Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with Sandy Sitron’s Numinous Weekly Horoscopes …

joshua fuller sandy sitron sandra sitron ruby warrington the numinous weekly horoscopes numinous astrology school learn astrology the now age the astrocast material girl mystical world
Photo: Joshua Fuller

Aries or Aries Rising
A tugboat. A tugboat pulls along another boat. It doesn’t need to check in with the other boat, it just needs to keep charging forward until it reaches its destination. Is this how you’re viewing partnership? Are you the force, while the other person is following in your wake? Check in and make a decision on whether or not this dynamic feels truly comfortable. Adjustments are possible and maybe even necessary.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus or Taurus Rising
Crystal caves. If you’ve ever explored a cavern, you might have found crystalline structures organized along the cave walls. This symbol is about organization that arises under pressure. Something deep and foundational needs to be sorted out. This process will support your larger goals. Real organization is a task that’s easy to avoid. But this is how your life will become simplified.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini or Gemini Rising
Dog park. You can be like a pup at the dog park, running, scrambling, chasing, and going after the ball. Bark and play. Live larger than life for a day or two. Fight the urge to wonder if you are seen or heard. Just say and do! If you let yourself live in the moment, you’ll find that you are more creative. And your full embodiment of life will make it feel like there are limitless possibilities.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer or Cancer Rising
Inside out t-shirt. Things are getting flipped inside out. This could either mean that you need to go inward or that you are seeing things from a new perspective. Probably both. Don’t expect to be your most productive right now or for life to go as it normally does. Feeling your feelings is the secret to recreating normalcy. Process your inner world to put things into perspective.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo or Leo Rising
Golden castle. Look up on the hill and see the glimmering castle. It represents your greatest achievements and it’s there within reach. You might already be in the castle or you might be a short walk away. Everyone reaches their castle at their own pace. Pressure to get there fast only creates frustration. Encourage yourself with a sense of ownership. Your castle is there. It’s glorious.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo or Virgo Rising
Wishing well. You can throw pennies or gold. Either way, it’s time to set an intention. A solid intention is one that you invest in. And once you put in that solid effort, you are highly likely to gain a result. Put your energy into what you really want. Don’t put your energy into what you don’t want. It might seem obvious, but it’s actually very advanced to invest in your dreams instead of your worries.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra or Libra Rising
An outstretched hand. The universe is holding out a hand to help you love yourself more. Our love for ourselves is fluid, just like any relationship. Now it’s time to invest in positive self talk and actions that show your self-love. How are you showing up for yourself? How are you taking care of number one? Groove new habits of self-care. Grab that cosmic hand and prove to yourself that you matter.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio or Scorpio Rising
A diving board. You’re taking the leap. There’s no way that you aren’t going to go deep at this Full Moon. So you need to bring all of the parts of yourself with you. Connect and commune with your inner critic, your inner goddess, and your inner warrior. Revel in symbolism, metaphor, and archetype to understand the truth of your experience at this time. It will end up feeling very productive.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising
Frog on lily pad. The frog meditates and waits for the right moment, then reaches out its tongue to catch a fly. You must find a way to gain mental perspective. Hold yourself steady and balanced on the lily pad, cultivating a serene state of mind. You’ll only be able to grasp the right idea if you’re slowing down and noticing everything. Clear your mind and wait for inspiration to come to you.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn or Capricorn Rising
A tall ladder. You’re climbing high! You need to take one step at a time without being too hard on yourself. Step by step. One, two, three. That’s how you get where you need to go. It’s totally okay to plan and see the big picture. Just don’t get overwhelmed. When you are climbing a ladder you usually know why you’re doing it, but you know not to look down. Just focus on the task at hand.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius or Aquarius Rising
Blade. Blade of grass. Blade of knife. Either way you cut through to get to the point. The blade of grass cuts through the soil and shines its way to the light. The blade of knife has work to do. How can you point to where you are going, even if it’s not totally clear? Point to a feeling, intention or mission. This will make you confident and strong so that you can shine bright and do good work.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces or Pisces Rising
Lava underneath. The bubble and boil is happening underground. Your deep emotions are being contained within. Are they stored in your muscles? In memories? In compulsions and habits? Are they bubbling out through your dreams? If you don’t want the volcano to erupt, work with this lava proactively. Massage, talking, writing or meditating may all help you find healthy release and empowerment.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.



As we close out the cosmic year, the 2 of Cups and the 9 of Swords ask us to come into deeper union with our disowned parts, and to love up on our whole selves without reservation, says Brandon Alter… Cast using The Wild Unknown and the Prisma Visions Tarot 


Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with Sandy Sitron’s Numinous Weekly Horoscopes …

ken cheung ruby warrington sandra sitron sandy sitron the numinous weekly horoscopes numinous astrology school learn astrology
Photo: Ken Cheung


Pisces or Pisces Rising
A cat in the sun. It’s time to deeply relax. Can you do that while also taking up some space in the spotlight? Cats are mini kings and queens. They know how to garner attention, while at the same time embodying meditative stillness. Receive all of the gifts that are coming your way. Relax and purr while you effortlessly shine your magnetic appeal out into the world.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries or Aries Rising
Paper plane. Receive an important message written on a paper plane. There is insight headed your way. Your curiosity is being quenched. When you want something you often try to take action immediately. Right now you simply need to wait and watch. Keep an eye on the horizon and wait for a message to drift your way. It won’t be obvious, so be open to any form it may take.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus or Taurus Rising
Electronic ticker tape. What if LED lights were to flash messages at you all day, everyday? And the messages were your most important values and visions for the future? This would make it easy to infuse every mundane task and action with inspiration and purpose. Choose a few important values and find a way to put them “on repeat” so that you can feel deep inner alignment.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini or Gemini Rising
Trampoline. You’re jumping higher and higher. You’re getting better and better. One of the hardest things to remember about progress is that there is an ebb and a flow. We can’t just keep moving forward all the time. We will always have setbacks and plateaus. Don’t be discouraged by this variety. Chart your overall progress and set up a sturdy system so that you can continue to leap higher.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer or Cancer Rising
Watching goldfish. You could stare into a beautifully designed aquarium and easily be transported to another realm. That’s one reason why aquariums exist— to help you move gracefully into other dimensions. How do you need to break out and visit another realm? Is it through travel? Is it through symbolism? Is it through reading? You need encouragement. Find it by expanding your own mind.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo or Leo Rising
Dragonfly and bass. The dragonfly skims the surface of the pond, but could it be lunch for a fish living deep below? As much as you might like to, you can’t stay on the surface right now. You need to go deep. You need to push yourself to confront your emotional depths. Ask yourself what you need to see that you are not seeing. When you are friends with all your feelings, your surface life gets easier.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo or Virgo Rising
Unexpected music. A few beautiful notes sound through the air. If you are staying present and paying attention, you can be charmed by lovely music or a beautiful vision. Beauty can add joy to your life, but not if you are so busy working that you fail to notice it. Balance, beauty, or collaboration could offer you serenity. Let a balanced conversation or inspiring art help you open up and be present.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra or Libra Rising
Homework. Your work can yield results— if you can finally figure out how to balance it. This is not about working harder or giving up your joy. This is about getting things organized. Can you focus on efficiency without getting overwhelmed? Can you get help designing the small steps that will take you all the way? What is the most practical way to make this happen?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio or Scorpio Rising
Telescope. Set your sights on another planet and imagine yourself living there. Play “pretend” just like when you were a kid. Then take the next step and redesign your life on this planet. As we get older we forget the fun of imagining. It’s a powerful practice that can actually create a different reality. Get excited about your imagined potential and build the life of your dreams.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising
All the ways you breathe. Experiment with your breathing. Try a shallow breath, a heavy breath. a cleansing breath. Pretend you are an actor displaying an emotional breath. Now take all of this range and use it to connect with different parts of yourself. Does you deep breath help you connect with your empowered self? Your breath can remind you of what needs to be healed. Let it show you how.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn or Capricorn Rising
Soda bubbles. Bubbles keep rising. When they achieve momentum they are incredibly refreshing. Be ready for the inspiration that’s headed your way. Logic can overwhelm you right now, so loosen up your grip. Look for moments of exciting inspiration and let the carbonation free your mind of old limitations. It’s a moment for bursts of insight.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius or Aquarius Rising
Flamingo. You don’t need to struggle to feel secure. A flamingo is just as steady on one leg as on two. You can examine your relationship with security vs. freedom. What if you can have both and have them right now? Look for examples in nature. Your steadiness can be fluid and technicolor. You can be wild and stable at the same time. You deserve to have all of your needs met.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.


With electric shocker planet Uranus now rolling through Taurus until 2026, we’re ripe for revolutionizing our resources, and radically grounding into our beautiful bodies. Numi astro crew Lord Chiron, Danielle Paige, Kiranjot, Bess Matassa, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst, and Rebecca Farrar have the full report on this historic meeting of heaven and Earth …

your total guide to uranus in taurus the numinous material girl mystical world ruby warrington kimberly peta dewhirst rebecca farrar star sign style wild witch of the west danielle paige kiranjot fred steinmann astrology bess matassa

URANUS IN TAURUS :: 5.6.19 – 2026

3-D chocolate printing and breaking free of the B.S.

In Greek, the language of the New Testament, Ouranos /Uranus, means “heaven.” Uranus symbolizes the realm of archetypes, effortless creativity, and synchronicity. Where we are out of line with “life” is where Uranus comes in and shocks the bullshit out of us, and with Uranus in Taurus, we can expect many shifts as to what we value here on Earth.

The Mayans equated Earth with the underworld.  They knew what the Buddhists know: that Earthly existence is a never ending loop, and that, until we evolve our consciousness, we’ll be reincarnated into the same mess over and over again. To get into Uranus / heaven, we are going to have let go of something we are holding onto that has outlived its purpose on Earth.

On a lighter note, there is also this totally Uranus in Taurus development: the 3D printing of chocolate.


Lean into the cosmic rhythm

The combination of revolutionary awakener Uranus with slow and steady Taurus is interesting for a couple of reasons. Taurus is a fixed sign and doesn’t like change before it’s really, really ready for it, and Uranus hasn’t been in Taurus since the early 1930s (the era of the Great Depression).

While this transit doesn’t have to herald another major financial crisis, it does highlight how we handle our resources, and care for Mother Earth. On a personal level, we’ll be moving more into our bodies, and awakening even more to what we put inside of them and how it was produced.

If you’re a fixed sign (Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, or Leo), or have any planets in those signs, then this Uranus transit will be making contact with your birth chart specifically. When that happens (meaning when Uranus in Taurus makes an exact angle to any of the planets in these signs) it will mean a personal awakening for you in the area of life that’s being highlighted (as denoted by the House containing the planet in question).

A final note: there is nothing to fear with this transit. This energy is happening because, as a collective, we’re really, really ready. Uranus’ transit through Taurus is set to break us out of old patterns, so that we can liberate who we actually want to be.

To find out more about Danielle’s work and how she can help you embody you soul’s cosmic rhythm follow her on Instagram 


Summoning Kundalini courage in the face of change

Crowned “God of the Sky,” Uranus’ energy is electric. He is the revolutionary. He demands innovation and progression at lightening speeds. His symbol even looks like a radio receiver.

We began to slide into the “Age of Aquarius” (the sign co-ruled by Uranus) in 1991, at the same time as the birth of the world wide web, and these Aquarian times have been highlighting the way we as a collective need to evolve if we are going to survive. If channeled well, the energy of Uranus will liberate us, as we’ve seen from the #metoo and #whatif campaigns.

With Uranus in passionate warrior Aries for the past seven years, we’ve been called to step up, claim our individual authority, and be unashamedly real. Social media platforms and the rise of the personal brand have been the frontier of this brave new world. And while we all know social media can be a phenomenal force for good, we’ve also been dealt a heavy side of anxiety as we expose ourselves for public consumption. And if, in Aries, we go out prospecting, in Taurus we bring the treasures home. Super sensual Taurus delights in the body and acquires things that please the senses.

To help us stay strong and able to cope with massive change and intense pressure during these transitional times, use the simple, anxiety soothing meditation below from the Kundalini yoga tradition. It is one of five particular mediations given by Yogi Bhajan for what he called the “gray period,” after the transition into the Aquarian Age, post 2012. Use it to calm the mind, restore mental balance, and protect against irrationality.

Meditation For Strong Nerves: 

-Sit comfortably, spine straight.
-Left hand, touch ring finger and thumb together, hold it at the level of your ear. Right hand, touch little finger and thumb together, keep it relaxed in your lap.
-Close your eyes softly and focus them at the point between your eye brows, which we call the third eye, and take long deep equal breaths. Hold the position for 11 minutes to feel the full effects.
-To finish, take a deep breath in, stretch and shake your hands for a couple of minutes.

Moon Club member Kiranjot is a Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Doula in London and Ibiza. Connect with her at and

your total guide to uranus in taurus the numinous material girl mystical world ruby warrington kimberly peta dewhirst rebecca farrar star sign style wild witch of the west danielle paige kiranjot fred steinmann astrology bess matassa
Kiranjot summons her Uranian courage


Striving to make heaven a place on Earth.

Uranus’ entry into Taurus wants us to loosen our grip, as we offer ourselves up to beauty, and take on a permanent mood ring shade that’s contingent on nothing and no-one to fill our cup.

As Uranus’s neon lightning electrifies the bovine boudoir of Taurus, we are offered the chance to start where we stand, and with exactly the resources we already have on hand. With whatever creams and serums are clustered in our medicine cabinets. With whatever savory spices we are ready to pestle and mortar to perfection. With whatever flesh and bones currently house our spirits. We’re being reminded that our bodies are a vestal vessel for magic and majesty.

That we’ve got enough, and we are more than enough.

Uranus in Taurus Mantra: “When I settle in to what can’t be stolen, I can serve up my delicious mission.”
Theme Song: Heaven is a Place on Earth
Style: The earthbound “housewife” chic of Pedro Almodóvar’s women, in outer space. Chunky lucite hoops, plastic floral hair pieces, and body con neon prints.
Flavors: Think the languid luxe lickables and spontaneous bounty of an impromptu picnic—fresh baguettes, mascarpone, nutty gouda, full-bodied butters, succulent stone fruit, salted charcuterie, and concord grape juice.

Want more juicy cosmic insights and sensory explorations? Arrange a reading or private event with Bess here and follow her on Instagram


Ground shaking pragmatism and sensory revolutions.

From the heady daredevil realms of Aries to the bull’s more stable pastures, the flavor of our collective innovations has shifted; a pioneering, fighting spirit transitions into a more practical approach to necessary change.

However, rebellious Uranus faces some challenges in this earthy territory, and we’ve felt the birthing pains to prove it. With earthquakes across the US, and volcanoes in both Hawaii and Japan, we’re viscerally connected to Uranus’ shocking vibrations.

Outside of this Gaia-based realm, whatever Taurus governs can now experience revolutionary leaps—from banking, agriculture and food production, to ways of working, our income, and even sensory experiences. Think the widespread normalization of digital finance, and technological advancement in farming that helps us face sustainability issues with tangible solutions.

And as Taurus governs our sensuality and how we experience the material world, the style forecast for this transit is more Ecological practices in the fashion industry!

Connect with Kimberly at Star Sign Style, and on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

your total guide to uranus in taurus the numinous material girl mystical world ruby warrington kimberly peta dewhirst rebecca farrar star sign style wild witch of the west danielle paige kiranjot fred steinmann astrology bess matassa
Photo: Patrick Tomasso


Awakening Earth activism and connection consciousness.

With the celestial shift of Uranus into Taurus, a.k.a. “Tauranus,” the energy in the air is palpable.

At first, this cosmic combination may seem jolting, as opposing earthly and etheric forces come into contact. Yet Taurus can ground Uranian forces into more practical means, and Uranus has the opportunity to utilize the Taurean powers of connection to move things forward.

As a transpersonal planet closely linked to collective experiences and generations, Uranus’ sign shift is an important indicator of group evolution and the potential for shifts in the collective consciousness. We’ve already seen the effects through new financial structures, such as the sharing economy and cryptocurrency, and Earth technologies that include ocean clean-up efforts and major strides in renewable energy.

Beyond creativity in the fields of environmentalism, food sources, and finance, these next 8 years also offer up revolutions in the way we relate. My hope is for a revolution around connection, and a new consciousness that includes greater intimacy with ourselves, others, mothership Earth, and the cosmic community. I’m eager to watch it unfold.

For more cosmic musings, check out the “Wild Witch of the West” on Instagram and Facebook. 


The 4 of Swords Rx and the Chariot invite us to mine the gifts of the past so we can fully honor ourselves and ambitiously move forward, says Brandon Alter… Cast using The Wild Unknown and the Prisma Visions Tarot 


The 2019 Pisces New Moon invites us to find solid ground through sweet surrender, and to float towards our goals instead of forcing, says Sandy Sitron

2019 Pisces new Moon The Numinous Sandy Sitron
Photo: Bruce Christianson

New Moon :: March 6th 2019 :: 11:05am EST :: 15 degrees Pisces

To understand yourself at this New Moon, get ready to become a subconscious spelunker, diving through underwater caves. Take a ride on the metaphor train.

The first stop on this dreamy adventure is a visit to the Moon. We need to know what the Moon has to say. This is a chance to open up the windows and doors of our subconscious and connect to our spiritual truth.

Pisces energy is nonverbal and communicates in the language of symbol. It will help us to learn metaphorically.

So today, the Moon is a mermaid. This mermaid is practical. She is all-business. She is matter-of-fact. A grounded and responsible mermaid? How could this be? How could she be grounded if she lives in the sea? She knows what she values and her intentions are steady. She is willing to work. But she’s also fluid. She doesn’t try to control her erratic environment.

This New Moon is teaching you how to pivot gracefully. Can you swim through your day? Not trying to control up or down? Not bucking against the current? Yet still feeling grounded, secure, and serene?

This New Moon is properly positioned to help you stabilize. But you must be willing to accept a kind of abnormal stability. You will naturally need to do things differently. Let your intuition guide you. Ask for signs and symbols.

To get something done, you will need to float toward it. Bump into it like a sailboat grazing against a dock. Let things drift into place. Notice what floating can do for you. Letting go of control is the ultimate win.

Be a sailboat, not a sailor. Be a mermaid who gets things done without a plan. Find your footing in water. The point is that you can’t plan, but you can still feel steady. Your steadiness must come from your connection to self and spirit.

Pisces is the vibration of universal truth. It is about transcending the Earth plane and moving into the realms of emotion, intuition, and compassion. To get to this other dimension, you need to creatively swim through your own physical boundaries. You have to change your perspective.


Uranus moves into Taurus
Tsunami. Uranus’ ingress into Taurus is what adds the erratic quality to this moment. Visualize yourself as a dreamy fish-person. If you are deep down in the water, do you notice the tsunami? Meaning, if you are deeply connected to your inner wisdom, does the chaos in the world even phase you?


New Moon sextile Saturn and Mars
The practical mermaid. Earthy and supportive aspects to Mars in Taurus and Saturn in Capricorn give this Pisces New Moon a surprisingly practical edge. That’s what makes this mermaid rather grounded. But with Mercury retrograde, if you try to give the mermaid too much to do, she’ll dry up. Let her drift into work and notice how much she gets accomplished.


New Moon conjunct Neptune
Let the fish slip through your fingers. The Sun and Moon are joined by fishy Neptune in the sign of Pisces, making this New Moon a slippery friend. Don’t try to tighten your grip too much, you’ll lose your prize. Let go of control. Instead, loosen up and drift lightly into your own ocean of inner wisdom by trusting your process. You can’t plan it. But you can bump into it.


As Mercury stations retro for the first time this year, savor the slow down with Rebecca Farrar‘s total guide to ALL the 2019 retrograde cycles …

hugo alexandre rebecca farrar ruby warrington the numinous total guide to the 2019 retrogrades
Photo: Hugo Alexandre

Ever wish you could enter a time machine for a do-over?

Every planet in our solar system—except for the Sun and Moon—spends time “in retrograde.” These periods each bring powerful opportunities for collective and individual slow down and renewal, calling us to bring awareness to situations we may have glossed over or rushed past.

Mercury Retrograde has gotten a pretty bad name! But rather than harbingers of doom and gloom, all retrograde transits are opportunities to choose free will over fear.

When a planet is retrograde, it appears to move backwards in the sky, an illusion caused by the Earth passing by these slower moving planets. As these shifts occur, it’s up to us to decide how we’ll handle the themes they reveal.

With awareness of a planet’s areas of influence, we can notice how those energies move through us and can uncover new ways of relating to them. For example, if we tend to be non-committal, a Saturn retrograde transit may help us understand where more effort and hard work is needed. If we over-identify with our intellect, Mercury retrograde can reconnect us to our intuition.

Since January 6, 2019 all of the major planets have been in their forward motion. This ends on March 5, when Mercury stations in the last degree of Pisces before retrograding for most of March. As retrograde season 2019 begins, use the guide below to embrace these times of deep transformation, growth, and healing …


Mercury // March 5—March 28 (retrograde in Pisces); July 7—July 31 (retrograde in Leo); October 31—November 20 (retrograde in Scorpio)
When the planet of communication and linear thinking moves backwards, our minds may feel a bit fuzzy, especially since this year’s first Mercury retro occurs in the imaginative and intuitive Pisces. Take this time to:

  • Complete old writing projects, revise your resume, reignite a journaling practice.
  • Edit and review emails more closely to make sure you are articulating what you want to say as clearly as possible.
  • Reorganize closets, drawers, and cabinets, as Mercury likes to keep things in order.


Ceres // April 9—July 17 (retrograde in Sagittarius)
When the largest asteroid in our solar system is in retrograde, we may become more familiar with all of the places we need to up our self-care regime. Ceres’ 2019 retrograde cycle helps us contact our inner nurturer and recover our self-parenting tools. Utilize this retrograde for revisiting what you need to feel your best, both emotionally and physically. Use Ceres retrograde to:

  • Try out new recipes or new healthy eating habits and take care of your own needs before helping others.
  • Focus on the many ways to practice self-care, from salt baths to voicing your emotions.
  • Read books on attachment theory and emotional support such as Attached by Amir Levine, David Richo’s How to be An Adult, and the work of Rachel Heller.


Jupiter // April 10—August 11 (retrograde in Sagittarius)
The largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter’s slow down often reveals new visions. This year, Jupiter will be stationing in its own sign of Sagittarius, and this backward motion may evoke a sense of contraction or constriction. Use this time to:

  • Plan a trip or mini-adventure somewhere you’ve never been or revisit a favorite place—Jupiter loves to travel.
  • Notice places of over-indulgence and how you can cut back on waste, perhaps bring your reusable cup to the coffee shop or carry around bamboo silverware.
  • Take an honest look at the vision for your life and values, and write it down this time to make it feel more real.


Pluto // April 24—October 3 (retrograde in Capricorn)
Pluto brings us closer to the domain of shadow and the underworld, asking us to take a closer look at the “un-pretty” aspects of ourselves and to confront discomfort. When in retrograde, it helps us uncover places where we haven’t gone deep enough before. This year’s retrograde occurs as Pluto moves through Capricorn, along with Saturn, and asks important questions about power structures. Use Pluto retrograde to:

  • Dive into shadow work with a therapist or guide, or take a long hard look at the things you are annoyed and angry about, as the shadow shows up the most in our projections.
  • Get caught up on taxes or get your will in order; Pluto wants to prepare for the inevitabilities of taxes or death, as well as topics that may be uncomfortable to talk about.
  • Read up on the occult and mystical traditions that intrigue you, or pull out the Tarot deck you haven’t used in a while.
 felix mittermeier rebecca farrar ruby warrington the numinous total guide to the 2019 retrogrades
Photo: Felix Mittermeier


Saturn // April 29—September 18 (retrograde in Capricorn)
Similar to Jupiter, Saturn spends a third of the year in retrograde and offers clues about where we may need to re-commit or become more disciplined. In 2019, Saturn retrogrades in Capricorn, alongside Pluto, and can help us reclaim our sense of authority and responsibility where we may have avoided it in the past. Saturn represents the longer cycles of time and existence and when in retrograde, it can take us back in time to clean up old pain. Use this transit to:

  • Look for places to slow down and practice more discipline, whether it be at work or in relationships.
  • Rethink your long-term goals from the standpoint of the legacy you want to leave, write a 10-year plan, or even 40-year plan.
  • Contemplate your priorities over the next several months and discern where and with whom to focus your energy.


Neptune // June 21—November 27 (retrograde in Pisces)
When dreamy Neptune moves into retrograde, it brings a time to examine our illusions and fantasies. This planet connects us to our spiritual side and the myriad ways to feel in tune with the divine essence of who we are. The 2019 Neptune retrograde cycle occurs with Neptune in its favorite sign of Pisces, so projections may be at an all-time high. Use this cycle to balance fantasy with reality.

  • Resume a creative project, especially if it is related to a flow state such as photography, film, or painting.
  • Start up a meditation practice, or restart an old one, as Neptune desires a connection to the divine.
  • Take a break from substances that contribute to altered states of consciousness or disassociation.


Chiron // July 8—December 12 (retrograde in Aries)
Chiron is a bridge between different parts of ourselves, and helps us identify what still needs healing. During its retrograde phase, we can rely on this planetary body to help us rewire or release old painful patterns, as well as help us regain our sense of wholeness. Chiron’s 2019 retrograde moves through Aries, allowing for old confrontations to be addressed and an inner understanding of our anger. Use this transit to:

  • Take a class or receive a session of reiki or massage therapy (Chiron comes from the word for “hand”) to understand the power of hands-on healing.
  • Boost your self-esteem by making a list of your strengths and keeping them nearby.
  • Reorient to yourself by making a list of situations where you put others first, or a list of your non-negotiable needs for relating.


Uranus // August 11—January 10, 2020 (retrograde in Taurus)
This year’s Uranus retrograde transitions us from 2019 into 2020 with opportunities to rethink our creativity and uncover new ways of doing things. As Uranus re-enters Taurus on March 7, the retrograde occurs in the same sign and may revisit themes from things that occurred in May 2018. Use Uranus retrograde to:

  • Join a new community (IRL preferably) or attend group events you may have thought were not for you, as Uranus encourages us to try new things and also meet new people.
  • Activate your inner activist by recommitting to causes that mean something to you.
  • Update your technology or reread your smart phone manual—Uranus loves the future and feels at home with technology.


Vesta // September 23—December 29 (retrograde in Taurus)
Baby planet Vesta bridges heaven and Earth through ritual and devotion to personal ceremonies, and brings magic to the mundane through feeding our sacred flame. During its retrograde cycle, we may find ourselves pulled more deeply into our sacred practices, and during this year’s Vesta retro in Taurus, we’re asked to cultivate the sacredness of pleasure. Use this cycle to:

  • Explore sacred sex rituals such as Tantra or Kama Sutra, or create your own sex magic ritual.
  • Take a human sexuality class or write a sexual autobiography to understand more of how this sexual flame moves through you.
  • Create a new ritual for the moon cycles or even in your own daily routine, as a reminder of the many ways to connect to the sacred in everyday life.


Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with Sandy Sitron’s Numinous Weekly Horoscopes …

mano gkikas sandy sitron sandra sitron ruby warrington the numinous weekly horoscopes material girl mystical world the now age the astrocast numinous astrology school learn astrology
Photo: Manos Gkikas

Pisces or Pisces Rising
Notebook paper. Are you ready to take action? Write down notes. This is not the time for hesitancy. Look deep within and decide what it is that you need so that you’re ready for action. Self-doubt can be dissolved. Fear can be confronted. The notebook paper suggests that this is your first draft. You don’t have to be perfect. Just hand in your first draft for review.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries or Aries Rising
A grizzly bear. You need everything this symbol has to offer. You need the fierceness. Where in your life do you need to be a little more fierce? You need the protectiveness of the mamma bear. Hold yourself in a bear hug and don’t let go until you know that you are loved. You also need the hibernation. Go be alone with yourself and reconnect with your center.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus or Taurus Rising
A whistle. Are you feeling called? It’s easy to ignore the feeling of being called. Answering it will require courage and self-trust. But here’s the thing— you have the ability to give back to your community. Your service is needed. To discover more about what that looks like, you may need to interview yourself or make a vision board. It’s time to make changes.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini or Gemini Rising
A high clearance vehicle. It’s time to drive off-road. You are building your own pathways. Trust your vehicle. Trust that you have what it takes to go where you want to go. This is a time to build new infrastructure in your life so that you can reach new heights. On this trip you will drive way up into high elevation and you will gain a new perspective. Get off the paved road and begin to explore.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer or Cancer Rising
A plow. You are turning over the soil so that it becomes aerated. This change is occurring in your mindset as you break through old beliefs and replace them with new ideas. Plow the fields of your mind so that you are prepared for the next season’s growth. This is hard work and it takes energy. Stay curious. Curiosity will help you explore new ways of thinking.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo or Leo Rising
Flower petals. Throw flower petals around as you walk on your path. Spread beauty. Spread love. Share. There are times when we are afraid to trust ourselves, or afraid to trust our futures. Eradicate the fear through love and service. The path you need to walk is already there. It’s steady and sturdy and covered with flowers. Keep yourself inspired.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo or Virgo Rising
Sap trickles from a tree. There is no time to waste. This is the season when you make your move. The sap only flows under certain conditions. That’s when it’s possible to make maple syrup. Take your chance to communicate fully and open your heart. Make yourself available in partnership so that you can share, flow, drip, and seep. Make yourself sweet. Share with a sweet friend.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra or Libra Rising
Plaid patterns. Follow a structured and organized pattern. Create routines that are fluid, adaptable, and gently reassuring. For example, aid your digestion by getting adequate amounts of water and eating at around the same time every day. Or maybe there is another kind of pattern that you need to put into place. Look around and see what needs to be organized.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio or Scorpio Rising
A spider web. The spider is a master creator. She starts over every day. She doesn’t have a lot of friends in the insect world. But she doesn’t care. She works and weaves. Let your creativity flow without ego. You don’t need to be concerned with appearances, or what other people think. Just let your true nature be expressed. Photocopy your soul and show it to the world.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising
Flying high. Get up on your trapeze and soar. You are ready to fly. Trying to stay in a controlled environment is a mistake. That means that you need to take a risk. But remember that whether or not you take a risk will be determined by how you are attending to your feelings and what you feel emotionally ready for. Give voice to your actual feelings so that you can fly high.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn or Capricorn Rising
Open a book. Seek out opportunities to learn new things, to relate to the world in a fresh way, and to expand your community. You have everything you need within you. But you can accentuate your skills and talents by taking in new information. Experiment with different ways of thinking and communicating. Your knowledge is your chariot and it will take you far.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius or Aquarius Rising
Waterfall. You are making it work. You may feel like you are doing this by sheer might and willpower. Look to nature for examples that can help you through. A waterfall is powerful and consistent. And it works with the forces of nature. It doesn’t have to make excessive effort. Look around for new ways to take action and receive at the same time. Get more done with less effort.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.


Dive into this month’s medicine for your sign with our Numinous Tarotscopes for March 2019, cast by Bess Matassa. Artwork: Prince Láuder

Spring Tarotscopes The Numinous Prince Lauder

The magic of March comes from taking a powerful pause, and challenging our definitions of effort, movement, and speed. Hermit energy asks us to chooses its own pace without apology, and to design our own internal habitat according to highly personal spec. This month, commit to only stepping outside of your carefully-crafted cabin when motion is 100% aligned.  

Ruled by Virgo, this settled and sovereign energy is a potent reminder that it’s our birthright to discern and sort, and that no one and nothing should force our hand, not even ourselves. Scented with the sweet solitude that comes just before Spring explodes into being, the month ahead invites us to find mini-retreats even as we’re moving forward, and to pen a personal love letter to all that we’re poised to grow …

Read on for the card, mantra, and cosmic audio reading for your sign!


March Mantra: Perceived limitations feed my liberation.


March Mantra: 
New tales begin on consciously cleared ground.


March Mantra: I need no excuse to fully celebrate.


March Mantra: Majestic movement is always an option.


March Mantra: Shoring up my boundaries fortifies my inner channel.


LEO OR LEO RISING: 8 of Swords 
March Mantra: Shifting old storylines creates infinite space.


March Mantra: I have every right to follow my own passionate heat.


March Mantra: 
Letting myself be in process illuminates the destination.


March Mantra: 
Every feeling on the spectrum deserves to be felt.


March Mantra: Exploring my sensitivities is a precious strength.


March Mantra: I come fully alive when I let my distinctive flavor come forward.


March Mantra: Softening towards what’s sweet releases what’s ready to go.


Learn more about Bess and her work and check out all her personalized Astro + Tarot offerings HERE.


As we prep for Mercury Retrograde in Pisces, the King of Wands Rx and the Queen of Cups Rx ask us to dive deeper into the dream without surrendering our personal power, says Brandon Alter … Cast using The Wild Unknown and the Prisma Visions Tarot 


Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with Sandy Sitron’s Numinous Weekly Horoscopes …

sandy sitron sandra sitron ruby warrington the numinous numinous material girl mystical world the now age numinous weekly horoscopes numinous astrology school elliot mann
Photo: Elliot Mann

Pisces or Pisces Rising
Fishing. Fishing is an interesting combination of action and non-action. Balance effort and receiving. Doing and being. How can you do more and do less at the same time? This may seem complicated, but it’s probably very simple. Which actions feel the most exciting? Is there room in your life for more meditation? Cast your line and then just be.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries or Aries Rising
Spicy food. Internalize the heat. You really only know how spicy something is when you actually eat it. This is a time of restoration. Use it to build up your fire from within. Usually you’re the action person. Right now it’s time to take outside inspiration and nurture it within you. Let the heat build up so that you’re ready for the action phase that’s coming soon.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus or Taurus Rising
Solving a puzzle. This is a puzzle you are solving for fun. Keep that in mind. You are trying to actively build new levels of understanding. You’re testing your mind and building new mental connections. There might be moments when you forget and feel burdened by the pressure of the puzzle you’re working on. Remind yourself that this problem solving can be amusing.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini or Gemini Rising
Reinforcing a seam. Run the sewing machine back and forth over the seam. This relates to work and it could mean a variety of things. Take your pick: you are trying to build two career ideas at the same time; you need to double check your work and go back over what you’ve already done; you are building something very strong that is bound to be successful. Maybe it’s all of the above.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer or Cancer Rising
Slot machine cherries. You are gambling. It’s important to always balance risk and security. Make room for both. There could be some fruit or abundance that shows up, especially if you actively try to stretch out of your comfort zone. I’m not advising that you actually gamble, just that you make more room for healthy risk in your life. Push yourself to explore.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo or Leo Rising
Blank check. When someone shows up offering unlimited help and support, how do you accept it? Do you welcome it? This is a moment to consider themes of trust, support, and sharing resources. When are you open to receive? When are you closed off? Neither is inherently good or bad, just notice so that you can build conscious awareness.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo or Virgo Rising
Bullseye. There are times when it’s appropriate to go back and forth. But when you shoot an arrow, you can’t run up to the target and move the arrow around, continuously adjusting. You can practice so that you do better the first time. In conversation and relationship, show up with confidence right now. You need to get to the point.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra or Libra Rising
Fields of chamomile. Breathe in and relax. Look everywhere for hints of natural beauty that can inspire you. There is a strong suggestion that finding the right combinations of herbs, essential oils, or flower essences is recommended for your health right now. Seek out the right care for your body and mind. You can benefit from the simple support that the Earth has to offer you.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio or Scorpio Rising
Business card. Put yourself out there. Imagine feeling so brave and outgoing that you hand your business card to everyone you meet. This could be a real or imaginary business card. But the idea here is that you stand behind your name. You put yourself out there. Envision your name in lights. Or in purses and wallets. Your individuality is something to promote.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising
A raft. Rafts are made for drifting. When you drift you have to go where the current takes you. If you try to fight the current of emotions, it will make everything harder. Float along, naming your feelings as they come. Sit with the feelings and do an emotional inventory. This process will help you strengthen your emotional base. Allow the flow.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn or Capricorn Rising
Sticky gum. Stick yourself onto new ideas. Be an avid listener and learner. Stimulate your mind through curiosity and conversation. Ask lots of questions. Stick yourself onto other people, follow them around so that you can gain a brand new perspective. Learning might feel like a distraction from your projects, but it will actually revitalize you.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius or Aquarius Rising
Cornucopia. It’s time for a special abundance and gratitude ritual. This will help you remain conscious of your many resources. It’s nice to do this annually, like at American Thanksgiving. But how great would it be to celebrate abundance spontaneously? Feast or do something else that shows your gratitude. Make it magnificent. This process will help raise your vibration.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.


The 2019 Virgo Full Moon is an opportunity to adjust our approach and refine our routines, so we can create everyday magic that heals both body and soul, says Sandy Sitron

Virgo Full Moon 2019 The Numinous harp angel mirror Sandy Sitron
Photo: Aneta Pawlik

Full Moon :: February 19 2019 :: 10:53 am EST :: 0 degrees Virgo

Zoom way in and visualize the reverberation of a single harp string. Watch as it undulates, chaotic yet controlled. Science has discovered that the harp has healing qualities, bestowing upon the musician a healthier nervous system and curing countless mental and physical ailments. But no one knows why it works.

A Full Moon occurs when the Sun and the Moon are exactly opposite. This opposition forces new levels of awareness as we try to integrate two very different energies at once. It is explosive and expansive.

Themes of healing are highlighted at this Full Moon. Healing the physical realm by making adjustments to the functional systems (Virgo). And healing the spiritual body through an expansion of faith and compassion (Pisces).

There are theories that the harp’s tiny vibrations stimulate the lymph system. I like to imagine that these minute vibrations somehow tone and balance every cell in the body, like every cell getting a microscopic spa day.

A Virgo Full Moon is a time to tone physical systems through minor adjustments, while surrendering the big-picture “how” or “why” to the abyss of Piscean miracles. 

Virgo teaches us how to refine and improve the components of our physical reality, so that we can maximize health and efficiency. Pisces instructs us to loosen our grip on reality and dissolve into the magical dream. To recede back into the world of spirit where all is love and connection.

What is your equivalent of the healing harp these days? What restores you so that you can function most efficiently? Is there an instrument, practice, or habit that helps you transcend?

Sometimes a Virgo Full Moon can bring a potential for overthinking and perfectionism. But with a graceful trine between the Moon, Uranus, and Mars, be open to surprising new ways of doing things. You could be just as likely to bust out and spontaneously take on a new approach.

This Virgo Full Moon occurs at the very beginning of Pisces Season, which is all about flowing with the feelings, and showing yourself deep empathy so that you have the reserves to understand the emotional side of the human experience. It’s Compassion 101.

This Full Moon is an island in the sea of Pisces-style emotions. This sliver of earth is where you’ll set sail from. And right now you are packing up your ship. If you prepare your craft now, you’ll be able to sail safely through emotional waters in the weeks ahead.

Pay attention to all the details as you pack and prepare. Get things organized. Practice good habits. How can you be more efficient? There are small things that you can do, physical practices that will support your health. Like the healing harp, the small vibrations that you create in your life might have seemingly miraculous results.

New discoveries are coming in rapidly with this Full Moon, so expect change to be easy. Be open to it as you continue to practice, refine, work, and stay busy. And remain very aware of your instrument – your body. What can you do to create vibrational alignment that results in apparent miracles?

Virgo is interested in the minutia, the tiny vibrations of the harp strings. Virgo is the musician who practices diligently, refining and improving every movement over time. Pisces offers a result that’s greater than the sum of its parts – miraculous alchemy. At this Full Moon, it’s time to have both.


Moon trine Uranus
A puff mushroom explodes.
The puff mushroom is moon-like in shape and color. When it ripens just enough, it will spontaneously explode and release baby mushroom spores to the wind. It’s a surprise that’s expected. Just as natural as drinking a glass of water. But when it happens, there’s still a minor shock. Everything is different in a moment.

There are surprises coming that you may be expecting. They can help you move to the next phase in your development. Sometimes you just need an extra push to create change. This is it.


Moon trine Mars
A horse and carriage.
Your ride is waiting. It’s obvious that it’s time to get moving. And it’s not difficult. All you have to do is get in and go. Yes, this is a horse and carriage, not a car or a jet plane. So we are taking into account that some extra preparations have been made. The horses are brushed and harnessed. You’ve had to pack for a difficult journey, there are no corner stores or debit cards on this ride. Instead, there are long winding roads and you must be prepared. But you also need to make your move now because the carriage is waiting. It should be easy at this point to get in and drive.


Pisces Season 2019 invites us to let go of judgement, as we radicalize our relationships and begin to trust that we will receive exactly what we desire, says Bess Matassa … 

Pisces Season 2019 The Numinous Bess Matassa Astrocast aura photography
Photo: Pawel Szvmanski

Pisces Season 2019 invites us to sit back and truly let it all just be. This astro season is a plunge into our past lives, and a call to make peace with even the moments and memories we feel will never be “right.” A tender time for softening, melting, and allowing, Pisces Season 2019 asks us to remember the magic of simply being alive, without having to assess or pass judgement on any part of our lived experience.

The Sun enters Pisces on 2/18, with a Virgo Full Moon the following day illuminating minor planet Chiron’s move into Aries. These energies combined call for a balance between our urge to make an individual mark, and a recognition that ours is a tiny but vital role in the whole sea of stars. It’s a moment to press pause on hot-blooded agendas, and feel into the legacy we leave by simply being.

When Venus moves into the out-there wilds of Aquarius on 3/1 we’re asked to liberate our love affairs from stiflingly preconceived notions. And as electrically-charged changemaker Uranus shifts into Taurus for a 7-year long haul on 3/6, accompanied by the Pisces New Moon, it’s the start of a profound cycle for filling our cup, and trusting that new sources of nourishment and abundance will arise from precious seeds planted long ago.

With the influence of Pisces’ ruler, Neptune, reigning supreme, it’s a season to let gravity do its work, allowing what needs to recede from your life to simply slip away in the rearview mirror. An invitation to turn our perceived losses into emotional finds, Pisces Season 2019 wants us to remember that sitting with stillness is never a sign of lack, and that what’s coming down the line is wilder and wider than we could possibly have imagined …

Listen to the full Pisces Season 2019 report from Numi resident astrologers Bess + Sandy HERE and read on for more on the 4 key astro events of the coming weeks …


Sun in Pisces (2.18-3.20) // Missing by Everything But The Girl

Pisces energy is a call to remember that time is never linear, and that we aren’t meant to “get over” anything. Instead, can you walk alongside, underneath, through, and with whatever your perceived pain might be? This 90s hit is filled with loss and longing—but not lack. Where in your life can you hold more feeling than you thought? How can you expand to contain all the stories that live beneath your skin? The Sun in Pisces asks us to wander past pathways without shame, trusting that they will integrate and assimilate in their own sweet time.


Mercury Rx in Pisces (3.5-3.28) // Aura Photographs

A deep call to listen with every surface of our bodies, Mercury’s retrograde journey through Pisces asks us to see ourselves and the world in a brand new way. This is a time to soften the hard-edge between “good” and “bad,” pleasure and pain. Use this transit to let your gaze go fuzzy, to soothe your self-talk, and to allow multiple layers of experience to simply rise and fall on the surface of your consciousness, no matter how strange. Loosen limited POVs, and practice reading the auras of people and experiences, instead of seeing rigid lines.


Venus in Aquarius (3.1-3.26) // Blind Dates

Venus rules over love and relating, and is deeply connected to our sense of self-worth. In wonky, exploratory Aquarius, this transit asks us to delight in our weirdness. Whether partnered or solo, it’s a moment to let your freak flag fly to give others permission to do the same. Whatever your relationship status, channel the energy of a blind date in both your professional and personal meetups. Be open to being to surprised, and let this take your interpersonal dynamics even higher.


Uranus in Taurus (3.6.19-2026) // Planet Earth

The passage of radical Uranus through Taurus sounds the call to revolutionize our modes of receiving. Animals and plants don’t guilt themselves for their appetites, and this transit wants us to make like the beasts who birthed us. This 7-year cycle is about breaking free from any shame surrounding our desires, and trusting in the endlessly generative ground on which we stand. Harness this sense of naturalistic hedonism with earth films that chronicle the dizzying diversity of evolution, reminding yourself that no body shape, size, or carnal urge ever deserves to be shamed.


Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with Sandy Sitron’s Numinous Weekly Horoscopes …

sandy sitron sandra sitron ruby warrington the numinous weekly horoscopes material girl mystical world the now age numinous astrology school
Photo: Irina Kostenich

Pisces or Pisces Rising
A beautiful woven tapestry. A weaving. Small pieces are brought together to form a beautiful work of art. Put effort into your relationships. You generally need to recharge with alone time, and that’s wonderful. But at the moment the focus is on your time with others. Let your conversations flow. Be accountable and considerate. Harmony and beauty will be the result.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries or Aries Rising
Pancake batter. Things are beginning to take shape. Pancakes start out as a liquid and with the addition of heat, become solid. You need to bring the fire / heat / motivation / spirit in a very organized way. With a magic combination of motivation and restraint, things will start to look more solid. Go step by step and follow the recipe, but don’t hesitate to fire it up at the right moment.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus or Taurus Rising
A group hiking tour. There is an exploration to embark upon. Or a chance to express yourself creatively. You are a special individual and it’s time for you to explore and play and honor your own uniqueness. But simultaneously, you are on this journey with a group. So it’s not all about you. You will need to compromise. Enjoy playing with others, because it gives you more chances to connect.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini or Gemini Rising
Pages of a book. Go back to the beginning. Now that you know the plot, try to remember what you learned during the first few pages. How your perspective has changed! The metaphor is reminding you to revisit your childhood and remember how you felt back then. Now that you have more perspective, what story would you like to share with your inner child?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer or Cancer Rising
Inside the body. How much do you know about what’s happening inside your body? Imagine what it would be like to travel on a magical school bus through all of your organs and veins. It might seem like a stretch, but imagining fun stories about your inner mechanisms will help you rethink important situations in your life right now. It’s a perspective shift.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo or Leo Rising
Game show. Your chance to win a prize has increased, literally or figuratively. The literal prize could be exciting- enter contests and see what happens, as long as it’s just for fun. The figurative prize is more interesting. What would it be like to know on deep levels how much of a prize you are? To have that sense of self-worth resonate through all levels of mind and body? Jackpot.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo or Virgo Rising
Boomerang. Put yourself out there and notice what comes back to you. You don’t need to overthink anything. Often we try to discern whether our efforts are worth it. And that’s efficient, certainly. But for now it’s about just putting energy forward and noticing what the return is. Then doing it again. You can judge the process later. This is a moment to shine and receive.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra or Libra Rising
Sitting on a porch. Retire to an imaginary (or real) retreat, and let yourself pass the time. Now is a moment to reset just a bit and let your mind wander without a destination. Think of this as important restoration. Tune out from your phone or email and give yourself some space and time to just be. Ask yourself if doing so is a luxury or a necessity.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio or Scorpio Rising
Elephant parade. What is your wise message that you are ready to share with a larger group of people? Now is a time to collaborate and feel like you are a part of something. Connect with your group. It may be political. It may have to do with work, creativity, or spirituality. Sharing and brainstorming will help you feel stronger and more aligned.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising
Spaghetti on the wall. Keep trying out different ideas. It doesn’t all have to be perfect right now. But you are trying to see what is functional. This symbol is about throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. Know that while you are trying out different things, you are still working toward your goals in a very big way. You are experimenting your way to excellence.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn or Capricorn Rising
Fresh air. Get out there where the grass is green and the air is clean. This may be literal – a reminder to connect with nature and breathe fresh air for revitalization. Or it may be symbolic – meaning that it’s time to breathe adventure, curiosity, and purpose into your endeavors. You just need a minor reboot so that you can operate with motivation and excitement.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius or Aquarius Rising
Blinkers and blinders. The term for the eye coverings that go on a horse’s bridle to help it stay focused on the path ahead. You need to remove distractions and focus your attention on your emotions. It can be very hard to stay centered on the emotions. It’s much easier to look away. When you really drill down and stay focused, you’ll find emotional release and healing as a result.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.


The Knight of Pentacles asks us to savor slow and steady movement towards manifesting our heart’s visions, says Brandon Alter … Cast using the Prisma Visions Tarot