Money demons catching up with you? Rich Witch Lara-Rose Duong shares 5 ways to exorcise them for good, and start creating the abundance you crave …

money demons lara-rose duong the rich witch the modern money witch the numinous ruby warrington material girl mystical world

Money demons holding you back from stepping into full abundance? The Day of the Dead is a potent time for purging the past and aligning  yourself with the prosperous life you’re working so hard for.

It’s time to kick those demons to the curb so you can strut into the future like a real Rich Witch … 


Money Demon #1: Paying your debt before paying yourself
Where your money goes, it grows. On the surface, it seems like the best plan is to pay down that debt as fast as you can.

But if you’ve been paying off debt for a very long time while denying the growth of your own honey pot, you’re saying “my debt is more important than me.”

Prescription: When money honey comes to you, make it a common practice that you pay yourself first before addressing bills and debts. This energetic act says: “I have value and I am worth it.”

Even if you’re working with a petite money pot, make an energetic vote for yourself by allocating the first share to a personal “freedom account” (you can literally set up a separate account for this), and THEN start addressing your bills. As your income grows, more can be moved into your freedom account and soon enough, the debt will be paid off too.


Money Demon #2: Measuring your worth against external factors
The comparison game is a major buzzkill, and measuring yourself against external markers is suffocating and disheartening. Instead, how you feel is the essential ingredient that determines the success of your money-making abilities. You (not the brands you buy, the car you drive, or how much money you have) are the fuel behind your intentions and the barometer of your own worth.

Prescription: To banish this particular money demon, make a deep commitment to yourself on the Day of the Dead:

“I vow that I prosper because ‘I AM.’ I vow that I seek council from myself first. I vow that I am inherently worthy. I vow to live the life that is mine alone to live.” 

Work with the above “I prosper because I am” sigil and spell by anointing your body with the below charged-up symbol using lotion or anointing oils.

money demons lara-rose duong the rich witch the modern money witch the numinous ruby warrington material girl mystical world


Money Demon #3: Saying “Yes” when you really mean “No”
Have you ever paid for a meal that was terrible and then got take out on the way home because you were still hungry? Or stayed out later than you wanted with friends spending money honey on a night that really didn’t make your soul sing?

Over time, settling for products and experiences that you don’t really want can drain your wallet. And when you say “Yes” to these experiences, you are voting for more of them in your life.

Prescription: Get clear about your standards. If something is not a full body “YES” then it’s a “No.” You are worth asking for what you really want. In love, life, and money honey, settling is not an option.


Money Demon #4: Giving out of obligation 
There are many occasions to gift and donate. But, when we give out of obligation or when you’re not in a position to do so, it taints the gesture for everyone involved.

Prescription: Give your money honey purpose by writing a mandate for when you do give. Rather than gifting presents on obligatory occasions, practice sacred gifting when you find presents that really mean something to you and the person you are gifting to.

money demons lara-rose duong the rich witch the modern money witch the numinous ruby warrington material girl mystical world


Money Demon #5: Buying out of habit
While there’s nothing wrong with buying the things you love, notice when you’re doing it on autopilot. For example, you’re a diehard loyalist of a particular skin care line, and you buy the entire line when not every product serves your actual needs. Or you find yourself at the register with a sweater that’s almost identical to one you have at home.

Prescription: Practicing discernment is the key to evicting this money demon. This starts with getting present to your spending habits, and really honest about WHY you require each thing you purchase in your life. Discernment is the gatekeeper here, and sends a signal that you truly need and deserve every thing you buy. That your life is worth it. As you enter the occult new year, make a clear commitment to buy out of loyalty to your SELF, above all.

Share your money demons with Lara-Rose Duong in the Rich Witch Circle on Facebook. And connect with her on Instagram for more wisdom.