Your Saturn sign and house placement shows where you have the biggest growth opportunities—and the rewards that await when you commit to doing your work. Read our total guide to your Saturn sign by Ruby Warrington and Bess Matassa … 

The Numinous guide to your Saturn Sign house placement birth chart Ruby Warrington Bess Matassa Astrology
Photo: Alora Griffiths

Through ice and wind and rain and worse, Saturn keeps on climbing. With structure and discipline, the zodiac’s high-achiever keeps focussed on the hard candy rewards that exist inside of difficulty, and the 24-karat diamonds that are ours to mine when we commit to doing the work that only we can do.

In our charts, our Saturn sign and / or house placement is a tender spot. Our Saturn sign reveals what we think we can’t, or won’t ever, get, and so we often turn away from it. We construct elaborate defenses, approaching a karmic journey of reckoning that asks for both our softness and our strength, with fear. But when we face—and embrace—our Saturn sign, we see that putting in the work to overcome this fear is ultimately in service of what we’re here to bring forward.

Our infamous Saturn Return, which happens once just before the age of 30 and a second time around 60 marks a concentrated moment for this labor of love. But our work with our Saturn sign truly lasts a lifetime. Our Saturn sign asks us to grow up, step up, and take responsibility for the work we have to do in this life; it invites us into the noble act of self-sacrifice; and it holds the key to our most lasting, and impactful achievements in both the personal and the public realms.

Think of Saturn as your personal trainer, pushing you to the limits of what you think you can take because it can envision the muscle that already exists beneath your skin. And also because you “paid” it to in a past life! Saturn also rules karmic justice, and the grueling routine it’s got you sweating through now is in service of putting right past wrongs.

With Saturn traveling through its native turf, Capricorn, from Dec 2017 through March 2020, the groundwork is being laid for us all to commit to a new course of astro action. Use the guide to each Saturn Sign below to help you navigate your lessons with both grit and grace.

Click HERE to do your chart for free and discover your Saturn sign—and read for both your Saturn sign AND the House that holds Saturn in your chart. ***Pro-tip: Scroll to the bottom for how Saturn’s 2018—2020 transit through Capricorn is impacting your Sun and Rising sign.

Want to learn how to read your own chart? One of Ruby’s astro mentors, Rebecca Gordon, is currently enrolling students for her 10-week Beginners Astrology Course. Sign-up is open through September 25 2018—click HERE for details and use the code “STAR” to get 20% off tuition!


Saturn Sign assignment: Leadership
This Saturn sign and / or placement is born to lead, but can burn out hard and fast when it doesn’t work to a structured plan. Aries impulsiveness often prefers to forego planning and teamwork, placing the emphasis on reaching the finish line fastest and, most importantly, FIRST, when the real rewards are in the experience gained along the way. Leaning into leadership means less competition and more collaboration; less “me first” and more “we win!”

Saturn Sign assignment: Receiving
This Saturn sign and / or placement asks you to summon the courage to truly taste, touch, and enjoy it all. What feels uncomfortable about laying back in a bed of roses to receive the treats you deserve? Where do you short circuit opportunities to truly claim your sense of self-worth? Start by feeling into your body’s beauty and impulses, and reach for what you crave without judgement. This placement is all about banishing scarcity mentality, and believing in the endless feast, and your rightful place at the table.

Saturn Sign assignment: Expression
This Saturn sign and / or placement has the potential to move worlds with its words, if it can only learn to trust that they won’t be manipulated and used against you. Speaking up can feel frightening, especially when it comes to expressing your most personal opinions and views—perhaps because a mean sibling or childhood frenemy used to tease or make fun of you. This Saturn sign asks you to push past irrational “monkey-mind” fears and open up. Practice with trusted companions who make you feel understood, then bring your words to the wider world.

Saturn Sign assignment: Feelings
With this Saturn sign and / or placement, issues of emotional security, shelter, and a sense of belonging come to the fore. How can you create a safe container to feel every last feel, without turning away from your tenderness? And how can you validate your own emotional experiences regardless of outside feedback? This placement asks you to become a hermit crab, carrying your home on your back and learning to hunker down with your own intuitive hits, no matter the storms.

Saturn Sign assignment: Ego
This Saturn sign and / or placement desires nothing more than to bask in the full beam of the spotlight, if it could only get over its fear of being seen. Do they really love me? Is the constant question circling, as a backdrop to the eternal creative drive of this Saturn. Your capacity for creative self-expression is second-to-none, as you strive to make your mark on the world in ways that are as entertaining and playful as they are meaningful. Learning to create for yourself first and foremost, the critics be damned, is your key to mastery.

Saturn Sign assignment: Critique
Beyond this Saturn sign and / or placement’s bouts of endless tweaking, analyzing, and refining, lies the potential to learn how to match the moment with the resources on hand, and relax into trusting your cycles. Whenever you feel yourself getting stuck in a staticky buzz of not-good-enoughs, step outside into the natural world. The plants and animals don’t editorialize on their own processes. They simply bloom and shed when the moment is right. Releasing into your own internal sense of right timing is your greatest lesson.

Saturn Sign assignment: Relationship
This Saturn sign and / or placement has some hardcore #relationshipgoals and yearns for partnerships that reflect its highest ideals. And then there is life in the real world, where people are not always the people we’d like them to be, and there are as many “let-downs” as there are love-ins. The work here is to learn to accept others as they are, and in doing so learn to love the parts of yourself that for whatever reason you may not be so willing to accept. Practice seeing others as a mirror, and when partnerships prove problematic, make it less about them and more about a lesson in give and take.

Saturn Sign assignment: Intimacy
This Saturn sign and / or placement beckons you into your own personal jungle, asking where you turn away from the darker shades of experience, and from your own desire nature. There’s a soul deep need here for radical acts of rawness, realness, and intimacy, coupled with feelings of fear that if you risk these kinds of carnal collisions, you’ll be stripped of your power and left with nothing. But Saturn in Scorpio asks you to brave sharing more of your vulnerability at all costs, and to let these gambles remind you that your unshakable core can never be stolen.

Saturn Sign assignment: Freedom
This Saturn sign and / or placement cannot stand to feel contained, and is called to cultivate a feeling of freedom in even the most staid scenarios. Sagittarius rules higher learning, and embarking on epic journeys of the mind can be one way to feed your wanderlust when your day-to-day feels uninspiringly small. A fear of being trapped can lead to irresponsible risk-taking, and a restlessness that leaves little room for leaving a lasting impact. Feed your wild ponies with nuggets of knowledge while you recommit, again and again, to hiking the mountain trail less travelled.

Saturn Sign assignment: Structure
In its native sign, Saturn sets out with a steely reserve, ready to flex its muscles and climb towards the skyscraper heights. And if you’ve got Saturn in Cap, by all means, embrace the ice rain challenges and boardroom dreams. But beneath it all, this placement is also about understanding the difference between status-quo ambition and soul goals. Settle into the structures that help you craft your most passionate visions, while making sure you embrace enough flow to truly celebrate the treats at the top of the mountain.

Saturn Sign assignment: Connection
This Saturn sign and / or placement understands on a cosmic level that we are all connected, yet can find it hard to translate this when it comes to flesh, blood, and feelings. You crave community, and yet issues with trust and always feeling like an “outsider” can prevent you from finding that village-like vibe. Seeking out groups who are connected by a common cause can be a way to meet like-minded individuals, all working to patchwork together a vision for society that makes space for everybody. Honoring your individual quirks as part of what makes you lovable is the inner work to focus on.

Saturn Sign assignment: Boundaries
Saturn in Pisces is like a well-worn seawall, attempting to create a container for its infinite swirls of emotion. And there are deep wells of feeling with this placement that can trigger fears about “losing” it in an Alice-In-Wonderland flood of tears. Yet your greatest gifts is your ability to sit with the fullest range of collective feeling, embracing every shade of sadness and joy with equal empathy. Feel into your intuitive “yes” and “nos,” and be ready to both build and tear down boundaries to meet each moment.



Saturn is currently moving through your 10th house of career and achievement. You’re being asked to think more like a boss and create a structure for your biggest ambitions.

As it moves through your 9th house of adventure and learning, Saturn is guiding you to deepen your understanding of the world so you can contribute something more meaningful.

Saturn in your 8th house of trust and intimacy is urging you to get okay with getting vulnerable, as you connect to your true desires and ask for them to be met.

This transit sees Saturn moving through your 7th house of relationships, as you’re asked to get serious about who you choose to nurture and share your world with. No more “takers” allowed.

Saturn is making its way through your 6th house of work and service, demanding that you put the absolute most into your day-to-day and cultivate healthy habits to keep you on track.

With Saturn transiting your 5th house of creative self-expression, now is the time to turn your passion project into a bona-fide business that can also pay your bills.

As Saturn moves through your 4th house of feelings, home, and security, your work is around creating a sense of personal safety—no matter how “scary” things seem in the outside world.

Saturn transiting your 3rd house of communication and ideas wants you to consider the impact of your words on the wider world, and adjust your message to match your impact.

This Saturn transit accents your materially-minded 2nd house. It’s time to get paid for the gifts you embody so effortlessly, it’s hard to believe you can charge for them.

With Saturn moving through your 1st house of self, this transit could feel like an extra Saturn return! Your work is to accept your lessons, and step gracefully into your next evolution.

Saturn in your 12th house of healing brings closure to a painful cycle. Commit to feeling it all and trust that confronting it fully is how you can finally move on.

Now is the time to work on building your community, as Saturn transits your 11th house of groups and team endeavors. Hold a high vision for what you can build together.


Want to learn how to read your own chart? One of Ruby’s astro mentors, Rebecca Gordon, is currently enrolling students for her 10-week Beginners Astrology Course. Sign-up is open through September 26 2018—click HERE for details and use the code “STAR” to get 20% off tuition!


Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with Sandy Sitron’s Numinous Weekly Horoscopes …

The Numinous weekly horoscopes September 10 2018 rain leaves Sandy Sitron
Photo: Ahmed Zayan

Virgo // Virgo Rising
A buffet. There are so many options on the table. There are multiple ways to turn. Be focused and singular. Look straight ahead and choose. And then move to the next option. Small bites. Clean, focused, in alignment. You can have a full plate if you take things one at a time.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra // Libra Rising
Galloping horses. They are running toward the stable. They are going home. There’s a momentum in place. All you have to do is let yourself be carried. Fall asleep on the horse’s back, dream and rest while you let this journey play out. Soon you’ll be standing on your own two feet and everything will be different.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio // Scorpio Rising
A spread of tarot cards. You pick the card and receive a message. There are messages swirling  around you. It’s time to find something that inspires you to move forward. Don’t go too fast and ignore the message. When you find the words or symbols that resonate with you, let them sink in.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius // Sagittarius Rising
Bumble bees buzzing around a hive. This is a busy time. It’s not just about you. There are many others working to get the job done. Find your rhythm and connect to others while you work. This is an important moment for you to be out in the world, buzzing around. You may find that your world expands and that you’re able to fly higher in your work. Stay curious.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn // Capricorn Rising
A strong exhale. Let go, release, exhale. Before you can connect to your inner strength and your values, you need to be centered and present in the moment. Let go of the swirl of thoughts and ideas. An exhale has the ability to calm down your brain. It signals relaxation on a physiological level. From a relaxed place you can find a higher vibration.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius // Aquarius Rising
A fan made of rainbow colors. There’s a spectrum of possibility. Let that be your salve if it feels like you’re about to get stuck. Choose new. Choose again. Choose now. Being present will help your relationships. Let go of the past and recognize that in this moment, there is always the chance to choose again. The wheel turns and life is always changing.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces // Pisces Rising
A handkerchief. Examine how you’ve traditionally done relationships. What was your old way of doing things? What will your new way be? A handkerchief is an old-fashioned tool that helps you work with the flow of your emotions. Maybe there are some traditions that can help you now in your relationships. And maybe some new patterns are necessary.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries // Aries Rising
A lion roars. There’s a fascination with breaking free. Can you jailbreak yourself from the responsibilities or routines that bind? Use your personal strength to stand up for yourself. But remember that you are the boss and you’re the only one who can change the way your life functions. You are in control. So make your experience the way you want it to be.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus // Taurus Rising
A butterfly meanders across the meadow. Embody gracefulness, as you always do. But fly. Explore. See what’s out there. See how far you can go. There are dreams to be dreamed and adventures to take. The only way they will be achievable is if you just flow with them instead of pushing. Decide on a small thing that will make you happy. Now meander in that direction.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini // Gemini Rising
Holding a cup with a straw. Take this opportunity to keep the world at bay. Create a feeling of intimacy, pull everything in closer. Stand closer to the people you love. Pull the blankets into a cozy safe barrier that helps you feel safe. This will help you connect to your feelings. Instead of an intense emotional experience, imagine yourself sipping emotions through a straw. It’s not an intense rush, its a steady flow.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer // Cancer Rising
A slice of pie. Find out what makes your heart sing. So many flavors of pies. So many options. You don’t need to do the same old thing. You don’t need to stick to the status quo. Find your sense of curiosity. Nothing is sweet when there is no excitement. This is the moment to look all around, sample a bit of everything and let your mind expand.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo // Leo Rising
A ferris wheel. When you get to the very top, there’s a feeling of exhilaration. So get there. Feel like you’re on top of the world, but also notice that there is no expansion without a sense of groundedness. The ferris wheel must have a steady base. Connect to your base and connect to your expansion. Make space for a little bit of both.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.


The 2018 Virgo New Moon invites us to attend to the divine details, relax into the deeper rhythms of change, and honor ourselves so we can better serve the world, says Sandy Sitron

Virgo New Moon 2018 The Numinous Sandy Sitron
Photo: Th Anh

New Moon :: September 9 2018 :: 2:02 pm ET :: 17 degrees Virgo

When we live life through the filter of Virgo, we learn that many small parts make up the whole. Here is a platter of tiny take-aways. Spoon-fed digestible bites …

The sun glints off the handle of a metal walking stick. 

Take pride. Stand up straight. Embody your solar fire and stay in movement. Your assertive and incessant motion will help you spiral around the mountain, straight to the top. This is the season of service. Although you are able to be of service, you mustn’t be bashful. You are here to share your offering at the altar.

What is the altar that you are currently tending? To be able to tend to the altar, you must honor yourself and have pride. Do the work you are here to do and stand tall.

A hidden metronome.
At this moon you can time your life to a hidden metronome. Even if the patterns and cycles are changing around you, there is a deeper rhythm. Connect to it. The trees can be your guides.

Everything is changing and you are making adjustments. But below this reality there is a steadiness. The seasons always return.

Handfuls of walnuts.
Walnut halves look like lungs. Breathe in and breath out. The focus is on health and nurturance. What small thing can you do about your daily routine?

Honor yourself. Do good, healthy things for yourself. Self-care will become magnified because of the Moon’s sextile to Jupiter. Your ability to be of service expands because of the practical and caring actions that you take.

Virgo season is all about the details. The squirrel is obsessed with every tiny nut. But the squirrel would die without also preparing for the winter. Find the larger cycle. Connect to the big picture. Zoom in and zoom out. Use your sixth sense to tune into what’s really important.


Moon opposite Neptune
Eating flowers. 

This is a moment to draw a straight line between your daily work and your dreams. What will help you can bring these two things closer together? Eating flowers still seems like a magical thing. A thing that you shouldn’t be able to do. But you can. You can feed yourself on beauty. Your everyday world can be sustained by magic. You just have to synthesize.

Moon sextile Jupiter
Honey pots. 

Mmmm … can’t get enough of this sweetness. The potential to magnify and attract abundance is present. This sextile can help you transcend. Open your heart to everything that’s possible. Open yourself to how you want to feel. Because the moon is in Virgo, focus on self-care and organization. This will put you in a positive mindset and raise your vibration. Expansive results will follow.

Moon trine Pluto
Converting your engine to run on vegetable oil. 

There’s a transformation on deck. Can it be sustainable? Can it make your world a better place? This is a supportive aspect between Pluto, the planet of deeply fixed emotional patterns, and the Moon, the signifier of your emotional flow and emotional intelligence. These two in harmony can help you cry the tears that got stuck in the past. They can be midwives of catharsis. Bathe in their supportive waters. Cleanse and change your patterns. Upgrade.


Use the below journal questions to help you journey deeper into the 2018 Virgo New Moon. Look for the house containing 17 degrees Virgo in your chart for the most accurate insights. Don’t know your chart? You can enter your birth details HERE to calculate it for free.

Aries // Aries Rising // New Moon in the 6th house
What will help you harness your schedule?

Taurus // Taurus Rising // New Moon in the 5th house
How will you illuminate pleasure in your lfie?

Gemini // Gemini Rising // New Moon in the 4th house
What does your heart need?

Cancer // Cancer Rising // New Moon in the 3rd house 
Who thinks differently from you? What can you learn from them?

Leo // Leo Rising // New Moon in the 2nd house 
What makes you feel safe?

Virgo // Virgo Rising // New Moon in the 1st house 
What are you ready for now?

Libra // Libra Rising // New Moon in the 12th house
What do you want to feel hopeful about?

Scorpio // Scorpio Rising // New Moon in the 11th house 
What would you like to dream into reality?

Sagittarius // Sagittarius Rising // New Moon in the 10th house 
How can you celebrate how far you’ve come?

Capricorn // Capricorn Rising // New Moon in the 9th house 
What would exploration offer you now?

Aquarius // Aquarius Rising // New Moon in the 8th house 
What will help you tune into your emotions?

Pisces // Pisces Rising // New Moon in the 7th house 
What needs to be said?


The 9 of Swords invites us to face our shadow work and let it lead us towards the light of non-judgement, says this month’s reader-in-residence, Mademoiselle DanielleCast using the Dark Days Tarot by Wren McCurdo


A former social media “comment crusader,” diversity and inclusion specialist Aaron Rose is committed to moving beyond the “us vs. them” callout culture. PLUS Aaron shares 7 ways to upgrade your spiritual activism by choosing connection and compassion over fear …

AAron Rose Spiritual Activism trans diversity coach The Numinous
Photo: Alberto Vasari

With 15 years working as a facilitator, educator, and consultant in the field of “Diversity & Inclusion,” my overarching mission is to heal our world’s generational patterns of separation so that we can all thrive as our authentic selves. Though always important, this work has of course taken on even more urgency in the escalating polarization following the 2016 election.

But in the last few years I have had to rethink some of how I was originally trained to approach this work. Namely, that relying on a callout culture of shame and dehumanization—however subtle or justified—as motivating tools of change, will never resolve the isolation and exclusion we ultimately seek to address.

Historically, my work focused on explaining the history of institutionalized oppression and practicing “dos and don’ts” for interacting with different groups. The premise—albeit often unspoken—was that we were there to help the privileged people understand how to treat the marginalized people better. Many people did indeed leave feeling more informed and better prepared to work with people different from themselves. However, when others would express feeling upset, confused, or silenced, I knew something was missing.

Many of my colleagues wrote this off as collateral damage—some people would just never get it, they said. And if a white man left feeling upset, maybe that was a good thing, because lots of people have been upset for a long time. I understood the logic, but this theory of social change felt incomplete to me. It’s a dynamic that has become all too familiar in social media interactions in which people are called out for offensive or exclusionary behavior and summarily “canceled” or rejected without any space for recourse or repair.

Back then, my life mirrored my work. I genuinely saw light and potential in everyone—and wanted to help us all understand each other better. But, truthfully, I usually meant, you (a person with historically more access and power than most) needed to understand me (a trans and queer person with experiences of violence and marginalization).

My approach was that of a pretty typical East Coast liberal. I would passionately launch into Facebook comment monologues, determined to get people to understand how they were hurting others, while distancing myself from people based on their presumably more privileged identities. My tone was condescending at best, and vitriolic at worst. I wanted people to understand the harm they were doing, and I wanted it to stop. Now.

Deep down, I, like so many others, felt scared and misunderstood. In most of the jobs I’d had as a young adult, I’d experienced harassment and discrimination—from prying questions about my transgender identity, to constant misgendering, to sexual harassment and violence—and the pain of my own marginalization kept me in a defensive stance.

I was quick to judge people’s politics, and even quicker to let them know about it—when separated by a screen and a keyboard. In most cases, there was little hope for redemption once someone had acted in a way I deemed oppressive, racist, heterosexist, transphobic, or more. But for all my accusations of division and dehumanization, I too was compartmentalizing people, saying things like “I could never be real friends with a straight guy … he just wouldn’t get me.” It hadn’t occurred to me yet that maybe I didn’t really get him either. I had never thought to ask.

While doing the work of humanizing historically excluded minorities, I had been unwittingly dehumanizing others. It seemed natural to view my work as an us vs. them quest to change some people’s minds on behalf of others. But I’ve come to understand that this approach will only continue to amplify the feeling of uneasy disconnection that characterizes so much of modern life, particularly online: the fear of being judged, the fear of being harmed, the fear that saying the wrong thing will result in excommunication.

The work that many pioneering LGBTQ people, people of color, women, and other historically marginalized people have done to legitimize the acknowledgement of our individual pain and institutionalized discrimination is important and invaluable. That kind of self-expression and community accountability is indispensable. But if simply being able to recite our personal and collective histories of oppression back and forth to one another with flawless terminology was going to create true progress, we would not be in our current accelerating state of political polarization and identity-based isolation. If we truly want a more just and connected world, we all have to go a step further.

Today, I no longer take to social media with fear and contempt to catalogue the ways in which others are letting me down. I’ve shifted my focus from what we’re tearing down to an approach that does not calcify divisions but instead catalyzes connection. This does not mean releasing people from accountability or never speaking up against injustice. It simply means setting the intention to treat no human being as if they are disposable, even if they are failing to honor our humanity. It means creating the conditions in which we can, as adrienne maree brown writes, “default to trust on a community level.”

Below, I share 7 ways we can be stewards of this paradigm shift:

Aaron Rose Spiritual Activism trans diversity coach The Numinous
Photo: Gwendolyn Rodriguez

1// Heal yourself to heal the world. Your work starts with you – owning your story, and releasing the blocks that stand between you and truly recognizing yourself in another. Regardless of your identities, our conditioned social autopilot reinforces the idea that connecting with people from different backgrounds puts us at risk in some way. For those of us (read: all of us!) who have felt minimized or unsafe because of who we are, leaning into even more discomfort can feel scary. But the more we connect with our own sense of humanity, the more we can extend that to others.

**Action Step: Take some time to meditate on welcoming feelings of safety. The more you cultivate a feeling of security within yourself, the more you will be able to welcome others into your world. You are safe, you are resilient, you are here to thrive and make space for others do the same. This meditation is one of my favorites. You can also check out my meditation series here.


2// Redefine how you love. We are all called to love each other now as if our lives depended on it. Because they do. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke often about agape love as the driving force behind all his work. He said, “And this is what Jesus means … when he says, ‘Love your enemy.’ And it’s significant that he does not say, ‘Like your enemy’ … There are a lot of people that I find it difficult to like. I don’t like what they do to me. I don’t like what they say about me and other people … But Jesus says love them. And love is greater than like. Love is understanding, redemptive goodwill for all men, so that you love everybody, because God loves them.”

**Action Step: Practice silently blessing every person you encounter and wishing them peace and happiness. Your world will begin to transform before your eyes, from the inside out.


3// Meditate for real. Meditation creates space between external stimuli and our responses, allowing us to act as we choose, versus on autopilot. In the same way that  we cannot change our world unless we face the truth of it, we cannot embody a new energy of love unless we retrain our nervous systems. Meditation is the path to this change.

**Action Step: Practice the Buddhist metta, or loving kindness, meditation. A common mantra is: May you be happy, May you be healthy, May you be safe, May you live a life of peace. Extend this blessing first to yourself, then to those you love, then to the world around you, and finally to the people who you find it hardest to love. This practice is a gift you can give yourself anywhere, anytime.


4// Know our history, know yourself. We make it a lot easier for others to trust us and give us room to grow when we show up fully. In the context of identity and social change, this means understanding our world’s historical patterns of exclusion and violence. Acknowledge your part and make amends, for yourself as well as your ancestors. Understand both your access and power, as well as your history of pain and struggle. Recognize that we all have inherent biases, and be prepared to acknowledge them as they surface. Learn bystander intervention protocol and be ready for action.

**Action Step: What are your identities? Where do you fall toward the margins and where do you have more access? Explore Kimberle Crenshaw’s work on intersectionality to develop a deeper understanding of how our combination of identities shape our experience of the world.


5// Release perfection, embrace integrity. We will all make mistakes along the way. Doing this work is about integrity: staying in alignment with your values and maintaining your sense of wholeness in the process. No one comes from the same perspective, and many of us do not have an academic foundation in theories of oppression and liberation. Despite our commitment to love, none of us will have the perfect word every time.

**Action Step: How will you respond when you or someone else messes up? What are your go-to phrases for communicating when a boundary has been crossed? How will you apologize and repair? Practicing ahead of time allows our brains to find the right words when our bodies are in fight or flight.


6// Reframe callouts as opportunities for connection. When someone tells you your words were offensive, it’s easy to get defensive and push back. And to build a culture where everyone can thrive, we need to reframe how we perceive negative feedback. Humans don’t often take the time to let somebody know they feel hurt unless some part of us cares about being understood by the person who hurt us. Framed this way, each callout is a gift in service of our collective healing and evolution. Show the same investment in the connection by showing up to learn and repair together.

**Action Step: Practice responding to call-outs with grace and integrity. Pick your go-to phrases. Some options: “Thank you for letting me know how my words impacted you. I’m committed to building a community where everyone feels welcome.” “I hear what you’re saying and I will shift my words in the future. I’m sorry I used that hurtful language.” P.S. You really have to mean it, so align your energy with your words before pressing “share.”


7// Redefine the personal vs. political binary. Who actually benefits from the idea that there is a difference between the personal and political? Certainly not you and me. Taking responsibility for caring for all life on Earth is the most profound investment we can make in our own self-care.

Action Step: How can you realign what is best for you as being what is best for all sentient beings? For example, is your meditation or intention-setting practice exclusively about your individual life? Set intentions not only for personal wealth and happiness, but for white people’s capacity to release our dependency on white supremacy, for example. For the renewing of our healthy relationship with planet Earth. For men’s commitment to repairing the wounds of the patriarchy. And for ongoing guidance about your role within the larger process. The support is there. You need only to tap in and ask.


Aaron Rose is a writer, speaker, and diversity & inclusion coach. In his spare time you can find him waxing poetic about quantum physics, boy bands, and healing intergenerational trauma. Follow Aaron online at @aaronxrose and learn more about his work, including his upcoming healthy masculinity intensive for conscious men, at


Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with Sandy Sitron’s Numinous Weekly Horoscopes …

Numinous weekly horoscopes Sandy Sitron September 3 2018 Crystal points
Photo: Carole Smile

Virgo // Virgo Rising
Making a campfire. Put your body into the work. The more active you can be, the more you’ll ease your mind. Look at what you can build. A campfire symbolizes focused energy to nurture and sustain. Build something practical for yourself and others. Keep your hands busy. Focus on action.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra // Libra Rising
A caterpillar makes its way across the forest floor. There are many moving parts. Before you can transform, you must spend time on the ground. Think of where you are as one leg of the journey. The goal is transformation. Soon you’ll become the butterfly. For now raise your awareness of yourself and keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio // Scorpio Rising
A group of crystal points. You can be strong, you can be sharp and you can transcend. Become more clear and directed. You have friends who can help you see your true self. Surround yourself with people who lift you up. Put the pieces in place that will help you catch hold of your new vision. Capture the higher vibration.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius // Sagittarius Rising
A large wave. Is it a tidal wave or is it all the momentum that you’ve been building? You can interpret the current energy as something that’s about to take you under, or exactly what you’ve wished for. It’s your choice. Let the waves flow. Welcome any adjustments that need to be made. Take the opportunity to feel like you’re on top of the world.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn // Capricorn Rising
A rainbow stretches across the sky. There’s a new destination appearing. It’s not easy to map. It might be something that is more philosophical than real. It’s your pot of gold. The values and inspirations that keep you going, even when rain clouds gather. Stay focused on your highest ideals and everything else will fall into place.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius // Aquarius Rising
A spear. You fly through the air like a spear and you land directly in the heart of the matter. You don’t want to miss your mark. You want to go into the center of what’s important. There’s no time for small talk. Drive straight into the heart, the center of emotion and love. Describe your real emotions so that you create intimacy.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces // Pisces Rising
The shadow of giant wings. There is a glimmer of a higher perspective. It’s possible to take flight. Lift your mindset and arrive at a more logical, objective and diplomatic way of thinking. Alternatively, this symbol can also represent a feeling of being hunted. Are you giving your power away? You don’t have to be the prey, but you don’t have to be the hunter either. It’s time to work equally and together.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries // Aries Rising
A horse and carriage racing at top speed. If you have a moment to catch your breath, pause and look at how much ground you’ve already covered. You’ve gotten a lot done. But now there are more details to attend to. Work and take action. Move quickly. Get the details all sorted out. The more you can achieve, the more you’ll feel like you’ve gotten ahead. Just make sure to take breaks and drink water.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus // Taurus Rising
Looking through a telescope. You can examine yourself with an imaginary telescope. Focus and magnify. See yourself in the brightest possible light, taking up space. Shine bright. Be creative and have fun. You can share your grand vision with the world. Turn the dial of the telescope so that your image of yourself becomes bigger.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini // Gemini Rising
Garden herbs. Sustenance and medicine all at once. Go into the garden of your soul and see what you’ve been cultivating. Do you have any medicine for yourself? Do you have any food for your inner child? Growing plants from seed takes time, attention and resources. Give yourself time, attention and resources. This is a moment for healing.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer // Cancer Rising
Wearing a crown. It’s time to become informed. You can be the one who has the pertinent information. The leader must know what’s going on. You must have the overview so that you can make important decisions. Gather as much information as you can. Think about things from many different perspectives. Ask questions and decide.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo // Leo Rising
Going into a hole in the ground. Go underground. Examine your roots. Find out what would help you feel stronger and more secure. From a solid footing, you can expand. Now is the time to examine your security and your support system. Remember your resources. Be practical. Connect with the Earth and get grounded.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.


Dive into this month’s medicine for your sign with our Numinous Tarotscopes September 2018, cast by Melinda Lee HolmArtwork: Devany Amber Wolfe

melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world the numinous tarotscopes september 2018 devany amber wolfe she wolfe tarot serpentfire tarot the hermit
The Hermit Card, She Wolfe TarotRuled by Virgo, the Hermit gifts us the power of taking a precious pause and finding deep retreat during this current astrological season, regardless of our sign.

Knight of Swords

Happy Solar Return, Virgo! You’ve got a lot to say this month, both internally and to the world! The Fire of conviction is burning within, bubbling your emotions to a fever pitch and compelling you to let it all out. The Knights are passionate, at times to the point of being impulsive. And with your ruling planet of Mercury, planet of communication, entering your sign on the 19th, you should be positively effervescent in your expression. Allow your thoughts and words to flow freely and openly, just make sure you maintain your connection to the heavier elements of Earth and Water to mitigate any sharp edges that may come as an unintended outcome of such fast-paced intellectual outpouring. The last thing you want is a lesson in the potential of wounding inherent in the suit of Swords.

And while we’re talking about the power of Air, I’d be horribly negligent if I didn’t take this opportunity to remind you that all words are magic words, so choose them wisely even as you race to keep up with the speed of your thoughts. This is an excellent time for you to focus on making some adjustments to patterns of speech and mental frameworks to make them support your goals more strongly. Talk a lot about how much you hate your boss? Replace that with a statement about how much you look forward to the day when you have a boss you admire or when you are your own boss. Lather, rinse, repeat. Make your birthday gift to yourself a whole new set of spells that call in the experience of life you desire.

Virgo stone for September: Blue Lace Agate gently opens perception to allow access to both see and communicate truth, both inwardly and outwardly, deepening compassion for self and others.


Eight of Cups

After all the building and planning and making and growing of your life these past few months, you’ve got a little time to settle into how all of this impacts your emotional life, Libra. Change, even the most exciting and hoped for change, is stressful to our bodies – spiritual, emotional, and physical. Once we settle into the new structure of routines and habits, we need to take time to focus on how to best structure our emotional lives to ensure we can maintain a good relationship with our new circumstances. Water is one of the heavy elements. It can take some time to catch up once Fire and Air settle down and things start to feel routine again. Listen to your heart and give it time to express what it needs to stay full and bright.

I’m sure you have a LOT to do this month, Libra. There’s no way you came out of an Emperor month feeling like you’ve got loads of spare time on your hands. You can still carve out a little bit every week – bonus points for every day – to experiement with adding little things to your routine to help maintain a lasting emotional stability. Maybe daily affirmations are your thing, maybe a cup of chamomile tea before bed calms you like nothing else, maybe you need to schedule in time to read or paint or write or sing – whatever it is, take the time now to figure it out and start building the habits. Your long-term happiness depends on it.

Libra stone for September: Emerald cleanses and energizes the heart physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It is an excellent stone for all aspects of heart health and emotional development.

melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world the numinous tarotscopes september 2018 devany amber wolfe she wolfe tarot serpentfire tarot eight of cups 8 of cups
She Wolfe Tarot


Knight of Wands

Well, Scorpio, I hope you spent last month digging DEEP into that Seven of Cups energy! If you did, and you got very clear about what your heart truly desires, you have an incredible opportunity to throw yourself into getting it this month with everything you’ve got. Knight of Wands is the Fire of Fire of the Tarot family, gifting us with an almost superhuman level of energy, drive, and animal instinct that is essential for going after something big, something we maybe didn’t even think we were allowed to wish for. What is it that is gnawing at your gut instinct as you read these words, urging you to pull the thread? What deeply held desire has gone neglected for too long?

I cannot overstate the importance of seizing this moment, Scorpio. Fire of Fire burns powerfully bright, but it cannot sustain itself for long. These moments are gifts and it is our choice to be gracious receivers or to deny the gift out of fear, humility, or even laziness. Resist the urge to linger too long in the depths, questioning your emotional response. This is the time to embrace that Scorpionic connection to the wisdom of Death and release any lingering doubts that are holding you back. Your soul’s passion is begging to be let loose to lead you to a time of renewed conviction that you alone have the power to make your dreams come true. Heed the call and stoke the flames. This month is a sprint. Make it count.

Scorpio stone for September: Ruby is the stone of passion. It infuses the energetic body with the courage and strength needed to follow your true path and pursue your highest aspirations with optimism.


The High Priestess

This month will be spent getting your temple in order in preparation for the coming harvest season, Sagittarius, and I have a hunch you’ll be looking at quite a bounty. The High Priestess does not show up for the small stuff. When she comes knocking – or, better put, when you receive her invitation to knock on her temple door – it is an indication that something big is underway. You’re now being gifted the ability to carve out a little world of your own, a temple, to make it sacred, apart from space and time, and to travel effortlessly between your personal sanctum and the outside world. It’s perfect work for this time of year, a sort of spiritual nesting as we approach the Autumnal Equinox.

This month, I want you to point that gorgeous idealistic gaze directly at your home enviroment. What household cleanups, repairs, or projects have gone undone for too long? Is there any way you can make your physical surroundings more comfortable, more suited to you? It is difficult to sink into the deeper spiritual work when nagging material world concerns populate your temple space. If you can’t get everything done, designate a specific area and get it cleared out and leveled up. Populate it with trinkets, and magickal items to elevate your devotional practice. Allow your temple to be the mirror that see your true image reflected in. When you do, the distorted image you see relected in our imperfect society will fall to the background, allowing you to fully embody your innate Divine form.

Sagittarius stone for September: Moonstone heightens intuition, introspection, and protection of individuality. It helps us to maintain control of our personal temples of home, body, and spirit.


Five of Swords

Dear Capricorn, I would like to invite you to enjoy a quiet month filled with nourishing food, plenty of rest, and loving, supportive friends. Generally speaking, you are transitioning from achievement to chaos in the realm of Air. This is not a time for big ideas or attempts to talk or think through really anything of great importance. When this anarchic breeze blows in, it’s best to keep your head down, put one foot in front of the other, and stay on the path you know best – and enjoy it! It’s rare that we are called on to do less, to take a break in any area of life and just rest and be. Let this month act as cosmic pause button on all the things you believe you have to “figure out” in order to move forward.

So, what can you do when you can’t use that seductive power of Air to run your life? You get down with the other elements, especially Earth and Water. This should be music to your ears, my cardinal Earth sign darling. Dig your heels in, don’t do anything you don’t feel like doing (within reason, of course), and feel absolutely no pressure to explain yourself. The message probably wouldn’t come across as intended anyway. Channel your inner luxurious recluse. Spend a day alone at the spa, see a matinee, take a long hike in the woods. Whatever makes you feel like your heart is taking the lead and reinforces your connection to the Earth under your feet.

Capricorn stone for September: Smoky Quartz carries the gravity of our planet in energetic form. It connects us to ourselves and the Earth, helping us to feel grounded as it gently pulls psychic static from our field.

melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world the numinous tarotscopes september 2018 devany amber wolfe she wolfe tarot serpentfire tarot five of swords 5 of swords
She Wolfe Tarot


Seven of Crystals

I suspect you may be feeling a little impatient about seeing actual results from the work you did last month, Aquarius, and I’m here to talk you down with my dear friend the Seven of Crystals. Sevens ask us to find where we are doubting ourselves, the Universe, or both in their elemental realm, and here we are looking to weed those pesky doubts out of the Earth. Anxieties about whether our work is paying off in tangible ways is common and understandable. Earth is the slowest moving element. We spend most of our time in the lighter elements, dreaming up ideas, taking action to bring them to life, and then we have to wait for their manifestation in the material plane to take form.

Rest assured, Aquarius, your work has not been for nothing. The seeds you planted are quietly and resolutely outgrowing their outer husks and making their way to the surface where they will begin their journey toward the Sun. I know this is a jarring and potentially frustrating change of pace. When you find yourself antsy for something to do, some action to take, water the seeds. Love them, care for them, pour your heart out and offer it up to their growth and development. And when you come up against that nagging anxiety in the back of your mind, the voice that tells you that you are wasting your time, that you can’t make it work, that it was a dumb idea anyway – love that voice too. Soothe it and put it to bed.

Aquarius stone for September: Howlite relieves stress and opens connection to the eternal Divine. It brings an atmosphere of acceptance and contentment with one’s circumstances and surroundings.


Four of Swords

Now that your heart has been thoroughly rinsed and renewed, Pisces, it’s time for a little check in on how your views and thoughts meld with how you live and communicate day to day. Periodic assesments of whether our head is in alignment with our heart are essential for finding stability in the realm of Air, that lightest and most difficult to contain of elements. Lightness is a great place to focus – this can be a gentle and enjoyable experience. No need to get into judgment or mourning of things, ideas, or patterns that no longer serve your highest goals. This is simply an opportunity to gently sift through the contents of your mind and to let anything heavy fall away.

I strongly suggest you not make any big life changes this month. There can be a strong urge to make bold moves when we first realize that something is not in alignment with the life we seek to live. It is intoxicating to step into your own power of clear sight. However, this energy is with you all month long. Things can shift around quite a bit in that time. Plus, this whole operation is more about your internal intellectual framework and how you present that framework to the world than it is about the container of your life. If you already had a change in job, living situation, or relationship in the works, that is another story. But resist taking action on an internal shift that comes up this month. Stay the course and let it all unfold.

Pisces stone for September: Fluorite is a stone of insight through clarity. It helps to clear the mind, allowing for greater focus and decision making, and opening the door to the wisdom of the higher self.


Page of Wands

Ok, Aries, what did you learn last month about the power of your own instinctual knowing and ability to create? What conclusions did you come to about how to best use this power, its potential, or your relationship to it? Any hard and fast rules you came across? Any nuggets of eternal wisdom to frame your personal gift with Fire? Throw them out. All of them. Or rather set them aside, locked away for safe keeping. You won’t be needing them for now. The Page is here to disrupt anything you thought you knew about Elemental Fire and to open new doors of exploration and experimentation in this realm of action, magic, and creation. Cleanse that magic wand, clear yourself of all expectations, and get ready to play.

Welcome this energy with open arms and this can be a wonderful month of expansion. Dig in your heels and you’re likely to have a frustrating four weeks ahead of you! Think of it this way – you don’t have to be married to any of these new ways of handling your native element that come up. You’re not signing any contracts or setting anything in stone. This is simply a time to be open, to say yes. Pages represent the Earth of the Tarot court, they bring us back down to basics, slow us down, give us time and space to explore in an energetically safe environment. It is a beautiful gift to step into the shoes of the novice. Accept it graciously and use it wisely.

Aries stone for September: Honey Calcite inspires action and dedication while maintaining a light-hearted atmosphere. It provides the perseverance needed to make a creative spark become a full blazing fire


Eight of Crystals

My dearest Earth child, here we are again. This time focusing on building a beautiful, lasting stability in your material world. After the refining moment of the Ace last month, you’re in a great position to work with this energy. Thinking about everything that came up regarding your home life, your physical surroundings, your feeling grounded (or ungrounded), your method of interacting with our society’s version of the currency of Earth – money, find what feels like home to you. Dig deep into the ground beneath your feet and find exactly what it is that keeps you stable. We live in a time when many of us have more options than we ever have before. It can be overwhelming. Now is the time to whittle your life down to the essentials that will serve you best in the long term.

Finding this type of stability requires us to seek and confront our true nature, our deepest core of Self, that eternal piece that holds us steady while our bodies and circumstances shift around us. This is soul work, Taurus, pure and simple. Your inherent desire for security and predictability in your surroundings is essential to your nature. You are being called to step into alignment with this aspect of your Self, to ensure that you are nuturing this need for many years to come. This doesn’t have to be difficult. It could be as simple as finally acknowledging that you like to always have fresh flowers in the house and committing to make that happen. Find your Earthly bliss!

Taurus stone for September: Danburite connects the heart to spirit realm, bringing the calming and loving energy of the Divine down into our daily lives, calming and reassuring us in our Earthly pursuits.


Queen of Cups

Get ready for a month of nurturing and emotional excavation, Gemini, all courtesy of your inner mother. The Queen of Cups is here to lead you by the hand to a safe place where you can step outside of yourself to be the loving caretaker you have been waiting for. I have a strong suspicion that taking inventory of your internal communications last month dredged up more than a few emotional rough spots. As we pass from Summer into Fall, you have the opportunity to mend your bruised heart in ways you have never been able to before – or more likely, ways you didn’t even know you needed. This is excellent timing. When the seasons tip and we begin to head toward the nesting of winter, you will be in great shape to move from damage repair into some more forward moving modes of development.

Spend time alone this month, but try to keep it purposeful, rejuvenating even. No wallowing. The Queen of Cups encourages deep and long dives into our innermost depths, but she does not tolerate indulgent self-pity. Imagine her as a kindly grandmother, always there to clean up a skinned knee with tender care, but just as quick to send you back out finish your chores once you’re taped up. Coming back up for air is the most important part of any dive into our emotional waters. Take a long bath, get serious about journaling, pour your heart out to yourself as you never have before. And then take a deep breath, lift your head up, and get back to it.

Your stone for September: Rhodochrosite teaches us the art of self-love. It opens a channel within that allows us to love ourselves as we desire to be loved, to be our own best friends and caretakers.

melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world the numinous tarotscopes september 2018 devany amber wolfe she wolfe tarot serpentfire tarot queen of cups
She Wolfe Tarot


Perspective (Hanged Man)

It’s time for a change of scenery, Cancer, and I don’t just mean sitting in a different spot in your living room. The scenery I am talking about is more energetic, spiritual even, the stuff we can’t see but that alters our perception of our surroundings immensely. This month you are being asked to see things in a new way and the more you can push up against the edges of that, the better. You had a month of digging in the Earth in August and now you can spend a little time up in the clouds, surveying the new lay of the land, getting a broader picture of what is possible and within that, what is desirable.  And since we are in the Major Arcana, we are looking at all realms of life – emotional, spiritual, creative, intellectual, and material.

How many different ways can you find to force a shift in your perspective? What would it look like to try on a new emotional perspective? A new instinctual perspective? Can you borrow another person’s experience for a time? Use your enviable powers of empathy to walk in another’s shoes without ever moving a muscle? This may sound like an invitation to get into astral travelling (which I wholeheartedly encourage if you can accomplish it), but it can be as deceivingly mundane as watching a movie about a person completely unlike yourself or reading a book by someone you normally wouldn’t. The important thing is to keep your heart, mind, and eyes open to new experiences.

Cancer stone for September: Blue Apatite is a stone of profound psychic opening. It can act as a key to opening levels of knowledge and wisdom and as a catalyst for exploring past lives and energetic influences.


The Magician

Is it your birthday AGAIN, Leo?? A swell of personal power to manifest your dreams and desires is headed your way to carry you into the Fall. You have the magic of the elements tingling at your fingertips, waiting to help you connect the kernel of intention in your heart to the blueprint of the Universe. The Magician ignites personal power – power that originates from within and that is used to control, alter, or expand the personal sphere. True magic(k) is a tool of self-mastery. It has no place or interest in manipulating the free will of others. If this is sounding a bit heavy, it’s because it is! There is a great deal of responsibility that comes with the gift of The Magician.

The trick with this energy is that if you’re not very specific with your words, thoughts, and actions, you could send an unintentional signal to the Universe, one that manifests something you don’t want or need. So be extra mindful this month with the messages you are transmitting. Take a few minutes each day to set your intentions – for the day, week, month, year, and even longer. Write them down, say them out loud, carry stones in your pocket that emanate an energetic quality that supports them, light candles and give offereings for them, and for the love of the Divine, mark the New Moon on the 9th and the Full Moon on the 24th with a manifesting and releasing ritual, respectively. Harness this energy in alignment with your true path and you could be feeling the benefits for a long time to come.

Leo stone for September: Labradorite is the Magician’s stone, activating powers of personal magic, self-mastery, and manifestation. It elevates one’s personal vibration to ensure purity in conjuring.