Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous weekly horoscopes by Sandra Sitron …

sandy sitron sandra sitron ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world numinous weekly horoscopes

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
A half-shell. So much opportunity is available to you now. Notice the gifts that you’ve been given in this life. Wrap them up and present them on a half-shell. Re-give them to yourself. Honor yourself as the pearl that you are. Because this is the truth that lies inside each of us. Finding ways to prove to yourself that you are special will help you find the expansion that you are ready for. This is a dreamy time. So be dreamy— journal, meditate and look for the magic that exists in every moment. Each of these actions will help you remember that you are a gift.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
A stampede of horses. Gather your energy and drive forward. But don’t worry if you aren’t sure how or where to go. You are working out some kind of riddle, so don’t quit. Keep driving forward. Look for the small moments of harmony. Look for the beauty that already surrounds you. Don’t try to figure it all out right now, but continue directing your energy toward a goal. This is how you work through it.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Panning for gold. There is support all around you. You have to get focused and examine your resources. Resources come in unexpected forms— your friends, your partners, your community. You are wealthy. Do a thorough examination of your resources and support systems. To convince yourself that you are truly safe, old beliefs may need to be examined. Your dreams hold great meaning right now. Keep looking for the the answers on every level of mind.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
A field filled with tiny yellow flowers. The flowers blend together and look like a streak of yellow splashed across the landscape. This is a good omen for your career. The yellow flowers are abundant and they symbolize happiness. Notice each individual flower. Take good care of all the details of your life— simple healthy routines will bring you great nourishment. But don’t lose sight of the big picture either. Notice how you can give back to your greater community. Acts of service on big and small levels will help you realize your career dreams.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Carving into a block of wood. Using the concentric circles in the woodgrain to create a work of art. You are centered in the middle of concentric circles. How can you use your awareness of the big wide world to help you feel centered and creative. Get out of your head and gain some perspective. Let yourself remember what is truly meaningful. Do something creative. These things will remind you that there’s more to life than just your current situation.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
A herd of giraffes walk across the plain. Connecting with your family will help you feel like you know where you are going. Keep attending to feelings of love and harmony. Look for proof that you’re connected rather than separate. And notice that the more you get above it all by gaining perspective, the better you feel. Instead of being in reaction mode, focus on memories of love and hope for the future. Connect with these feelings through playfulness and enthusiasm.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Calligraphy on the page. You can communicate in a way that is beautiful and harmonious. You’ve grown so much and your mind is expanding. The good news is that you’ve been healing outdated thought patterns. Find a way to express yourself that is lovely and loving. When you approach your communication with a desire to create more peace in the world, you are gifted in return. In this way, you will always win. Leave pettiness aside and strive for complete harmony while maintaining the appropriate boundaries.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Seagulls scatter. You can rest. Get to your version of the beach. Watch the life that is going on around you. There are a couple of key things to remember. The first is that you have the resources that you need to do what you want to do. Even if it doesn’t feel like it. The second is that you need to take care of yourself and setting up a daily routine is a good start. The last is that if you strive for complete honesty in your partnerships you will remember to be honest with yourself.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
The fortress stands on the edge of a peninsula. A fort is built to protect a treasure. In this story you are the treasure. You are the shining star and you need to protect yourself. Protect your enthusiasm, your heart and your special way of being in the world. Everyone else sees the magic that you share, but sometimes it’s hard for you to recognize it yourself. You don’t have to hide any of this behind walls, but you do need to nurture and protect these gifts that you are meant to share. And when the time is right, let them shine out into the world with brilliance. Spend time in silent meditation to access these gifts fully.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
A goat climbs the mountain. You continue to search for a way up. Your drive is strong and automatic. So let it be what it is— recognize that you are continuing to move forward and up. And meanwhile let yourself flow with your emotions. Take care of your inner child. Make sure she feels nurtured and safe. So that you can continue onward and upward. Don’t skip any steps, you need to tend to yourself on all levels of body and mind so that you can reach as high as you want to go.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Sledding through snow. Cut right to the point. Fly through your ideas like a sled through fresh powder. You are exactly where you need to be. Even if your mind is telling you otherwise, you are exactly on time. When you reach the bottom of the mountain you’ll want to run to the top and do it again. So enjoy this. Learn from what’s happening now. Let things be easier than you think they should be. See everything as a learning experience. Get your friends involved when necessary. And then fly forward quickly.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
A telescope turns into a kaleidoscope. You can zoom in on the details. And then you can shift the focus and transform your viewpoint into magic. First it’s necessary to get realistic and grounded. Attend to your money and physical needs. And when that becomes too much, shift your mind to hope and possibility. Make your earthly plans with a sense of otherworldly magic. Believe that you can go achieve anything your heart can dream up. It’s safe to dream big.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


Looking to add some spice to your divination practice? Alessandra Calderin gives us a crash course in Sex Tarot 101, and uncovers how you can start casting cards between the sheets …

serpentfire tarot lust strength sex tarot 101 ruby warrington alessadra calderin the numinous material girl mystical world boneseed
Art: Serpentfire Tarot

The Tarot is a mirror and a tool that reflects archetypal imagery that spans the spirals of the human experience. It allows us to connect to ourselves (and our Selves) because we intuitively understand these images. Sexuality is as primal and instinctual in us as the need to eat, sleep and breathe, and so the cards can reflect the ways in which our power, intuition, and connection manifest through our sexuality.

So WTF is a “sex tarot” reading?? There are so many ways to draw cards and create spreads to explore sex and desire! Here are 4 ways to get started …

she wolfe tarot the devil sex tarot 101 ruby warrington alessadra calderin the numinous material girl mystical world boneseed
Art: She Wolfe Tarot


1// Pull a “desire” spread. Pull cards asking what your subconscious desires are, what might be blocking them, and how to work through that block. The possibilities are endless!

Start with a simple 6 card spread:

Card 1: What is my heart’s desire?
Card 2: What is blocking me from fulfilling it?
Card 3: What is my deeper unconscious desire?
Card 4: What is preventing me from seeing this?
Card 5: How can I balance and integrate these desires?
Card 6: What can I shed to make space for their fulfillment?

she wolfe tarot divine feminine the empress sex tarot 101 ruby warrington alessadra calderin the numinous material girl mystical world boneseed
Art: She Wolfe Tarot


2// Do a sacral chakra reading. Explore the seat of your sexuality by diving into the 4 “sides” of this chakra. The more you look at the pelvis and your desire as linked to your creativity, the more you start feeling how they ebb and flow together, and the more tools you have to work through both.

Card 1: Front of the sacral chakra. How does your sexuality appear to others? What is your exhibition style?
Card 2: Right side. How do you manifest sexuality and creativity in the world?
Card 3: Back. What experience of your sexuality do you hold onto?
Card 4: Left side. How do you receive creative inspiration, the desire of others, and pleasure?

serpentfire tarot sex tarot 101 ruby warrington alessadra calderin the numinous material girl mystical world boneseed
Art: Serpentfire Tarot


3// Masturbate with the Majors. You can also use Tarot for masturbation and sex magic practices by meditating on the archetypes of the Major Arcana or court cards.

Choose whatever cards are ruled by planets or signs that show up strongly in your birth chart, where the Moon is hanging out, what astro season we’re in, or just pull a Major and start working with it at random. You might even choose one you have trouble with (like when I pulled Justice- I was bummed by how unsexy that card might be on the surface, but there was powerful medicine in that feeling and the resulting meditation!)

Most recently, for the Super Blue Blood Moon in Leo on 1/31 during Aquarius season, I meditated on Strength (because Leo rules it) and The Star (because Aquarius rules). I let those two figures guide me as I touched, explored, played with my hands and my favorite toy (Njoy Pure Wand). As I was getting ready to orgasm, these two images reassured me that my sexuality and desire were a gift, and sacred sources of feminine power.

she wolfe tarot queen of pentacles sex tarot 101 ruby warrington alessadra calderin the numinous material girl mystical world boneseed
Art: She Wolfe Tarot


4// And channel the deck’s sexiest cards to unlock pure magic! I could probably make an argument for the sexual energy of every card, but this is a good place to start. Explore how you feel about these cards and the kind of pleasure they channel, or isolate the pack and draw one as your teacher of the moment.

*She/He pronouns refer to the archetypal genders of masculine and feminine energy. These figures are figuratively gendered, but anatomically genderless.


:: Strength :: In the Thoth, Strength is actually called Lust. Some interpretations say it’s the taming of desire, but I would say it’s more like mastery over desire. Taming connotes that there is too much desire and you need to control it. In this context, I see her as the master of her desire in a world that denies her that power. Your desire becomes sacred fuel the moment you master it.


:: The Empress :: The Empress is receptive. She is how I learned to receive pleasure without having to think about reciprocating in that moment. She allows herself to be fully nourished, filled to the brim with love, pleasure, and affection, but she also rides and caresses like a goddess. She bestows the gift of her mouth upon you and it’s like drinking an unearthly elixir with her kisses and nibbles and expertly executed oral.


:: The Emperor :: The Emperor might be a surprise for this, but as the Empress’s counterpart, he allows her to unleash. He’s like a very good Dom, providing the container for every expression of kink you might wish to explore safely. You want to be tied up, spanked, penetrated in out of the ordinary ways? He reads your body language, pushes the edges, and knows your limits before you even need to utter a safe word. The master of boundaries, he’s here to teach you how to consent so enthusiastically you forget what ambiguity feels like.


:: The Moon :: The Moon represents the wild woman running naked in the woods and howling at the Moon- the deep waters of sexuality and mystery. She is a shapeshifter. A wolf. A mountain lion. She visits you in the dead of night and brings your to orgasm in the dream realm, and when you wake up the memory is hazy but you know something powerful has been touched inside you. She breathes underwater and is as mysterious as the bottom of the sea. You know her without words.


:: The Devil :: The Devil can sometimes deal with a repression of desire, and to me has always had a BDSM vibe to it. I think this one depends on your relationship to that kind of imagery and sexual practice, but as a Capricorn (The Devil is ruled by Capricorn), and a big fan of power play, The Devil can sometimes be a freeing card. Reclaiming the divinity and balance of the shadow, of words like slut, whore, bitch, freak, breaks the chains that bind us to our own fear and repression. It’s a balancing act. The Devil reminds us that there are more layers and sides to it.


:: The Lovers :: The Lovers feels like an obvious one because you have to love all the sides of yourself like a lover before you can love anyone else. Getting there is anything but obvious or easy, though. Use a mirror. Look at yourself. This is the real shit. The deep work. It takes a lot of unraveling and excavation to be able to love your body and yourself just as you are. Your best Lover will look back at you eventually.

she wolfe tarot the lovers sex tarot 101 ruby warrington alessadra calderin the numinous material girl mystical world boneseed
Art: She Wolfe Tarot


:: Queen of Pentacles :: Queen of Pentacles is the master of the home and body. An independent woman, she knows what she likes and moves through the material world with the grace of an angelic ballerina. Queen of Wands is known to be the most sexual queen in the deck, but Queen of Pentacles knows pleasure like no one else. Part earth angel, part water nymph, she creates the primordial mud that those Dead Sea masks get their magic from.


:: Knight of Cups :: Knight of Cups will go down on you first without being asked. Inviting this kind of energy into your bedroom, the person who will massage and caress you slowly, who dreams of drinking you like you’re water in the desert, is clutch in truly sinking into pleasure. Find you a man (or woman or non-binary) who can give it to you good.


:: Page of Wands :: Page of Wands is bursting with potential energy, often creative and sexual. She’s ready and willing to try new toys and discover what she likes. She’s the teen who just discovered her clitoris and hasn’t been told there is something wrong with the amazing feeling that swims through her body when she touches it. She just got her period and is ready to finger paint with her blood. She will make out behind the bleachers and let herself love completely. She writes love songs and sings them without the slightest bit of embarrassment.


:: Ace of Cups :: Ace of Cups is a pure gift of water, love, communication, and intuition. I often see it as an invitation to masturbate with more loving intention. To swim in your waters and to practice accepting the water gifts from elsewhere.


:: 10 of Cups :: 10 of Cups is a literal orgasm. It could be something that feels as good as an orgasm, a self pleasure practice that’s out of this world, or a partner that takes you to the places of rainforest waterfalls and fireworks.

Alessandra is an intuitive healing facilitator, tarot practitioner, yoga teacher, writer, poet, comedienne and performer based in New York. She will be teaching her Tarot Immersive later this month and currently teaches yoga at Three Jewels, focusing her attention on energetic sensitivity and the pelvic floor. Explore her offerings at Boneseed, and follow her on Instagram.


#throatchakraproblems making it hard to share your truths? Here’s why Story Medicine is a way for us all to feel seen …

Ruby Warrington My Mystical Life Story Medicine Moon Club
Photo: Caitlin Mitchell

When I first started regularly attending healing circles, I would always be holding my breath until after the “sharing” part. The part where, once everyone is seated and before you get into whatever teaching is about to happen, you’re invited to share with the group what brought you to the workshop, or some other detail from your life / healing journey.

Well, here’s an impression of me waiting for my turn—*sweaty palms, heart-racing, trying-to-work-out-what-I’m-going-to-say, if-I-can-get-it-out-past-the-lump-in-my-throat.* Sometimes, I would even fid myself choking back tears as I voiced whatever my “thing” was.

I know I am not alone with my #throatchakraproblems. When the importance of speaking up is not something you’ve ever been taught, if you haven’t been listened to when you do, or if you (or you mom or Grandma, for that matter) have ever experienced a period in your life where it hasn’t felt safe to use your voice, then there could be a serious blockage.

One that must be dissolved with love, become tears, before you can speak confidently from your heart again.

Which is what was actually happening in all those awkward moments. Why else would it feel so frightening to share my stories with these lovely humans, who had also just shared their stories with me? Each time I spoke, no matter how painful, I was chipping away at a lifetime (several lifetimes, actually) of the internalized belief that my voice, my story, did not count.

But the truth is, all our stories matter. They matter to us, because without the experiences we have lived we would not even be “us.” And they matter to others, because other people’s stories are how we fill in the gaps. Are a mirror in which to witness our reactions and judgements, and to become aware of our own blind spots.

And because of what I’ve learned about myself and others, about human nature, in those uncomfortable sharing circles, they’ve become my favorite thing. To the point I now co-lead workshops with Alexandra Roxo where the sharing part IS the workshop—where the stories are the medicine.

Our next Story Medicine circle will be in NYC on March 19. You can check out the details HERE.

Read on for five more reasons why we all need story medicine …

Story Medicine March 19 NYC Ruby Warrington Alexandra Roxo Moon Club The Numinous

1 // All our stories need to be seen. We live in a world where certain people’s stories are deemed more important than others. Where some voices are louder, while others go unheard. But this does not create a full picture of our experience as one human family. Sharing our stories out loud, having our perspective, our suffering, our joy, be seen and heard by others, goes some way towards redressing the balance.

2 // Stories help us become whole. But not the social media kind of stories. We’ve learned that it’s good to be “vulnerable” and “real” online-but when you don’t know who’s listening and whether they are truly holding space for our highest good, it’s actually not 100 percent safe. As Brené Brown reminds us: “Our stories are not meant for everyone. Hearing them is a privilege, and we should always ask ourselves this before we share: ‘Who has earned the right to hear my story?'” We know this instinctively, and so we edit and hold back. At our ritualized Story Medicine circles, Alexandra and I create a conscious container for us to see and be seen in our wholeness. We banish judgment, and place the emphasis on deep, empathetic listening. This is where the medicine lives.

3 // Stories take away shame. It’s the stories we think make us “weird” that it feels least safe to share. In her work, Brené Brown teaches that this is because we’re terrified of being perceived as “other,” for fear of being cast out of our social groups. And yet when we practice Story Medicine, we begin to understand that nobody is weird, or other-because everybody is. We begin to understand that it’s our quirks and differences that make our human jigsaw puzzle so multi-faceted and beautiful.

4 // Stories help us heal ourselves. We all love the way movies paint a picture in our minds, transporting us to whole new worlds. But this isn’t just “escapism.” I recently learned from hypnotherapist Shauna Cummins that watching a movie puts our brain into the same trance state that shamans use. In this state, our “imagination” helps us access our own healing powers, in the form of messages from our subconscious. When we practice deep listening, allowing ourselves to sink deeply into the colors, textures, and emotion of other people’s stories, we go to the place in ourselves where self-healing happens.

5 // Our stories are our art. How we see the world is utterly unique to us. And like all the most moving works of art, Story Medicine allows us to see the world through the eyes of others. Broadens our perspective and helps us see into the shadows. But making art isn’t just for painters, and musicians! When we paint a picture with our words, our stories offer those listening a window in to our world, as we get to process the path we have walked and make our life into our art.


Story Medicine is also the heart of mine and Alexandra’s teachings in Moon Club, and our Moon Ambassadors regularly host FREE Story Medicine meet-ups for members and their guests all over the world. Click HERE for more info and to join our growing tribe.


The Two of Cups wants us to make magic with the ones who set our hearts on fire, says Melinda Lee Holm …


As we prep for the Spring Equinox’s explosive fire, the Sagittarius Waning Quarter Moon wants us to sit with over-the-top emotions, and let the flames of feeling lead to powerful change, says Jennifer Racioppi

jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world moon club sagittarius waning quarter moon 2018
Photo: Bryan Fernandez

Waning Quarter Moon // March 9 2018 // 6:18am EST // 18 degrees Sagittarius

As the Moon wanes back to new, we find ourselves at the halfway point between the most recent Full Moon in mutable Virgo and the upcoming New Moon in mutable Pisces.

Mutable signs correlate with a seasonal shift; they help us transition from stable and steady, fixed influences, into new beginnings. So as we embrace the Waning Quarter Moon in mutable fire sign Sagittarius—and with less than two weeks before the upcoming Equinox—lean into the winds of transformation!

Let the power of fire purify your soul. Let go of what you don’t need and burn, baby, burn.


// The Cycle // 
The current Waning Quarter Moon harkens all the way back to December 11, 2015. This late 2015 Sagittarius New Moon seeded events coming to fruition now. What’s culminating in your life now based on intentions set or decisions made then?

Beyond the lunar cycle, Mercury and Jupiter’s retrograde cycles are at play right now too. On March 8, Jupiter, the planet of good luck and good fortune, begins his retrograde journey in Scorpio until July 10. Jupiter retrograde in Scorpio will expose lies, and superficial tendencies that serve ego at the expense of soul. 

Mercury, also in his retrograde shadow at this time, brings things to light that will require work and reevaluation during his upcoming retrograde journey in Aries from March 22—April 15. With Mercury soon to station retrograde, use this Waning Quarter Moon to really get clear on what you need to let go of! 


// The Transits //
As Mars in Sagittarius squares Chiron in Pisces, the masculine qualities of action come up against the influence of allowing. This may present as a healing crisis through which a wound becomes a teacher.

Yet with Mars in an angle of tremendous support to Uranus, breakthroughs abounds. Expect healing to redirect your path. And with Pluto sextile the Sun and Jupiter, this Sagittarius Waning Quarter Moon suggests that you can discern fact from fiction. Hear. Listen. Absorb. Integrate. And most importantly, trust yourself.


 // The Square// 
With the Moon traveling through go-big-or-go-home Sagittarius squaring the Sun in soft, sensitive Pisces, this Moon might come with over-the-top emotions.

While the Sun in dreamy Pisces might shy away from anything aggressive or assertive, the Sagittarius Moon is bold and blunt. This Waning Quarter Moon asks you to do two things: sit with uncomfortable emotions and then find an outlet for excess energy.

There’s power in those emotions. Letting energy move through you brings the magic you need. 


// The Opportunity //
As we approach the upcoming Equinox and first Mercury retrograde journey of 2018, this Sagittarius Waning Quarter Moon is a preparatory crossroads. Take in where you are. Stay conscious of what’s surfacing now, as it will likely play into the emerging Mercury retrograde curriculum.

Learning how to sit with emotions (Pisces) and simultaneously move through them (Sagittarius) will prep you for these cosmic transitions. Magic becomes possible as you treat this Quarter Moon crossing with the respect of a shamanic initiation.

Discern lies and shadow, and move through the illusions that limit your potential. You’ll emerge with clarity and readiness for the changes ahead.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers! 


Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous weekly horoscopes by Sandra Sitron …

Numinous weekly horoscopes Sandra Sitron March 5 2018 pink hair


Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Brushing hair back from your face. Get ready. Try to see more clearly and move any obstacles from your way. You have a chance to bring your dreams into form. You are ready to take action on something that’s been building behind the scenes. Be spontaneous and playful with this full expression that you’re bringing out into the world.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
A hard hat is needed at a construction site. Acquire the proper protection. There is some work to be done. It might be emotional work. There may be feelings coming up that confuse you. Not everything is as clear or conscious as you would like it to be. So find a practice that helps you feel safe while you journey through unknown emotional territory.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Rolling a pair of twos. Keep rolling the dice. You are taking risks and it’s a good thing. Put yourself out there. Try things you haven’t before. Get your friends involved and let them help you innovate. You need to shake things up and roll again. Keep trying so that you create a new way of life for yourself.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
A glimmer of a flashing diamond. That glint of the diamond matches the glint in your eye. There is something that you can strive for. You can be determined. You can drive yourself forward and achieve. Now is a good time to take action in your career. Evaluate your goals and go after them.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Nine-foot waves roll in to shore. The roll of the waves evokes a feeling of grandeur, adventure and exhilaration. You are allowed to build yourself up, just like a cresting wave. Reach higher. Reach outside of yourself and search for fresh possibilities. What will inspire you now? Take a deep breath in and break out into a revitalizing adventure.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
A hole in the trunk of a tree. Be honest with yourself. Is there something in your life that feels hollow? The only way to fill up this space is through openness, truthfulness and vulnerability. You don’t have to be strong all of the time. Now is a time to be exactly where you are and open up to others about how you feel. This is how you create a pathway to real connection.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Swallowing air. Air is the element that represents communication and connection. This symbol represents holding back something that you need to say. Or somehow blocking your need for connection. Reach out to others right now. Truly listen and be present. Share your thoughts and say what you need to say. It will feel so fresh and illuminating.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Riding the river rapids. The ride is just beginning. You are in movement and all you can do is make adjustments as you ride the rapids. You can’t exactly turn around now. So keep yourself afloat with smart decisions and constant adjustments. Be present to movement and navigate gracefully.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A golden ticket. This is when the fun begins. What will it take for you to feel like you’ve won the golden ticket? What will help you feel playful? Act like you are the child who lives in your heart. Remember her. Ask her what she would like to do for fun.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Leafing through an old book. Search the past. Find lost information that can help you feel inspired. It’s something that you already heard once, a long time ago. It’s something in your memory, or in your ancestors’ memories that you need to call forward. Go deep within. Retreat to find that gold from the past.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Choosing a flower for the bouquet. You are able to be logical and creative at the same time. First check out all of the options. Then start to make the arrangements. Move step-by-step, but allow your decisions to add up to beauty. Trust in the process. You know what you’re doing.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Chewing with gold teeth. You’ve got resources. You have enough. Try to see what is there and not what isn’t there. Remembering your resources will help you feel stabilized so that you take the necessary risks. You are solid as a rock. Solid gold. Now bite into life.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.



Plunge into the pleasures of Pisces Season with mermaid beauty that sparkles and shimmers. Eunice Lucero serves up the top deep-sea picks to make part of your world  …

eunice lucero ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world mermaid beauty
Spectrum Collections ‘The Glam Clam’

Happy Pisces season, sirens! Now that we’re smack-dab in the middle of the spiritual, watery vibes, we can’t help but ride the waves of emotion as we indulge in a bit of escapism …

Queue the soul-soothing R&R, and add a dose of all things glistening, sparkly and low-key seductive—exactly what our fave beautiful, mythical sea creatures have in spades.

See which of these mermaid-inspired winners will have you yearning to be part of their world … at least for a few weeks!


// HAIR // Mermaid hair is the stuff of legend: long, wavy, sea-drenched locks down to there, in the most ethereal of colors. While we’ll never understand how mermaid hair stays healthy in all that salt water (#DisneyMagic), try these picks to emulate the etherial look.

eunice lucero ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world mermaid beauty
Mermaid No. 1 Shampoo & Conditioner


// FACE // Shine like the deep-sea treasure you are in prismatic highlighters and jewel-toned shimmer shadows, set off against impeccably hydrated skin.

eunice lucero ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world mermaid beauty
Tarte ‘Be a Mermaid’ Eyeshadow Palette


// BODY // The winter blues got you feeling like a fish out of water? Get back into your sexy groove with scrubs that slough off those scaly bits and a self-tanner that gives you only the good stuff.

eunice lucero ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world mermaid beauty
Million Dollar Tan Mermaid Mousse


The 10 of Swords ends a cycle of up-leveling our awareness, and a time to integrate what we have learned, says Melinda Lee Holm …