Transitory Nature Sue Hunt Numinous Books

Transitory Nature: Breaking Binaries for Integrated Being

With TRANSITORY NATURE, radical Buddhist and spiritual guide Sue Hunt walks readers through a nine-month Consciousness Design Process. From our interactions with our inner selves, to how we interface with the public sphere, Hunt shows how liberation lies in stepping into the contemplative vision of self and surrounding reality, and adopting what she terms “non-binary worldview.”

Binary Worldview—the thinking that everything we encounter is either “this” or “that”—is the root cause of so much suffering, oppression, and inner and outer conflict in our world. Often, the polarization we see in the wider social structure is a projection of the same binaried schisms that live within each of us. Now, combining elements of Buddhist and yogic philosophy with a step-by-step constructive method, Hunt invites us to fully embody the both/and mentality that is the foundation of a more ethical life.

In this ultra-progressive moment, we are all being tasked with finding new ways of being and living together. In tandem with the rising chorus of voices challenging the status quo, and with rigorous attention and loving care, TRANSITORY NATURE offers up a new non-binary vernacular to describe where we are headed—as conscious individuals who are walking this path together.

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Learn more about Sue and her offerings at Suehunt.com 

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