How to find out what we truly desire, and what we think we should be going after? Rich Witch Lara-Rose Duong has 6 ways to get what you really want right NOW …

Rich Witch lara rose duong the Numnous get what you really want


What do you truly want? What gets that fire in your belly roaring? What gets your heart thumping?

With Uranus in retrograde and the Lion’s Gate Portal open, we are being called to go deeper within and return to our truest “I AM” so that our more prosperous selves can shine.

A Rich Witch is prosperous when she lives out her truest “I AM” desires. But how to find out what we truly want? Hint: it may or may not be a f*cking Porsche.

When we move in sync with our desires, we are full of hope and vigor. We are alive. But temptation from the outside world can leave us feeling like we’ll never be enough until we have all of the toys with all the bells and whistles—whether it’s the latest iPhone, next season’s McQueen, or equating your value with numbers in the back on or social media.

As a Rich Witch, the quality of your life is measured by your own heart—and success is defined on your terms. Maybe you really do want a Porsche. Maybe you truly do want a closet full of McQueen and Louboutins. Or maybe you don’t want those things at all.

The beauty of living for your truest desires is that YOU get to decide what makes your life rich, full, and prosperous. It’s time to quit keeping up with the Joneses life and embrace your unique path as a Rich Witch.

Follow these simple steps to jump start your truest “I AM” desires and get what you really want RIGHT NOW! 


1// Only say “YES” to what sets your soul on fire. If you’ve been giving your energy to people, events, and projects out of obligation, you’ve been voting “YES” for more of that to come your way. If you don’t get that instant “OH, YEAH!!” feeling, turn it down. It’s time to start voting for what you really want to grow in your life. It’s these little tweaks that spark huge change. For example, if you’re a creative soul, start saying “YES” to date nights that spark your creativity—rather than hitting the club, head to a paint + wine night. This will nurture your ability to listen to your TRUE desires, give them space to breathe, and spark huge change.


2// Block time off for pure joy. Get as good at booking time in your weekly schedule for as much FUN as obligatory “must dos.” You don’t have to know what you’re going to do with that time, but show up with an open mind and follow your impulse. You may have the urge to move it to accommodate another meeting. DON’T. Honor your fun time the same way you’d honor another commitment. You can start off with 1 hr a week and work your way up to a whole afternoon. Pretty soon, you’ll be so excited that you’ll know exactly how you want to use that time.

lara-rose duong get what you really want money witch rich witch ruby warrington the numinous


3// Rev up your manifesting mojo with a prosperity altar. Build a dedicated sacred space for your inner desires to come to life in the auspicious SE corner of your chosen room (ideally an office or living space rather than a bedroom or bathroom). Let it be as simple or extravagant as you desire. Add items that symbolize the elements. Use your imagination!

The basics of a prosperity altar include:
—An abundance crystal like citrine or pyrite. 
—A “Magnetic Money Honey Jar.” Add a few select items that make you feel rich to an empty mason jar—like something made of gold. Adding cinnamon to this jar amps its potency. Activating it with the crystal magnetite will help you manifest your intentions.
—The Goddess Lakshmi or your chosen abundance deity. You can also add Ganesha to help you remove any obstacles from your prosperity path.
A Money Tree Plant that you can watch grow like your prosperity.

Call your inner desires into your life by writing them on notes to place in your Money Honey Jar or at Lakshmi’s feet, and remember to refresh and tend to your altar regularly to keep the energy flowing.


4// Vote with your money, honey. Where you put your money honey is a “vote” that you want more of that in your life. Take some time to see how you’re voting with your Queen Cash. Are there regular expenses that you really don’t desire or require? Example: if you love to sweat it up through dancing, shift your monthly gym membership to the hottest dance studio in town.

PS: Make the payments feel extra juicy by placing your money on your prosperity altar at Lakshmi’s feet first.


5// Remember what you wanted as a kid. Not the same as the “What do you want to be when you grow up?” question. The focus is here is to remember what you valued when you were growing up. When you were a child, your main currency to give was your time and your presence. You would play with your whole heart. Laugh with your whole body. Take some time now to remember what experiences made you feel totally present in the moment—the moments where you didn’t want to be anywhere else in the world. This is your new barometer for what to say “YES” to in life.


6// And FINALLY … Don’t wait another second to start living your “I AM” desires. When you close your eyes and imagine your most prosperous life, how do you feel in that life? Let those feelings be your compass as you start taking action right now. This could mean anything from giving yourself permission to take more naps, to riding rollercoasters more often or wearing a daring shade of lipstick. This is the fastest way to make your life feel full and prosperous, RIGHT NOW.

Join the conversation with Lara-Rose Duong in the Rich Witch Circle on Facebook and follow her on Instagram


Summer is a super ripe moment for juicy manifestations. In her inaugural Rich Witch monthly column, Lara-Rose Duong teaches you how to discover your Rich Witch type … and get that money mojo moving!

lara-rose duong lara rose duong rich witch modern money witch rich witch type ruby warrington the numinous

You see an activated woman who lives a prosperous life by her own standards. She’s a magnetic beauty that has her inner frequency tuned to Rich Witch FM.

With total confidence, she calls all that her heart desires into her life while praying with her feet. Her relationship with money honey is one that brings value to both her life and those around her.

She’s a radiant Phoenix who gives into the cycles of life—knowing when to let herself fully die to come back in a new form. She is your cheerleader. She is your supporter.

She’s all these things and more, and she lives deep within the big fire in your soul.

Her mantra: “Love Is Money.”



Doesn’t sound like you? Don’t fret if life isn’t checking all your Rich Witch boxes … yet. It’s never too late to dive into the abundance party!

For some, luxury may look like partying on a sailboat in the Caribbean, while for others it may look like tending plants in your magnificent backyard. So when discovering your Rich Witch type, first carve out some sacred time for yourself to listen in to what makes your heart feel wealthy.

No matter what kind of Rich Witch you want to embody this summer, you can start activating abundance right now with these simple, potent rituals. The most important element is to remain in a state of magical receiving. Let yourself mix, match, and be eclectic about your process.

Okay, now let’s get that Rich Witch mojo moving!



How to Spot Her:
She lives by the sea in real life or in spirit. She may think of herself as a mermaid. She loves being at the beach and in the sun. She draws on the energy of water to power up her own magick.

How to Call Her In:

  • Pour yourself a large glass of water and place it on your altar. With a clear vision of what you want to call in, place your hands around the jar and let yourself really go deep into a daydream state where you live your summer of abundance. Feel everything that is going to happen like it’s happening right now.
  • Once you feel completely charged up, say out loud or in your mind with total excitement and authority: I am a Rich Sea Witch. With this water, I am calling in my Summer of Abundance. With my own energy, I am calling in my Summer of Abundance. With all of me, I receive my Summer of Abundance. So mote it be.” And then, drink the sacred water that you created.
  • Moving forward, every time you interact with water, say out loud or in your mind: “Thank you for this Summer of Abundance.” A great time to do this would be in the bath, in the shower, or when you dive into the sea as part of your daily summer ritual. You will literally bathe yourself in your own magick.
lara-rose duong lara rose duong rich witch modern money witch rich witch type ruby warrington the numinous jordan sanchez
Rich Sea Witch // Photo: Jordan Sanchez



How to Spot Her:
She rides the subway, the train, and elevators throughout her day. She thrives on city lights and that frenetic buzz in the air.

How to Call Her In:

  • Make an on-the-go abundance altar in your wallet. The key is to charge up the offering you place in your wallet with your current intention. If you take a twenty-dollar bill, for example, call in your vision of what your summer of abundance looks and feels like as you hold the bill in your hands so that your energy charges up the money.
  • Once you have the bill charged up with your energy, say out loud with intention and focus: I am a Rich Urban Witch. With this money, I am calling in my Summer of Abundance. With my own energy, I am calling in my Summer of Abundance. With all of me, I receive my Summer of Abundance. So mote it be.” Don’t actually spend that bill until the spell has been completed and totally manifested.
  • Every time you step on an elevator or walk up some stairs, you can say in your mind with total authority and excitement: “I am rising. I am climbing. I am prosperous. I am abundant. I am a Rich Witch.” As you speak those words, know that your life as a whole is elevating with your intentions.
lara-rose duong lara rose duong rich witch modern money witch rich witch type ruby warrington the numinous hernan sanchez
Rich Urban Witch  // Photo: Hernan Sanchez



How to Spot Her:
She communes with nature. She has plants a-plenty in her home. You can often find her in her garden. She always has an herbal remedy suggestion up her sleeve for your ailments.

How to Call Her In:

  • Grow a plant either indoors or outdoors. A perfect choice is a Money Tree, placed in the Southeast corner (the wealth corner) of your living room or office. For outdoors, cooking herbs can be particularly potent because you are receiving double magick as you take the energy into your body!
  • To activate your plant, first bring your energy and vision in alignment with your idea of an abundant summer. Then begin to repot the plant into a beautiful container.
  • Once you have finished repotting the plant, say out loud with excitement and intention: “I am a Rich Green Witch. With this Money Tree, I am calling in my Summer of Abundance. With my own energy, I am calling in my Summer of Abundance. With all of me, I receive my Summer of Abundance. So mote it be.”
  • Every time you water that plant, you can nourish it with your love and remember that with its growth, your abundance grows.
lara-rose duong lara rose duong rich witch modern money witch rich witch type ruby warrington the numinous brennan burling
Rich Green Witch //  Photo: Brennan Burling



How to Spot Her: She expresses herself through her adornments. She creates waves everywhere she goes with her statement pieces. This is not about being on trend. While she may have a keen sense of style, first and foremost she always dresses for herself and her energy.

How to Call Her In:

  • If you are a Rich Fashion Witch, you are creating magick every time you dress yourself. For your abundance activation, choose several pieces of jewelry that you know you will be working with this summer. Once you have them in front of you, give yourself space and time to really bring up your energy. See yourself being and doing all that you want to do this summer.
  • Once your energy is powered up and ready to burst, hover your hands over your chosen pieces, and say out loud: I am a Rich Fashion Witch. With these talismans, I am calling in my Summer of Abundance. With my own energy, I am calling in my Summer of Abundance. With all of me, I receive my Summer of Abundance. So mote it be.”
  • When you are not wearing the pieces, leave them on your altar or in a sacred space to honour the good juju that they now carry and to clear them of any negative energy they may have picked up throughout the day. This practice is especially potent on the Full Moon.
  • Every time you wear one of those pieces, you are sharing your magnetic energy with the world. Each time you choose to adorn your body with one of them, speak your personal mantra to feed the energy.
lara-rose duong lara rose duong rich witch modern money witch rich witch type ruby warrington the numinous brooke cagle
Rich Fashion Witch //  Photo: Brooke Cagle



How to Spot Her:
She works with her sexual force to bring her intentions into the physical world. She embraces her sensuality. She embraces her body. She embraces her needs. She knows that her sexual energy is deeply potent.

How to Call Her In:

  • Choose whatever tools bring sensual pleasure into your world- anything from crystal sex wands to lovers. You may only need to bring yourself to the party. It’s up to you. As you build up the pleasure and the sexual energy in your body, have a clear vision of your summer of abundance. Get lost in the details. There is no rush.
  • As you begin to climax, you can scream this out loud or in your mind: I am a Rich Sex Witch. With my sexual force, I am calling in my Summer of Abundance. With my own energy, I am calling in my Summer of Abundance. With all of me, I receive my Summer of Abundance. So mote it be.  **Note: This is potent magick. To protect yourself and make sure that you safely call in exactly what you want and are open to upgrades that you didn’t know you needed, you can add in the line: “This is for my highest good and I welcome loving surprises.”
  • You can use whatever spell works for you. The important part is that when you climax, you let the spell shoot through you whole body and out into the Universe through the crown of your head.
  • Moving forward, to nourish and honour the work that you have done, allow yourself to move and speak with sensuality. Let yourself glow wherever you go. You might also hold a crystal in your hand during your ritual and then carry it in your bra or elsewhere on your person as a talisman of your spell.
lara-rose duong lara rose duong rich witch modern money witch rich witch type ruby warrington the numinous rosie rees
Rich Sex Witch // Photo: Rosie Rees


Let yourself be excited for what is coming and let yourself be surprised by how it will look. Trust that it’s coming for you and celebrate when you experience moments of it, no matter how small, so that the Universe knows to send you more. May your summer be alive, abundant, and prosperous! 

I want to know what kind of Rich Witch you are and what magic you’re weaving this summer. Join me in the Rich Witch Circle on Facebook!