Cast by Lindsay Mack using The Starchild Akashic Deck



:: Aries/Aries Rising :: Queen of Crystals

Happy birthday, Aries loves! Queen of Crystals is a divinely sensual, maternal energy – both Earth and Water, mother and lover.

For Aries, this month will bring much healing, releasing and re-nourishing, both in the physical body and the auric field. Aries’ nervous systems and adrenals are pretty fried from the last few months, and April will offer a sweet homecoming to restore them from the ground up through the nourishment of Planet Earth. Even if you’re still busy this month, look out for the organic invitations for you to stop, inhale and get in touch with your body.

Aries literally cannot be outside enough this month, as was true with March’s download as well. Walk barefoot as often as possible, allow there to be physical contact between you and the planet’s surface. Travel somewhere new; pay attention to the animal totems, flowers and medicine all around you. Eat locally and flood your body with sacred food and drink. Breathe deeply and become present. Allow this time to be a detox and an upgrade to your whole system.

From here on out, especially with all of the planetary shifts taking place, you must truly utilize the nourishment of nature in your daily self care routine dear Aries. This is a life shift, not just a passing monthly invitation, and one that Aries must choose. Rooting into and expanding a relationship to nature is going to help birth your next big expansion, part of which is enabling you to hold the intensity and shifting happening on the planet and not let it drain you of your resources. Once you’re no longer running on empty, it will create space for so much beauty to flow in.

Getting back to the sensual is also very important for Aries this month. A deeply sexual sign, you need a healthy access point to this flow at all times, and stress can limit this. Believe it or not, even something as simple as a mindful walk in the park can open this place up in Aries. A wellspring of healing and regeneration is available for you this month. Lean into the flow of the Queen of Crystals, and it will be life changing.

Follow Lindsay Mack on Instagram @WildSoulHealing


:: Taurus/Taurus Rising :: Eight of Cups

Last month, Taurus was “awakening” with the Judgment card – and now that you are awake, you can no longer continue engaging with what you know doesn’t serve your highest good. For Taurus, April will be a month of sacred and powerful endings, in which you’ll be invited to walk away from all that doesn’t honor the truth of who you are. You’re not just leaving something behind – you’re actually moving on.

There are big shifts in karma and destiny available to Taurus this month; huge and beautiful upgrades are possible. But it needs to spring forth from you and your decisions alone. Do you want to keep spiraling in and out of what you know does not work, and perhaps never did? You alone possess the courage to step forward into the wild unknown, the landscapes of your life that you are not even aware of yet. This month, the door will be open for you to take that first step.

Eight of Cups is a card of transformation that arises from willingness. We must be willing to walk away. We don’t need to be gung ho, we don’t need to be ready, we don’t need to like it. We just need to have the willingness. If we can consider the possibility of moving on from what we’ve worked hard for, but doesn’t truly serve us, we will have room to receive something better. Even if we don’t know what we are walking toward, we need to start with that decision to move on. This is the step that will change so much for you this month.

For Taurus, this transition might be big or small. Whether it’s a relationship, your job or your beliefs about your body, space is possible. But, remember: the Eight of Cups is an empowerment card. YOU do the walking. It is only when we walk away from what doesn’t serve us that what DOES has space to drop in. When we stick around in relationships, situations or jobs that drain our soul essence from us, there is no room for anything to crowd it out. We just keep circling the drain. All of that can end for you in April, sweet Taurus. Take the first step, and just keep walking. Soon, a new world will be in front of you.

Follow Lindsay Mack on Instagram @WildSoulHealing


:: Gemini/Gemini Rising :: Nine of Wands

Loves, you are at a crossroads. Do you keep pushing, grasping and draining your energy, or do you ask for more help, take more breaks and rest more thoroughly in your life? I recommend the latter path, and this month will provide the opportunity for you to really transform your life by choosing wisely.

Last month, you got to ride the waves of the energetic climax that was winter shifting into spring. This month, you get to master the reins of your energy, and control how thinly you are spreading yourself. It is possible for you to totally crack open this month (in an amazing way) and change the way you communicate. If you’re vulnerable enough to ask for help, to add people to your team, and to be truthful with your spouse/partner, co-workers, friends or children about what you need from them in terms of support and aid, it’ll be a game changer for you. Not only because you’ll be giving the people who love you the chance to hold space for you, but because you’ll prove your brain wrong: you don’t have to do it all, and it’s also wise not to. If you ask for support now, you’ll be so grateful that you did down the road.

Nine of Wands is an energy of choice, in many ways; we can go one way or another, as expressed above. It is very often described as being a climax – and you’re almost at the finish line, with some very important obstacle to surpass. For Gemini this month, it is this call for transparency and what it is you really need that is the mountain to climb. Nine of Wands can also hold this quasi-Shakti energy, a burst of intensity and pressure that can either overwhelm you or rocket you forward with energy to spare. Its totally up to you, the key is to just communicate whatever you need.

Finally, you are also being called back to your organic sensuality and sexuality this month. Play, dance, and infuse lightness into your life as often as you can. It is so important to ground your energy down so you can be in that easy vibe. Allow there to be less work and more play, even if you don’t feel its possible. Let yourself be surprised.

Follow Lindsay Mack on Instagram @WildSoulHealing


:: Cancer/Cancer Rising :: Knight of Wands

Buckle up, Cancer, this month is taking you for a wild and awesome ride. The Knight of Wands builds on the momentum sparked by the Six of Wands, the energy you were surfing last month. There is SO much movement for you in April, all really birthing you into your next big steps, personally and professionally. The key is to trust it, and to try to keep up.

You’re changing, Cancer. You’re coming out of your shell more and more, saying “yes” to all of the encouragement from the outside world to do so. Feeling more comfortable with this exposure, even in little ways, will be a huge part of this month for you. Expect some really big evolutions in your professional life, especially if you are moving into doing more of your soul’s work on the planet. In April, it would be possible for you to move mountains with all of the energy available to you, so job changes are 100 percent possible, if that’s what you want.

Knight of Wands is a powerful energy for a sign like Cancer to be hanging out. It blends the elements of Air and Fire, and has a kind of a firework kick to it. It’s also an energy that’s very much “in process,” learning how to handle all of the energy it possesses. It’s going to keep encouraging you to grow, move, expand and be more visible in your work and life. Don’t be afraid! Step into what you’ve been dreaming of. Be ballsy. Use the energy of the Knight to propel you into the next level of your life.

Cancer will be balancing a flow of creative explosions and some exhaustion in April, which is totally appropriate. Take it easy and gently, be kind to yourself and find pockets of rest and breathing room in the wild ride of the Knight. You can call on your innate Water element to balance out all of the Fire and Air if things get overwhelming.

You are getting everything you asked for and then some this month. You can trust it! There is no other shoe, no rug that’s going to get pulled out from under you. Surf the waves and remember to have fun – enjoy this time!

Follow Lindsay Mack on Instagram @WildSoulHealing


:: Leo/Leo Rising :: Knight of Cups

There is an intoxicating energy in the air for Leo this month, but you should take care to not get too swept away by it before you make decisions. April’s invitation to Leo is to travel beyond the realm of logical head or desiring heart, to the place of the soul’s deepest knowing, before making any choices.

The month will be full of beautiful offerings and opportunities, and you will be able to navigate the month gracefully if you make sure to only say “yes” to what is actually aligned for you. Be willing to travel deeply within, past logic or desire, to the soul’s truth. Listen deeply. This is the truly sacred and pure place that the Knight of Cups comes from when not swept away by emotion. If you accept the invitation to go above and beyond emotion or logic, there will be so much personal expansion and alignment as a result. A lot of inner doubts and indecision will fade, as well.

It is also wise for you to ground yourself consistently, and to bring a gentle inquiry to some of the bigger energies of the month. Allow yourself to go slower than you normally would, and enjoy the ride. And by the way, the Universe isn’t trying to throw cold water on your dreamy Knight of Cups fun, Leo. It is merely trying to get you more aligned with your deepest wisdom. The soul knows the truest truth, and to get to that deep place, we actually have to travel past both the head and the heart.

To be able to say an empowered “yes” or “no” to something that doesn’t ultimately serve us (especially if its something we think we might desperately want) is an amazing and empowering act. It gets us more intimate with our deepest selves and our intuition. If you are willing to move through this month mindfully, there is deep treasure to be gained – not only in terms of your personal energetic balance, but with your confidence in yourself and your intuition. Go deep before you commit, Leo – keep your feet on the ground, and see how far you fly.

Follow Lindsay Mack on Instagram @WildSoulHealing


:: Virgo/Virgo Rising :: Ten of Cups

April is such a well of sweetness for Virgo. The work you’ve been doing so tirelessly and thanklessly has been paying off (whether you’ve been aware of it or not), and this month there is finally a yield on all of your efforts. Last month, Virgo was moving through the energy of the Strength card, and it cracked you open to your power in a huge way. Strength helps us to look our deepest, darkest places in the eye, so that we can be free of the false fear we carry around the unexamined parts of our lives. If we can look at fear face on, it no longer has control over us.

You needed to do this, Virgo, because you’re here to be of service and its time for you to wake up to your power and your innate intuition. So March was rough, but I can tell you that you passed the “test” with flying colors. The labor is over, and now you get to enjoy what you’ve birthed. Ten of Cups is a card that radiates deep love and gratitude. It is a harvest of what we have sown with the choices we’ve made on our journey.

As such, this is an incredibly important month for you, Virgo, because it will seal in you a full cycle of growth. You’ve been contracting and moving through so much intensity – this month brings the expansion, the flow and the ease. It brings the joy and the light. It brings the rest. It brings answers. You will see the “why” for all of your work, and if you’re awake and willing, it’ll blow your mind in such a beautiful way. April will truly peel back the curtain and welcome you into a world of understanding and discovery around your inner work.

So ENJOY this month in whatever way befits you. Whether this means some sweet rest or a lot of social time, give yourself whatever you need after this time of hard work. Shower yourself with gratitude, too! You deserve it! Be sweet, soft and kind to your body and your heart, let that crack you open in a totally different way. This is the end of a powerful and important cycle in your growth and evolution, Virgo. Celebrate every moment.

Follow Lindsay Mack on Instagram @WildSoulHealing


:: Libra/Libra Rising :: Queen of Cups

Libra is in for a deep and dreamy month, aided by the beautiful flow of the Queen of Cups. She is bringing an invitation that will add tremendous clarity to your life and your inner self. Libra, the time has come for you to stand in the light of your truth without questioning or doubt. Your brain might swing you back and forth, but you can build a trust in yourself that is unshakable now.

To do this, you must be clear on why you hold doubt in the first place. Do you believe you’re capable of missing something, or of making an irrevocably bad decision in your life? If you do hold these beliefs, just cradle them gently and bring inquiry to them. Hang out with them for a while, anchored by the watery, intuitive depth available to you by the Queen of Cups. These beliefs may be real, but they are not necessarily true – and worthy of your attention to clarify the difference. With this, you will be able to honor yourself and your choices in a whole new way.

To slice through this uncertainty, you must be willing to dive; and the Queen of Cups will take you there if you choose to go on the journey. It’ll be a powerful month of psychic expansion and potent dreams for you, Libra, all helping you to stand in the light of your clear truth. Use this energy beautifully in meditation, in dreaming, in walking, in pausing before you speak, in expanding your intuition, in becoming more quiet. This may also be a month where you are alone more, or desire to be alone more. Try to honor it, embrace it fully and completely. Live on magical time.

It’s not often that Queen of Cups comes for a visit, so try and be present with her. Let her work on you from the ground up. You might not love every moment of April’s dreamy invitation, and may experience a desire to be more active and head centered sometimes this month. I recommend that you surrender to the flow of the moment, and bask in the beauty of the watery depths. You’ll be so grateful that you did.

Follow Lindsay Mack on Instagram @WildSoulHealing


:: Scorpio/Scorpio Rising :: Two of Wands

FINALLY, a little relief for Scorpio this month! Scorpio is out of the contraction of old traumas and healing work for the moment, and will be spending much more time back in their personal power. This is actually helping to alchemize and direct all of the work you’ve done into something useable and useful to your path. It’ll be a wonderful month for you, and one with the potential for a lot of passion and inspiration.

Two of Wands is an amazing energy. You are suspended in a moment full of excitement, wonder and clarity. You are directing your focus, and essentially anything is possible. The world is in your hands. Psychic energies run high, and you have tremendously clear access to your ancestors. Scorpio will benefit greatly from tuning in with your invisible tribe of guides as often as possible, so that you can be directed on the next steps of you path. So get super clear on what you want and leave all of the rest behind.

As with last month, this is still an excellent and aligned time for you to quit projects that don’t serve you. Cut cords and bow in gratitude. It’s the same with relationships. You will know who I am speaking about, if this relates to you. If your heart says leave, do it. This month is also VERY sexually potent for Scorpios. It’s part of how you channel and hear your guidance, so the timing couldn’t be more perfect.

Remember that your sign IS the birth/death cycle incarnate. You are 100 percent meant to survive and thrive through every intense shaman’s “death.” These huge contractions are not meant to slow you down or pull you off your path: they ARE your path. The more you embrace this, the more you will thive. All of this old intensity and trauma has been arising so it can be cleared away, enabling you to arise in a burst of beautiful, healthy fire. The Two of Wands brings so much healing, movement, evolution and balance to your door this month. Use it. Welcome it with open arms.

Follow Lindsay Mack on Instagram @WildSoulHealing


:: Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising :: Wheel of Fortune

Sagittarius, this is an incredibly important month for you. SO important that you’re essentially being asked to do nothing. No big decisions, no huge leaps, just staying incredibly present. For this month all you desire is being baked in the oven, so to speak. It’s almost done, but its not time to take it out just yet. So concentrate on getting the recipe perfect, then walk away and surrender it. You’ve done your part, now let the Universe do its part. This tandem action is the heartbeat and life force behind the energy that is here for you this month.

Wheel of Fortune is a macrocosmic card, guiding the flow of the whole month for you. It’s a gentle, complex and subtle energy, calling us to both be co-creators in our destiny and to surrender to the divine flow of our life. Tricky, but an amazing feat. Believe it or not, there is no bad or negative turn on the wheel. Everything in life is medicine, so every turn on the wheel brings a different color, flavor or situation. If it brings one piece of wisdom for you this month, it’s to: BE PRESENT.

You’re actively creating what you’ve been asking for in April, so be here for it. Show up. Don’t half ass the baking process, so to speak. You cannot get a finished product if you aren’t there to put the pieces together. So be here now. There really is no future; we are birthing it in every moment. For you, Sagittarius, this idea is the key to your month. Just know that whether it looks like it or not, the energy of the month is calling you home to yourself, calling you home to the moment you’re currently in.

Being here in this moment is the key to allowing our destiny to unfold as it’s meant to. Things are coming that you need to be able to receive, so do the work in this moment to create the space for them to drop…by doing nothing at all. Just be here for whatever arises in the moment, even if it seems unrelated. This turn on your wheel will amaze you by the time the month is out.

Follow Lindsay Mack on Instagram @WildSoulHealing


:: Capricorn/Capricorn Rising :: Transformation

Capricorn is moving into a totally new paradigm this month through the portal of Transformation, or the Death card. It’s a new state of being, understanding and experiencing, one that will really change your world. For Capricorn, this work is deeply important – as it’s about allowing old ego-based ideas, patterns and beliefs to fall away, birthing you anew into the next phase of your life.

Let’s first start with this: the Death card doesn’t bring any kind of foreboding, or any prospect or prediction of true “death.” It doesn’t mean that you or someone you love will be hurt, or that something you love and hold dear will be ripped from you. It’s a beautiful, helpful card – you can let your nervous system relax upon seeing it. It’s only here to do good work on you.

After all, there is no waste in nature; every “death” is compostable, given a new purpose and function, with what is dying away becoming sacred fertilizer for the new stuff we want to manifest and nurture in our lives. This is the cycle of all life. The only thing that perceives a problem in the Death/Transformation card is the Ego, so if you have a tough time this month, that’s actually a beautiful thing. The Ego doesn’t fight unless we are walking into a truly aligned and expanded place, so take it as a sign of great progress if that’s what’s happening for you.

The Death/Transformation card is here to help you compost something that’s no longer serving you. Very often, this is an internal thing. It’s related to an old set of beliefs, an old idea of what something is or should be, etc. It could mean a physical shift, too. Again, this doesn’t mean an ending or a leaving behind something we love. What this energy does is help the new seedlings in your life grow and be nourished. Trust this, and allow the macrocosmic energy of the month take what is no longer serving you. Allow it to take you through this sacred cycle.

Follow Lindsay Mack on Instagram @WildSoulHealing


:: Aquarius/Aquarius Rising :: The Sun

This month is so, so, so beautiful for Aquarius! Having moved through the intensity of the Five of Cups last month, you’re heading into the expansion part of that contraction. The Sun is enabling you to see the “why” of that time, shining light and illumination on the answers you seek. Life is clear and things makes sense. Expect joy, movement and flow to be the cornerstones of your month.

Like so many of us, you have been moving through a lot of surrender. It’s been a little more intensife for you guys though, simply due to the fact that you aren’t like everyone else. You’re here to hold a certain level of space, and you have been energetically encouraged to take up that space as freely and as magnificently as possible. The planet needs Aquarians to be in their genius, to be the artists, intuitives and lightworkers you are.

To do this, you guys needed to simplify. You needed to get back to truth, emotionally speaking. You needed to seek, to heal yourselves and to shed what didn’t serve. You needed to explore and master the idea of loss, to shatter the notion that anything that was yours could be taken from you. In one way or another, subtle or not so, you have been stepping back into the purest surrender, allowing the Universe to direct you. April is about receiving the richness for all of that work. You were asked to wait, to hang on, to surrender and to slow down. Now you will step up into the why around all of that. A very exciting moment!

The other thing here for Aquarius this month is movement. Be prepared for some major moving around – and if you’re not actually moving spaces, I recommend that you move your body as much as possible. Channel and focus it into art, making things and being aligned with the work you love. Circulate the joy and the answers you receive this month back into the world – as you heal yourself, you also heal others.

Follow Lindsay Mack on Instagram @WildSoulHealing


:: Pisces/Pisces Rising :: Page of Swords

It’s a big month of manifestation and focus for you, Pisces. What an awesome shift from the energy of The Hierophant last month! You’ve cleared up so much space, whether you’re aware of it or not. Now your feet are on the ground, your mind is open, and you’re ready to go. Page of Swords is here this month to guide you to just do the work. Do NOT worry about how anyone receives it or what anyone else is doing. Just go with your flow and do your sacred thing. So much energy wants to be birthed through you now – let it. Be fearless.

You might still be a bit shaky from the big energies of last month, so honor that. Allow your nervous system to relax, but still jump into the water with both feet. It is extremely important that you utilize all of the contraction and energy that’s been building in you through March in a way that’s helpful to others. Circulating it back out is very important. Your ideas are amazingly aligned, so believe in yourself and just make them happen.

The Page of Swords represents the eager, fearless student who wants to take on the world – and very well may! It’s a beginning time, a process of planting seeds and coming out into the world more than staying in. Honor your ambition, nerve and optimism, and again, don’t worry about the outcome. Your job is to just serve. Show up on this planet and serve. If you’re doing it out of competition, you’re fall flat. If you’re doing it out of spite, you’ll fall flat. If you’re doing it out of a desire to be of service, for the love for what you do, and because you know you cannot live if you don’t birth this idea out into the world, you will fly higher than you ever imagined.

Part of the medicine of the Page of Swords is having your feet on the ground and your head clear, so harness your focus on that. Let people say whatever they say. Just do your thing and keep your eyes on your own paper. Those who are meant to follow or go with you will do so. It’s your job to take the first step. Do the work you’re here to do; everything else will follow.

Follow Lindsay Mack on Instagram @WildSoulHealing