes when you get up in the morning, take lunch alone, forego happy hour and use that time and energy to build something that is truly and uniquely yours. If this sounds exhausting, then you need to take a closer look at what The Thing is. When you find what is in true perfect alignment, what lights your heart on fire and will be a part of the better tomorrow you envision for yourself, the prospect of devoting so much time to it will not be daunting, it will be exhilerating.

Your stone for February: Carnelian


Well, Virgo, there is no sense in sugar-coating it – February will likely prove to be a challenging month for you. This is one of the “scariest” cards in the deck and it does earn its reputation in some respects. Oppression is no picnic. It indicates that we are being held down and back by forces that seek to limit our progress and our evolution, to dim our light and steal our hope. However, when this card appears it is actually a spark of promise. So often we move through life completely unaware of what is holding us back. This month, my dear Virgo, you will have the opportunity to stare it square in the face and take back your power from its grasp.

What is it that is oppressing you? Where is it coming from? What ideas about who you are and what you can be have you internalized that are limiting your development? It’s easy to spot things outside ourselves that seem to be standing in our way, it’s more difficult and much more effective to seek out the internal drains on our confidence and drive. What stories do you tell yourself about what you are and are not capable of? deserving of? entitled to? You have the power to release yourself from these boxes you’ve been living in. You have the power to clear your temple of all that would seek to destroy it. This is your story. All words are magic and you’re writing the narrative.

Your stone for February: Nuumite


Seven of Crystals
There is a restlessness about the Sevens, a somewhat impatient asking of “what next?” after the accomplishment of the Six. You’ve done the work, Libra, so don’t stress. This month, the Seven of Crystals is here to soothe your worries and reassure you that what you are building is in fact growing and taking form. If you are having trouble identifying just what it is that you have begun building, take a look back at what insights you received with the Two of Swords last month. Did any decisions come to light? We create things every day in our lives, sometimes without even knowing what we’re up to. Your dedication to being a good partner can sometimes obscure your view of how powerful you are on your own.

So, what IS next, Libra? Where will you go from here? What new seeds do you want to plant? If you’re feeling impatient waiting for the last round to grow and bear fruit, why not plant another garden while you wait? Or, if you are eyeing what will soon come to fruition with trepidation, afraid you lack the talent, skill, or determination to follow through on what you’ve started, then take this month to rest, study up, and refine. Everything comes and goes in phases, Libra. The Moon shows us her phases clearly in the sky, waxing and waning as she calls to us to be patient with ourselves and our animal bodies. It’s happening. Let go and live your life.

Your stone for February: Green Calcite


Knight of Crystals
It’s time to step up your work game, Scorpio! The Knight of Crystals, teen dream of the element of Earth, is here to give you the will and the drive to do just that. The suit of Crystals rules over the material world, the stuff that we live off of and on and from. Whether it be finance, home, career, or simply our day to day routines, this suit grounds us and makes it possible for us to live in these human bodies on this planet. It can seem like mundane, not-at-all-magical stuff, but our relationship with Earth has everything to do with the magic and mystery you hold so dear. Conjuring is the art of making the immaterial appear and exist in this three-dimensional world. The Knight of Crystals has the energy to help you push the boundaries of what you believe you can conjure.

The Knights are the Fire of their element. How can you embody the Fire of Earth, the imperative for form and function that these elements hold? What project or process in your material world requires your protection? This is not simply about getting more done, it is about improving the quality of the work, refining the method to make it more productive, seeing where that work energy can be best spent for the greatest rewards. Knights are prepared to put themselves at risk for what they serve. What will you risk yourself for? What great work will earn your youthful and heroic devotion?

Your stone for February: Black Onyx


Eight of Crystals
How does that song go? Work work work work work? That’s you this month, Sagittarius! But don’t despair, you’ll love every minute of it. Or most, anyway. You had a wonderful dose of emotional cleansing last month, so you should be good and ready to put your nose to the grindstone. Be on the lookout for major insights into how to make your workflow more efficient and productive that leave you wondering how you could have possibly not seen it before. This newly streamlined methodology will allow you to reconnect to what you love about the work you do, why you began doing it in the first place. When I say “work” I am not necessarily talking about your job or work you do for money. Some people’s purpose is connected to how they make money, but these things may or may not be aligned for you. The Tarot is concerned with what is considered your Life’s Work.

February is all about getting your hands in the dirt. Release any tendency to procrastinate and any resentment about what type or how much work you have on your plate. Once you get started, the work will flow easily. When we are presented with energy of the suit of Crystals, we have great opportunities to make adjustments to the structure of our every day lives. This suit connects us deeply to the power of the Earth and our true nature as its animals. You’ll be surprised by what forms emerge when you dig in and start actively forming the clay of your life.

Your stone for February: Ruby


High Priestess
Wow, Capricorn, you are on a roll with the deep, mystical vibes! Last month The Moon got you in touch with the deepest corners of your psyche. This month, the High Priestess arrives to empower you to step into your ancient Divine power and clean house in your temple. This energy should appeal greatly to your Earthy, independent nature. The High Priestess marches to the beat of her own drum. Or rather, she meditates, floats, downloads, and intuits. Her acute intuition allows her to be incredibly self-sufficient, relying only on her deep connection to her own inner knowing and to the Divine for guidance. One of the secrets to this connection is her impeccably maintained temple. The High Priestess teaches us that we must maintain our temple if we want to achieve higher states of consciusness.

How is your temple doing these days, Capricorn? When I ask that question what comes to mind? Is it a structure, a place in nature, your physical body? The first step to perfecting your temple is to identify it. No matter what your living situation, you can define a temple. It can be as big as a church or as small as a satchel in your pocket. What defines a temple is that it is an entity maintained by you that you feel safe within and use for devotional purposes. Incredible insights and rapid expansion of intuitive powers are available to you now. What will you discover? Could it be that the oracle you sought on your journey was inside of you all along?

Your stone for February: Moonstone



The Four of Swords arrives just in time for next week’s Lunar Eclipse to help us check our egos and dive deeper into who we were really are, says Melinda Lee Holm.


The Hierophant is an invitation to recognize the teacher in you, and be open to receiving guidance from others, says Melinda Lee Holm


The Wheel of Fortune is showing we’re exactly where we’re supposed to be—the perfect place from which to set our intentions for 2018, says Melinda Lee Holm


Cast by Melinda Lee Holm using the Starchild Tarot

Numinous Tarotscopes January 2018 Melinda Lee Holm jeweler


Hello friends! I am so excited and honored to be handed the baton from Lindsay to bring you this monthly Tarot guidance. I have benefitted greatly from her wisdom and it fills my heart to be able to now step up to pay it forward. In addition to my work in Tarot, I have an extensive background in crystal energies, so I am adding a stone for each sign that can help you unlock the power of your card for each month. I hope that my take on the cards will continue to be source of inspiration and comfort for you! Happy New Year! xoM


The Moon
Happy solar return, Carpicorn! With the Sun shinging bright in your sign, you are called to step into the darkness to get reacquainted with your inner voice. What parts of yourself have you been avoiding eye contact with? What distant voice beckons from deep within your psyche? How can you ready yourself to step forward into the role you have always known deep down you were born to play? The Moon not only calls on us to explore deeply our inner realms, she guides us in our quest, ever present in the darkest hours. There is an aspect of the Hero’s Journey in this card, a feeling that a uniquely personal task must be fulfilled, fear of the unknown overcome, the Hero returned changed, matured, better suited to serve as a member of the community.

If you have had a creative project taking form inside you, now is the time to confront it, to dive in and swim around in it, exploring options and angles. The Moon beckons. It does not demand immediate action, but it does demand the acknowledgement of the inevitable. This first month of 2018 is your time to lay low, dig deep, and accept the mission the Universe is presenting to you. You are important and the world needs what you have to offer. Pay especially close attention to messages you receive on the Full Moons (1st and 31st) and the New Moon (16th). Be prepared for major shifts to be clarified or solidified at the Blue Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 31st!

Your stone for January: Lapis Lazuli


Akashic Records
January will be a time of tapping in to the great cosmic library for you, Aquarius, and with your famously dreamy nature, this should feel like absolute heaven. Keep in mind that being a part of the Cosmic whole – the past, present, and future – comes with a healthy dose of responsibility. If we’re all here as one massive living, breathing organism, then how we care for ourselves ripples out to effect every other part of the great Universal beast. Keep track of how your treatment of yourself forms your interations with others. The wisdom you download may propel you to make some changes in your self-care routine to put you in better alignment with the Divine Whole.

This is a great time to expand your meditation practice, spend more time in nature, gaze at the stars, and engage in any other activities that make you feel more connected to the eternal Collective. Let your mind wander and explore places – within and apart from yourself – and see what gems of knowledge you find along the way. Eternal wisdom lives in everything, so you may find yourself receiving profound enlightnement in seemingly unlikely places. The Akashic Records are not accessed through a single Great Teacher, they are aborbed through our energetic field and discovered through connection with the world around us. Stay open to learning from all beings great and small and consider keeping a journal of your experiences so you can go back and expand on any revelations at a later date. Something that seemed small may turn out to be life-changing.

Your stone for January: Amethyst


Following the busy social scene of the holiday season, you are called to take a pause to care for your own physical, mental, and spiritual health, dear Pisces. With your mystical sensibilites and tendency to take on the emotions of those around you, the holiday season can sometimes be especially taxing. Now you have the great gift of Serenity at your doorstep, urging you to cozy up and settle down. Don’t be arfraid to say no to social obligations or to have strong boundaries around deadlines. This is your time to care for you. Take full advantage and wrap yourself up in the warm embrace of purposeful solitude!

I repeat – this is a PURPOSEFUL solitude. The energy of the Serenity card is not about just vegging out or slacking on responsibilities. The invitation here is to get quiet and nourished in order to gather wisdom to bring back out to your fellow humans when you are ready to emerge from your cocoon. So, when you are thinking of ways to get cozy, think more “books, spa days, yoga retreats” than “Netflix and junk food binge”. Though by all means, if a certain show or movie is sparking your creative interest, watch away! We all need some couch time now and again. Just keep an eye on whether your downtime activites are truly nurturing or leaning toward escapism lest you come out of January feeling even more depleted than when you started.

Your stone for January: Iolite


The Emperor
Rejoice, Aries! You’ll be right in your element this month with The Emperor at your side, stoking your firey nature. If you do not have a crystal clear vision of all you want to accomplish this year (complete with blueprints, color charts, a mood board, and detailed financial projections), now is the time to get focused and get all your ducks in a row. I do not see this being difficult for you. With your ruling planet of Mars in Scorpio for most of the month, you will have rare access to the deepest depths of your emotional self. Getting in touch with what truly makes you feel fulfilled will allow you to not only think but to feel out which long-term goals will best serve your master plan.

You know you have one. Aries always has a master plan and with The Emperor by your side, you can safely expand your scope, knowing you have the strategic prowess to execute your grand vision. What you put into play in January will set the tone and the foundation of all you can accomplish in 2018. This is a big month. But be mindful of stepping on toes. This is a LOT of bold energy, and both your cardinal Fire nature and The Emperor can have a tendency to overlook emotional concerns to get goals accomplished more quickly. Remember, it’s only January! Keep an eye on your long game and make sure to maintain relationships as well as you maintain strategic vision.

Your stone for January: Rhodonite


Three of Crystals
Collaboration is the key word for you this month, Taurus, and perfectly rooted in your native element of Earth. This month brings opportunities to make great gains toward goals of the material world. These can be financially motivated or simply personal passion projects, but they will revolve around changin the physical workd around you in some way with the help of others. Be on the lookout for people, places, or situations that offer you unique perspectives and provide resources or skill sets that are complimentary to your own. You may need to soften your stubborn side a bit to get the most out of your partnerships. Remember that collaboration works best with people who have skills, experience, and perspectives different from your own, so their viewpoints may be challenging at times.

If you have active ongoing projects, reach out to people outside your discipline to get their insights. If you have an empty plate right now, it’s a great time to get together with a wide variety of friends and collegues to talk about what you’re intested in making or accomplishing and wait for sparks to fly. The Three of Crystals will ensure that the right people and situations cross your path. With your dedication and work ethic, and passion for quality, you are naturally someone others desire to work with. You can afford to be a bit choosy. Get grounded in want you want and what you have to offer and get ready to step into some unexpected magic.

Your stone for January: Garnet


Striking a balance is imperative this month, Gemini, which may prove easy or incredibly difficult for you depending on the current status of your relationship with your inner twin. Make peace early in the month by forgiving yourself for any perceived missteps and move forward with a clean slate. Now is not a time to dwell on the merits of past behavior, but to take action to correct course. What this looks like will depend entirely on how your December played out. Over-imbibe over the holidays? Plan a month of clean eating and excercise. Been avoiding social engagements? Get out and mix it up to strengthen your social circle. You get the picture. Justice is by definition impartial. It seeks only the truth. Find the truth of your current patterns and balance the scales.

In your quest for the truth, make sure to refrain from judgment. The goal here is not to determine fault or guilt, but simply to see clearly and act accordingly. Sometimes what we find when we see the truth can make us uncomfortable. That is natural. What you’ll want to avoid is getting so bogged down in discomfort that you can no longer take impartial action. Fortunately, your Airey nature should help you to keep your reasoning clear and focused. Try to frame this as an intellectual more than an emotional process. If you do encounter discomfort, allow yourself to feel it and then allow it move on. Be extra kind with yourself and and be wary of taking too much advice from others. This is an inside job.

Your stone for January: Fluorite


Page of Wands
You begin the year with a fresh take on how to make magic. Throw out any old rulebooks you have on how to play with the element of Fire. It’s a new day! Time to experiment with new ways of opening and trusting your intuition, acessing your animal instincts and taking action. This is the seed of personal magic. With the first Full Moon of the year coming us on the 1st in your sign, you’ll be able to start things off with a bang. You are ruled by the Moon, Cancer, and you feel her pull more than most. Take this opportunity to really dive into that connection. She has ancient tools for expanding intuition – a key element of Wands energy. You are a part of the Universe. Explore what it feels like to access this power.

Afte the hustle and bustle of the holidays, this personal exploration should be a welcome invitation for some solo play time. Working with Page energy requires solitude to allow time and space to strip away the old ways of operating and discover what new possibilities await. This doesn’t mean being alone on a mountaintop – that’s more in the realm of the Solitude card – but more engaging in life solo. Go to the movies by yourself, treat yourself to a nice solo dinner, go ice skating, take a walk, hear the voice that is uniquely yours guiding you to new possibilities. Give yourself permission to retreat into your shell to conjure a happy and prosperous 2018.

Your stone for January: Orange Calcite


Get ready for a lighter New Year, Leo. This month you will find all sorts of things that used to seem incredibly important are just not holding their value anymore. I am talking true emotional, spiritual, energetic value. The Big kind. Everything in the Universe has a life cycle. The old move on to make room for the new to grow. This month you have an opportunity to look through your own system of habits of action and thought to discover anything you are ready to let go of, any area of your life that you would like to see transformed. Are there ways in which you are holding yourself back that you’ve been wanting to release? If so, now is the time!

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 1st is a wonderful time to kickstart this process. The gentless of your sister sign can help to set the tone of this transformation as a nurturing one. Consider lighting a black that day and feeling the detrius loosen and drift away with the waning Moon or simply meditate and set your intentions. This is your transformation. You set the tone and the pace. The beauty of this energy is that it works with you to find what you are truly ready to shed in order to step forward into your new self. Pay attention to any insights that came up around the Winter Solstice. With the Sun as your ruling planet, that longest night of the year can hold particular significance.

Your stone for January: Black Obsidian


Four of Wands
You reach a level of comfort and stability in the realm of Fire this month, Virgo, and with your Earthy nature, this is a great win! You worked so hard to stay on track in the roller coaster of 2017 and it paid off. With things moving so quickly, you had to get in touch with the fire of your intuition to guide you and your embrace of that flexibility has paid off. You should feel the urgency of action wane this month as you you settle in to a new, elevated pattern of manifestations that keeps you connected to your gut level instincts and able to pivot without straying off course. You can loosen your grip on the details, trusting that your instincts will keep you on the right path.

Your zodiacal ancestry as the caretaker of ancient temples plays into this energy this month as well, dear Virgo. Long before the Vestal Virgins of ancient Rome, women dedicated their lives to serving their Goddesses and Priestesses in temples. This required a great deal of attention to detail to execute all of the duties of the station properly, but this was always in the servie of a higher principle of honoring the Deity. This 4 of Wands is here to help you reconnect to that larger sense of purpose as a guiding force, leaveing you free to trust in yourself, not your set process or program. It’s a new year. What temple will you dedicate yourself to serving?

Your stone for January: Pyrite


Two of Swords
What a gift, Libra! The wisdom of Air for the cardinal Air sign. Get ready to reach a higher level of mastery in your native element. This month will present a chance for you to unveil information about how you communicate – with yourself and with others – that will allow you to make some decisions about how you want to work with Air energy moving forward. Two energy is profound, but quiet and personal. It works to open us up at our deepest levels. After all, it’s only the very first step away from the primal energy of the Ace! You may encounter a decision that effects your entire mode of thought and communication or it may be a small shift that relates to your relationship with one particular person. The energy will go where you most need it.

Turn your attention to listening to your own internal and external voice as an impartial observer. What patterns do you notice? Are there things you say or words you use that are limiting you or blocking your communication in any way? Practice reframing the same idea in various ways to see what feels best. Maybe “I don’t like parties” becomes “I prefer one on one time with friends”. How do different framings of your words and thoughts change your emotional response or that of others? Discover and experiment early and often so you can be ready to make some decisions around your findings by the end of the month.

Your stone for January: Aquamarine


Put that deep, instinctual nature to work for good this month connecting to your true inner Strength, Scorpio. You have an enviable natural ability to keep your eye on the prize and speak up for what you want. The Strength card is here to teach you that sometimes the greatest power comes from co-creation and collaboration rather than strategy and confrontation. Your comfort in this paradigm is directly related to how easily you can trust and see the best in others and yourself. Put down your stinger, rest your claws, and put on some rose colored glasses. It’s time for a new approach.

Your key concept for this month is “with” rather than “at”. When you feel the need to communicate something urgently, follow that impulse but be ready to listen to the other side. Your statement is the opener, not the conclusion. This is not to say that January wil be a month of compromising your goals or ideals, quite the opposite! You will find that when you fold the goals and views of others into your own, your vision actually expands. You are not giving up your power, you are growing it. Pay attention to situations that make your tail start to tingle. These challenge points are going to be your best opportunities to dig deep into the wisdom of the Strength card and greatly expand your toolbox for accomplishing long- and short-term goals. If you play your cards right, you could rejuvenate your entire plan for world domination.

Your stone for January: Ruby


Ace of Cups
My loves. This is your heart’s month to shine! The Ace of Cups represents the primal energy of Water, the Divine source of our beautiful ability to FEEL. Melt away any ice that’s built up around your heart, Sagittarius, and let the love flow! You are being given a great gift to start your year, a fresh start to your whole emotional life, a chance to let these healing waters wash away any stagnant patterns so you can be truly prepared to welcome new relationships into your life. These may be romantic, platonic, or even familial. The message here is to carry an open heart. There is great strength in vulnerability. You have no need to be fearful when you open your eyes with your heart.

Being emotionally open means being willing to give and receive love and this month will provide ample opportunities for both. A side effect of the intensity and drama of the past year (and, for many, the holiday season) is that it has helped us to laser-focus on what truly feeds us emotionally, what makes us feel calm and loved and cared for. Tune in to what you can do to nurture yourself and those around you. Lend an ear to a friend who needs to talk. Don’t be afraid to speak up if you need a hug. Consider volunteering at a local food bank, soup kitchen, shelter, or LGBT center. You will find that the more love you give, the more you’ll feel returned to you.

Your stone for January: Rose Quartz


This month’s cosmic shifts give us the opportunity to pause, prepare for expansion, and rediscover a sweet sense of hope, says Melinda Lee Holm. Set your sights on new horizons with this tarot journey through December 2017 …

melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world tarot cards for december 2017

The theme for December is HOPE. After the inner work and expansion of November, we open ourselves back up to the world around us. And with a major slow down courtesy of Mercury Retro to kick off the month, we’ll have plenty of psychic space to stop and appreciate beauty, realign with what truly matters, and set our sights on the new hope of longer days to come.

Prepare for expansion with this tarot journey through December 2017 … 


//12/3 Mercury Retrograde: 4 of Pentacles  
While it may sound crazy, the forced slow down of Mercury Retrograde (until 12/22) is exactly what many of us need this time of year. This cosmic downshift begs us to get crystal clear in our communications, methodical in our actions, and to give ourselves plenty of extra time to get things done.

Get grounded and prepared with the 4 of Pentacles. In the 4 we get our first taste of true, earthy stability and we’re not giving it up easily. Generally, I advise people to be mindful of hanging on too tight to finances when this card comes up, but with Mercury in Retrograde, I say clamp down! Keep your spending in check and stay slow and steady to avoid upsetting the delicate balance of the material world that is earned in the 4 of Pentacles.

Calling in the 4 of Pentacles: 

  • Wear or carry Garnet to help stay grounded in your body, the Earth, and reality
  • Eat mandarin oranges, symbols of abundance and good fortune
  • Be like Santa Claus – make a list of daily tasks and check it twice
  • Budget in cash – bring only as much money with you for the day as you can responsibly spend

melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world tarot cards for december 2017 4 of pentacles


//12/10 Human Rights Day: Knight of Swords 
Human Rights Day honors the anniversary of the United Nations’ adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. This document’s anniversary invites us all to get familiar with the rights our fellow humans are entitled to, and to be empowered to speak out and act when those rights are violated.

The Knight of Swords has the energy and the will to speak up and speak out. Wielding the power of intellectual and communicative Air, the Knight rides boldly into battle to defend his convictions. The red feather of passion streams from his helmet as he charges forward, no longer content to stand on the sidelines, ready to take action for what he believes in.

Calling in the Knight of Swords: 

  • Carry or wear Ruby to inspire passion to speak up for others
  • Donate to the Global Human Rights fund or any other charitible organization working to defend the rights of those in need of advocacy 
  • Drink peppermint tea to suport internalizing positive change
  • Go for a run to feel the wind through your hair and the power of your own speed

melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world tarot cards for december 2017 knight of swords


//12/13 Geminid Meteor Shower: Page of Cups 
Our annual show of racing lights, the Geminid Meteor Shower arrives on the 7th and peaks on the 13th. If you grew up wishing on “shooting stars,” this peak night is a beautiful time to reconnect to that childish sense of wonder and open your heart to the beauty, majesty, and magic of the Universe.

The Page of Cups provides just the right brand of unguarded emotional exuberance to help us fully enjoy and embrace the magic all around us. Not burdened by past woundings, regrets, or by any set of rules about how to handle the emotional element of Water, the Page is free to give and receive freely, unabashedly appreciating and loving the world around him.

Calling in the Page of Cups: 

  • Gaze up in wonder at the beauty and magic of the Geminids in the night sky!
  • Wear lace or fanciful patterns – clothing that expresses the romantic within
  • Express your love openly – let your friends know how you feel
  • Add a little brown sugar to your coffee or hot cereal to sweeten your outlook on the world

melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world tarot cards for december 2017 page of cups


//12/21 Winter Solstice: The Star 
As we reach the longest night of the year, it’s time to celebrate the coming light, to look forward with bright hope to the new year ahead, and to begin to set intentions for what we will grow come planting time.

A card traditionally associated with hope, the 8-pointed star seen on most versions of The Star was originally known as the star of The Goddess. As an ancient symbol of Divine Feminine Power, this calming and peaceful card is a reminder that The Goddess is always with us and within us, lighting the way.

Calling in The Star: 

  • Ingest or wear lavender for a calm, peaceful feeling, and to shield hope from negativity
  • Read Wonder Woman or Captain Marvel comics for inspiration – both superheros wear the 8-pointed star as their emblem
  • Treat yourself like the manifestation of the Divine Feminine you are with a trip to the spa or a home treatment
  • Make a list of all your hopes for the next 6 months so you can stay focused on actualizing them as the days grow longer

melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world tarot cards for december 2017 the star

Want more tarot magic? Book a session with Melinda here, and make sure to follow her on Instagram and Facebook. 


In the season of decay and renewal, we’re asked to open ourselves wide for soul evolution, says Melinda Lee Holm. Let your deck guide the way towards the light with these tarot cards for November 2017 …

melinda lee holm ruby warrington tarot practice for november 2017 the numinous material girl mystical world

The theme for November is POWER. We start the month clearing out the debris impeding our ascension with the Death card, and then move into a series of expansions in our emotional lives, our inherent magical powers, and the courage to pursue our goals. It’s a big month!

So stay open, stay flexible, and keep your eye on the prize.


:: 11/1 Day of the Dead—Death :: 
Day of the Dead was celebrated in central and southern Mexico long before the Spanish invaded and matched the indigenous celebrations of the dead to their Catholic holidays of All Saints Day and All Souls Day. The holiday is a time to honor the dead, to celebrate their lives, and keep their memories alive by making shrines, picnicing at grave sites, and leaving trails of marigolds to lead the way back home.

While the teachings of the Death card can feel extremely difficult, the acceptance of Death as a natural part of life is one of the greatest lessons we can learn. This extends to the life and death of relationships, modes of thinking, patterns of behavior, and ways of being. The Death card reminds us that we are always evolving, always growing and expanding and, yes, dying. Embrace life to the fullest by embracing the wisdom of Death.

Calling in Death: 

  • Wear or carry Obsidian to release what is not serving you and open communication with the Spirit World
  • Eat black sesame—a favorite of Shiva, the destroyer and transformer
  • Draw out your demons—literally. Drawing can help exorcise what needs releasing without the pressure of naming that comes with using written words.
  • Honor the dead through prayer, lighting a candle, visiting a marker, or simply telling their stories 

melinda lee holm ruby warrington tarot practice for november 2017 the numinous material girl mystical world death card


:: 11/13: Venus conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio—2 of Cups :: 
Remember that awesome dose of expansion I talked about last month with Jupiter arriving to hang out in Scorpio for 13 months? Well, on the 13th, Venus will join Jupiter in Scorpio for just a couple weeks, steering this major expansion into the realm of beauty and L O V E. Keep your ears perked up and your eyes open for fresh waves of love energy in new or existing relationships and take a good look at any aspects of your personal beauty routine and/or concept that could use a tune-up.

To bring on a new day in the land of love, we look to the 2 of Cups. Cups represent Water, the element of emotion, and in the 2 we see the spark of what is possible in the emotional realm when 2 hearts come together. This card is all about the maagic of the initial attraction we feel when we meet someone new. This is of course sometimes a romantic attraction, but it can also be a spiritual attraction of friendship or mentorship. Love comes in many forms!

Calling in the 2 of Cups: 

  • Bathe with Rose Quartz—a stone or two in the tub will charge up the whole bath with heart opening energy
  • Make a date with someone new
  • Switch up your beauty routine with a new cosmetic—love the vessel you’re in!
  • Wear pink or green, the colors of the heart center

melinda lee holm ruby warrington tarot practice for november 2017 the numinous material girl mystical world 2 of cups


:: 11/18: Occult Day—The Magician :: 
While there is very little information about the origins of this holiday, it is on every list of November holidays. And as a proud occultist, I will gladly take the invitation to celebrate! This Occult Day, get yourself in line for those downloads of secret wisdom by calling in The Magician.

The Magician is the Tarot’s master of manifestation. In almost every representation, he is shown with the power of all four suits (wands, cups, swords, pentacles) at his disposal. In this card, we see the figure of The Magician with one hand pointed up toward the Heavens and the other pointed down toward the Earth. When we recognize that we ourselves are beings of both the Earth and the Cosmos, we can begin to open up to our innate powers of manifestation and our Magician within.

Calling in The Magician: 

  • Eat Cinnamon to accelerate your innate magical powers
  • Create a personal mantra and say it aloud daily—use your magic words!
  • Meditate with Labradorite, stone of magic and self-mastery
  • Finally get that Tarot deck (or palmistry book, or grimoire, etc) you’ve been wanting for so long

melinda lee holm ruby warrington tarot practice for november 2017 the numinous material girl mystical world the magician


:: 11/28 Red Planet Day—The Emperor :: 
This celebration of the planet Mars and its association with both Scorpio and the cardinal fire sign, Aries, asks us to embrace passion, direction, and intense energy.  Whether you have Aries planets or not, look to where Mars falls in your chart and celebrate and capitalize on its big dose of fiery action from the Red Planet.

The Emperor is the perfect embodiment of Mars energy in the Tarot. Energetically, The Emperor is single-minded in his determination to accomplish his goals and create the world around him that’s in exact alignment with his personal vision. While he sometimes gets a bad reputation for being cold, the true nature of The Emperor is simply to pursue his goals and ideals with an enviable purity of passion.

Calling in The Emperor: 

  • Wear or carry Carnelian, the warrior’s stone
  • Practice The Power of No and save your energy for your own pursuits 
  • Power dress – suit? piles of jewelry? red lipstick? Get it.
  • Make a vision board – you have to dream it to make it happen!

melinda lee holm ruby warrington tarot practice for november 2017 the numinous material girl mystical world the emperor

Want more tarot magic? Book a session with Melinda here, and make sure to follow her on Instagram and Facebook. 


Buckle up, divination divas. As we prepare to take on the dark side of the year, let these tarot cards for October 2017 help you face your fears and break on through, says Melinda Lee Holm.

tarot practice for october 2017 melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world

As Fall brings a shift in the light, we are crossing through the veil into the collective and individual subconscious for some major breakthroughs.

October offers the opportunity to treat the dive into the dark side like a gift, as we expand our understanding, birth our passion projects, face our deepest fears, and learn to be better partners.

The energy this month is tailor-made to get you out of your comfort zone and into the fast lane. Buckle up!


:: 10/9 Indigenous People’s —9 of Pentacles :: 

Many cities across the U.S. have transformed what was formerly Columbus Day into Indigenous People’s Day, and this shift is the result of decades of work to raise awareness of and appreciation for the history and experience of the indigenous people in the land we now call home.

The 9 of Pentacles helps deepen our awareness of this experience. This card represents an accomplishment in the Earthly world, a recognition of the fruits of our labor, and an understanding of how we have been transformed by our experiences. But with this knowledge comes an awareness that what we have learned demands that we learn even more. We are driven to push ahead towards an ever more profound understanding of our world and ourselves.

Calling in the 9 of Pentacles: 

  • Use tea tree oil on your body or in your home – it clears confusion, in addition to being a great antiseptic
  • Read a work of non-fiction
  • Dress foods with mustard – mustard seed promotes the courage and perseverance needed to learn and integrate challenging information
  • Keep African violets in your home to attract grounded wisdom

tarot practice for october 2017 melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world 9 of pentacles


:: 10/10 Jupiter Enters Scorpio—Queen of Cups :: 

As Jupiter begins its transit through Scorpio, we’re in for 13 months of majorly deep dives into the desires we wish to expand. This is BIG DEAL energy for pushing hard to get passion projects up and running. The trick is, with the potential sting of Scorpio’s tail, we have to be sure that what we pursue is truly in alignment with our hearts.

The Queen of Cups has a masterful devotion to her passion. She knows her emotional self completely and is comfortable with all aspects of her emotional field. This makes her able to skillfully identify what is in perfect alignment with her heart and leaves her free to dive completely into that project and care for it as she would a child.

Choose wisely and give of yourself completely. This is a potent time.

Calling in the Queen of Cups: 

  • Drink linden tea to fearlessly open the heart and follow its lead
  • Wear or carry Ruby to inspire passionate devotion to a goal or project
  • Eat legumes – plant the seeds of success in yourself via proverbial “magic beans”
  • Dress with intention – as the saying goes, fake it til you make it

tarot practice for october 2017 melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world queen of cups


:: 10/13 Friday the 13th—The Moon :: 

Getting a Friday the 13th in October is truly a gift for fans of the spooky and macabre. Long considered an unlucky day in the U.S., it is embraced and celebrated by those with a flair for the dark side. Today, take a cue from the goths and learn to love what scares you.

The Moon card is a great ally for stepping out of the day to day and into the murky darkness of the subconscious. This card is all about major growth through facing fears, and trusting our intuition and instincts to lead us safely through the wild unknown. It’s time to be brave and embrace the monster in the closet once and for all.

Calling in The Moon: 

  • Cook with Cumin to exorcise any superstitions holding you back
  • Watch a scary movie
  • Eat pomegranate seeds – they were Persephone’s key to thriving in the Underworld
  • Wear or carry Moonstone

tarot practice for october 2017 melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world the moon


:: 10/22 Mars Enters Libra—8 of Swords :: 

Mars, planet of action, drive, and desire, enters the sign of partnership on the 22nd and stays until December 9th, putting a focus on harmony in all our relations with others. But with Mars’ fierce determination, there is a danger of becoming so fixated on harmony that we’re willing to bend the truth to get it. 

Avoid sacrificing clarity for comfort with the 8 of Swords. This card brings a lesson in cutting out the chatter and getting grounded in what truly matters. This chatter can come from the opinions of others, societal norms, and internalized rules about how we should or should not think, feel, and behave. Get grounded, get clear, and be true to yourself in order to keep your relationships strong.

Calling in the 8 of Swords: 

  • Wear or carry Fluorite to maintain clarity in your intentions
  • Season food or drinks with lime juice – lime promotes fidelity and peace
  • Write ‘morning pages’ daily (3 handwritten stream-of-consciousness pages) to clear the internal chatter before you start your days
  • Burn myrrh resin or incense to create a peaceful atmosphere

tarot practice for october 2017 melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world 8 of swords

Want more tarot magic? Book a session with Melinda here, and make sure to follow her on Instagram and Facebook.