Your Saturn sign and house placement shows where you have the biggest growth opportunities—and the rewards that await when you commit to doing your work. Read our total guide to your Saturn sign by Ruby Warrington and Bess Matassa … 

The Numinous guide to your Saturn Sign house placement birth chart Ruby Warrington Bess Matassa Astrology
Photo: Alora Griffiths

Through ice and wind and rain and worse, Saturn keeps on climbing. With structure and discipline, the zodiac’s high-achiever keeps focussed on the hard candy rewards that exist inside of difficulty, and the 24-karat diamonds that are ours to mine when we commit to doing the work that only we can do.

In our charts, our Saturn sign and / or house placement is a tender spot. Our Saturn sign reveals what we think we can’t, or won’t ever, get, and so we often turn away from it. We construct elaborate defenses, approaching a karmic journey of reckoning that asks for both our softness and our strength, with fear. But when we face—and embrace—our Saturn sign, we see that putting in the work to overcome this fear is ultimately in service of what we’re here to bring forward.

Our infamous Saturn Return, which happens once just before the age of 30 and a second time around 60 marks a concentrated moment for this labor of love. But our work with our Saturn sign truly lasts a lifetime. Our Saturn sign asks us to grow up, step up, and take responsibility for the work we have to do in this life; it invites us into the noble act of self-sacrifice; and it holds the key to our most lasting, and impactful achievements in both the personal and the public realms.

Think of Saturn as your personal trainer, pushing you to the limits of what you think you can take because it can envision the muscle that already exists beneath your skin. And also because you “paid” it to in a past life! Saturn also rules karmic justice, and the grueling routine it’s got you sweating through now is in service of putting right past wrongs.

With Saturn traveling through its native turf, Capricorn, from Dec 2017 through March 2020, the groundwork is being laid for us all to commit to a new course of astro action. Use the guide to each Saturn Sign below to help you navigate your lessons with both grit and grace.

Click HERE to do your chart for free and discover your Saturn sign—and read for both your Saturn sign AND the House that holds Saturn in your chart. ***Pro-tip: Scroll to the bottom for how Saturn’s 2018—2020 transit through Capricorn is impacting your Sun and Rising sign.

Want to learn how to read your own chart? One of Ruby’s astro mentors, Rebecca Gordon, is currently enrolling students for her 10-week Beginners Astrology Course. Sign-up is open through September 25 2018—click HERE for details and use the code “STAR” to get 20% off tuition!


Saturn Sign assignment: Leadership
This Saturn sign and / or placement is born to lead, but can burn out hard and fast when it doesn’t work to a structured plan. Aries impulsiveness often prefers to forego planning and teamwork, placing the emphasis on reaching the finish line fastest and, most importantly, FIRST, when the real rewards are in the experience gained along the way. Leaning into leadership means less competition and more collaboration; less “me first” and more “we win!”

Saturn Sign assignment: Receiving
This Saturn sign and / or placement asks you to summon the courage to truly taste, touch, and enjoy it all. What feels uncomfortable about laying back in a bed of roses to receive the treats you deserve? Where do you short circuit opportunities to truly claim your sense of self-worth? Start by feeling into your body’s beauty and impulses, and reach for what you crave without judgement. This placement is all about banishing scarcity mentality, and believing in the endless feast, and your rightful place at the table.

Saturn Sign assignment: Expression
This Saturn sign and / or placement has the potential to move worlds with its words, if it can only learn to trust that they won’t be manipulated and used against you. Speaking up can feel frightening, especially when it comes to expressing your most personal opinions and views—perhaps because a mean sibling or childhood frenemy used to tease or make fun of you. This Saturn sign asks you to push past irrational “monkey-mind” fears and open up. Practice with trusted companions who make you feel understood, then bring your words to the wider world.

Saturn Sign assignment: Feelings
With this Saturn sign and / or placement, issues of emotional security, shelter, and a sense of belonging come to the fore. How can you create a safe container to feel every last feel, without turning away from your tenderness? And how can you validate your own emotional experiences regardless of outside feedback? This placement asks you to become a hermit crab, carrying your home on your back and learning to hunker down with your own intuitive hits, no matter the storms.

Saturn Sign assignment: Ego
This Saturn sign and / or placement desires nothing more than to bask in the full beam of the spotlight, if it could only get over its fear of being seen. Do they really love me? Is the constant question circling, as a backdrop to the eternal creative drive of this Saturn. Your capacity for creative self-expression is second-to-none, as you strive to make your mark on the world in ways that are as entertaining and playful as they are meaningful. Learning to create for yourself first and foremost, the critics be damned, is your key to mastery.

Saturn Sign assignment: Critique
Beyond this Saturn sign and / or placement’s bouts of endless tweaking, analyzing, and refining, lies the potential to learn how to match the moment with the resources on hand, and relax into trusting your cycles. Whenever you feel yourself getting stuck in a staticky buzz of not-good-enoughs, step outside into the natural world. The plants and animals don’t editorialize on their own processes. They simply bloom and shed when the moment is right. Releasing into your own internal sense of right timing is your greatest lesson.

Saturn Sign assignment: Relationship
This Saturn sign and / or placement has some hardcore #relationshipgoals and yearns for partnerships that reflect its highest ideals. And then there is life in the real world, where people are not always the people we’d like them to be, and there are as many “let-downs” as there are love-ins. The work here is to learn to accept others as they are, and in doing so learn to love the parts of yourself that for whatever reason you may not be so willing to accept. Practice seeing others as a mirror, and when partnerships prove problematic, make it less about them and more about a lesson in give and take.

Saturn Sign assignment: Intimacy
This Saturn sign and / or placement beckons you into your own personal jungle, asking where you turn away from the darker shades of experience, and from your own desire nature. There’s a soul deep need here for radical acts of rawness, realness, and intimacy, coupled with feelings of fear that if you risk these kinds of carnal collisions, you’ll be stripped of your power and left with nothing. But Saturn in Scorpio asks you to brave sharing more of your vulnerability at all costs, and to let these gambles remind you that your unshakable core can never be stolen.

Saturn Sign assignment: Freedom
This Saturn sign and / or placement cannot stand to feel contained, and is called to cultivate a feeling of freedom in even the most staid scenarios. Sagittarius rules higher learning, and embarking on epic journeys of the mind can be one way to feed your wanderlust when your day-to-day feels uninspiringly small. A fear of being trapped can lead to irresponsible risk-taking, and a restlessness that leaves little room for leaving a lasting impact. Feed your wild ponies with nuggets of knowledge while you recommit, again and again, to hiking the mountain trail less travelled.

Saturn Sign assignment: Structure
In its native sign, Saturn sets out with a steely reserve, ready to flex its muscles and climb towards the skyscraper heights. And if you’ve got Saturn in Cap, by all means, embrace the ice rain challenges and boardroom dreams. But beneath it all, this placement is also about understanding the difference between status-quo ambition and soul goals. Settle into the structures that help you craft your most passionate visions, while making sure you embrace enough flow to truly celebrate the treats at the top of the mountain.

Saturn Sign assignment: Connection
This Saturn sign and / or placement understands on a cosmic level that we are all connected, yet can find it hard to translate this when it comes to flesh, blood, and feelings. You crave community, and yet issues with trust and always feeling like an “outsider” can prevent you from finding that village-like vibe. Seeking out groups who are connected by a common cause can be a way to meet like-minded individuals, all working to patchwork together a vision for society that makes space for everybody. Honoring your individual quirks as part of what makes you lovable is the inner work to focus on.

Saturn Sign assignment: Boundaries
Saturn in Pisces is like a well-worn seawall, attempting to create a container for its infinite swirls of emotion. And there are deep wells of feeling with this placement that can trigger fears about “losing” it in an Alice-In-Wonderland flood of tears. Yet your greatest gifts is your ability to sit with the fullest range of collective feeling, embracing every shade of sadness and joy with equal empathy. Feel into your intuitive “yes” and “nos,” and be ready to both build and tear down boundaries to meet each moment.



Saturn is currently moving through your 10th house of career and achievement. You’re being asked to think more like a boss and create a structure for your biggest ambitions.

As it moves through your 9th house of adventure and learning, Saturn is guiding you to deepen your understanding of the world so you can contribute something more meaningful.

Saturn in your 8th house of trust and intimacy is urging you to get okay with getting vulnerable, as you connect to your true desires and ask for them to be met.

This transit sees Saturn moving through your 7th house of relationships, as you’re asked to get serious about who you choose to nurture and share your world with. No more “takers” allowed.

Saturn is making its way through your 6th house of work and service, demanding that you put the absolute most into your day-to-day and cultivate healthy habits to keep you on track.

With Saturn transiting your 5th house of creative self-expression, now is the time to turn your passion project into a bona-fide business that can also pay your bills.

As Saturn moves through your 4th house of feelings, home, and security, your work is around creating a sense of personal safety—no matter how “scary” things seem in the outside world.

Saturn transiting your 3rd house of communication and ideas wants you to consider the impact of your words on the wider world, and adjust your message to match your impact.

This Saturn transit accents your materially-minded 2nd house. It’s time to get paid for the gifts you embody so effortlessly, it’s hard to believe you can charge for them.

With Saturn moving through your 1st house of self, this transit could feel like an extra Saturn return! Your work is to accept your lessons, and step gracefully into your next evolution.

Saturn in your 12th house of healing brings closure to a painful cycle. Commit to feeling it all and trust that confronting it fully is how you can finally move on.

Now is the time to work on building your community, as Saturn transits your 11th house of groups and team endeavors. Hold a high vision for what you can build together.


Want to learn how to read your own chart? One of Ruby’s astro mentors, Rebecca Gordon, is currently enrolling students for her 10-week Beginners Astrology Course. Sign-up is open through September 26 2018—click HERE for details and use the code “STAR” to get 20% off tuition!


The planet of love, money and luxury goes retro this week. Star Sign Style’s Kimberly Peta Dewhirst has 10 ways to make this Venus retrograde work for you…Images: The Bedroom by Tasmin Jade Donaldson via

the bedroom studio photo shoot by tamsin jade donaldson via on The Numinous

Romance, fashion, friendship, affection, intimacy, sweet moments and all the girlie things (think: sugar, spice, all things nice), are ruled by the goddess / planet Venus. The same goes for money and your bank balance, and all things sensual (beautiful scents, pleasing art scenes and landscapes, valuables, material wealth, riches etc.)

And she’s all set to do an about turn – a.k.a. begin a retrograde cycle – from July 25 – September 6.

Before you freak out at the sight of the “R” word (man has Mercury retrograde got some explaining to do), Venus retrograde could actually be a good thing for your relationships, your indulgences and your bank balance.

While Mercury rules all things communication related (technology, social media, commerce), it makes sense that the confusion that accompanies this planet’s retrograde phase can throw us some seriously frustrating curveballs.

But with Venus retrograde, we can expect our sensual nature to be activated and investigated, as we are asked to contemplate, reflect on and review what and who we love, how we show affection, flirt and attract a mate. Also, our relationship to money, our sense of self-worth, and attitudes to abundance.

One word of warning, however. If you hear people complaining during a Mercury retrograde phase that they messaged the wrong person and lost their mobile phone, during Venus retro listen out for and beware making outlandish declarations of love, and avoid extravagant purchases made on a whim.

Here are ten ways to make this Venus retrograde phase work in your favor…


1. Reassess What Beauty Means To You
Venus rules how we dress up and beautify ourselves and our surroundings – in fact, you can look to your Venus sign for clues on your personal style. When Venus retrogrades you can remodel your choices, and this is a great time to create a mood or inspiration board to redefine your personal tastes.

Do NOT however book in for a drastic haircut or get the decorators in just yet – this is the contemplation stage. Wait till Venus goes direct to make any major changes (dates below).

2. Review Your Finances
As Venus rules over money, the retrograde period is prime time for rebalancing your books. But hold off implementing any financial overhauls – this period is for reevaluating your commitments, tying up loose ends, and revisiting old debts. It could be a great time to go and get a refund and have people pay up, or likewise to reimburse or repay any debts that have been hanging over you.

3. Resist The Lure Of Luxe
Just as buying electronic equipment isn’t advisable during Mercury retrograde, you’re better off waiting to buy any luxury goods and beauty related purchases now. Avoid large expenditures where fashion and frivolities are concerned – this is not the time to pull together a capsule wardrobe of ‘investment’ pieces, and definitely not on credit. Your instincts about what’s worth the splurge could be off during this period, so stick to window-shopping.

It could however be a great time to manifest and attract some beautiful vintage or second-hand pieces into your life – think flea markets, and antique fairs. One mans trash is another’s treasure, as the saying goes, and people could be reviewing their valuables during this time.

4. Research Your Purchases
One way to use the Venus retrograde to you advantage when it comes to shopping, is to know the true value of what you’re buying and make an informed choice. It can be a great time to barter and bargain, as long as you’re the one in the drivers seat (and you’ve researched the returns policy).

5. Retreat From The Dating Scene
Projects, relationships, people and businesses all carry an astrological imprint, and a relationship commenced during Venus retrograde could get off to a repetitive or exasperating start. At best you could have a long, drawn out honeymoon period, while a suitor could seem far more magnificent, charming and fabulous than they really are. Then, when Venus resumes normal function the rose tinted glasses come off.

If you do meet somebody, don’t trust the heat of the moment during the Venus retrograde. Instead, enjoy the flirtation stage and plan to commit when the planet goes direct.

6. Re-evaluate your relationships
If you’re in a relationship however, Venus retrograde offers you an opportunity to resolve any issues with your partner and recommit – if you’re wed you may even decide to renew tour vows!.Reaffirm your love, rekindle and reignite the romance, rejoice…and reproduce! Now is the time to reassemble the jigsaw of your relationship to create a more beautiful picture.

7. Remember The Good Times
Venus retrograde speaks of past relationships coming out of the woodwork (that goes for both romances and friendships), and reminiscing together actually be therapeutic, especially if you’re ready to go back and dig up treasures from the past. Ensure a reexamination is positive by appreciating the good times, even if you acknowledge that you aren’t right for each other now. Seek gratitude for the happiness you experienced in that moment. But if you DO decide an old flame could be reignited, the Universe could well support you now.

8. Revisit Your Passions
Venus favors feminine hobbies, and you may rediscover a love of jewellery making, beauty and fashion, make-up and hair, baking, flower arranging and interior decoration now.

With Venus retrograde in the creative sign of Leo (the majority of the time) the energies throughout the retrograde period are particularly supportive for recreation and play. The Numinous Temple of Venus is a perfect place to explore this energy, and you can check out all the upcoming events and workshops here.

9. Rethink The Sweet Stuff
Sounds silly but if you suffer from sugar cravings, Venus retrograde could be just the time to tackle your habit! Venus rules over cakes, biscuits, sweets (candy) and chocolate. There are so many documentaries on the hazards of this highly addictive substance (I’m talking about the refined white stuff – not sugars found in fruit), and once you research and reeducate yourself on this subject, this could be a supportive phase to regain control over a sweet tooth.

10. Reinstate Femininity
Invite the divine feminine into your world and cement its presence with this Venus retrograde. Dedicated some quality time to friendships with the women you love, taking time to really appreciate their soft yet strong attributes – embrace womanhood and what it means to be an empowered female today. Regroup or plan a reunion with your girls, recollect and celebrate them and why you value their friendship. Repair and patch up relationships that are lacking.

Your star dates as follows…

• Venus enters the shadow period Sunday 21st June
• Venus goes retrograde – Saturday 25th July
• Venus goes direct Sunday 6th September
• Venus is out of the ‘retrograde zone’ by 9th October 2015 – phew!

Author Kimberly Peta Dewhirst would love to hear your stories to support her growing understanding of the Venus retrograde period. Email: [email protected] with your birth data (time, date and place of birth) and details of your Venus retrograde experiences. (All information will be kept confidential)

Numinous community art project and interactive altar The Temple of Venus is a space dedicated to celebrating and healing anything that falls under the remit of the Goddess planet, and is open until August 19.