Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with Sandy Sitron’s Numinous Weekly Horoscopes …

johny goerend sandy sitron sandra sitron ruby warrington the numinous weekly horoscopes 2019
Photo: Johny Goerend

Capricorn // Capricorn Rising
Brick and mortar. Brick by brick. Step by step. You only need to do one thing at a time. Be present in the moment. And trust that you can do the work you need to do. Pay attention to the pressure that you put on yourself. The work gets done step by step. You can’t go faster than you can go. Set an intention for how you want to feel and then take it one step at a time.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius // Aquarius Rising
Eating grass. You must nourish yourself. A cow eats grass— it seems nourishing, but not exciting. Find your joy in the simple and nourishing things that you can do for yourself. What kind of nourishment does your soul need? It’s probably not junk food or binge watching TV. Feed your soul the things that lift your heart and help you feel connected.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces // Pisces Rising
A ping pong table. You need to go back and forth on some ideas. Brainstorm. Talk it out. Collaborate. Connect. When you go back and forth on some ideas, you’ll find that you suddenly have a whole new vision. Let yourself sit in uncertainty, but keep the ball moving forward. That way you’ll cover all of the possibilities and feel out the right next step.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries // Aries Rising
A duck bobs its head, looking for fish. When the duck turns itself upside down, its tail feathers stick straight up in the air. Even when you feel backwards and like you don’t know what you’re doing, you’re still reaching great heights. You just might not be able to see it yet. Keep working. Be diligent. Eventually you’ll see how far you’ve come. You are making definite progress.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus // Taurus Rising
Laughing and clapping. Sometimes joy needs to be punctuated by a strong physical movement. This could be a moment for celebration, if you’ll let yourself feel it. Punctuate the moment! Skip, dance, run, slap your thigh, clap, jump in the air. Be very expressive and remind yourself to celebrate, even if it doesn’t seem appropriate. Use your body to uplift your mood.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini // Gemini Rising
A bunny hops down a hole. The bunny spends a lot of time hidden away. Follow the rabbit. What mysteries does your own heart hold? If you follow your feelings, they’ll lead you to the source. Sit with your feelings in the dark, quiet burrow of your heart and heal. This process will help you trust yourself and others. It will improve your self worth. It’s time for self-reflection.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer // Cancer Rising
Peanut butter sandwich. Two pieces of bread stuck together like glue. It’s time to examine how you “stick” to other people. That just means, how do you partner? What kinds of patterns do you find yourself in? This is a conscious examination, so conversation, journaling, or talk therapy may help you discover a new level of harmony in partnership.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo // Leo Rising
A row of dominoes. When you push one domino, they all fall down. This is like life. When you get out of whack with nutrition, energy levels may come crashing down. When you are strapped for time, you may spend more money. Everything is connected. Now is the time to put some order in the basic mundane habits. Just make small improvements.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo // Virgo Rising
Puffy clouds. A vision of a cartoon sky. This is the symbol to play and have fun. Watch cartoons in the afternoon. Skip rope. What would just be fun to do? The fun thing should be totally extracurricular. When you practice following your heart, you learn to de-stress. And anxiety fades away. Find excuses to laugh and have fun. Make joy your medicine.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra // Libra Rising
A pontoon boat. A boat like this is flat, and often it features an observation window to survey the bottom of the lake. Stand on the boat in the still waters of your emotions, and peer deep into your heart. What can you do to slow down? How can you be more tender with yourself? Rock yourself gently, just like a baby, and watch every emotion swell up.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio // Scorpio Rising
A constellation. A series of stars, connected by imaginary lines. Those lines hold mythic importance in the cultures that treasure them. But they don’t really exist. Or do they? Examine your deep beliefs. We all think that our beliefs are real. Until we question them. There may be a few of yours that are ready to be questioned. It’s time to redraw the lines.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius // Sagittarius Rising
Heavy footsteps. This is a symbol of power and strength. You have an opportunity to re-evaluate your worth. Get really clear about your values. Step strong and stand tall. Look yourself in the mirror and talk yourself up. You’ve got this. You’ve got resources. You’ve got value. You can make it happen. Keep the momentum going. Build up your self-worth.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.


The 2019 Capricorn New Moon is an invitation to build structures that support our soul work, and let leaning into the limits lead to liberation, says Sandy Sitron

January 2019 Capricorn New Moon Sandy Sitron The Numinous Neon sign work harder
Photo: Jordan Whitfield

New Moon :: January 5 2019 :: 8:29 pm EST :: 15 degrees Capricorn

Careful creases etched in a fine linen paper. Unfold a paper airplane to discover its construction … 

On January 5th, 2019 we are graced with a Capricorn New Moon. The Sun and Moon are joined by a line-up of Capricorn soldiers, Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto. All of these planets are activating the sign of hard work, responsibility, structure, utilization, and success.

That means that now is the time to take things apart and look at the underlying structure. Do it so that you can achieve higher heights and better craftsmanship. Your perfect structure will put wind beneath your wings and help you become successful.

An important factor of this symbol is that it describes copying the structure of an existing paper airplane. The process is less creative than just imagining a paper airplane from scratch. That’s important, because at this New Moon there might be a feeling of being limited. There might be a sense that you can’t create freely.

That feeling of restriction may trigger feelings of pessimism and limitation. Just maintain awareness of these emotional tendencies. If you notice them, remember that they are temporary. It is a practical and serious time that is perfect for making solid plans. These plans will help you upgrade, so that you can achieve your highest purpose.

With the Moon making a harmonious glance to Neptune, the planet of dreams, intuition and spirituality, look to your faith for emotional support. Sometimes an overflow of Capricorn energy can make you feel like you need to be scrappy and resourceful. It can make you feel that the weight of the world is on your shoulders. The little voice in your head may say, “You’re not doing enough! Work harder!” Instead of giving that voice full attention, use this Neptunian wave of magic and inter-dimensional insight to help you dream your way out of the effort. Ask your spirit guides for support. Interpret your dreams for guidance. Meditate.

The paper airplane symbol shows that with practicality, the right materials, engineering skills, a plan, and a little hard work— you can take flight. You can cruise up above eye level and gain a little perspective.

Put in the effort to understand the proper steps. Evaluate the materials and resources you have. Operate with caution and practicality at the forefront. With hard work and expert planning, you can create something that is greater than the sum of its parts.

Remember not to let the heightened responsibility of this time drag you down emotionally. Your ultimate goal is to utilize your resources and take your life experience to the next level … 


Moon conjunct Pluto
A healthy weed.
Strength, power and vivacity. Deep within your imagination there exists a version of yourself who is a resilient fighter. A strong and prolific beast who will keep on going, no matter how tough it gets. Connect with that part of yourself. You are strong. You can keep going and keep growing and find your way to the sun. A weed can be tenacious and beautiful. Power through and flourish


Moon conjunct Saturn
The appendix of a book.
Go into the back of the book and read all the notes. There is more information that you need to know. You can’t skip any parts and you can’t skip any steps.

Hidden away in the back of the book is an author’s note. It’s not meant to be read or found, but it must be included, either because of law or custom. It’s a note about fear.

Fear is often hidden in the fine print, on the pages that nobody reads. But it’s an important driving force that leaves its emotional imprint everywhere. If you are thorough and you pay attention, you’ll find that you notice when fear is raising its ugly head. When you notice how fear is having an impact, you can face your fears and they will dissolve. Then it will be easier to be successful. Look for hidden fear everywhere, in every emotion or every resistance that you have.


Moon Sextile Neptune
A child is caught up in a day-dream.
Give yourself space to moon about and dream. There is a build-up of pressure at this New Moon and there is work to be done. But you won’t get there through logic alone. You can harness your intuition, your dreams, and your emotions for extra oomph. Feel into it. Feel into what you need to do and how you need to do it. Get yourself emotionally ready. Through this right-brained process, you’ll find that your work is more effective.


With Eclipse Season firing up once again, the Page of Swords Rx invites us to trust in who we really are so we can get down to the work we came here to do, says Brandon Alter … Cast using the Prisma Visions Tarot