The 2018 Pisces Waxing Moon asks us to relax in the face of year-end pressures, embrace all that is unknown, and let our dreams vanquish fear, says Jennifer Racioppi

ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world the now age olha zaika jennifer racioppi 2018 pisces waxing moon club
Photo: Olha Zaika

Waxing Quarter Moon // December 15 2018 // 6:49am ET // 23 degrees Pisces

With year-end madness in full-effect, and the personal development world not only encouraging you to see into the future but to begin to sculpt your next year accordingly, the last two weeks of the year might feel like pressure. Bone-crushing pressure. 

Coming off of the bold and blunt Sagittarius New Moon’s cosmic invitation to claim your dream, the Universe now awaits your response. Where is your vision leading you, next?

In an ideal world, the answer might feel obvious. But considering the Piscean influence, direction can feel obscure and hazy. Pisces, after all, a sign ruled by trance-inducing, otherworldly Neptune, who inspires subterranean explorations of the subconscious, doesn’t always deliver tangibility.

What to do if you lack clarity on your future visions and goals? Embrace the unknown.

// The Cycle //
Waxing Quarter Moons often connect us to intentions set nine months prior. Consider what’s coming to your life now based on intentions set with the Pisces New Moon on March 17, 2018. What’s percolating in your life now that connects to energy set in motion then?

And in the current cycle, this half-way mark between the New Moon and Full Moon acts as a stepping stone, here to help you traverse the distance between where you are and where you want to be. As the assertive energies of the Sun clash with the yin-like qualities of the Moon, take this time to resolve any cognitive dissonance you may experience in your own life. Embracing this confrontation expedites the journey to clarity.

Use this Pisces Waxing Moon to center yourself and tap into your intuition as you prepare for both the Solstice and the upcoming Cancer Full Moon, which will invite you to come home to yourself even more. Like Dorothy walking the Yellow Brick Road in her ruby red shoes, this Pisces Moon is guiding you on a path home.


// The Transits //
With so much retrograde activity behind us, this halfway moment between the New and Full Moons boasts serious magic.

For starters, Mercury in Sagittarius prepares for its second alignment with Jupiter (the first of these conjunctions happened in late November, and the second will happen on the December 21st Solstice). The biggest planet in the solar system, who’s often referred to as Santa Claus, Jupiter has a tendency to deliver good news. With this meet-up between Jupiter and cosmic messenger Mercury in the expansive sign of Sagittarius, it’s the perfect moment to lean into the wave of positive momentum. Do you need to ask for something? Now’s the time. 

Further, with the Moon in Pisces, conjoined to Mars, Chiron, and Neptune, which makes a sweet angle to Venus, this Pisces “stellium” activates healing on a cellular level, inviting you to feel and heal what’s no longer needed. Lean into your desires, not your fears, as you seek to live your dream.

To top this off, after a year riddled with heavy retrograde activity, only one planet remains retrograde: distant Uranus. The cosmos signals green lights for action. Use this time to assess what you’ve learned, and mindfully integrate the lessons obtained.


// The Square //
On the challenging side of things, the Sun in Sagittarius and the Moon in Pisces (magnified by the dense planetary activity in Pisces) blurs the lines. Go-big-or-go-home-Sagittarius strongly dissuades boundaries. And spiritually inclined and sensitive Pisces can go so deep into the dream that it forgets reality altogether. With the luminaries traveling in these two mutable signs, feelings, impulses, and urges might override the truth.

Stay on the lookout for lies, addiction, and deceit. Much like the Waxing Moon which appears as a half in the sky, but is indeed only at the quarter phase, this square asks you to decipher fact from illusion. Be aware of where you check out prematurely or run away as a coping mechanism.


// The Opportunity //
The high road here asks you to tap into the potential and power of your dreams, and the expansiveness of the moment, without losing a brass-tacks approach to rallying your life force energy on behalf of your desires.

Let this Waxing Quarter Moon in Pisces illuminate the next steps you need to take to not just bring the Sagittarius New Moon’s intentions to fruition, but to consider how what’s unfolding in your life now relates to intentions set during the 2018 Pisces cycle. What did you set in motion with the March 17th New Moon that’s coming to fruition now? Claim it!

It also invites sleep, healing sleep. This potent lunar moment invites you to genuinely enjoy the experience and engage out of bounds thinking — even lucid dreaming and astral travel (which is so Pisces).

With one week before the Winter Solstice, the darkest moment of the year, take advantage of the seasonal cue to sleep. Treat it as a ritual, and open wide for prophetic dreams!

Discover more about astrologer and success coach Jennifer Racioppi and her work HERE and follow her on Instagram.


As we move ever closer to the Solstice and New Year, the 2018 Virgo Waning Moon tempers Sagittarius Season with a precious pause. It’s prime time to purify, refine, and clear the decks for personal freedom, says Jennifer Racioppi

jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world 2018 virgo waning moon club
Photo: Graham Hunt

Waning Quarter Moon // November 29 2018 // 7:18pm ET // 7 degrees Virgo 

As the Sun blazes through the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius and 2018 passes through its denouement, the Virgo Waning Moon invites you to embrace a life purification process. 

While this Virgo Moon’s sense of organization, discipline, and attention to detail might feel contradictory to the larger-than-life influence of the current Sag stellium (the Sun, Jupiter, and Mercury are all traveling close to one another in this live-and-let-live sign of fun), leaning into Virgo’s austerity will accelerate your path towards the freedom you most crave.

With just a few weeks remaining before the Sun enters Capricorn, use this time to organize your life. You might consider purging your closet, refraining from making big year-end purchases, limiting your intake of alcohol and sugar, and letting go of toxic relationships.

Take a stand for your truth, and let the rest go. Staying disciplined now sets you up for success at the start of the new year.


// The Cycle //
In personal development circles, the idea of “becoming our best self” often equates with a journey of acquisition. Gaining the job/relationship/status/fill-in-the-blank becomes the objective. However, this journey towards achievement requires sacrifice too. Sacrifice means to release something of value to create or receive something of equal or more significant benefit.

While the Waning Moon often goes unnoticed, this is a critical time between the last Gemini Full Moon, and the upcoming Sagittarius New Moon. When used intelligently, this Moon is the missing ingredient in manifesting your New Moon wish. It asks you to make a sacrifice in order to achieve the freedom you ultimately desire.

In purity driven Virgo, this Moon commands discipline. As we inch closer and closer to the upcoming Solstice, consider any indulgences that are holding you back from the growth you crave most, and eliminate them. Yes. Choose to change. Now. (Not after the clock strikes midnight on January 1st).


// The Transits //
This Waning Quarter Moon happens at an exciting astrological moment. In the days leading up to this turning point in the lunar cycle, the Sun and Mercury (who’s retrograde) aligned in a perfect conjunction with Jupiter, the planet of growth, elevating the potential for expansion!

However, Mars the planet of action, squares this trifecta of awesome, and opposes the Virgo Moon, creating a t-square. This is a fancy way of saying that the freedom-seeking Sag Sun needs to slow his roll! Traveling through mutable Pisces, Mars ushers in a deeper understanding of the values driving the desires for gains.

While this might require a sacrifice in the short term, in the long term it will deliver on Jupiter’s promise of freedom during his yearlong transit through Sag. While sacrifice can sometimes feel punitive, here it offers liberation.

Mutable signs indicate change, and require you to engage with your transformation process (not just wish for it from the sidelines of your life). To support this, the Virgo Moon makes a perfect trine to Saturn in Capricorn and, simultaneously, Mars in Pisces sextiles Saturn. These harmonious angles with growth-through-sacrifice Saturn indicate that discipline trumps freedom now.


// The Square //
Virgo vs. Sagittarius is a classic battle between austerity (Virgo) and abundance (Sag). Both signs are mutable, meaning they prepare us for change, yet beyond that, they share few similarities.

The Virgo Moon aims to purify, reminding us that our emotional needs can be met through release. This is amplified by the fact that it’s the last Waning Quarter Moon before the Solstice, and this idea of surrender syncs perfectly with the metaphor of dwindling light.

Sagittarius, on the other hand, resists discipline in all forms. With a go-big-or-go-home motto, the Sag Sun drives merriment, not surrender. Yet, given Saturn’s essential participation during this Waning Moon, take this time to tune into the Virgo opportunity for purification. 2019 begins with the Sun and Saturn conjoined, meaning Saturn’s influence isn’t going anywhere. So we might as well honor him now and get a head start on the journey ahead.


// The Opportunity //
Like the Moon, which wanes back to new, surrendering the light of the Sun in the process, we have to learn how to yield to our rebirth, again and again, month after month. And often our resurrection depends upon our ability to let go of something we cling to, to make room for something we want.

With this Waning Quarter Moon in fastidious Virgo, forming a mutable T-Square with the Sun and Mars, our egos might feel a wee-bit under the gun—which makes total sense. However, honoring Virgo’s mission to call out old habits, patterns, people, and behaviors that once served you but now block you is critical to your growth trajectory—even if your ego despises this.

This Virgo Waning Moon presents the perfect cosmic moment to surrender into faith: to let go of something, or make a sacrifice, on behalf of what you most desire.

Your freedom hangs in the balance …

Discover more about astrologer and success coach Jennifer Racioppi and her work HERE and follow her on Instagram.


Scorpio Season 2018 is awash with opportunities to let our tenderest emotions out, in the name of our collective healing, says Bess Matassa …

The Numinous Scorpio Season 2018 Bess Matassa astrology woman sunglasses bath
Photo: Joren Aranas

Slip into the hot tub cauldron clad only in your charcoal masks, Numiverse. Scorpio Season 2018 asks us to uncover the profound pools of pleasure that are present when we go beyond the surface, and to fully feel into the wet and wild whirl of our desires.

With Venus retrograde traveling back through Libra’s heart-shaped castles in the sky, and Mercury and Jupiter adventuring their way through barebacked Sagittarius, there’s a magic carpet quality to the Scorpio Season intensity this year. Rather than a burn-it-to-the-ground funeral pyre, can you treat your transformations like a technicolor trip of shifting forms and stop-motion emotions? Scorpio Season 2018 invites us to relish the full-throttle ride, without having to empty our tanks.

As powerhouse Mars enters Pisces, and the North Node of collective calling slides into Cancer, we’re being ushered to fight for our tenderest feelings and to come forward exactly as we are. It’s a time for remembering that forgiveness is a secret source of badassery: proof of our capacity to make peace with ourselves, so we can extend our humanness to others. Lubricate, loosen, and liberate the parts that are shrouded with the most shame and fear.

The stakes are high, whispers Scorpio Season 2018. We’ve only got one round to make it real in these bodies. So mix your hardcore with your softest self, and risk serving it up real and raw.

Listen to the full Scorpio Season 2018 report from Numi resident astrologers Bess + Sandy on SoundCloud and iTunes and read on for the quick and dirty on the season’s 4 key astro events …


The Numinous Scorpio Season 2018 Bess Matassa astrology disco ball rave
Photo: Sarthak Navjivan

Sun in Scorpio (10.23-11.22) and Venus Retrograde in Scorpio Enters Libra (10.31; stations direct 11.16) 90s Dance Music

The Scorpio Sun, combined with Venus retrograde in Libra, invites us into the drama-drenched stylings of a teenage dream. Riding the waves of bittersweet emotion, we’re invited to stay present for every dip and rise on the rollercoaster without having to assess its “rightness.” The grand finale of Venus Retro wants us to consider the way we assimilate pleasure, while harnessing the power to police the doors to our boudoirs when necessary. What is love? Let the pumping, plumped-up beats of guileless 90s dance music lead you on a solo, sweat-soaked journey, as you relish the rhythm of the night.


Mercury in Sagittarius (10.31- 12.1; Stations Retrograde 11.16) and Jupiter enters Sagittarius (11.8) // Yes Virginia, There is a Santa Claus

We get a powerful hit of energy from the zodiac’s wildly nomadic pony this month, reminding us to find magic and meaning in every moment. As we slough off old skins, we must also become the seeker, racing across the open plains of our next adventure. Dance with your “whys,” and recapture a sense of sparkling curiosity amidst the detritus. These planets in Sagittarius urge us to roll the dice and risk expansion that blows the lid off our limiting beliefs. Let young Virginia’s infamous turn-of-the-century letter to the New York Sun (linked above) remind you that a mystically meaningful world is perpetually pulsating just beyond view.


The Numinous Scorpio Season 2018 Bess Matassa astrology Enya album cover

North Node Enters Cancer (9.30) // Enya

The North Node’s journey charts our collective destiny. Shifting into Cancer’s blue lagoon this month, this call to embrace cardinal water energy urges us to fight for the vulnerable, and to use the intensity of our feelings to reshape the landscape that surrounds us. While sometimes written off as frivolous fairy fluff, Enya’s potent pipes transport us to a melodious cave that’s both soft-lit and surprisingly badass. Let her languid croonings remind you that you have ever right to sing out from your wellsprings of sentimentality, and that yin yearnings have a prime place at the table of social change.


Mars in Pisces (11.15-12/31) // Jacuzzis

After this Summer’s Mars retrograde schooling, we’re poised to harness our power. In Pisces, this penetrating planet is asked to act with both courage and compassion. Let your motivation stem from your most secret waters, and allow your actions in the world to feel like the call and response of salt soaks on the shoreline. There’s nothing to do and nowhere to go until you’re urged forward by a much deeper siren song. An invitation to slip only into actions that fit us like a second skin, Mars in Pisces reminds us that fighting for our right to some sweet retreat can feel luxuriously healing.

Want more on Scorpio Season 2018? Listen to Bess and Sandy Sitron’s latest podcast HERE.