The 3 of Pentacles (aka 3 of Coins) asks us to assemble our dream team by playing to everyone’s strengths and acknowledging what’s truly aligned, says this month’s reader-in-residence Anna Toonk … Cast using The Slutist Tarot 


The 2018 Scorpio New Moon asks us to dig beneath unexamined patterns and discover deeper motivations, says Sandy Sitron

Scorpio New Moon 2018 Sandy Sitron The Numinous purple turquoise scorpion
Photo: Shayna Take

New Moon ::  November 7 2018 :: 11:02 am EDT :: 15 degrees Scorpio

At the end of the steep hike there is a mountain clearing. An impressive vista stretches to the distant horizon. The wind blows through scraggly pines. But the prominent feature is a towering ant hill. It towers, but it also connects to a subterranean super colony.

We’ve come so high up. We’ve worked and we’ve climbed. This has been arduous. But now the attention must shift from the effort of the hike to the burrowing movement of the ants below the surface. The ants run on pure instinct. Under the surface of the soil their repetitive roles are acted out. Day in and day out, they perform the same work, over and over.

If you’ve been living in a rote, unexamined way, it’s time for that to come to an end. It’s time to look inward, to investigate our deepest patterns and habitual machinations.

The 2018 Scorpio New Moon says, if you slow down and look within, you’ll dig down into a new way of understanding the patterns that are running in your subconscious mind. Begin to understand the inner mechanisms in a new way. Begin to understand the unspoken and unseen urges that are driving you and everyone else.

Scorpio is the sign of investigation. But not with a dry, cursory kind of curiosity. This is a compelling urge to dig in and get into the root of what needs to be understood. Burrow deep down into your own feelings. Where do they come from? What belief is contributing to those feelings? How does that deep belief need to be reframed? This is a New Moon, so craft careful intentions around these new beliefs.

When you dip down below the surface and start to encounter these patterns and old emotions, the next step is surrender. This New Moon takes the concept of surrender to a whole new level. Run a constant dialogue in the back of your mind today: “I am letting go of being perfect. I am letting go of anticipating the future. I am letting go of this thing in my life I’m trying to control, that thing I need to have happen on a certain timeframe or in a certain way.”

Surrender doesn’t mean you end up being a door mat or dropping your important boundaries. It means pushing yourself out of your comfort zone when it’s appropriate. Questioning what you assume you need to stay safe. Opting out of fear in any way shape or form. Spiritual surrender is about trusting in the Universe.

How can you release those old, ancient feelings that are eating you up inside? Cleansing through forgiveness can open you up to a higher vibration. Again, this is a place for judicious moderation. If there’s a situation where you are in any kind of danger, forgiveness may not be appropriate until you are removed to a place of mental, physical, emotional, and/or spiritual safety.

With the 2018 Scorpio New Moon, there’s a strain of idealism, belief, and even hope. Remember that the anthill is set atop a mountain. Close to the heavens. You might have such a great view, such a grand perspective, that you feel as if you can reach a hand through the veil and contact the fresh clarity of intuitive connection. Inner knowing.

The energy of this New Moon is about going up and going in. Going up toward faith, and in toward the truth of your emotional experience. Follow the path up the mountain toward the deepest faith in yourself and the Universe. Follow the narrow tunnel in to the emotional depths.

Sit with yourself and allow yourself to the know the truth of your nature … 


New Moon trine Neptune
The flowers in the wallpaper pattern start to sing and dance. Trippy. This is a psychedelic aspect. Allow yourself to see the colors. Allow yourself to space out and let your mind wander. Maybe you’ll have a creative expansion. Maybe you’ll connect with the good intuitive voices in your head. Maybe your heart will open. Your perception can turn upside down and inside out, so let it do that. Sometimes that’s what needs to happen for you to connect with an illuminated new way of doing things.


Use the below journal questions to help you set intentions for the 2018 Scorpio New Moon. Look for the house containing 15 degrees Scorpio in your chart for the most accurate insights. Don’t know your chart? You can enter your birth details HERE to calculate it for free.

Aries // Aries Rising // New Moon in the 8th house
Write an email to a person you have a grudge against, explaining how they make you feel. DO NOT SEND IT!

Taurus // Taurus Rising // New Moon in the 7th house
List out all the qualities of your perfect partner (in romance or business) and choose to cultivate them in yourself.

Gemini // Gemini Rising // New Moon in the 6th house
Write a ‘shopping list’ of all the elements that would make up your ideal workday.

Cancer // Cancer Rising // New Moon in the 5th house
Write a super soppy love letter to the most playful, childlike part of yourself.

Leo // Leo Rising // New Moon in the 4th house
Google the lyrics of your favorite emo song and put them on a stickie on your desktop.

Virgo // Virgo Rising // New Moon in the 3rd house
Note down all the ideas you feel most curious about, and add a line for how you can begin to investigate each.

Libra // Libra Rising // New Moon in the 2nd house
List 5-10 things that make you feel beautiful—on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level.

Scorpio // Scorpio Rising // New Moon in the 1st house
Write a short manifesto for all you want to achieve in the coming year.

Sagittarius // Sagittarius Rising // New Moon in the 12th house
Write a thank you note to your spirit guides, letting them know all the ways they have helped you.

Capricorn // Capricorn Rising // New Moon in the 11th house
Describe where you want to be one year from now, and the team who helped you get there.

Aquarius // Aquarius Rising // New Moon in the 10th house
List 5-10 experiences that have made you stronger and wiser.

Pisces // Pisces Rising // New Moon in the 9th house
Write out the itinerary for a pilgrimage you’ve always wanted to go on, and what it would help you learn about yourself.


Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with Sandy Sitron’s Numinous Weekly Horoscopes …

Numinous weekly horoscopes Sandy Sitron November 5 2018
Photo: Lucas Marconnet

Scorpio // Scorpio Rising
Scattering a handful of seeds. You have a chance to nurture a seed carefully. This is an act of tenderness, love, and compassion. When you set an intention there’s often an energy of grasping or craving that goes along with it. Put that aside and remain centered in the energy of nurturance. There is some new part of yourself that’s ready to develop. Give yourself water and sunlight. Take your time and be patient.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius // Sagittarius Rising
Throwing yourself headfirst into the water. All in. You must immerse yourself fully. Commit. This is a time to journey into the depths of your inner truth. You can’t just dip a toe into this pool. If you try to do it that way you’ll meet waves of doubt and ego. Take time out from the rat race and dive in. All the way in to your own well of wisdom.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn // Capricorn Rising
Rows of gingerbread men. Rows of people. In the symbol, these silhouettes of people stretch on as far as the eye can see, circling the globe. And there is a sweetness to them. What happens to your perspective when you put your trust in the sweetness of people? You may scoff or shake your head at the naiveté of the idea, but this idea is important for you to consider. What does this kind of optimism have to offer?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius // Aquarius Rising
Galloping horses. Momentum is building. Find your strength, power, energy and enthusiasm. Most of all, find joy. Currently, you can go very far in your career, you can make great strides. This is a chance to unleash your power and creativity. Then you can set your sights on your specific goals. If moving forward is hard, try to release dissatisfaction with certain details. Instead focus on the big picture.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces // Pisces Rising
Pick a long stemmed flower. The long stem represents your path. The flower symbolizes your goal. Set yourself on a path. It can be quite simple. It can be a philosophical path or a spiritual path. It can be a practice or an intention. If you consistently journey along it, you’ll find that you’ve developed deep wisdom. The beauty of the flower inspires, so make sure that you are inspired by the path you choose.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries // Aries Rising
Knitting a shawl. Step by step you go. You loop together the yarn in a certain pattern and you create a beautiful result. Emotions can be overwhelming now. Find your process of working with them. Be systematic. Create a new pattern step by step. Work very carefully and discover that you can create a new emotional pattern. You may need to learn a new skill to be able to do this deep emotional work. So dedicate yourself to the project.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus // Taurus Rising
A seashell. A shell is a beautiful object and a secure home to a living creature. What does this have to do with your current project, which is your important relationships? Make a safe home for yourself to live in. Craft a peaceful mindset. Create healthy boundaries. From the safety of your clever shell, you can communicate more diplomatically in your relationships.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini // Gemini Rising
Tiny tea cups. Create a lovely tea party. Make every tiny place setting beautiful. Translation: move carefully and mindfully through your day. Try to find enjoyment in the small moments. Put your attention on the practical, organizational things you can fix or prepare. By focusing your attention to the small details now, you’ll feel more grounded later on.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer // Cancer Rising
A hearty loaf of bread. Imagine this bread is being baked in a wood burning stove. The fire burns and the creation rises. You have a hearth fire within yourself. You have something creative that’s rising up from within. Give it the proper oven, the right temperature, and plenty of time. Set intentions for creativity. What hearty offering are you almost ready to share with the world?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo // Leo Rising
A path through a field. You have a journey to take. You are not home, but you’re not at your destination either. You can feel nervous as you travel along the path, or you can try to trust yourself. You’ve come this far. Remember that even if you can’t see your destination clearly, it doesn’t mean that it’s not there. Let your intuition lead you.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo // Virgo Rising
The hands of a clock. If time moves in one direction only, you can try to keep up with it. Rushing, rushing to your next goal. Or you can try a different mindset on for size. Raise your awareness about time. Whose timeframe are your trying to adapt to? What do you want to do with these precious moments? How do you want to craft your relationship with time? You have options, choose carefully.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra // Libra Rising
Throwing pennies into a wishing well. It’s time to rethink your beliefs about money, your sense of abundance, and your desires. What do you want to build? What do you want to do with your energy, and drive while you are here on this earth? How can you best support yourself financially in the process? These are big, and maybe overwhelming questions. Answer them with simple intentions, simple wishes. One penny at a time.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.


As we start a brand new month, the Page of Swords (aka Princess of Swords) invites us to spark our innocent curiosity while soothing any mental obsessions, says this month’s reader-in-residence Anna Toonk … Cast using The Slutist Tarot 


Dive into this month’s medicine for your sign with our Numinous Tarotscopes November 2018, cast by Melinda Lee HolmArtwork: Mystic Mondays Tarot by Grace Duong  

numinous tarotscopes november 2018 ruby warrington grace duong mystic mondays tarot the numinous material girl mystical world melinda lee holm
Mystic Mondays Tarot, by Grace Duong

Ten of Pentacles

Happy Solar Return, my dear Scorpio! I don’t think I could have pulled a better gift for you if I tried. Whatever collaboration you got into last month is really paying off one way or another and you are set to have a gilded month metaphorically, and perhaps even literally speaking. The highest potential of the element of Earth, that physical manifestation of all we create and consume and live on and around and through is visiting you, and when it comes knocking, you have to be ready to answer the door. When you do, don’t be surprised if you find a who’s who of your biggest cheerleaders and most cherished mentors crowded at your front door like carolers. There is a strong sense of community that accompanies this gift. You’ve heard misery loves company? So does abundance, baby!

Now about that collaboration from last month – if you got into something that doesn’t feel right or isnt working out, don’t force it. Sometimes collaborations or relationships of any kind work out best by dissolving. If this is the case for you, resist the urge to indulge in resentment, or worse, revenge. You have bigger fish to fry and besides, once Mercury stations retrograde on the 16th, you may get an unexpected return from someone in your past who wasn’t quite right for a project at the time, but is now ready, willing, and more than able to help you transmute any lead weighing you down into pure gold. Keep your eye on the prize, Scorpio, and you could be sitting pretty by month’s end.

Scorpio stone for November: Peridot. Peridot is the master stone for prosperity. The vibrations it exudes excite the energetic body, creating an atmosphere rich in material and emotional abundance.


Nine of Wands

You’re levelling up your mastery of Elemental Fire this month, Sagittarius, and I have a sneaking feeling you’ll know exactly what to do with it. Heating up in your native element can just as easily mean a deep inward journey of intuitive spiritual expansion as it can a direct charge forward in physical space, but following the big outward burst of last month, my money is on the former. With back to back retrogrades, there will be plenty of information dredged up to fuel the flames of introspection and dedication to ascension. It may not be easy, but it will be well worth the trouble. Expect to experience this month as preparation for an unknown event. Follow the clues and don’t jump ahead to conclusions. Let it unfold.

Your innate sense of wonder will be heightened this month and you may feel called to explore the world around you in service of opening greater exploration within. Taking a few day or weekend trips would be a great idea. Just remember to give yourself plenty of extra time and to plan for all contingencies if you go after Mercury stations retrograde on the 16th. We don’t want you having a surprise journey through frustration as you wait on the side of the road for AAA. You don’t have to go far and you don’t have to get exotic about your travels. Sometimes taking a walk down an unfamiliar street in your own neighborhood can open up an entire world of sacrosanct adventure.

Sagittarius stone for November: Red Calcite. Red Calcite promotes an increase in life force energy, revitalizing the physical and energetic bodies. It heightens appreciation for the beauty of life on Earth.

numinous tarotscopes november 2018 ruby warrington grace duong mystic mondays tarot the numinous material girl mystical world melinda lee holm 9 of wands
9 of Wands, Mystic Mondays Tarot


The Magician

What an absolutely perfect follow up to last month, Capricorn! Following exactly the development of the Major Arcana energy as mapped to the Tree of Life, you’re stepping out of your open-souled wandering and into a month-long intensive on the art of self-mastery. It’s safe to say your November will be interesting at the very least, life changing at best. With these back to back retrogrades adding static to the signal between individuals, this is a wonderful time to be focused more on you, who you can be, what you can create, and what you seek to accomplish. Remember, Magician energy is not about controlling others or your surroundings – that’s called tyranny – so be careful where you point that magic wand.

My greatest wish for you this month is that you can use this momentum to get your inner workings and powers identified and organized so you have a clear path to refinement and eventually mastery. That way, you’ll be prepared to shift into a more practical mode moving into December and the new year. To do this, you’ll have to have at least a vague idea of what your long(ish) term goals are. Spend some time at the beginning of the month identifying what you want to accomplish and what you need to create and manifest to get there. Then spend the rest of month building and refining your magical chops to conjure it all up. You are being told that you DO have the power to create your ideal world, so dare to think big.

Capricorn stone for November: Cinnabar. Cinnabar acts as a catalyst of transformation into our most exalted form. It opens powerful abilities of manifestation and draws creativity and prosperity.


Three of Swords

You’ve got more lessons blowing in from your native element this month, Aquarius! October’s fresh perspective will come in very handy as you work in the potentially treacherous realm of collaboration in thoughts and communication. The classic image of this card from the RWS deck and the Sola Busca before it show a big red heart with three swords stabbed through, a decidedly brutal take on this energy. While it can sometimes feel that way to navigate multiple points of view – within ourselves or among others – if we stay centered and remain open, these can be great times of growth and expansion. Not just hearing, but listening to, processing, and integrating points of view different from our own is essestial to our development as humans.

This could get veeeerrrrrryyyy sticky after Mercury stations retrograde on the 16th if you let it. To avoid confusion and heartache, make sure to take extra measures to reduce daily stress as much as possible so you are operating from a place of calm security. Get plenty of sleep, take long baths, eat foods that make you feel good emotionally AND physically, and for the love of all that is good and holy, DO NOT procrastinate. You want to be ready to process these messages in real time, especially if someone or something from your past sneaks back in to stir the pot. If you feel a storm brewing, head right for the still eye of it and watch it churn and toss all around you. Be an observer. When the clouds clear, step back into participant mode.

Aquarius stone for November: Green Calcite. Green Calcite soothes the body, mind, heart, and spirit. Its gentle, calming energy loosens anxiety and aids in releasing stress, allowing room for the heart to speak.


Five of Pentacles

My dear Pisces, are you doubting the wisdom of your choices from last month already? Did the call to action brought on by that gorgeous flaming queen (of Wands) leave you second-guessing the ease with which you were able to choose, to discern, to refuse? Fear not, dear one. Though making hard choices is somewhat contrary to your all-inclusive nature, it is necessary to allow you to really pour your gooey cosmic self into projects, situations, and relationships that truly set your soul aflame. Anything you have walked away from to get closer to your ideals will surely have someone else running toward it with open arms. The world is a big place, Pisces, and we can’t devote ourselves to everything in it.

This month, take time to notice where you feel a fear of lack. I’m talking about wondering whether taking that dream vacation is pulling you away from other opportunities you’ll regret missing later, saying yes to gigs you know you don’t want, not wanting to burn the last candle in case you can’t get more. All of these things can be considered prudent, but with this chaotic Earth energy swirling around, they can easily spiral into unnecessary worry and heaviness. Take extra care to assess whether something is a reality or a projection (fear, worry, etc) before deciding how to approach, and keep your eye tuned to what you have rather than what you don’t.

Pisces stone for November: Ocean Jasper. Ocean Jasper eases the mind of stress and worry to allow for full enjoyment of life. Its positive energy encourages fearless self-expression and release of negativity.

numinous tarotscopes november 2018 ruby warrington grace duong mystic mondays tarot the numinous material girl mystical world melinda lee holm 5 of pentacles
5 of Pentacles, Mystic Mondays Tarot


Ten of Cups

Your famously fiery nature is going to get a little softer this month, Aries. The gentle waves of high mastery in the emotional realm are here to smooth over the rough spots and help tune your heart in to the frequency of unconditional love. This can be a wonderful opportunity to deepen existing relationships, strengthen your sense of community and your place within yours, and even rekindle some relationships that may have gone a bit cold. After all, you never know what the winds of Mercury retrograde will bring your way when they blow in on the 16th. Whether messages or actual people from your past, try to approach them with an open heart, open mind, and open eyes. Sometimes looks can be deceiving. Unconditional love doesn’t mean unconditional acceptance. Get familiar with the difference early on in the month.

The key to making this month really sing for you is getting your intuition sharpened up right at the top. You don’t get a lot of ink spilled on your intuitive nature, but I see it clearly. Instinct is just another word for intuition and you’ve got that in spades. You are known for acting quickly on instinct and that can earn you a reputation for being rash or impulsive. Let this Water energy douse the outward action part of that flame and you’re left with a pure intuitive sight that can keep you seeking out and letting in only the people and situations that truly resonate with your highest vibes. And THAT, dear Aries, is golden.

Aries stone for November: Blue Topaz. Blue Topaz attunes the mind to the true guidance of the Higher Self. It clears our vision so we can see what we truly desire and see the path forward to getting there.


Six of Pentacles

You’ve got something to prove and the means to do it this month, Taurus, and based on how your year has gone so far, I think you just may be the one who ends up being most impressed. I don’t say this because I feel you’re likely underestimating yourself or doubting your abilities, but because I feel like this year’s absolute master course in the element of Earth has likely elevated your game much more than you could ever have imagined. It can be difficult to see the the heights you’ve got to when the climb has been a steady shallow incline. Take a moment at the beginning of the month to look back over this year and see how far you’ve come in your ability to manifest, to mold your surroundings, to create a home for yourself and those you hold dear.

You’ve got to know where you’re at to accurately assess what a real accomplishment looks like. Sometimes we can misinterpret our own progress and accidentally hold ourselves back by shooting for stars that turn out to just be flickering street lamps in the near distance. You can be as humble as you are stubborn, Taurus, and neither is going to get you to where you truly long to be. Resist the inner voice that tells you that striving for accomplishment is a vain grab for glory. Working to achieve the life of comfort you long for on your own terms is a noble and Divine pursuit. Reach for the stars, just check them out with a telescope first to make sure they’re true.

Taurus stone for November: Chrysanthemum Stone. Chrysanthemum Stone awakens the mind, heart, and spirit to what is possible. It reveals our greatest dreams and provides the grounding and luck needed to achieve them.


Two of Cups

You may just be the envy of the zodiac this month, Gemini. The sweetness of the Two of Cups is unrivaled in the Tarot in my book. The spark of emotional connection with a window into the enormity of what can come from it, the air of discovery and exploration, the excitement of building without knowing for sure what the end result will be. It can be incredibly intoxicating. And I am not just talking about romance. These sparks of connection can come with new friends, co-workers, even family members. They can come with people who have been in our lives forever but suddenly take on a new role or switch spheres from personal to professional or vice versa. One of the greatest gifts of being human is to connect on a profound level with other incarnated souls on Earth and this month it’s all yours.

How do you know if you’re experiencing a Two of Cups moment? If the connection is real or just a smoke screen? If you’re being lead on or taken advantage of or if your rush of anticipation is reciprocated? Well, you can’t. And that’s ok. With your wit and charm, you will likely attract many into your sphere if you choose to leave the gate open. When you do, take the time to really look and listen as much as you’re feeling your way into a new relationship. Radical openness requires intensely good boundaries and the ability to dance your way around them so they don’t feel like harsh walls to others. It’s a delicate proposition, but I think you’re up for it.

Gemini stone for November: Kunzite. Kunzite opens the heart to give and receive all forms of love. It is especially great at tuning the heart in to the frequency of Divine Love and true joy.


Page of Cups

You’re right in your element this month with a Cups card, Cancer, even while being pushed out of your comfort zone by the adventurous Page. You sometimes find yourself in a bit of a dilemma, yearning for deep emotional connection but being reluctant to come out of your shell to get it. This month it is time to face facts: it’s too small in there for anyone but you. You have to make a choice. You can either stay solitary and protected or you can venture out of your cozy fortress and risk being hurt in the service of opening your heart to the world. Any attached Crabs out there thinking ‘well, I have a partner, so this doesn’t apply to me’, sorry! It applies to you tenfold. We Cancerians have a tendency to secretly fortify our defenses even more in relationship. As the risk of injury increases, so does our desire for protection.

Time for a month of radical vulnerability. Stay with me. I know Venus is retrograde. I know Mercury is gearing up to follow suit and possibly interfere with communication and that is scary. But what’s more scary is playing it safe with your heart when the depth of emotional connection you truly desire is only available to those who take risks to get it. People open up to people who are open. Take the lead. As a Cardinal Water sign, you are the natural leader of emotion. Step up onto the podium and preach the gospel of leading with your heart like no one’s ever hurt it before.

Cancer stone for November: Angelite. Angelite opens a channel for communicating with our guides and angels. It helps tune us in to receiving communications and gives us greater access to their Divine love.

numinous tarotscopes november 2018 ruby warrington grace duong mystic mondays tarot the numinous material girl mystical world melinda lee holm page of cups princess of cups
Page (aka Princess) of Cups, Mystic Mondays Tarot



This is shaping up to be quite a nice little stroll through some of the greatest hits of the Major Arcana, Leo! The Magician, The Hermit, and now Strength. It conjures up a narrative of someone who discovers their power, goes into seclusion to study and master it, and comes back to the village ready to serve the community and themself by embodying the level of strength that can only come through a recognition that we are all extensions of the body of the Earth and the Universe. That someone is you, Leo! What will you do with this newfound level of Strength? What are you ready to accomplish that you were not just last summer? How does this awareness of your own power and your being as but one small part of the much larger body of the cosmos shape your thinking on that?

It can be overwhelming to sit with this kind of information. We tend to want our actions and goals to reflect the grandeur of how we see our place in the world. Accepting ourselves as parts of an eternal Divine body does not help in making decisions. So start small, so small that your activities and accomplishments will be invisible to everyone but you. Start within your own body. How can you take care of your body with this new strength? Do you feel able to make different choices about what you put into or on your body? Give yourself time to grow into this story. It’s going to continue to develop for a very long time.

Leo stone for November: Tiger Eye. Tiger Eye clarifies the workings of the mind through balancing the energies of the physical body. It restores balance to all levels of being, inspiring strength and fairness.



Ooooo, Virgo! Moving from Justice into Judgment is a wonderful lesson in the workings of the Tarot. They seem similar but represent very different ways of redistributing energy. Last month I talked about seeing Justice as a seesaw, moving only up and down in a single, two-dimensional plane. Judgment is bigger and messier. It calls on us to dig around to find what we have buried in this life and other lifetimes past, present, and future. It can extract stories from alternate timelines and alternate stories that are bothering us somehow subconsciously, spiritually. Where Justice is about balance, Judgment is about exhumation. There are some things that are just too sticky to be easily released. Some things require some digging.

So get our your shovel, Virgo, and get ready to get your hands dirty. With back to back retrogrades helping to loosen the soil, there is going to be plenty for you uncover and examine. Some you will re-plant back down in the Earth, some you will set free, some you will thoroughly dispose of. It’s a big job, but you have to try not to be too precious about it. Get all Marie Kondo on the psychic debris you find. Be brutal in your assesments, but kind in the execution. Yanking something away before you’ve fully detatched will just give you something else to dig out later. Practice your self care and drink lots of water. Seriously – it helps to clear your energy as much as it does your cells.

Virgo stone for November: Lepidolite. Lepidolite is a powerful ally in emotional healing. It can help uncover and repair old wounds, and smoothe over frayed nerves, clearing the way to true acceptance.



You are being called to reassess where your center lies as you leave your birthday month and head toward the holidays, dear Libra. Temperance as a virtue calls for moderation, which is exactly what is needed to get into the more delicate alchemy of resetting our psychic equilibrium. Moderation in consumption, in the expenditure of physical energy, in the amount of work and of play we allow ourselves, in our sleep. Reigning in our habits gives us a closer look at what’s really going on underneath them. Are you really that busy at work or are you feeling inadequate and trying to prove yourself wrong? Did you really need that afternoon nap or would your body be better served with a brisk walk? Did you need to spend all day editing that presentation or did you really just need to trust yourself a bit more?

These are real questions. You might be that busy, need a nap, and benefit from a heavy handed edit. Take this month to find out. Temperance is of course also associated with abstaining from alcohol. If this rings bells in your head, go with it and give yourself a little break. Take this time to really get to know what makes you not just tick, but purr. It’s easy to fall into patterns without even knowing it and to keep on racing ahead without considering how these patterns effect our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Meditate on it it, journal about it, talk about it with your friends and loved ones. This is your time to take control of what has become automatic.

Libra stone for November: Scolecite. Scolecite carries a highly developed energy of inner peace and deep tranquility. It is an excellent stone for meditation and for feeling at one with the spirit world.


With Venus and Mercury shifting gears, and Halloween adding a heavy dose of magic, the 2018 Leo Waning Moon invites us to surrender to the mystery, and conjure connection with the invisible, says Jennifer Racioppi

jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world 2018 leo waning moon
Photo: Pierrick Van Troost

Waning Quarter Moon // October 31 2018 // 12.40pm ET // 8 degrees Leo

With the 2018 Leo Waning Moon happening on the day the veil between worlds is the thinnest, we can expect things to feel fun, with a heavy dose of spooky.

How apropos for the Scorpio Sun squaring playful Leo? Meanwhile, with Venus Retrograde still in full effect and simultaneously in direct opposition with Uranus, unleash your desire to change your identity (dress up anyone?) Enjoy the mysteriousness of the day … 


// The Cycle //
The 2018 Leo Waning Moon serves as the midpoint between the hunter Taurus Full Moon, and the upcoming Scorpio New Moon on November 7th. This critical turning point of the lunar cycle asks us to let go of what’s no longer working while simultaneously bringing outcomes to seeds planted with the August 2, 2016, Leo New Moon.

Check-in; what’s coming to fruition now that connects to dreams set in motion and actions taken then?


// The Transits //
With Venus retrograde moving into Libra, and Mercury moving into Sagittarius, our spiritual world may feel impacted. Especially with Venus opposing Uranus, an astrological configuration that often suggests a change in a relationship (perhaps even an ending).

Today’s transits ask you to go with the flow and roll with any abrupt switches in direction. Additionally, given that it’s Halloween, there’s real opportunity to connect with the other side via ceremony and prayer (and your inner witch).


// The Square //
With the Sun in sultry Scorpio squaring the Moon in light Leo, we have a classic case of water (Scorpio) vs. fire (Leo). While we all know that water can extinguish fire, let’s not forget that when the two combine we get steam, too.

My suggestion? Aim for steam. Lean into Leo’s natural optimism and ability to magnetize joy. Even with abrupt changes afoot, allow yourself to feel lighter through the release of what’s no longer relevant.


// The Opportunity //
Today offers the strong potential to conjure, create, and align, while paying homage to those who have passed away. Even with Venus opposing Uranus, a transit that connotes the need to release what’s no longer working, you can sincerely connect with your spiritual self.

If something, or someone, exits your life today, let it go! And allow the depth of who you are to shine through. Then enjoy the night of play!

Discover more about astrologer and success coach Jennifer Racioppi and her work HERE and follow her on Instagram.


Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with Sandy Sitron’s Numinous Weekly Horoscopes …

Numinous Horoscopes October 29 2018 Sandy Sitron

Scorpio // Scorpio Rising
A ball rolling down a hill. You’ve caught onto some momentum. It’s time to connect with the concept of flow. What does flow mean to you? When do you feel like it’s not just your energy pushing you forward? This concept can sink in on levels of mind, body, and emotions. You can feel it if you are open. And flow will take you in the right direction at the right place and time. With less effort. This is the way.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius // Sagittarius Rising
A tiny seedling grows in the dark forest, pushing out of the soil in the shadow of a leaf. Your growth is happening in a way that no one else can see. Do you know it? Like, really know it? Or are you hiding from the truth of it too? This is a time to celebrate the growth that you’ve achieved. Maybe you’ve been working against some tough odds. Or changing an old pattern. The change you’re creating is microscopic now, but it will continue to unfurl.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn // Capricorn Rising
Watching a movie. What messages are seeping into your psyche from the collective consciousness? You can be a passive observer, a receiver who just takes in any ideas that flow by. Or you can set up some boundaries about what media you will consume. Right now, it’s important for you to be the director, not the audience member. Be very intentional about your thoughts.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius // Aquarius Rising
A squirrel in a tree. At first glance, the squirrel may not seem like the most ambitious of creatures. But when winter comes and everyone else is either starving or sleeping, the squirrel is enjoying the fruits of its labors. So take notice. What have you built that you can benefit from now? What is the platform that you’re standing on? Put effort and attention into building up your career. At the same time, enjoy the connections and reputation you’ve already developed.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces // Pisces Rising
A message in a bottle travels by sea. It’s time to connect with your own inner truth. What is your message? You may need to do some travel or exploration so that you can open your mind. A different perspective can help illuminate different ideas. Go for a journey to find your message. It could be a journey through books, or in real life. Take this time to find out what makes you feel alive.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries // Aries Rising 
Getting dirt out of the cracks in the floor. Take all of your energy and direct it inward. What digging do you need to do to cleanse? You can’t just step over the mess anymore. It’s too obvious. This is a moment for less busyness and more investigation. What are the old feelings, lodged away in the cracks? These need to be dug up and felt fully. Get help with this, it’s a big emotional project.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus // Taurus Rising
The wheat grass and the grain. There’s a harvest taking place. Move through the tall grasses of your relationships. Separate out what really matters. Get clear. You need to communicate better. You need to share your truth in a diplomatic but firm way. As you harvest the grain of truth, you’ll become more and more familiar with what’s important to you when it comes to your relationships. That clarity will be easy to communicate.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini // Gemini Rising
Spoon feeding a baby. Your curiosity is a renewable gift that you can always give yourself. But right now, you need to settle in and slow down. Instead of bopping around with the energy of a pollinating bee, notice your more mundane routines and rhythms. Where do you need a little more repetition? How would more structure in your daily life serve you? Slowly feed yourself the meal, in a deliberate and steady way.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer // Cancer Rising
A carrot on a string. Have you been trying to push yourself forward, against your own will? If things are feeling like a lot of effort, take a step back. Throw away the carrot. You need to be propelled by a feeling of fun and enjoyment. Get yourself to a mental state of receptivity. It doesn’t have to be such a push. Allow the passion to be so intense that you’re actually inspired. What will inspire you right now?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo // Leo Rising
A whirling dervish. Let all of the emotions well up within you and then overflow. You can’t contain it, so express it instead. There’s gonna be a mess. You can’t do anything about the messiness. You need it so that you can thrive. Let this emotional mess feel like a true ecstatic dance. An overflowing that comes from your heart center and your connection with your higher self. That will feel good.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo // Virgo Rising
Rolling the dice. There are so many possible combinations. Get random. Just try things. If you can do this with a smile, you’ll end up with more variety in your life. The influx of new experiences and people can help you feel more engaged. But you have to take the first step. Randomly choose something to learn about, visit or talk to someone new. You might learn something.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra // Libra Rising
A litter of kittens. Those kittens don’t worry about how they are going to get fed or sheltered. They are simply supported by their mother, nurtured, and they grow. Think of how security and support may feel. Write about it, ease into the feeling of it. Maybe Mother Earth is like your mama cat, and she just naturally takes care of your every need. Allow yourself to receive the abundance that is truly all around you.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.


The Venus-ruled 2018 Taurus Full Moon wants us to open our hearts, forgive where possible, and find pleasure in the process of smoking out old patterns, says Sandy Sitron

The Numinous Taurus Full Moon 2018 Sandy Sitron
Photo: Idara Ekpoh

Full Moon :: October 24th, 2018 :: 12:47 pm EDT :: 1 degree Taurus

Two crows are silhouetted in the moon light. Are they fighting or are they dancing? As they peck at each other they each seem to vie for authority. But then suddenly, their heads and beaks curve toward each other to form a perfect heart shape.

On the 2018 Taurus Full Moon, the Scorpio Sun and the Taurus Moon face off. Not unlike the crows, these two luminaries are performing an ancient dance of tension. It’s hard to say if this is a dance of aggression, or a chance to settle into the peace and harmony of love.

Symbolically, the ancients believed the crow to be a harbinger of death. In more modern interpretations, the crow means change. Release, purging, letting go, metamorphosis and rebirth are all symbolic of the crow and also the sign of Scorpio. This season is urging you to molt and release.

In my vision, the crows are dance-fighting and forming a heart at the same moment. There may be moments during this Moon phase when you look at yourself or someone you’re close to as an enemy. If you misdirect your aggression it can leave you feeling hollow. Slow down. Pinpoint where resentment is rooted. This is a good time to forgive (if it’s safe) and let go. If you can open up your heart with self-awareness and acknowledge the true source of your pain, you’ll feel better.

Your knee-jerk reaction CAN be peace. Even if that’s not your usual speed, let this Moon teach you about patience. Taurus is the emotional style that we can emulate now. Taurus teaches us body-awareness, simplicity, appreciating beauty in all forms, patience, and slowing down.

Enjoy the present moment by noticing how your body feels as you move through your day. This practice will keep you grounded and centered. Maybe that feeling of centeredness will give you more space for love. Practice giving and receiving heart-to-heart hugs. Slow down when you eat. Sprinkle rose petals on your oatmeal. Investigate the patterns of bark on a tree.

Taurus is ruled by Venus, and this planet of love and peace features prominently in the Moon picture. She’s retrograde, so she’s calling on us to review our own personal love stories. Her retrograde cycle is drumming up issues of reciprocity and trust in relationships. Fun!

Plus, in this formation, she’s opposite the Moon as she cuddles the Sun in Scorpio. Maybe she’s saying, “Get pleasure from deep emotional catharsis and let that give you the stillness you need to be present in the moment.” Stay attuned to what you need to let go of. This mega-release will give you more space for Taurean peace and harmony.

The sky is filled with planets in fixed signs. We are collectively contacting the deep marrow of our lives, our relationships and our societies. We’re unearthing any rot in our foundations. The 2018 Taurus Full Moon is conjunct Uranus, the planet of change and revolution. We’re getting into the deep, old stuff now and blasting it open.

But there’s a lot of work to do and this change won’t happen overnight. We can chip away and make changes slowly. We can make time and space for each other.

With this fixed sign energy heightened, this is not a moment to flit around changing the channel and succumbing to the media cycle. Instead, we must dedicate our attention and continue to consistently raise awareness of the gunk that has got to go. Let the crows carry it all away. With a heart shape indicating Taurean love and peace, they have all the patience in the world to help us transmute our old pain.

The crow symbol can remind you that even with all of this purging and releasing— there’s magic around you. Take this time to honor the magic of Mother Earth, your body and the here and now. And notice the magic of the death and rebirth cycle. Ask yourself what you’re ready to let go of so that you can move into a new phase …


Moon opposite Venus
Knocking over a canoe. Everything is wet and soggy with this aspect, now that the canoe is knocked over. There may be some emotions flowing. Encourage that. You can let it all hang out. There’s no more need to try to be perfect or precise. Be as graceful as you can, but real too. Your challenge is to open up your heart, be vulnerable, and let yourself receive.


Moon trine Saturn
A club sandwich. That sandwich its stacked high and it has a nifty toothpick holding the whole thing together. And these layers of meat, bread and cheese are oh so real. What are you building that’s real? This aspect will help you find the organization and structure to make it happen. The sky is the limit.


Moon conjunct Uranus
Dragging your feet across shag carpeting and getting a shock of static electricity. A slight jolt is needed. This is time to change things up. Shock yourself into a new wavelength. Do it on purpose, as in the symbol. Put on big woolen socks and drag your feet along that olive green carpeting in Great Aunt Neecy’s living room before you touch the metal doorknob. It might hurt a little, but it might blow your mind and be hilarious too.


Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with Sandy Sitron’s Numinous Weekly Horoscopes …

ruby warrington sandra sitron sandy sitron the numinous material girl mystical world numinous weekly horoscopes october 22-28 2018 gabriel jimenez
Photo: Gabriel Jimenez


Scorpio // Scorpio Rising
Flipping through the pages of an old book. Review the history. Is what happened back then, the same thing that’s happening now? The current focus is on breaking into new relationship patterns. To do so, you’ll need to get very familiar with the architecture of those patterns. When it comes to your relationships, what cycles do you continue to repeat? Look at your record and then grab that book and start scribbling new pages. You can rewrite your story.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius // Sagittarius Rising
Rehearsing your lines. What if life is a rehearsal? When we feel like we need to perform, the ego gets all activated. If this is a rehearsal and we’re just practicing, we can dissolve some of our fears. Enjoy the practice. Take some of the pressure off yourself. You’re just doing the best you can with what you’ve got. Play and participate with a high level of engagement, but keep it light.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn // Capricorn Rising
A bloodhound on the trail. Discovery! What will bring you more love, more joy, more ease? Get on the trail. Visualize to manifest. You don’t have trudge through a monotonous daily existence. You can find a better way. Use your magnificent mind to help you track down and manifest a more joyful reality.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius // Aquarius Rising
Signing a peace agreement. Create your own ritual for peace. If there are people you want to make amends with, invite them to join you around the hearth fire and welcome them home. If there are parts of yourself you are warring against, organize a ceremony to honor them and create inner peace. When your inner world is harmonious, that energy will radiate outward rapidly.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces // Pisces Rising
A chemist jots down an equation. Before you can make something new, you need to get clear about your ideas. Take notes, brainstorm and double check your answers before you go into the lab. This is the time to think, study, read, learn, listen. Get the equation just right before you begin. Stimulate your mind so that new ideas can flow.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries // Aries Rising
Shoveling out a deep hole. It seems that you are about to plant a tree. There’s something you’ve been tending to that’s ready to receive more space and attention. Let the root system establish. With every effort you put in, you’ll feel more stable and secure. Stay focused and fixed on your goals. Consistency is key.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus // Taurus Rising
A bouquet of sunflowers. These flowers are unconventional, wild, and tangled. You don’t need to do anything but admire them. Admire the beauty that you are and that exists all around you. Slow down and see/feel/touch/taste beauty. Appreciate. This will raise your vibration and help you arrive at new conclusions that might just blow your mind.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini // Gemini Rising
Cupping your hands to catch the stream of water. Reach toward the emotional flow. Tenderly focus on your feelings. It’s easier to skip over them. But now is the time to sit with them and let them move. Get good at saying the name of each and every feeling as it flows pasts your consciousness. That’s all you have to do. Reach out a hand and make conscious contact with your emotions.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer // Cancer Rising
All of the ants work together in the ant hill. You don’t have to do anything alone. Why is that doing things alone seems so much easier? It wasn’t always this way for humans. Find your community. Collect your group and connect with others who have the same goals. It will feel so centering now. Collaboration just might be the answer for whatever is coming up.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo // Leo Rising
A bear in a circus. It’s time to perform. Is there something about performing that feels unnatural? Bears aren’t meant to perform. It’s humans who force them to. Are you feeling forced? For you, performing should feel like love. Like sharing your soul with the world. Notice what feels natural and what feels forced. Try to find inner peace so that you can shine your light.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo // Virgo Rising
Sewing a quilt. To sew a quilt, you need to have a plan. What is the end result you desire? Pause for a moment and connect with some goals. What is your mission statement for these goals— why do you want them? The more heartfelt your process, the better. A quilt is made up of many parts. Work incrementally toward these goals, paying attention to the details as you go.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra // Libra Rising
A camel’s humps. What emotions have you stored away, like water in a camel’s humps? Carrying water works for a camel, but holding on to old emotions will not work for you. If you stop to pay attention, you’ll likely notice the impact it’s having. The moment is prime for releasing and letting go. Don’t be embarrassed and don’t be too busy. Make time for your feelings.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.


The Knight of Pentacles invites us to slow our roll and let a powerful pause bring us into greater alignment, says Alisha Cigalotti


At the Capricorn Waxing Quarter Moon, step away from toxic dynamics and focus on what you need to fulfill your 2018 mission, says Jennier Racioppi

Capricorn Waxing Quarter Moon 2018 Jennifer Racioppi The Numinous astrology
Photo: Tiffany Combs

Waxing Quarter Moon // October 16 2018 // 2.01pm ET // 23 degrees Capricorn

The Capricorn Waxing Quarter Moon brings with it fierce medicine. With the Sun traveling through the last days of Libra, squaring the moon in the Cardinal earth sign of Capricorn, the cosmos is asking us to name our obstacles and make intelligent decisions.

With harvest season coming to an end and winter soon to set in, now is the time to surrender the dead weight, holding onto only that which remains vital to your mission.


The cycle
This Capricorn Waxing Quarter Moon sees us reach the halfway mark between the last New Moon in Libra, and the upcoming Full Moon in Taurus. Simultaneously, it reaches back to the first New Moon of 2018, which occurred on January 16th at 26 degrees of Capricorn, asking us to reevaluate goals we set right at the beginning of the year. With Samhain (Halloween) fast approaching, marking our descent into the darkness of winter, this waxing quarter moon commands us to take stock of how far we have come bringing these hopeful New Year’s intentions to fruition—and make any necessary adjustments.


The transits
With the sun at 23 degrees of Libra, the final degrees of this cardinal air sign, we reach the end of the Sun’s transit through the sign of balance, harmony, and justice. Simultaneously, Libra’s ruling planet Venus, currently in her retrograde cycle, conjoins Mercury in Scorpio, while squaring Mars in Aquarius.

This mashup of planetary energy encourages brave naming of truth. This is not the time to avoid or deny, but rather, boldly claim what YOU know as the truth. Fortunately, with these aspects, circumstances speak for themselves; especially with shadowy Pluto being needled into a big reveal by its square to sun, while conjoining the intuitive moon.


The square
With the Sun in Libra squaring the Moon and Pluto in Capricorn, this Waxing Quarter Moon asks you to take charge and move forward fearlessly. Any dysfunctional or toxic dynamics will be revealed for what they are, allowing you to disentangle yourself from the web of deception. The good news is that little guesswork will be needed as you walk towards the light. Trust that it’s safe to take things at face value and go with your instincts.


The opportunity 
In the words of Maya Angelou, “When someone tells you who they are, believe them.” With Venus Retrograde, the Sun and Moon squaring in Cardinal signs, while Pluto (the mistress of the underworld) is conjoining the Moon, now’s the time to break free from deception. Rather than letting things slide as you remain committed to someone’s “potential,” choose to fearlessly name and digest the truth instead, making decisions from a sober mindset.

Healthy new choices will stem from profound realizations during this Waxing Quarter Moon. With the mid-way point of the fall season so close we can taste it (hello pumpkin spice almond milk latte), seek to  ready yourself for the restorative tucking in of the coming winter months. Surrender anything (people, beliefs, situations) that feel toxic to you. Let go of the clutter in your home. Ready your mind, body, and spirit for the fullness of the winter months promise.

Meanwhile, as you look to the months ahead, ask yourself these questions:

-How has 2018 gone so far?
-What goals or intentions did I set with the first New Moon of the new year?
-What obstacles do I currently face in bringing my dream to fruition?
-How can I make the most of the time remaining this year to bring my dreams to reality?


Discover more about astrologer and success coach Jennifer Racioppi and her work HERE and follow her on Instagram.


The Sun invites us to welcome illumination, while protecting ourselves from the burn of over-exposure, says this month’s reader-in-residence Alisha Cigalotti


Intensified by powerhouse Pluto, the 2018 Libra New Moon wants us to sit with challenging emotions, tend to deep-rooted wounds, and embrace release through conscious healing, says Sandy Sitron

sandy sitron ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world 2018 libra new moon joren aranas
Photo: Joren Aranas

New Moon :: October 8, 2018 :: 11:47 pm ET :: 15 degrees Libra

A droplet of rain rolls slowly off a leaf and lands in the shadows below. The sun comes out and the leaf quickly dries. But the water that has pooled in the shadows remains.

The symbolism reads: just become a tiny puddle. Find your spot in the shade and wait. While you’re there, feel your feelings and heal.

This New Moon is in the sign of balance, and the Moon and Sun are making a square to Pluto, the planet that symbolizes grief, loss, letting go, healing the past, and rebirth. This is an emotional New Moon, but in air sign Libra, it’s an intellectual time as well. Tending to your feelings will help you make room for new ideas.

Letting yourself go through the phases of grief will support your ability to speak your mind, say what your boundaries are, and communicate diplomatically with those who have different viewpoints. This air sign New Moon can help you verbalize and communicate your emotions.

Because this is a New Moon, it’s a time of germination. A chance to plan the future. While you’re resting in your emotional puddle, tucked away in the shadows— pinpoint what you want. What are your intentions for fairness, harmony, balance, healthy relationships, and open communication?

The balance that is developing will feel like fresh air after a thunderstorm. But the first step is to slow down and sit quietly with what you’re feeling.

Remember that somewhere along the way, it’s important to face challenging emotions. The Plutonian wound is festering. This New Moon invites us to perform a sacred purge. The only way to move past this moment in history is to push right through. We must sit with the wounds. Let the emotions move. Let the emotions flow. Release. Burn it up. It will take time. This is a cathartic process of healthy release.

Heavy healing. We don’t always want to do it. But here we are, working with personal and collective wounds to move through and come out the other side. Pluto’s symbols are the Phoenix rising out of the ashes, the butterfly coming out of the cocoon and the snake shedding its skin. We can move through this phase with the resilience of a Phoenix, the grace of a butterfly, and the wisdom of a snake. The cycles continue and change is wonderful.

The heaviness of this moment will soon funnel into action and activism because of an upcoming t-square between Uranus (change), Mercury (clarity), and the North Node (purpose). So don’t worry, we won’t be sitting in the emotional muck for ever. But sitting here for now can help

Heal as deeply and powerfully as you can. Put your conscious attention on it. Ponder the parts of you that are triggered and asking for support. What kind of support do you need to rally, so that your inner child feels safe? Imagine your healing happening on a cellular level.

As this is an intention setting time, keep part of your vision trained on what you are creating. Mark some intentions. Visualize what you want to see when the healing is complete.


New Moon Trine Mars
A fire ball. An important part of this New Moon story is the energizing jolt that comes through its trine to Mars. Drive, enthusiasm, motivation. Where does this energy want to go? Let it help you integrate your healing and impassion your speech. Having energy can help you feel that you can get through whatever needs to be done. This aspect offers a dose of spirit.

New Moon square Pluto
Sharpening a stick until it becomes a spear. Getting yourself to sit down and do the work of emotional healing may be a challenge. The Moon and Pluto are square, which is an aspect that requires practice before it can be mastered. Repetitive, steady effort is required. Keep chipping away and soon the stick transforms. Eventually, you’ll break through into a new shape. Look at whatever is happening in your life and notice where persistence may be the answer.


Use the below journal questions to help you set intentions the 2018 Libra New Moon. Look for the house containing 15 degrees Libra in your chart for the most accurate insights. Don’t know your chart? You can enter your birth details HERE to calculate it for free.

Aries // Aries Rising // New Moon in the 7th house
“My most healing relationships allow me to …”

Taurus // Taurus Rising // New Moon in the 6th house
“I feel most joyfully productive when I …”

Gemini // Gemini Rising // New Moon in the 5th house
“I am falling in love with …”

Cancer // Cancer Rising // New Moon in the 4th house
“Truly caring for my self means …”

Leo // Leo Rising // New Moon in the 3rd house
“I can’t stop myself getting excited about …”

Virgo // Virgo Rising // New Moon in the 2nd house
“I understand my value in the world when I …”

Libra // Libra Rising // New Moon in the 1st house
“My confidence gets a boost whenever I …”

Scorpio // Scorpio Rising // New Moon in the 12th house
“I am taking the steps to seek closure with …”

Sagittarius // Sagittarius Rising // New Moon in the 11th house
“When I rise above the small stuff I see …”

Capricorn // Capricorn Rising // New Moon in the 10th house
“I feel most confident in my abilities when I …”

Aquarius // Aquarius Rising // New Moon in the 9th house
“My next big adventure will be …”

Pisces // Pisces Rising // New Moon in the 8th house
“A deeper level of intimacy requires me to …”


Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with Sandy Sitron’s Numinous Weekly Horoscopes …

sandy sitron sandra sitron ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world numinous weekly horoscopes 2018
Photo: Toby Wong

Libra // Libra Rising
A sundial. Get to where you want to go by being logical. Find a way to measure your progress. You don’t have to get bogged down by the details, but you do need to look at the facts. A sundial is a simple way to measure time. What are simple ways to measure your effort and your success? Take stock so that you can move forward more effectively.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio // Scorpio Rising
Making a nest. Go inward. It’s time to take a time-out. You could probably use a nap. Take a nap, but when you wake up, don’t run right back into the fray. You’ll find that you’re running on empty. Slow way down. Nap, read, journal, meditate. Just sit. Sit with all of the feelings. When you plug back into your normal life you’ll find that you have much more energy.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius // Sagittarius Rising
Spoonfuls of medicine. Give yourself your daily dose of positive thoughts. The medicine in the symbol represents a visionary thought. A magical thought that can change your reality. Use your mental power to create a wonderful world for yourself. What is your vision? Feed yourself the mental medicine every day.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn // Capricorn Rising
Horseshoes. The superstition states that it’s lucky to hang a horseshoe over a door. Iron is deemed magical because it can withstand fire. What is like iron in your life? How is your discipline? What are your boundaries? All of these strong structures will bring you luck. They will help you minimize effort and maximize results.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius // Aquarius Rising
Sewing clumsy stitches. At this moment it’s not so much about technique. Think of whatever is coming up in your life right now as your first draft. Piece together a pattern for a new outfit and try it on for size. After you’re sure you love it, you can make adjustments and then finalize your plan.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces // Pisces Rising
Journeying to new lands. What happens when you let go and move on? Possibilities open up. Letting go doesn’t have to be extreme– you don’t have to make big changes. But start with forgiveness. By forgiving yourself and others you open up space for prosperity. Set intentions to forgive.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries // Aries Rising
A match flame. When you spark, you become visible. The light becomes a beacon and you attract the moths. Light yourself up and notice who begins to orbit around your flame. There’s a chance for relationships and partnerships to become more defined. Begin the process by knowing yourself.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus // Taurus Rising
Jumping on a pogo stick. It’s time to focus on your health and wellness. When it comes to taking care of yourself, get into a rhythm. Balance and moderation are key. If you can make it fun, you’ll be able to maintain positive habits. How do you make it fun? Think about what you loved as a kid. Encourage yourself without criticism. You’ll find that with the right mindset, fun comes easily.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini // Gemini Rising
Flying close to the Sun. It’s time to get close to the Sun and experience success. Examine any fears that may linger around success. Icarus was instructed that flying close to the Sun was dangerous. But what’s been erased from the myth is that flying too close to the sea was dangerous too. We’re taught that success is more dangerous than failure. Is that the story you want to believe?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer // Cancer Rising
Feather beds. Comfort is important. When you are comfortable, you feel secure. Can you let yourself sink in to the metaphorical feather bed? Can you train yourself in relaxation? Survival instinct keeps us on our toes. Comfort opens up space for creativity. It’s a mindset more than anything else. Allow yourself to feel cozy, expansion will follow.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo // Leo Rising
A canary flies. The freedom that birds represent is profound. What if you could just jump up and fly out the window? How would your life seem different if you could do that? The message for now is to free yourself from old ways of thinking and get fresh perspective. The birds-eye view will open up new possibilities.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo // Virgo Rising
An umbrella shelters from most weather. You can’t plan for everything, but you can definitely be prepared. There are some practical things you can do right now to help yourself feel more secure and grounded. Do those things first. Don’t put them off any longer. Taking care of business will help you expand your sense of self-worth.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.


The 4 of Swords asks us to break the endless sweat cycle and take time for deep rest, says this month’s reader-in-residence, Alisha Cigalotti