The 2017 Virgo Full Moon beckons us to find the mystery & magic in the mundane, says Sandra Sitron...

2017 virgo full moon sandra sitron strong eye astrology the numinous ruby warrington moon club
Join a virtual ritual for the 2017 Virgo Full Moon on 3/12 when you sign up for Moon Club.

Full Moon :: March 12 2017 :: 10:54 am EST :: 22 degrees Virgo

Put your ear to the seashell and listen. Let your world expand beyond your current reality by noticing the magic in the details of life. To notice the details you have to be present in the moment. You have to harness the Now.

You may feel drawn to fantasy and escape, but keep bringing yourself back to the mundane. Keep watching yourself stir the soup. This is where you will find the real spaciousness. It exists in simple consciousness.

Sunday’s Virgo Full Moon is opposite the Sun in Pisces. Pisces and Virgo offer us two portals into spirituality. The Pisces portal is outside of the body—it’s “through the veil.” Pisces helps us move outside of boundaries and remember our “boundary-less” soul. We are light and universal love.

The Virgo portal is completely centered in the complexities of the body and life on Earth. To enter the world of spirit through the Virgo portal, one must go into the Now—into the moment. One must be present and centered. To create a stable foundation for this practice, it helps to refine the health of the body and mind.

The 2017 Virgo Full Moon has a lot to teach us. Because these are two mutable signs, we will be making adjustments to improve our experience. Contrast may cause you (or the people around you) to be more self-critical. There is a feeling of “I’ve got to get it right.” By navigating through these feelings of self-doubt and self-criticism, you can find your way to self-love. And you must. You must turn every critique into a declaration of love.

This requires you to listen to your thoughts. And it’s hard to listen to your thoughts if they are coming fast. So slow it down. A meditation practice will help with this. This process is gentle and gradual. Make tiny changes. Although the tone of this lunation is about small adjustments, don’t be surprised if you experience a major healing.


2017 Virgo Full Moon opposite Chiron and Mercury.
Sanding down a piece of furniture.
There is a lot of healing energy coming through as Chiron (the wounded-healer asteroid) joins the Sun (essence) and Mercury (mind). All three are opposite the Moon. Healing “Self” will be front and center. How does this happen? Look around for traces of your curriculum. If something pulls at your mind or emotions ask yourself, “is this my curriculum?” Ask yourself: “What is the deeper lesson here?” This may feel transformative, like sanding down an old chair. Small adjustments add up to big changes.

Moon trine Pluto
A polished diamond.
More healing. More adjustments. Polishing and polishing your inner diamond. Letting go. Letting go of control. Why do you need to control anyway? You are safe. You are well. It’s all okay. Let go and move on to a new level. You let go and you move away from ego. The inner diamond is the soul essence that is free from ego constraints.

Moon quincunx Uranus
And there is a little hiccup here. Uranus (the Great Awakener) tugs at the Moon uncomfortably. The Moon is trying to hang in there and do some healing work and Uranus is pulling away saying, “F*ck it. Let’s get out of here! I don’t have time for this! This is too hard!” (Or frustrating, slow, uncomfortable, etc.) This is all fine. It can be kind of fun to laugh at the urge to hit the eject button.

Get quiet. Guide your thoughts toward the present moment. Slow down the thoughts through meditation so that there is time to remember the point of all this: Love. Look for the lessons, let go of ego, and sit quietly through discomfort. Go through the portal.


Use the questions below to dive deeper into the lessons of the 2017 Virgo Full Moon. For a more accurate reading, calculate your chart for free here and see what house holds 22 degrees Virgo…

Aries or Moon in the 6th house 
If your body could write you a letter, what would it say?

Taurus or Moon in the 5th house
What does the concept of “self-expression” mean to you?

Gemini or Moon in the 4th house
How can you nurture yourself today? And every day?

Cancer or Moon in the 3rd house
What’s your current vision of your community? How would you like it to be?

Leo or Moon in the 2nd house
What’s one small adjustment you can make that will help you feel more grounded?

Virgo or Moon in the 1st house
Where in your life are you feeling called to be a leader?

Libra or Moon in the 12th house
Write a letter to your “Inner-Critic.” Offer your gratitude and make some gentle requests.

Scorpio or Moon in the 11th house
Are you ready to make any adjustments to your vision for the future?

Sagittarius or Moon in the 10th house
How do you best define your mission-statement for your career?

Capricorn or Moon in the 9th house
Which archetype within you needs more freedom?

Aquarius or Moon in the 8th house
What are you ready to let go of? Follow your feelings to work this out.

Pisces or Moon in the 7th house 
Can you get really clear about your needs? Can you do the same with a partner?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.


Your Numinous weekly horoscopes—direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

numinous weekly horoscopes pink rose close up

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
A bed of roses. Roses help you open your heart. The rose thorns symbolize healthy self-protection. Can you open and protect? Heart opening helps you connect with your true state of being- you are love and light. Meditate on the rose. Let yourself drift in any way that you need to and don’t judge yourself now. Just let your decisions come from a place of love and not fear.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
A beaver builds a dam. Intuitive leadership. Trust that you know what to do. You’re prepared. You are supported. Create channels that will help you connect with your intuition. Sometimes confusion comes when you’re ready to connect on deeper levels. Let any confusion drift around you, and then dive into your own depths to lean how to act and lead. Trust that you have everything you need inside you.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
The rainbow connection. A rainbow portal that links here and there. What is the meaning of this? Break through into a new state of consciousness. Electric energy can expand your mindset this week. Follow the rainbow to a new state of logic. Don’t let fear hold you back from opening up to greater awareness. Be open to surprises. New perspective opens up the channel for hope to flow in. And hope is what you need.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
A ferris wheel. Riding up to the top. You have the ability to go high. So do it. Let yourself be seen. Let yourself advance. Take the opportunity to be in full integrity. You are in the spotlight now. Your career can expand in the direction that you’d like very easily right now. Set your goals and career intentions. How do you want to feel at work? Allow yourself to be exactly who you are and enjoy the ride to the top.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Fragrant herbs burning. Make your alter. You have to seek more meaning. Ask for answers. You don’t have to know everything now. But you do need to dedicate yourself to learning. The alter is your designated space for prayer and offering. These actions can remind you that you’re supported in your quest of higher learning. Expand your mind while feeling nourished and secure.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
Stained glass fused together. Merging. You are ready to go deeper into your own emotions. You are more ready than ever to explore the boundaries of another person’s being. Be present. Be open. Find out that your understanding of magic can deepen when you’re challenged to let go. Notice all the places where you are trying to maintain control. What would happen if you relaxed? There are so many surprises ahead. Welcome the journey with an open heart.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Teeth crunching. Symbols of nurturing and anxiety rolled into one. Take care of yourself. Feed your soul. Look deeper into any anxiety that may be swirling. What’s underneath? It’s often fear. Step in a different direction by calling in more love. Just switch. Lean into love. Give yourself more empathy. If you are being hard on yourself, it can be helpful to remember that there’s not just one right way and one wrong way. You’re doing just fine.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Bouquets of peonies. Get interested in the details of your life. Your health and wellness. Your schedule. Your workflow. You can’t always be pushing. Now it’s time to start at the base and build some systems of organization that will make your life easier. The peonies are lovely flowers that remind you to enjoy this process. Enjoy your life. Make more space for fun and beauty by minding the details that make everything better.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A coiled snake. This symbol can represent the creative life force. Build yourself up by creating a sense of anticipation. Get excited. Then live your life in full creative expression. Don’t start this tomorrow or the next day. Do it now. Find a way to live in fullness. Burn through staleness. There’s no time now for old habits that feel boring. It’s time for life, dance, color, expression and fun.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Stones in a riverbed. The stones grow smoother with time. There is a sense of history in a river. Maybe this is a time of sweet nostalgia. Look to your past. Notice how much you’ve grown. You are an evolving creature and you don’t have to repeat old patterns. Find a way to treasure the parts of the past that are meaningful to you. Honor your present by creating a ritual that can remind you of how far you’ve come.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
An opposable thumb. Take stock of your true dexterity. You are adaptable and innovative. You have the ability to learn a lot right now. You can make adjustments. Connect the dots to find new solutions. Anything that you need is right at your fingertips. Trust that you are mentally equipped for the tasks at hand. You know what to do and how to do it. Embrace your logic and your intuition. Take advantage of this time of heightened mental activity. Trust your adaptability.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Grazing cattle. Eating grass is a symbol of groundedness. Cattle are a symbol of sustainability. Feel grounded and sustained. You are worthy. You deserve to feel safe and well. Do little things to feel grounded in your body. Drink plenty of water and eat slowly. This will help you access your inner resources. Remind yourself of that you’re supported. Remind yourself of gentleness. Your sense of personal wellness helps the world.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


The waning quarter Sagittarius Moon is an opportunity for inner exploration, says Jennifer RacioppiCollage: Seana Gavin

Waning Sagittarius Quarter Moon Explorers geodesic dome forrest Seana Gavin The Numinous

Waning Quarter Moon :: February 18 2017 :: 2.33pm EST :: 0 degrees Sagittarius

This waning quarter Sagittarius Moon emphasizes the reconciliation of our tender intuition with our blunt need for freedom. Punctuating two eclipses, the February 10 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo and the upcoming February 26 New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces, we are asked to shed what blocks us from fully hearing (and integrating) our intuition.

The Moon traveling through freedom seeking Sagittarius while squaring the sun in emotional Pisces assists the tectonic plates of our life to shift. Now’s the time to purge anything holding us back from our authentic truth, especially before the next New Moon Solar Eclipse.


:: THE SUN ::
Are you ready to step through this cosmic transition led by your authentic guidance? With the Sun traveling through Pisces, the upcoming solar eclipse is poised to launch us into a new frontier. It also concludes the in-depth work begun in the sign of Pisces on March 20, 2015, when we had the first of four solar eclipses in the sign of the fish. Let the nostalgic qualities of the Sun in Pisces help you to reminisce and feel. Think back to March 25, 2015, and consider how your life has shifted since then? What has come to fruition since then? What do you still need to release?

:: THE MOON ::
Unlike the soft and gentle feel of Pisces, Sagittarius represents blunt fire and a deep need for expansive freedom. The Moon in mutable Sagittarius pushes back on the more subtle aspects of Pisces. Sagittarius loves fun and freedom, and when the moon travels through this sign, we may want a party more than quiet reflection. With the moon squaring not just the Sun, but the nodes of fate as well, it behooves us to refrain from any heedless, or even reckless, activity. If we can, instead, allow the adventure seeking aspects of Sagittarius to take us on an inner journey of self-evaluation—we can use the bold aspects of Sag to speak our spiritual truth in a way that helps us integrate the wisdom of the eclipses, so we embody our greatest authenticity.

With the Sun in Pisces squaring the Moon in Sagittarius, we may feel an intense desire to escape. Both Pisces and Sag have inclinations towards diversion and avoidance. With the moon squaring the sun, and the nodes of fate, we stand to make tremendous progress towards our desired outcome, assuming we stay with our process and allow lots of space for messiness.

Both Pisces and Sagittarius represent the mutable energy of the zodiac—mutable meaning, liable to change. So, as the eclipses sweep through our lives, this waning quarter Sagittarius Moon serves as a broom, clearing out the debris. Allow room for change. Both Pisces and Sagittarius can lead us to want to escape, yet, due to the proximity to the eclipses (and the connection to the nodes of fate), it’s incredibly important to do the inner work of staying with what feels uncomfortable. As we consciously grapple with the intensity of our emotions, and the deep spiritual work associated with our conscious evolution, it may be tempting to check out. I highly recommend staying with the process. This waning quarter Sagittarius Moon indicates a release of something that is either blocking us or holding us back—and if we stick with the process, even the uncomfortable parts, we’ll shed what we must; prepping us exactly as needed for the upcoming new moon solar eclipse. Stay awake.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with from Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of likeminded spiritual activists at Moon Club!


Pisces season 2017 invites in the energies of Universal love. Time for a group hug with the cosmos, say Cara George & Bess Matassa of Mojave Rising…  Main Image: Sue Lyn Ting

Pisces season Mojave Rising The Numinous mermaid diving underwater
Image: Christopher Wilson

Pisces season beckons to us from far beyond the edge of the infinite ocean. The zodiac’s ombréd siren expands the definition of “romance” by dissolving our heart’s boundaries completely, and initiating us into a radical form of love through total allowing.

As we surrender to our sparkling status as deliciously tiny specks amidst a vast carpet of stars, we cannot help but believe in the mysterious majesty that exists just beneath the seemingly mundane.

What would it mean to trust into the subtlest sensations of the unseen world? How can you render yourself fully permeable, and tenderized, and oh-so-soft without fearing the loss of your own story or ego? Melt. Dissolve. Drift away. Come undone completely. Because you already exist absolutely everywhere.

The keyword: Romance.

The song lyrics: “We’ll put out to sea and we’ll perfect our chemistry/And by and by we’ll defy a little bit of gravity/We’ll get there fast and then we’ll take it slow/Way down in Kokomo”—The Beach Boys, “Kokomo”

Check out our Pisces Season Playlist, complete with yacht rock, tropicalia, and expansive 80s dreaming.

Pisces season Mojave Rising The Numinous Christopher Kane ss 17
Christopher Kane SS17

The color palette: Iridescent, soft-focused, and translucently transcendent. Blush, violet, and turquoise ombré, white sparkles, and watercolor conch shell creams.

The style: The Little Mermaid in Malibu. Nude bodysuits, halter tops, raffia bags, balayage, dewy skin, beachcomber jeans, and waterproof plastic jellies.

Pisces season Mojave Rising The Numinous Rhianna mermaid

The scents and flavors: Ephemeral, fusionary, and deeply mystical. Cucumber-infused water, foamy desserts, wet mossy “chypre” perfumes, patchouli, and the evanescence of incense.

The healing: Boundaryless and dazzlingly macrocosmic. Sound baths, sensory deprivation tanks, and wanders through crowded cities or at the foot of mountains where you can feel deliriously small.

Pisces season Mojave Rising The Numinous sound healing gong bath beach


Work the Pisces season vibes in your life, with our Sensuous Invitation of the Month: Expansive Excursions

Pisces season invites you to let “allowing” become a new form of inspired action as you realign your willpower with the world as it is. Excursion: Intrepidly explore the icy wilds without having to steer the boat on an Alaskan cruise ship.

Pisces season invites you to move beyond the material into the subtle sensations of the invisible realm. Excursion: Explore spiritual habitats with an epic buddhist temple pilgrimage on Japan’s Island of Shikoku.

Pisces season invites you to delight in emotional possibilities as you tenderly expose your heart in one-million ways. Excursion: Celebrate the full-range of feeling on Rio De Janeiro’s smoking hot beaches and scintillating streets.

Pisces season invites you to feel it ALL without taking anything too personally. Excursion: Channel the intense memories and history of the Southwest’s Four Corners Monument while letting the desert vistas give you a panned-out perspective.

Pisces season invites you to trust in your fullest glow, even when it’s not reflected by the world.
Excursion: Lose yourself to Tokyo’s mega-city crowds, and discover the shining expansion found in accepting your status as a speck.

Pisces season invites you to let it loose and revel in the madness without imposing a method. Excursion: Come undone amidst the creative chaos, crumbling vitality, and raucous revelry of Naples.

Pisces season invites you to soften judgement and assessment, and simply let it all be. Excursion: Relax with salty waves and SoCal strangeness in Venice Beach.

Pisces season invites you to discover a lighter form of emotional fusion, where intimacy doesn’t always have to equal full-throttle intensity. Excursion: Delight in Paris’ classic romance, impressionist art, and pastel macaroons.

Pisces season invites you to have complete faith in whatever feels right, right now, without having to seek and sift through alternative philosophies. Excursion: Trust into the solid religious and political foundations of Turkey, which still sits at the gateway between geographies and cultures.

Pisces season invites you to dissolve structures completely and toss out the notion that your worth must be laboriously built. Excursion: Sail away into Tahiti’s turquoise lagoons and shifting, black sand beaches.

Pisces season invites you to infuse your penchant for out-there thinking with a strong dose of “irrational” feeling. Excursion: Immerse yourself in New Orleans’ wickedly weird mashup of darkness, light, voodoo magic, haunting humidity, and overgrown swamps.

Pisces season invites you to “check in” rather than check out, as you explore how to swap evasive escapism for emotional presence. Excursion: Ground down and sink your teeth in with flamenco stomping, meaty red wine, and dramatic acts of endurance in the autonomous region of Andalusia, Spain.

Want more juicy cosmic insights and sensory explorations? Arrange an astrology reading or private event with Mojave Rising here or follow them on Instagram


Use your imagination and go with the flow of the Universe – it is a Pisces New Moon, after all, says Hannah Ariel.

Pisces new moon 2016 write up on The Numinous

“You must conceive of possibilities beyond your present state if you are to be able to find the capacity to reach toward them” – Idries Shah

The Pisces New Moon of March 8 is not simply opening a door for our intentions – it will be a New Moon Solar Eclipse; a powerful moment of accelerated evolution. This one lands us in the deep deep sea of 19 degrees Pisces, just a few degrees away from the South Node at 21 degrees, also in Pisces. In Astrology, Eclipses always take place near the nodes of the moon – the elliptical plane where past and future storylines collide.

During a South Node Solar Eclipse, the moon meets up with the south node and experiences its lunar energy in reception to solar energy. From planet Earth, we experience this exchange as a powerful portal that transcends linear time, and orbits us right into our future potential – the story we long to step into.

A Solar eclipse is a magnificent and mysterious phenomenon that opens our psyche to a whole new paradigm. A solar eclipse in Pisces? This is an act of redemption.

Pisces is represented by two fish ever moving between worlds in an infinite conception of possibility. Yes, they go with the flow; yes, they fluidly embrace wherever the tide may take them. But the energy of Pisces can bring forth huge waves of creative potential from the depths of our unconscious experience.

Pisces season is always a time to take notice of what wordlessly surfaces from within you. What waves of consciousness are crashing now? What reality have you been subconsciously merged with for so long that you are finally swimming out of it? How are you becoming more aware of your own intuitive understanding of your life story, as if for the first time in ages?

Pisces is a compassionate ocean of deep revelation, and it is only by diving deep into its mysteries that we can know our own instinctual capacity to fully get in touch with the parts of us we long to know better.

During this Pisces New Moon Eclipse, we are karmically being called forth to release and work with what has been building up inside our psyche for goodness knows how long. It’s a portal for stepping boldly into the immensity of our imaginations; to see through the stories of the past that no longer feel right; to reflect, and then recreate our vision for the next six months. There will be a peculiar mysticism to the way this unfolds though, as Pisces ruling planet is Neptune.

It is Neptune’s job to reveal the reality behind the reality; it is dissolution; it is our own subjective processing of our experiences that is veiled even to ourselves. It is the experience we don’t realize we are experiencing until the curtain drops. For the next six months, life will have funny ways of revealing the waves we’ve been subconsciously riding, and how they are actually bringing us to where we need to be.

Jupiter, still in Virgo, will be opposite this moon reminding us that everything is manageable. We expand by taking things one day, one step at a time. The shadow side of Jupiter though can be blowing things out of proportion, so take care to cultivate compassion as you are finding your way. This is not the time to fall victim to circumstance or judge yourself or others for what they believe.

This IS a time to trust that there is a positive and practical way for you to take your experiences, and roll with their teachings in a way that makes sense to you. It may also be a time where we are tempted to self-sabotage – as the South Node can sometimes find us falling into old patterns. In Pisces, this would be old patterns of escaping reality – opposed to working with the deep swells of energy that are being subjectively experienced

Also on the south side of things, is Chiron. Astrologically, Chiron points to where we may feel like we don’t know what we’re doing. It is how we misjudge ourselves, believing we are in some way wounded – that we don’t have what it takes, or we don’t have “enough” in some areas of our lives. We believe – and fall victim to this belief – that we are at a disadvantage somehow.

In Pisces, this may lead us to feel that we are disconnected from the path of our spirit, due to a mistaken belief we are in the wrong place at the wrong time. The greatest shadow of this energy is thinking that we have no true purpose, are forever lost in an abyss of puzzling storylines we just can’t make sense of. So if you feel like you are just slipping through a foggy unreality, hold on!

For Chiron also shows us how we can effectively work to heal ourselves and others – by directly engaging with the very thing that we’re afraid will fail us in some way. So the more we work with what’s coming up, the more we take that positive and practical Jupiter energy and apply it, we have an opportunity to heal our lives beyond recognition. The reality of this Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse is that we have so much divine experience, having swum through these waters for lifetimes, that we have all the information we need to imagine a way through.

And this Pisces New Moon Eclipse is just the beginning of learning how to use it. So, allow yourself to step into what is coming up at this time in your life, no matter how foreign it feels, no matter how confused you think you are – and use your imagination. Let go of your fear, and like a fish kept safe in water, feel your way into a future storyline with a deep rolling wave of universal trust. Step into this beginning with the sense that everything is unfolding with perfect timing.

To book a personal reading with Hannah contact: [email protected]


Welcome to The 12th Sense – a luscious monthly exploration of the current cosmic energies for your sign, by Cara George & Bess Matassa of Mojave Rising. THIS MONTH: create an altar for Pisces season…

An altar for Pisces Season on The Numinous

We often speak of the Pisces/Virgo axis with a world-weary sense of psychic overwhelm; these highly sensitized signs are associated with the hollowed out, solitary feeling that we’re all just miniature specks. Yet one of the most sparkling, sunken-ship treasures of this axis is the capacity for these signs to elevate and transform our everyday experience.

Pisces season asks us to find pageantry in the minutiae and the slow unfolding of our lives. And with the North Node and Jupiter now in Virgo, Saturn in Sagittarius squaring the Pisces New Moon on March 8, and Mars primed to enter Sag territory on March 5, we’re being asked to activate a proprietary blend of pragmatic mysticism in order to find a different way to pray: one that allows for a sensuous seamlessness between our higher selves and our everyday environment.

And so this month, we invite you to set up an altar using seemingly frivolous objects, and to mix them with the most obviously sacred and self-consciously important. From boudoir vanities to austere, sacrificial shrines, we can dialogue with the divine using lipstick tubes, found objects, and sacred tomes alike.

Watch in wonder as your steak knives, lingerie, old love letters, and spice cabinet being to whisper that they’re worth believing in and that you’re worth believing in, too. And in the midnight hour, you’ll start to feel your own power in all its glamorous, gentle, ferocious divinity.  

Keyword: “Veneration”

Song Lyrics of the Month: “Life is a mystery/Everyone must stand alone/I hear you call my name/And it feels like home”

Now click here for a Piscean Playlist and read on for our tips for creating an everyday altar for Pisces season by sign.

everyday altar by mojave rising on The Numinous


:: Aries ::
Pisces season invites you to experiment with trusting in your potent, singular identity without having to prove it, and to calm your passion for friction as you revel in a strength borne through soft-focus edges. Select a precious object that you consider to be fiercely, distinctively “you” and experiment with placing it under a piece of fabric or inside a box as you move towards a faith in its inevitable survival – without visible proof. Throw down a symbol of strength or toughness and infuse this item with gloss and glitter. Think hot pink boxing gloves or a tool belt filled with feathers.

:: Taurus ::
Pisces season invites you to loosen up and play with the concept of security as you widen your field of value. Place an object that you treasure deeply next to one you consider meaningless and challenge yourself to see the worth of each. Celebrate your love of sensuous feasting with some Piscean synesthesia; mix a scent, taste, and color in a textured vessel to create a potion that feeds all facets of olfactory and visual delight. Think lavender ice cream or a rose margarita served up in a vintage Old Hollywood gold-leafed goblet.

:: Gemini ::
Pisces season invites you to celebrate the world’s dazzling array of information sources as you revel in the possibility of not having to understand it all. Place books in languages you don’t speak, maps of places you’ve never been, and menus of cuisines you’ve yet to sample on your altar as you honor global wares in all their jet-setting mystery. Take a walk and discover a found object of unknown provenance to add to your spread. Think Basque rock lyrics, maps of Pompeii, or an eccentric plant you pass every day without knowing its genus.

:: Cancer ::
Pisces season invites you to loosen your highly personalized grip, and to practice honoring feeling nature of everything that surrounds you. Choose a souvenir from childhood or a deeply charged object from a former emotional situation and experiment with blurring its boundaries; place it alongside brand new objects, melt it down or burn it, and venerate its remains. Or leave a treasured object exposed to light, wind, rain, and snow on a balcony or near an open window and watch its gentle erosion and changes through time. Think everything from exes’ love letters set aflame to Malibu Barbie through the seasons.

everyday altar by mojave rising on The Numinous


:: Leo ::
Pisces season invites you to challenge attachment to your tastes, and to rediscover a sumptuous internal fantasy life that needs no hook in the external world. Place jewels or makeup on your altar that aren’t quite your style, or look for an otherwise “ugly” object you can recognize each day for its unexpected, evolving shades of glamour. Pen letters to yourself or to an imaginary lover as you move towards your passionately internal world. Think those earmuffs from Aunt Linda you thought you hated, or a sweet message to your 5th grade self decked out in sparkly decals.

:: Virgo ::
Pisces season invites you to expand your love of divine detail and order as you practice embracing the gorgeous messiness of mixing, matching, blending, and fusing. Place a collection of essential oils on your altar and experiment with instinctually mixing them into a fragrant concoction. Or spend the afternoon decanting newly discovered wines in preparation for a tasting party that celebrates both individual flavor profiles and taste collisions. Think frankincense meets orange blossom, and full-bodied Spanish leathery red meets crushed-seashell Loire white.

:: Libra ::
Pisces season invites you to sample in-betweenness rather than having to choose, and to wander through shifting perspectives as you soften your search for the ideal with tender non-judgment. Play with the visual as you move your altar to different heights and lights and watch for changes in the shadows throughout the day. Adorn your altar with candles in recognition of the hybrid interplay between states of solidity and liquid. Think melted wax at midnight and firm, luminous clarity by daybreak.

:: Scorpio ::
Pisces season invites you to mix the intensity of penetrating and purging with the sumptuously tender act of allowing. Place an object on your altar that you’ve been hoarding but which causes you pain to look at. Repurpose this pain as you lay your object atop a luxe satin pillow, or wrap it in your favorite fluffy sweater or decadent piece of lingerie. Watch the boundaries between pain and pleasure dissolve. Think that caustic performance review shredded atop a heap of blue-violet hydrangeas, or purifying that garter belt gifted by the one that got away in preparation for a girl’s night out.

altar 3

:: Sagittarius ::
Pisces season invites you to stoke your adventurous wildfire without having to externally seek in the physically nomadic world. Let the sounds of the ambient environment form the backdrop for an altar peppered with woodsy incense as you watch scent and smoke travel through space without having to leave your room. Think tripping out to the sounds of traffic on a regular weeknight as you burn Palo Santo and tobacco.

:: Capricorn ::
Pisces season invites you to relax into the sensation that not everything has to be accomplished or take effort. Place the remnants of a project that’s partially complete on your altar and honor where you are in the process. Bookend it with a jar of sand as you realize that you don’t have to build a castle to enjoy the shifting, soft sensations of all these tiny grains. Think rainbowed sand art placed in the bathroom you’re mid-renovation.

:: Aquarius ::
Pisces season invites you to break down rational systems of thought and to move towards the realm of irrational sensation as you blend your radical streak with Piscean mystical dreaming. Take an object apart and value its constituent pieces in a place of prominence. Or construct an altar to items that make no “sense” together but which carry an intuitively emotional charge. Think Ikea furniture instructions surrounded by talismans gifted from friends, and wondrously weird snapshots of your past and potentially future selves.

 :: Pisces ::
Invite yourself to explore the Virgo sitting opposite as you ask your slippery fishies to venerate the process of discernment, boundary construction, and divining what is singularly precious from the sea of possibility. Strip your altar down and practice choosing just one valued object from your bottom-drawer jumble of treasures and trash. Or add every precious item possible and then ritualistically remove them over the course of a week until only one beloved piece remains. Think fistfuls of plastic jewels from that lost weekend in New Orleans slowly untangling themselves, or a fishbowl containing a solo geode exposed to the light.

To find out more about Cara George and Bess Matassa and their work, visit: