Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with Sandy Sitron’s Numinous Weekly Horoscopes …

quino al sandy sitron sandra sitron the numinous weekly horoscopes 2019 ruby warrington material girl mystical world the now age
Photo: Quino Al

Capricorn // Capricorn Rising
Churning butter. As you put in the effort you will discover that you are creating something good. There’s a process to this work. There must be faith. You must churn and turn for a while without seeing any result. But then it will begin to take shape. Be patient, trust the process. Take things step by step. You will be successful, if you continue to apply yourself.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius // Aquarius Rising
A fragrant perfume catches your attention. Train all of your senses. Make your senses more sensitive! You can do this by being present and staying attentive to the moment. Careful not to multitask too much. One thing at a time and truly pay attention to it. You will feel more balanced and more aware. In the end that balance will lead to clarity and mental rest.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces // Pisces Rising
Candy land. A place where trees are lollipops and rivers are chocolate. Dreams and visions may be dancing through your head. Spend time imagining. Let your mind wander. You may have some ideas come through that are almost like “downloads.” These ideas will help you understand your next step or something important that you can contribute to the world.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries // Aries Rising
Carrying a flame. Keep the fire going. The fire is your inspiration. It’s your motivation. If you let it die out, you’ll have a harder time gearing up again. So stay inspired by keeping your goals and your dreams written down in front of you. This will help you illuminate your purpose and help you continue to take steps forward. Feed your inspiration and stay in motion.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus // Taurus Rising
Building stepping stones in a garden. The stones represent your path forward. The garden represents creativity. This is a time to be creative, fertile, spontaneous, and abundant. Make and create, make and create. Yet, at the same time, understand why you are motivated. What is your philosophical path? What deep philosophy inspires you and keeps you interested in planting flowers?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini // Gemini Rising
A fish in deep waters. Eyesight is less important in the dark depths of the ocean. And when you make it so far down into the depths, the pressure increases. Close your eyes and look within. What emotions need to be noticed and released? Once you gain awareness of the feelings, it’s so much easier to feel them fully, and with gratitude, let them go. Take your time, but be diligent.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer // Cancer Rising
Adding more feathers to a pillow. Plump up the comfort. Offer the cozy pillow to a darling partner. This is a moment to understand your patterns in relationships. You love to care for others and be nurturing. Now is the time to gain mental clarity around this pattern and any other patterns. Do you need to set up some new healthy boundaries? Make yourself truly comfortable.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo // Leo Rising
Jumping on a trampoline. You can jump on a trampoline for fun or for exercise. Understand your motivations when it comes to your healthy practices. Sometimes we need to motivate ourself to do things that are good for us. What’s your motivation? And how will you follow through on your health goals? If possible, try to make these healthy practices fun. Having fun is deeply important for you.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo // Virgo Rising
A penguin sliding across the ice. Even if things feel chaotic and out of control, there is actually order. This moment is prime for finding the balance between structure and surprises. Let yourself slide around a little bit, and try to have fun while you work with the situation at hand. Remember that you are “on time” and that you do have a plan. See if you can let the plan happen without controlling the process.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra // Libra Rising
A kite dancing in the air. Without someone guiding the kite from the ground, it would just fall down. The more grounded you are, the better you’ll become at flying your kite. You can be grounded emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually. From a solid foundation comes beautiful expansion. Don’t skip any steps. Find a sense of graceful security and then fly high to reach your goals.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio // Scorpio Rising
Looking down from a cloud. It’s time for perspective. What a great thing! To get above the daily grind and see the big picture. When have you had perspective in the past? What helped you take that mental leap? Can you recreate that experience of seeing the big picture? Understand that you aren’t just these thoughts and this moment. Perspective will help you feel peaceful and serene.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius // Sagittarius Rising
Choreographed fight moves. A whirling mass of beautifully timed kicks and punches. You make it look so easy. You are moving with great coordination. Keep crossing off the items on your to-do list. Keep moving toward your goals in a strong and graceful way. You can succeed right now if you understand your physicality. Take breaks. Find alignment. Be consistent. Get it done.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.


Building on the recent Capricorn New Moon’s soulful sweat, the 2019 Aries Waxing Moon invites us to get friendly with friction and persevere for our passions, says Jennifer Racioppi

2019 aries waxing moon jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world the now age moon club tyler nix
Photo: Tyler Nix

Waxing Quarter Moon // January 14 2019 // 1:45am ET // 23 degrees Aries

2019 wasted no time before it dropped us off in the deep end of the cosmic transformation pool. Kicking off with a Saturn/Sun conjunction, an immediate entrance into Eclipse season, and Uranus stationing direct with a square to the nodes of fate, January has been a robust initiation into the most profound sense of grit and resilience.

With the 2019 Aries Waxing Moon punctuating the halfway mark between the most recent Solar Eclipse, and the upcoming Total Lunar Blood Super Moon Eclipse, the last in its series in Leo, this Waxing Moon is a check-in point that provides a vital moment to put your feet on the earth and ground down. In Mars-ruled Aries, conjoined with Uranus, it might feel a wee-bit volatile, possibly even angry. Because of this, nurturing your passion remains a non-negotiable.

No matter how hard things might feel, trust that this too shall pass. You have everything you need to go the distance …


// The Cycle //
This Waxing Quarter Moon harkens back to the 2018 Aries New Moon. Think back to April 15, 2018—what intentions did you set then?  This opening square to the Sun should bring growth and stimulation to goals set then. What did you set in motion then that relates to what’s beginning to sprout in your life now? Tend to the crops that are starting to fruit. They need to be your most important focus.


// The Transits //
At the time of this Waxing Moon, Saturn, Mercury, Pluto, and the Sun form a dense stellium in Capricorn. Thankfully, Neptune in Pisces sends a soft beam of support to this otherwise, rigid, and robust configuration that’s commanding you to drop the façade, get real, and work hard (possibly harder than you ever have in your whole life).

On the more easeful side of good luck, Venus, the planet of love, meets up with Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion. Yet despite these aspects that take the edge off, this Waxing Moon’s connection to Uranus and to the nodes of fate, is reminiscent of one of the most difficult astrological energies we’ve experienced over the past decade: the Uranus-Pluto Square. This aspect took place from 2013-2015 and triggered massive political change. With Uranus remaining in Aries for only six more weeks, this Waxing Moon is one of the last throwbacks to this challenging configuration. Lean into the challenge. 

// The Square //
The Sun in Capricorn, only 7 degrees away from Aquarius, commands respect. With the Sun creeping closer and closer to the South Node, which brings past actions and their subsequent karmas front and center in your life, now’s not the time to take your eye off of your goals. Instead, keep a steady focus on what you most want, need, must do, this lifetime. This Aries Waxing Moon might feel super angsty, especially as it conjoins Uranus, but don’t let the angst push you in the wrong direction. Yes, you might need to surrender what you no longer need, or what isn’t working. However, don’t turn against yourself. Or your goals.


// The Opportunity //
With the Leo Total Lunar Eclipse just one week away, it’s not the time to hope for easy, but rather to trust that you have what it takes to rise to the occasion. Even with the Moon waxing, which generally connotes a time of gains, the cosmic broom also wants to sweep away that which you no longer need.

While this Waxing Moon will shine a light on the positive seeds you planted with the 2018 Aries New Moon, overall this is a tough, hard-edged astrological moment. So if it feels challenging, let it. Don’t take it personally. Instead, dig in and commit to your truth. Grit, a combination of passion and perseverance, means staying ferociously committed to your goals. Lead with tenacity.

Discover more about astrologer and success coach Jennifer Racioppi and her work HERE and follow her on Instagram.


The King of Wands asks us to master our raw power and become a channel for wise creative force, says Brandon Alter … Cast using the Prisma Visions Tarot 


Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with Sandy Sitron’s Numinous Weekly Horoscopes …

johny goerend sandy sitron sandra sitron ruby warrington the numinous weekly horoscopes 2019
Photo: Johny Goerend

Capricorn // Capricorn Rising
Brick and mortar. Brick by brick. Step by step. You only need to do one thing at a time. Be present in the moment. And trust that you can do the work you need to do. Pay attention to the pressure that you put on yourself. The work gets done step by step. You can’t go faster than you can go. Set an intention for how you want to feel and then take it one step at a time.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius // Aquarius Rising
Eating grass. You must nourish yourself. A cow eats grass— it seems nourishing, but not exciting. Find your joy in the simple and nourishing things that you can do for yourself. What kind of nourishment does your soul need? It’s probably not junk food or binge watching TV. Feed your soul the things that lift your heart and help you feel connected.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces // Pisces Rising
A ping pong table. You need to go back and forth on some ideas. Brainstorm. Talk it out. Collaborate. Connect. When you go back and forth on some ideas, you’ll find that you suddenly have a whole new vision. Let yourself sit in uncertainty, but keep the ball moving forward. That way you’ll cover all of the possibilities and feel out the right next step.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries // Aries Rising
A duck bobs its head, looking for fish. When the duck turns itself upside down, its tail feathers stick straight up in the air. Even when you feel backwards and like you don’t know what you’re doing, you’re still reaching great heights. You just might not be able to see it yet. Keep working. Be diligent. Eventually you’ll see how far you’ve come. You are making definite progress.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus // Taurus Rising
Laughing and clapping. Sometimes joy needs to be punctuated by a strong physical movement. This could be a moment for celebration, if you’ll let yourself feel it. Punctuate the moment! Skip, dance, run, slap your thigh, clap, jump in the air. Be very expressive and remind yourself to celebrate, even if it doesn’t seem appropriate. Use your body to uplift your mood.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini // Gemini Rising
A bunny hops down a hole. The bunny spends a lot of time hidden away. Follow the rabbit. What mysteries does your own heart hold? If you follow your feelings, they’ll lead you to the source. Sit with your feelings in the dark, quiet burrow of your heart and heal. This process will help you trust yourself and others. It will improve your self worth. It’s time for self-reflection.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer // Cancer Rising
Peanut butter sandwich. Two pieces of bread stuck together like glue. It’s time to examine how you “stick” to other people. That just means, how do you partner? What kinds of patterns do you find yourself in? This is a conscious examination, so conversation, journaling, or talk therapy may help you discover a new level of harmony in partnership.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo // Leo Rising
A row of dominoes. When you push one domino, they all fall down. This is like life. When you get out of whack with nutrition, energy levels may come crashing down. When you are strapped for time, you may spend more money. Everything is connected. Now is the time to put some order in the basic mundane habits. Just make small improvements.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo // Virgo Rising
Puffy clouds. A vision of a cartoon sky. This is the symbol to play and have fun. Watch cartoons in the afternoon. Skip rope. What would just be fun to do? The fun thing should be totally extracurricular. When you practice following your heart, you learn to de-stress. And anxiety fades away. Find excuses to laugh and have fun. Make joy your medicine.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra // Libra Rising
A pontoon boat. A boat like this is flat, and often it features an observation window to survey the bottom of the lake. Stand on the boat in the still waters of your emotions, and peer deep into your heart. What can you do to slow down? How can you be more tender with yourself? Rock yourself gently, just like a baby, and watch every emotion swell up.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio // Scorpio Rising
A constellation. A series of stars, connected by imaginary lines. Those lines hold mythic importance in the cultures that treasure them. But they don’t really exist. Or do they? Examine your deep beliefs. We all think that our beliefs are real. Until we question them. There may be a few of yours that are ready to be questioned. It’s time to redraw the lines.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius // Sagittarius Rising
Heavy footsteps. This is a symbol of power and strength. You have an opportunity to re-evaluate your worth. Get really clear about your values. Step strong and stand tall. Look yourself in the mirror and talk yourself up. You’ve got this. You’ve got resources. You’ve got value. You can make it happen. Keep the momentum going. Build up your self-worth.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.


Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with Sandy Sitron’s Numinous Weekly Horoscopes …

ferenc horvath sandy sitron sandra sitron ruby warrington the numinous weekly horoscopes material girl mystical world the now age
Photo: Ferenc Horvath

Capricorn // Capricorn Rising
A flock of white doves are released into the air. Make peace with yourself. Calm the nagging voice in your head. Give it a vacation. And instead say, “I am enough.” “I work hard enough.” “My work has meaning.” Perform a ritual release of anything that doesn’t bring you peace. Then fill the skies of your mind’s eye with visions of serenity. If you don’t give yourself peace, who will?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius // Aquarius Rising
The swelling waves. Your emotions rise up. Now is a chance to listen to the yearning of your heart. Often your mind space is the most activated, but currently your heart space takes center stage. Ride the waves of emotions and be present. Retreat into your feelings. In the long run, staying with your emotions instead of running will bring you much-desired clarity.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces // Pisces Rising
Carrot sticks. The carrot sticks represent good decisions. Set your goals and visions for the future, then go after these goals step-by-step. Make sure your actions are simple, well-defined, and highly beneficial. Start exactly where you are and move along from there. All you need to succeed are a vision and plan. Follow through with the simple good decisions.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries // Aries Rising
A beacon of light. Some inspiration will help. You are meant to follow your dreams to the highest apex of success. But it’s hard to motivate if your inspiration isn’t clear. Focus your mind on your true motivating factor. Inspiration is fire. Connecting with it will help you achieve. This is the time for achievement, so get fired up and take action.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus // Taurus Rising
A pilot lands the helicopter on a bed of flowers. Journey through beauty and make a soft landing. You need to go somewhere, yes. But if you try to push without paying attention to serenity and balance, you’ll have a hard time. Stay focused on what pleases your senses. Explore new horizons and feel good in your body at the same time. Honoring beauty, pleasure, and serenity will help you expand.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini // Gemini Rising
Two birds pull at a twig. Notice where there is a power play. You can put down the twig and just go find another one. When we are caught up in trying to maintain control, we lose our center. Control is a sneaky thing, so look very, very closely to see where it’s coming up. Then surrender. You have everything you need. Trusting yourself is the answer.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer // Cancer Rising
Finding gemstones in a mine. There is reward if you’re willing to do some digging. The beautiful gemstones glimmer in the distance. You are almost there! This reward is specific to your personal relationships. New patterns of healthy communication and harmony are available if you keep chipping away. Keep working. Keep digging for the truth and find a better way of communicating.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo // Leo Rising
A slide on a playground. Climb up many steps and then enjoy a pleasant ride down to the bottom. You create your own friction when your ego gets in the way. Try to take it easy. Try to let yourself off the hook. Many things can be less complicated. Take the steps you need to take, then let yourself coast without the friction of self-criticism.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo // Virgo Rising
A sunflower. This is a symbol of brightness and celebration. So, go ahead— get yourself in the mood! Peel back every petal of self doubt and you’ll find optimism at the center. You’ll find your way through challenges by celebrating first. Focus on the celebration and the work will get easier. Focus on the fun and the responsibilities become a game.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra // Libra Rising
A hand print. Look for fossils of the past. It’s good to stay present in the moment. but sometimes you also need to conduct an emotional review. Slow down and feel feelings from the past. Take your inner child by the hand and offer them emotional support. It may seem like an unnecessary detour into the past, but it’s the only way forward.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio // Scorpio Rising
Elementary school students. Make yourself into a good listener. This week, turn your senses into antennae. When you open your mind, you’ll find that there are many things that you need to know. There are other possibilities. There are new methods and approaches available. You have a lot to learn, so ask questions and invigorate your curiosity.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius // Sagittarius Rising
A busy highway. This is a wonderful moment to move ahead, but the road is already full. That’s not an issue, as long as you can share the road. Don’t worry about who or what is in the way, just focus on your pace, your cadence, and your motivation. You are so close to finding your own niche. Trust your resources and the path will become more defined as you go.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.


This year rocked us to our personal and collective cosmic cores. From sex tarot 101 to the future of masculinity, our Best of the Numinous 2018 charts the course …

the best of the numinous 2018 year in review ruby warrington material girl mystical world the now age
Photo: NordWood Themes


1// Spread ‘Em: Sex Tarot 101: Alessandra Calderin gave us a crash course in casting cards between the sheets …

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2// Healing From Trauma With Psychedelics: Psychiatrist Will Siu, MD, shared insights into a very human way to heal …

best of the numinous 2018 the now age Will Siu MD healing from trauma with psychedelics The Numinous


3// How To Work With Your Lilith Sign: Rebecca Farrar’s astrological guide led us back to our unbreakable inner wildness, during a year when we needed it most …

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4// Is Visiting Mexico City’s Sonora Market Spiritual Appropriation?: During a journey of spiritual self-discovery, Danielle Dorsey shared why she decided not to visit the famously witchy landmark …

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5// How Body Positivity Can Unlock Your Intuition: After a lifetime of food issues, Jillian Murphy discovered that living fully in her own skin was the key to her magic …

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6// Work Your Saturn Sign & Feel Solid As A Rock: As Saturn transited its home turf of Capricorn, this astro guide helped us harness our biggest growth opportunities …

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8// Why Radical Dharma Is Your 2018 ‘Must Read’: This incomparable text tapped eradicating systemic racism as THE healing issue of our times …

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10// How To Explain Your Spiritual Awakening To Your Religious Family: In a deeply polarizing climate, Fundamentalist turned Now Ager, Kate Forristall, gave us a primer in navigating the spiritual-religious divide …

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11// What Is The Future of Masculinity?: As we grappled with how to dismantle patriarchal oppression, trans man and diversity and inclusion activist, Aaron Rose, shared his vision for the future of masculinity …

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As we close out the year, the 2018 Libra Waning Moon asks us to face up, stand up, and get real and right with our souls, says Jennifer Racioppi

mitch walker ruby warrington jennifer racioppi 2018 libra waning moon the numinous the now age material girl mystical world
Photo: Mitch Walker

Waning Quarter Moon // December 29 2018 //  4:34 am ET // 7 degrees Libra 

The last Waning Quarter Moon of 2018 highlights the dichotomy between drive, determination, and the quest for power (Capricorn), and the desire for balance, harmony, and justice (Libra).

As the Moon travels through Libra, the Venus-ruled sign of the scales, forming a 90-degree square with the Sun and Saturn, both in Capricorn, she’ll provoke you to stand up for yourself: your values, your desire for pleasure, and your truth. The 2018 Waning Libra Moon leaves little room for nonsense.

Embrace this lunar opportunity as a chance to get real, and right, with your soul … 

// The Cycle //
As we close out 2018, we end more than just another year; we also wrap up an over 2-year-long lunar gestation cycle. This Libra Waning Moon highlights the consequences of actions taken on the September 30, 2016, Libra New Moon.

On October 7, 2016, the Washington Post published an article about Donald Trump and Billy Bush having “an extremely lewd conversation about women.” Now here we are, in the midst of Trump’s presidency, as the USA undergoes a governmental shutdown, General Mattis’ resignation/expedited termination, and, all of this happens as the country awaits the results of Bob Mueller’s investigation into President Trump’s potential collusion in the 2016 election.

It’s clear that we may be arriving at a critical turning point in the Trump presidency. You are likely at a critical turning point in your life too. Claim your truth and move forward accordingly.


// The Transits //
2019 begins with a whopping solar eclipse Jan 5 at 15 degrees of Capricorn, happening right between Saturn, the lord of karma, and Pluto, the planet of transformation. This planetary formation commands that truth be revealed, and abuses of power healed. The current, pre-eclipse, Libra Waning Moon squares a Saturn-Sun combination. As hard truths reveal themselves, embrace them.

More provocatively, Venus, the planet of love (and ruler of the Moon in Libra), makes a harmonious angle to Pluto, the planet of power. This angle between Venus in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn amplifies lusty desires and the urge to experience sexual pleasure. Cosmic sexual healing, anyone? Sacred sex can bring deep healing, and the release of oxytocin through orgasm can detoxify the body of what it no longer needs.

At the same time, Mars, the ruler of personal will, conjoining Chiron, aka the “wounded healer,” might stimulate feelings of shame. Thoughts like, “Is it ok to want what I want?” or “Am I too pushy, too needy, or too much?” could potentially stand in the way of you enjoying yourself.

Allow yourself to hear and understand what your voice of shame sounds like. Get to know her. But don’t let the voice of shame win. Bow down to the voice of truth instead.


// The Square //
The Sun and Saturn sit very close to one another in the sky, amplifying the impact of the great planetary task-master. The Libra Moon, which has a fierce need for justice, squares Saturn, commanding both literal and figurative sobriety.

Get quiet and listen to the voice of truth emerging within. Purify yourself, mind, body, and spirit, so you can hear where your inner voice most concretely wishes to lead you.


// The Opportunity // 
Remember that you have two options when it comes to reconciling difficult feelings and emotions, especially shame: you can talk out your feelings and thoughts, or you can act them out. Choosing to talk things out now, helps you make better decisions later. It also opens you up to acknowledging what you no longer need, want, or desire, and makes room for you to enjoy Venus’ luscious connection with Pluto, and its potential for healing through pleasure.

Libra, a justice-oriented sign that craves beauty, love, and relationship, isn’t shy when it comes to standing up for what it believes. Consider what’s coming full circle in your life right now. Perhaps it’s year-end related. Maybe it correlates with actions taken years ago, around the time of the 2016 Libra New Moon.

Shed the lies and limiting beliefs that have kept you playing it small. Whether it’s the old pair of socks or the relationship that pulls you into toxic dynamics, again and again, let this Libra Waning Moon act as a cosmic vacuum cleaner sucking up the dirt. With the new year just a few days away, choose to embrace the openness and sobriety of truth. With the world at a critical political moment, staying in a healthy place, mentally and emotionally, supports you on your individual path.

The upcoming Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse in Jan 5 invites you to conjure and create a life that reflects the most real sense of who you are. Start preparing for it now.

Discover more about astrologer and success coach Jennifer Racioppi and her work HERE and follow her on Instagram.


As we cross the threshold into the new year, Judgment Rx asks us to embrace the irrevocable changes inside of us and awaken to a brand new way of being, says Brandon Alter … Cast using the Prisma Visions Tarot 



Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with Sandy Sitron’s Numinous Weekly Horoscopes …

sandy sitron sandra sitron the numinous material girl mystical world the now age numinous weekly horoscopes himanshu gangwar
Photo: Himanshu Gangwar

Capricorn // Capricorn Rising
Hold a flag up high. The flag symbolizes the leader. When you’re ready, you can hold up a flag and the crowd will follow you. Trust yourself as a leader. Believe in yourself. Trust your own authority. That will signal everyone else to follow you too. Know where you’re going. Plan and prepare, but don’t get stuck there. This is the moment for you to do more than prepare. It’s time to take action.  Make the future happen.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius // Aquarius Rising
A silhouette of a faraway boat. Put yourself out in the distance for a while. Retreat. That’s how you replenish your emotional cup and prepare for new inspiration. Follow the lilting swell of your imagination. Interpret your dreams. Study the veins of a leaf. Listen to the symphony of sounds that surrounds your coffee break. When you direct your attention in an unusual way, you become privy to unusual new ideas.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces // Pisces Rising
Popcorn. Popcorn pops. Imagine yourself as popcorn. You are transforming. You are turning yourself inside out. You need to acclimate to a new temperature, and you need to do it in a way that is expansive. Remember what really matters because as you get busier, your attention will scatter if you don’t stay focused. You need to expand in an empowered way, not because you’re just reacting to the heat. Know your kernel of truth. Then expand.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries // Aries Rising
Waving farewell to the departing ship. You may need to leave a part of yourself behind. This may seem a little dramatic, but once you have clarity, you’ll find that is actually the most gentle next step. Don’t be afraid to move forward. The plans that you make now should be solid. This thing that you leave behind may be tangible or intangible. It might be an old outdated pattern or belief, or it may be a situation or person that’s no longer in alignment. Cast off and move forward.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus // Taurus Rising
Three scoops of ice cream. An abundance of flavors. This is a feel-good symbol that reminds you to revel in your senses. Enjoy colors, tastes, smells, and textures. Nurture a positive mindset by enjoying the things you can enjoy. Appreciate your surroundings and you’ll find that life becomes more delicious. Make daily appreciation a habit. When you feel that your senses are pleased, your path to inspiration becomes more clear.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini // Gemini Rising
Fireflies in the dusk. The light from the sun dies away, but the fireflies light up their magic light. How can you move forward now? What do you need to let go of? Something has got to go. Allow yourself to transition gracefully. Out of the dusk will arise a shimmer of magic to light your path as you move to the next phase. Begin now by being much more gentle with yourself. Much more kind. Remind yourself at every turn to lean into self-love.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer // Cancer Rising
Blowing a horn. Announce yourself. Make it known that you are present. It’s time to make yourself available in relationship in a powerful new way. Maybe you’ve fallen out of a habit of being present or there is some subtle way that you’re holding back. If it falls within your boundaries, make yourself available to commune intellectually with another person at this time. Connect and communicate and open your heart to love.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo // Leo Rising
Spinning a hula hoop. Once you get into the rhythm, you can keep it going. So much of our lives are run on habit. Habits can be changed, but it takes persistence, gentleness, and an emotional goal. What would you like to tweak and fine tune so that you can get healthier habits running on automatic? Set your goals and then spend a little time focusing on putting them into practice. Keep the process simple and serene.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo // Virgo Rising
Preparing backstage. The moment of your big reveal is on the horizon. Imagine yourself in your dressing room, adorning and rehearsing. Put yourself in the mindset of the performer. Be ready to share your talents and gifts with the world. Prepare for fun, play, and creativity. Then explode onto the stage. You need to diligently prepare, or else this positive attention could catch you off guard. Let yourself shine and shimmer in the spotlight. Just have a good time.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra // Libra Rising
A plastic unicorn has an adventure. Lose yourself in the whimsy of childhood. What does your inner child need right now? What pleasure or adventure? What fantasy or entertainment? Strengthen your relationship with your inner-kid this week. Give them everything they need to feel loved and admired. Use your imagination to the utmost. Nurturing your inner child by doing the kinds of things that children enjoy will be deeply healing.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio // Scorpio Rising
A bridge over a gentle river. You must make new connections. Go from here to there. By crossing the bridge, you’ll gather new information and that will help you problem solve. It will also help you gain confidence. You’ll strengthen relationships which will help you know yourself better. You’ll feel inspired and vibrant through the process. Focus on putting yourself out there and following the nudge of your curiosity. Connect.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius // Sagittarius Rising
Pruning the roots. What does security mean to you? When you think about it, what comes to mind? Money? Relationships? Peace? Humans have a strong need for security. Examine this psychological need to see if there are some new structures or systems that can be put in place to help you feel more secure. Or maybe there is something you’d like to refine about your concept of security. Connect with your symbolic root system.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.


As we close out the year, the 2018 Cancer Full Moon is a rich opportunity to give ourselves the nurturance we deeply deserve so our fortified root systems can support new growth, says Sandy Sitron

sandy sitron sandra sitron ruby warrington the numinous the now age material girl mystical world 2018 cancer full moon sasha freeman
Photo: Sasha Freemind

Full Moon :: December 22 2018 :: 12:50 pm EST :: 0 degrees Cancer

Dig a deep hole near the root system of a tree. As you dig, you disturb the old growth. You disrupt the system. You will plant a seed in this hole.

It’s not easy to plant new life among old growth. The established roots create barriers for the little seedling. This old root system may not seem like fertile ground. But life will find a way. Plant your seed and gemination will occur. A new way becomes incubated. New life develops next to old growth.

At the Full Moon, the Capricorn Sun opposes the Cancer Moon. Cancer is the sign of nurturing new life. Capricorn is the sign of old established growth. These are the two parents of the zodiac. Cancer gives tenderness and love, and Capricorn gives discipline. This is your opportunity to balance nurturance and structure.

A Full Moon creates pressure as two opposite signs create a push-pull. A tug of war. In this case the question of opposites is, how will you be kind and firm with yourself at the same time? Kind and firm, just like a good parent. This weekend, you may find opportunities to re-parent yourself.

The image of the seed planted among the roots of the tree describes the new emotional pattern that you can nurture within yourself. You’re not starting fresh. You’ve got old habits, patterns, and conditioning to contend with. But you can re-parent yourself and nurture a new habit reaction.

At this Full Moon, there’s pressure. It’s coming in from all directions. Instead of avoiding it, sit with it. Sit with the emotional aspect of the pressure you’re under.

For example, if you are feeling the pressure of “not enough time,” what’s the emotional story that goes with that? If you’re feeling pressure of “doing a good job,” how does that actually feel? Like shame? Fear? The pressure of “I’m not good enough” has a feeling quality. What is it? Even celebration has its own kind of pressure. Sometimes we have a feeling that the event or party has to be really good, and the stakes are high. What’s the emotion around that?

The first step to re-parenting is to sit with any feelings instead of avoiding them. Befriend those feelings. Notice where they reside in your body. Take a few deep breaths. Relax into the feelings. Don’t run away.

Allow yourself to visualize these emotions as a form of energy that floats just outside of yourself. Now see this energy form as yourself as a child. What age are they? What do they need? Talk to this version of your inner-child with a compassionate and firm voice. Give them the support that they need. Give them the love that they need. Explore how you can begin to take care of the child-like part of yourself better on a daily basis. How can you nurture yourself more?

This is your big work at the Cancer Full Moon. Steady yourself by loving yourself more. Find new pathways to connect with and nurture your inner child. This process will help you find the alignment that you crave in the New Year. It will help you strengthen your root system and develop new growth within yourself.


Moon square Uranus
Shoulder no burdens.
It’s time to shake it off. Transmute the disturbances to your energetic field. Release and heal. This is a moment to start fresh, like a newborn.

You have been growing and developing. Time continues and we age. But we can continuously go back to the beginning and start fresh. Through deep love and compassion for self we upgrade and innovate the old patterns. This is a time for an electrical re-start.


Use the below “I feel” statements to get deeper into how the 2018 Cancer Full Moon is speaking to you. For the most accurate reading, look to the House that holds 0 degrees Cancer in your chart. Don’t have you chart? Calculate it for free HERE.

Aries / Aries Rising / Full Moon in the 4th House
“I feel nurtured and safe when I …”

Taurus / Taurus Rising / Full Moon in the 3rd House
“I feel exceptionally curious about …”

Gemini / Gemini Rising / Full Moon in the 2nd House
“I feel completely worthy of …”

Cancer / Cancer Rising / Full Moon in the 1st House
“I feel more confident when I …”

Leo / Leo Rising / Full Moon in the 12th House
“I feel myself moving on from …”

Virgo / Virgo Rising / Full Moon in the 11th House
“I feel inspired by people who …”

Libra / Libra Rising / Full Moon in the 10th House
“I feel ready to take responsibility for …”

Scorpio / Scorpio Rising / Full Moon in the 9th House
“I feel excited about exploring …”

Sagittarius / Sagittarius Rising / Full Moon in the 8th House
“I feel sexiest when I …”

Capricorn / Capricorn Rising / Full Moon in the 7th House
“I feel fully seen and understood when I …”

Aquarius / Aquarius Rising / Full Moon in the 6th House
“I feel healthiest when I …”

Pisces / Pisces Rising / Full Moon in the 5th House
“I feel the most love when I …”


As we cross over into queenly Capricorn Season, Justice Rx invites us to speak truth to power and claim our place in the world, says Brandon Alter … Cast using the Prisma Visions Tarot 


Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with Sandy Sitron’s Numinous Weekly Horoscopes …

ruby warrington sandy sitron sandra sitron the numinous material girl mystical world the now age numinous weekly horoscopes ryan bitter
Photo: Ryan Vitter

Capricorn // Capricorn Rising
A massive oak tree. Ancient steadiness exists in the world. Look for it in everything. Often we feel as if nothing we ever do is enough. Does an oak tree worry about that? Does a mountain? There’s a part of you that’s like an oak tree. Tap into it and you’ll remember that you are always enough. A tree is so steady, but it is also reaching out to connect with other branches. When you feel really steady, connection with others is easy. Do the things that help you feel grounded.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius // Aquarius Rising
Smoothing out the ice. If you smooth out the icy surface before you skate over it, you’ll go much faster. Prepare your ground. Smooth things out in your environment so that you can pick up speed. Remove the friction from your life in the smallest of ways. Your preparation will pay off with success.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces // Pisces Rising
The smell of a lily. When you smell a flower your senses are momentarily engulfed by something sweet. It can shake you out of your daily routine. It has an effect on your mind and body at the same time. Shake yourself out of your daily grind, somehow. Tune into a different channel, either through your senses or your breath. That process will help you revitalize and take action.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries // Aries Rising
Dip a toe in the water. It’s actually kind of hard to dip one toe in the water and not put your whole foot in. You have to be quite tentative. But that’s your symbol for this week. Just a toe. It means that you are testing. Test to discover what feels most comfortable. Don’t put too much emotional weight on any one decision right now. You’re testing. Find out what you like. No pressure, just experimentation.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus // Taurus Rising
Peering into a crystal. So many facets. So much light is refracted. Part of the message is to study. Look at your options, look from all angles. Seek wise counsel. Pinpoint what you need to learn next. The other part of the message is to let yourself be entertained. Be amazed. There are so many options. Everywhere you look there is beauty and amusement. Open yourself up to it.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini // Gemini Rising
A paper fan. Open the fan and reveal the full image. This symbol is about the reveal. You could also fan out your cards to show your hand. Or a peacock can fan out its tail feathers. So you are instructed to get real with yourself. No more hiding. This can relate to money. Get real with yourself about your money AND your beliefs about your self worth. This is about how you value yourself. Accept yourself for who you are. Accept yourself fully.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer // Cancer Rising
A feather floats down from the sky. Drifting, gliding, floating. You are making a path through space and time, and it’s not a direct line. But yet, the feather is singular. It’s just going where it will go. There are two things to consider. First, you are traveling at the perfect rate and speed. Your path is correct. It may not seem direct but it suits you. Second, find out what happens when you prioritize yourself. This is your journey.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo // Leo Rising
A path of footsteps in the grass. This journey is ephemeral. It’s hard to put a finger on exactly where you’re supposed to go and how you’re supposed to get there. When you look for the footsteps in the grass, they disappear. Which way to go? Right now the question is not so much where you’re going, it’s how you’ll get there. Will you trust your intuition? Will you allow yourself the freedom to enjoy the process? Lean into the mystery.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo // Virgo Rising
A chess board. It’s time for strategy. This isn’t always your strong suit, but right now you can get strategic. Know the moves you want to make. Know the timeline. Know the goal. Then follow through. Here’s how you motivate yourself— elevate your desire to be of service. Your strategy can help you give back to the world. Share your big heart. Connect to your vision and make it happen.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra // Libra Rising
Drinking out of a faucet. Go direct to the source. Race to the source. Get what you need. You don’t need to take extra steps. You’ve made decisions that have put you where you are now. You don’t need to go back and make those same decisions again. Conserve your energy and move forward. Especially when it comes to work and career. Use your resources and use what you know. You are golden.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio // Scorpio Rising
A hawk flies high above. The hawk gives you clear vision and focus. You are gaining perspective. Remember how strong you are. Prove it to yourself. You have the strength to move mountains. Focus and see this through. You will be so proud when it’s finished. As you work, focus on what makes life meaningful. Circle in on your real philosophy and you will feel rewarded.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius // Sagittarius Rising
You are building a well. When you build, you must go one step at a time. You can’t slow down and skip steps in the process. You can’t take long breaks or you’ll never finish. Your current motto is consistency. Follow the steps. Dig in. Don’t be afraid to examine the deep, hidden emotions that may be blocking your from progress. Look closely at your actions and keep pushing yourself forward. Build.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.



The 2018 Pisces Waxing Moon asks us to relax in the face of year-end pressures, embrace all that is unknown, and let our dreams vanquish fear, says Jennifer Racioppi

ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world the now age olha zaika jennifer racioppi 2018 pisces waxing moon club
Photo: Olha Zaika

Waxing Quarter Moon // December 15 2018 // 6:49am ET // 23 degrees Pisces

With year-end madness in full-effect, and the personal development world not only encouraging you to see into the future but to begin to sculpt your next year accordingly, the last two weeks of the year might feel like pressure. Bone-crushing pressure. 

Coming off of the bold and blunt Sagittarius New Moon’s cosmic invitation to claim your dream, the Universe now awaits your response. Where is your vision leading you, next?

In an ideal world, the answer might feel obvious. But considering the Piscean influence, direction can feel obscure and hazy. Pisces, after all, a sign ruled by trance-inducing, otherworldly Neptune, who inspires subterranean explorations of the subconscious, doesn’t always deliver tangibility.

What to do if you lack clarity on your future visions and goals? Embrace the unknown.

// The Cycle //
Waxing Quarter Moons often connect us to intentions set nine months prior. Consider what’s coming to your life now based on intentions set with the Pisces New Moon on March 17, 2018. What’s percolating in your life now that connects to energy set in motion then?

And in the current cycle, this half-way mark between the New Moon and Full Moon acts as a stepping stone, here to help you traverse the distance between where you are and where you want to be. As the assertive energies of the Sun clash with the yin-like qualities of the Moon, take this time to resolve any cognitive dissonance you may experience in your own life. Embracing this confrontation expedites the journey to clarity.

Use this Pisces Waxing Moon to center yourself and tap into your intuition as you prepare for both the Solstice and the upcoming Cancer Full Moon, which will invite you to come home to yourself even more. Like Dorothy walking the Yellow Brick Road in her ruby red shoes, this Pisces Moon is guiding you on a path home.


// The Transits //
With so much retrograde activity behind us, this halfway moment between the New and Full Moons boasts serious magic.

For starters, Mercury in Sagittarius prepares for its second alignment with Jupiter (the first of these conjunctions happened in late November, and the second will happen on the December 21st Solstice). The biggest planet in the solar system, who’s often referred to as Santa Claus, Jupiter has a tendency to deliver good news. With this meet-up between Jupiter and cosmic messenger Mercury in the expansive sign of Sagittarius, it’s the perfect moment to lean into the wave of positive momentum. Do you need to ask for something? Now’s the time. 

Further, with the Moon in Pisces, conjoined to Mars, Chiron, and Neptune, which makes a sweet angle to Venus, this Pisces “stellium” activates healing on a cellular level, inviting you to feel and heal what’s no longer needed. Lean into your desires, not your fears, as you seek to live your dream.

To top this off, after a year riddled with heavy retrograde activity, only one planet remains retrograde: distant Uranus. The cosmos signals green lights for action. Use this time to assess what you’ve learned, and mindfully integrate the lessons obtained.


// The Square //
On the challenging side of things, the Sun in Sagittarius and the Moon in Pisces (magnified by the dense planetary activity in Pisces) blurs the lines. Go-big-or-go-home-Sagittarius strongly dissuades boundaries. And spiritually inclined and sensitive Pisces can go so deep into the dream that it forgets reality altogether. With the luminaries traveling in these two mutable signs, feelings, impulses, and urges might override the truth.

Stay on the lookout for lies, addiction, and deceit. Much like the Waxing Moon which appears as a half in the sky, but is indeed only at the quarter phase, this square asks you to decipher fact from illusion. Be aware of where you check out prematurely or run away as a coping mechanism.


// The Opportunity //
The high road here asks you to tap into the potential and power of your dreams, and the expansiveness of the moment, without losing a brass-tacks approach to rallying your life force energy on behalf of your desires.

Let this Waxing Quarter Moon in Pisces illuminate the next steps you need to take to not just bring the Sagittarius New Moon’s intentions to fruition, but to consider how what’s unfolding in your life now relates to intentions set during the 2018 Pisces cycle. What did you set in motion with the March 17th New Moon that’s coming to fruition now? Claim it!

It also invites sleep, healing sleep. This potent lunar moment invites you to genuinely enjoy the experience and engage out of bounds thinking — even lucid dreaming and astral travel (which is so Pisces).

With one week before the Winter Solstice, the darkest moment of the year, take advantage of the seasonal cue to sleep. Treat it as a ritual, and open wide for prophetic dreams!

Discover more about astrologer and success coach Jennifer Racioppi and her work HERE and follow her on Instagram.


The 3 of Wands asks us to gaze into our crystal ball, connect with our psychic gifts, and let a new creative vision emerge, says Brandon Alter … Cast using the Prisma Visions Tarot 


When Fundamentalist threats of Hell left her wanting more, Kate Forristall turned to Now Age practices. But how to explain your spiritual awakening to your religious family? Kate shares her top tips for making the holidays less hellish …

kate forristall ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world how to explain your spiritual awakening diana vargas
Photo: Diana Vargas

Christmas 2017.  Reaching for a beautifully wrapped present (the gene I didn’t get, sigh), I notice my sister Sally give our mother a nervous glance. Given my family’s tradition of one-at-a-time unwrapping, there’s no hiding what’s inside, but I have to smile as I open my package and see an intricately carved wooden box … with a pentagram on top.

I steal a glimpse at Sally’s face and feel her telepathically communicating with me in a desperate Tim Gunn voice, “MAKE IT WORK!” I lift the new repository for my tarot deck (pentagram covered by my palm) and wave it quickly, “A wooden box!”

“Who’s next?!” Sally chirps, as we simultaneously head into the kitchen to get coffee and put my gift away. When it comes to the spirituality we now embrace, we’ve decided pick our battles.


Finding a faith to set me free … 
At the age of 15, I began attending a church youth group known more for fun and community than hard line theology. Leaders preached the Gospel, but it was as simple as the original version (appropriate for humans without a pre-frontal cortex). The Jesus People movement had paved the way for a faith that was about loving God and loving each other, and I was happy to go along for the ride.

Unfortunately I got hijacked on the way.

In college I met Christians who could recite whole passages of the Bible and never seemed to struggle to obey all the rules the way that I did. They let me know that I wasn’t doing it right and by the time I graduated, the shame I felt over my failings was enough to send me right into the arms of Fundamentalism.

There were no sermons about the messiness of life, no Young Adult Group talks about how hard it was to be in your 20s. Floundering was considered moral failure and the threat of Hell was always looming. My goal became security, for myself, and eventually, my growing family, and I lost the delight and wildness of the God I’d met as a teenager.

In other words, I can help you explain things to your conservative mother, because I’ve been her. But while I forgot the kindness of the Divine, it did not forget me, and over the past 20 years I’ve managed to unload the toxic institutional religion that held me captive, while finding a faith that set me free.

Such faith means changed opinions about almost everything in life – politics, sexuality, social justice, capitalism, feminism – topics my family has often been less than thrilled that I brought up at the Thanksgiving table. But they were small potatoes compared to announcing I’d fully embraced New Age practices that we once believed were nothing short of demonic.

The new practices of my faith—meditation, spiritual direction, energy healing, multiple sacred texts, astrology, body work, and tarot—came from a period of darkness and spiritual searching, a time when I lost the ability to hear God and believed I’d been abandoned.

Now I can see that I was never alone, that my unknowing was, in fact the gift that pushed me through the Life-Death-Life cycle and into a belief that now sees the Divinity of all things.


So as you prepare for Thanksgiving and the inevitable questions about why your life looks different than it used to, here are a few tips I’ve learned along the way … 

1// “Preach … at all times. When necessary, use words.” 
This advice from St. Francis is the best wisdom I’ve ever found for sharing experiences that have changed my life. If your example is one of serenity, service, love and hope, you’ll have no better evidence for the truth of the New Age spirituality you’ve embraced.

2// The Bible is your friend. Really. 
I know, right? Whether it’s the Wise Men who used the stars to find Jesus, God noting the wheel of the Zodiac when conversing with Job, or Jesus feeling the energy leave his body when a hemorrhaging woman touched him, the Bible has an awful lot of examples of “New Age” faith. The word meditate is mentioned 20 times and if you do a Google search you’ll even find phrases like “centering prayer” from many corners of traditional Christianity.

3// Because science.
Meditation’s benefits are now proven by so much data that if your loved one can’t handle it, they probably believe in a six-day creation. Measurable energy fields of everything from the flowers in your garden to the heart in your body have uncovered a universe way weirder than science fiction. Neuroscience has revealed that our brains are supercomputers capable of affecting objects miles away (hello, pray much?) If none of that lands, find an empty room, light a candle … and meditate. At least you’ll feel better.

4// Try not to brace for impact.
This phrase has carried my family through many an anticipated rough situation. Neural communication studies show how much we convey before we ever say a word and I can tell you from experience that if you are telepathically shrieking, “I fucking dare you to make fun of my Tarot practice,” someone is going to comply. Moments like these are when the rubber meets the road. The Buddhist practice of accepting suffering while trusting its transitory nature has completely changed my life.

5// Baby steps. 
I’ve always been an evangelist. Whether it was Jesus or toasted pecans in chocolate chip cookies, if I love something, I can’t wait to tell everyone I know. But when asking people to expand beyond a fear-based bias, I’ve learned that you need to move like an acrophobe in a skyscraper – one floor at a time. My mother now knows that I own a tarot deck. We’ve discussed the astrology of the moment on multiple occasions, and for her birthday, I gave her a book about manifestation. But it’s been seven years since I began this journey and my goal isn’t conversion. It’s that she too would find the path of greatest freedom for her life, no matter what it looks like.


My resistance to the New Age movement wasn’t because I hated everyone outside my church. It was because I was terrified that it could destroy people I loved. Those who cling to fundamentalism are inordinately motivated by dread – circling the wagons to protect a God they can’t imagine being bigger than their sanctuary. Considering how vast and unknowable the Divine is, that’s a pretty sad perspective and I’ve given my kids unlimited permission to make fun of me forever for all the dumb stuff I did that was driven by fear.

Ironically, the greatest thing my New Age practices have taught me is how to deal with the fear I meet in this life. “If I go to the depths of the sea, You are there,” says the Psalmist to God, an understanding that no circumstance can separate us from Them—including, no matter how scary it is, spending the holidays with your family.

Kate Forristall is a writer, actor, mother, and lover of stories. Connect with her at #IRL Project, and on Twitter and Instagram